View Full Version : Car got broken into

10-02-2005, 05:48 PM
So I just get home form work this morning and there is a knock at my door. It's a WAPD officer. He tells me that my car was entered last night. So I follow him down to the garage (undergound parking) and right away I see my hatch open. When I get up to the car, it's trashed! All the interior pieces in the hatch are ripped off, the center counsel is busted, my subs are gone, both my amps, my CDs... They didn't take the deck cuz the faceplate was upstairs. They trunk lock was popped, and they broke the power assist for the hatch so I can't even close it now. Here's where it gets interesting. They hit about 6 other cars also. Well one of the cars they took out the battery and put it in my car trying to steal the whole car I'm guessing. Don't know if they got scared off before they got a chance to hook up the battery though. It just made me sick looking at my car in that condition! I'd like to find out who did it so I can make sure they get more then a slap on the hand!!! :fire :flipoff2: :fire

10-02-2005, 05:58 PM
Dood that sucks. sorry to hear about that. After my first truck got ripped off I stopped parking in underground parking and refused to install another system for almost 7 years.

10-02-2005, 06:08 PM
Happened to me about two months ago. Broke out my rear quarter window, chipped both my drivers side windows trying to pry them down. Ripped off my rearview mirror, sole my subs/amp/box and all my cd's. It just pisses me off more than anything when people steal. The cd's were almost four times more valuable than the subs and ****. I cant even remember all the cd's I had. I took the insurance money and baught an ipod and decided not to replace the subs. insurance covered all the damage to my car and gave me a loaner. Sucks bro, i feel for ya

10-02-2005, 06:09 PM
Where do you live abouts? That seems pretty suprising to have all that happen with underground parking, which I always thought was relatively secure in most apartments. Sorry to hear whenever this crap happens, theives are worthless peices of ****.

10-02-2005, 06:10 PM
sorry to hear that mike....that really blows!

10-02-2005, 09:13 PM

I was at Texture last night ( the old FLY BAR CLUB ) on 5th and national. And when I left I saw a car with all its **** out. I new right away there stuff was stolen so I walked the parking lot to see if my friends neon was busted into, sure was plus 4 others.........

So 5 Cars got hit in the sam parking lot.

Are these all conected ?

Just figured id share that with ya.

10-03-2005, 07:55 AM
Where do you live abouts? That seems pretty suprising to have all that happen with underground parking, which I always thought was relatively secure in most apartments. Sorry to hear whenever this crap happens, theives are worthless peices of ****.

I live in the apartments on 124th and Oklahoma. I did notice that same morning that the lock was popped out of the front door to my building so I'm guessing that's how they got in. Only now they have mine (and maybe others) remote for the garage door.

I'm not too upset about the equiptment being stolen cuz I know it's all covered, It just sickened me seeing how badly they ripped my car apart!

But I guess on the plus side, they didn't get the whole car which is what it looked like they tried to do. And now it's been disabled so they won't be able to get it if they come back.

10-03-2005, 08:31 AM
About 2 years ago, my car was also broken into. Greenfield. Same type of thing. Underground (secure) parking. They jimmied the electronic keylock from outside and got the door open. Hit my car and another truck. Needless to say, no goods returned. Thank god for car ins! 2 years earlier, my talon was broken into at the same place, but outside. Guess that place has bad Karma.

10-03-2005, 09:34 AM
I'm going to Gander Mountain today and buying a shotgun. Who's coming with me? :guns1

thats alot of cars and nobody saw or heard a thing. Hopefully you have insurance and they dont stick it to ya too bad.

10-03-2005, 10:15 AM
That happend to me about 2 years ago. Had xm installed at American, two days after my car was broken into with no sign of forced entry. I know my car was locked. Happy the car wasn't wrecked but they got everything plus my new xm radio which did them no good because I had it deactivated. Sorry about the damage done to your car, just got mine fixed from being keyed. I feel your pain.

10-03-2005, 10:40 AM
I know that feeling of rage when you see your car got broken into well. It's unfortunate how easy it is for these assholes to get away with it though. Personally I'd like to break the hands of every person that does this with a sledehammer.

10-09-2005, 10:30 PM
I live in the apartments on 124th and Oklahoma. I did notice that same morning that the lock was popped out of the front door to my building so I'm guessing that's how they got in. Only now they have mine (and maybe others) remote for the garage door.

Wow, thats awfully close to where I live actually. I won't bother stating where in case theres ****-bags on here who break into cars :fire . I know there was a problem of cars being hit in a complex in New Berlin off Moorland Rd, where I was pulled over and accused of being one of those intelligent gentlemen who breaks into vehicles :rolleyes: .

10-10-2005, 08:20 AM
New Berlin and West Allis always get hit hard this time of year with car break in's.

This is around the time that my car got broken into right in front of my parents house in new berlin. The cops caught the people who stole my stuff (and about 15 others) but I never saw a dime. I think I got one check for $100...but that's it. Total ammount stolen was assesed at aroun $2000-2500.

Again...around the same time *I think*... in west allis...somebody tried to break into my car but the alarm saved me this time. They actually tried to pry the entire drivers side window out of a '00 Cavalier 2 dr. My window regulator was never the same after that.

10-10-2005, 10:28 AM
I've never had anyone break into my car. I can only imagine how pissed I would be. All I have to say is, they better not let me catch them doing it. :whip :sniper :guns1 :chair: :nutkick

10-11-2005, 08:08 AM
Ya know, both times it happened to me, I thought the same thing. But after I calmed down, I started to imagine the situation. Me walking down to the garage and seein a couple guys in my car. I'm sure adrenalin will take over for a little while, but it would only be a matter of time til I'd get my a$$ handed to me. I can hold my own, but not when it's up against a couple people. So in the long run, all my $hit is gone, but I didn't take a beat down in the process. Wow I sound old! :(

10-17-2005, 01:19 PM
Ya know, both times it happened to me, I thought the same thing. But after I calmed down, I started to imagine the situation. Me walking down to the garage and seein a couple guys in my car. I'm sure adrenalin will take over for a little while, but it would only be a matter of time til I'd get my a$$ handed to me. I can hold my own, but not when it's up against a couple people. So in the long run, all my $hit is gone, but I didn't take a beat down in the process. Wow I sound old! :( I think in a circumstance like that you want to have a weapon ready & waiting. Is it legal in Wisconsin to kill them? :flipoff2: You'll be doing every one of their future victims a favor.