View Full Version : Where can I RENT one of these?

11-03-2005, 04:26 PM
Who rents out those light up signs you see at Business Entrances....
...the ones where you slide in the letters...

Or does anybody have access to one of those orange LED
pull behing road construction signs? :devil :goof

:banana1: <<<< New Bananna Guy!! :headbang


11-03-2005, 04:51 PM
Karl's, United Rentals, NES Rentals are a few places I'd start by calling. One of them has to carry something like that. :thumbsup

11-03-2005, 08:19 PM
I can make one :D

11-03-2005, 08:32 PM
lol...can I ask why you need one?

11-03-2005, 11:58 PM
Hahaha, reminds me of when a buddy of mine and I would get bored and take all the Scrabble pieces with us and when we would see one of those low signs, we would take each letter from the sign we had just seen, then make new sentences in his car to pre-plan the fun, then drive up to the sign and switch around the letters real quick. We made some seriously bad words, which usually happened on a Saturday night, leaving the Sunday church people to see the revamped sign first. Usually had to do with sexual orientation or weed. :D

11-04-2005, 08:55 PM
lol...can I ask why you need one?

Sure...... :D

11-05-2005, 12:25 AM
lol...you gonna make me call you to find out...arent you?

Are you gonna pull it behind the GTP after you get married instead of tin cans? :P

11-05-2005, 12:04 PM
Haha... no.

The reception hall is a new place, and kind of out in the country a little bit...

They dont/wont have a sign out in front of their long entrance by the time we have our reception, so almost everybody coming that hasnt been to this place is going to drive right on by it...

So Tasha and I decided to rent a big ass sign to put out there so people can find the place a little easier.... :thumbsup
But with it being on New Years Eve, Im thinking people are going to be driving right on by it anyways..... :alcoholic

11-06-2005, 12:33 AM
lol...good thinking.
