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09-03-2005, 09:42 AM
I dont know if any of you watched the news but he said somethings that are going to piss a lot of people off. He was talking how pres bush doesnt like black people and didnt want to help right away because most people down there are black. I dont know why everything has to be racial.

09-03-2005, 10:15 AM
Here is the clip: http://media.putfile.com/Kanye79

09-03-2005, 10:33 AM
The guy is an idiot. He came onto the scene claiming to be this big holy roller and a christian. The guy thinks he is god now with his fame and says that music would be nothing without him. These ego's are just discusting. :punch:

09-03-2005, 10:38 AM
What a piece of sh|t! Maybe if people werent shooting at the cops and help then we wouldnt have to shoot them back. You focking piece of garbage. The people still there CHOSE to remain there. They knew a cat 5 was coming. GET OUT....walk if you have to. Dont hold babies in the air and show dead people on the ground...your a$$ decided to stay, I can understand looting a food store to survive but wtf do you need to steal tvs, stereos, cd players and boxes of sneakers for? I will never listen to or buy a anything produced or associated with Kayne moron. Why hasnt he used his money to take a truck load of food there to help? Oh thats right, its easier to sit back and whine and place blame. typical ghetto trash, blame everyone else but yourself for your mistakes. That sh|t just pissed me off :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :fire

09-03-2005, 11:29 AM
What a piece of sh|t! Maybe if people werent shooting at the cops and help then we wouldnt have to shoot them back. You focking piece of garbage. The people still there CHOSE to remain there. They knew a cat 5 was coming. GET OUT....walk if you have to. Dont hold babies in the air and show dead people on the ground...your a$$ decided to stay, I can understand looting a food store to survive but wtf do you need to steal tvs, stereos, cd players and boxes of sneakers for? I will never listen to or buy a anything produced or associated with Kayne moron. Why hasnt he used his money to take a truck load of food there to help? Oh thats right, its easier to sit back and whine and place blame. typical ghetto trash, blame everyone else but yourself for your mistakes. That sh|t just pissed me off :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :fire

Well said Yoo! :thumbsup

09-03-2005, 12:37 PM
They always turn something into a racial issue. He said himself that he bought food before he even thought about donating money. If he cared that much about "his people" he would be sending food and clothing down there. I guess white people should complain because white familys were turned away from the houston football field where they were keeping refugees.
I can understand people stealing shoes and clothing too. But once they start to steal electronics and jewlery then thats when it gets wrong.
This is what i think of Kanye dipsh*t :punch:

09-03-2005, 01:48 PM
I think Foamy the Squirrel says it like it is http://www.illwillpress.com/kat.html

09-03-2005, 01:48 PM
Hmmmmm how can I say this nicely :stare

Ohh well here it go's, hate me if you want :stare

Black people are Very Hard to deal with while there under stress. They have attitudes like no other, always out to blame people and bring up the racist issue. Or they would rather throw a punch then walk away, or shoot instead of asking questions ect. ect.

White/mexican/ pretty much everyone else other then Black people are more calm and dont Yell all the god dam time and realize whats going on.

Just watch the NEWS and think of my post :thumbsup

And if someone here has a problem with my comment :flipoff2: :thumbsup ive worked in a hospital for 2 1/2 years so I know what I see and I call it as I see it. Not to point the finger or anything. The only time I would mention this is NOW because Black people are now calling this a Racist issue and Keyanaaaa ***** west and Jesse Jackson is Starting a Big ball of **** with there speaches.

BTW - I do realize there are people other then Black that are Causing hell and there no better :thumbsup

Dont take this post the wrong way ;)

09-03-2005, 02:02 PM
I think Foamy the Squirrel says it like it is http://www.illwillpress.com/kat.html

What the hell is that?!

09-03-2005, 02:03 PM
What a piece of sh|t! Maybe if people werent shooting at the cops and help then we wouldnt have to shoot them back. You focking piece of garbage. The people still there CHOSE to remain there. They knew a cat 5 was coming. GET OUT....walk if you have to. Dont hold babies in the air and show dead people on the ground...your a$$ decided to stay, I can understand looting a food store to survive but wtf do you need to steal tvs, stereos, cd players and boxes of sneakers for? I will never listen to or buy a anything produced or associated with Kayne moron. Why hasnt he used his money to take a truck load of food there to help? Oh thats right, its easier to sit back and whine and place blame. typical ghetto trash, blame everyone else but yourself for your mistakes. That sh|t just pissed me off :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :flipoff2: :fire

Well said.

09-03-2005, 03:51 PM
why do the filthy rich black people, blame the white people. Yet being so rich dont help? jesse jackson could send his 18 limos down there and move people. instead he wants TV time?


09-03-2005, 04:28 PM
why do the filthy rich black people, blame the white people. Yet being so rich dont help? jesse jackson could send his 18 limos down there and move people. instead he wants TV time?

Because they want attention. Dont you know the white man oppresses the black man. Why do you think its so hard to get a job on the fire dept. or police dept. because the blacks get first crack at it. Its not best person for the job its what color skin you have. Maybe they should do some research and see how good they have it hear. Talking about this topic just pisses me off.

09-03-2005, 04:57 PM
im in the same boat


Car Guy
09-03-2005, 11:47 PM
What the hell is that?!

Yeah, what the hell is that.....???

Prince Valiant
09-04-2005, 12:05 AM
There was a very telling picture on yahoo today...of a yard full of buses. Buses that should have been used to get those who could not drive themselves out, out of New Orleans.

Picture here... (http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/050901/480/flpc21109012015)

Matt Drudge Juxatposes the picture with an excerpt from the states evacuation plan for the city of New Orleans:
" Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00

'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating..."

This plan was to have been enacted by either the mayor of the particular city, or the governor of Louisiana...but clearly this facet of the plan was not carried out.

It is also said that when a mandatory evacuation is ordered, the local PD was unable to enforce this order....but don't confuse the fact that there were many who chose to ignore the order in the first place.

There is plenty of blame to go around for this fiasco...the residents who failed to heed the warnings and chose to stay, local officials who executed a very poor evacuation necesitating a larger than anticipated rescue operation, the failure of local gov't to respond adequately to the crisis initially, and the delay of the federal gov't to get help there in a timely but more importantly, coordinated manner (FEMA and Homeland security are appearently supposed to work together in matters like this, however, FEMA is painfully unaware of Homeland Security's role and capabilities to respond to such a disaster....)

But idiots like kane, and many that chose to stay in new orleans (especially those who stayed with the intentions of looting...as those who were out as soon as the rain stopped falling and looting clearly were) hopefully learn the lesson: "You reap what you sow"

09-04-2005, 12:15 AM
Kane West if apparently just another POS celebrity. Not all are idiots, but obviously he is. If he even had a clue...

I will say it is quite funny to see Mike Myers suprised by his comments and turn to look at him whenever he says something stupid. Sad thing is most morons believe celebrities and what they believe, just feeding the dumbing down of America.

09-04-2005, 12:44 AM
Yeah, what the hell is that.....???

Some good points about the looters....

09-04-2005, 12:53 AM
thats fake!!! haha

foamy rocks :rolf

09-04-2005, 04:31 AM
Because they want attention. Dont you know the white man oppresses the black man. Why do you think its so hard to get a job on the fire dept. or police dept. because the blacks get first crack at it. Its not best person for the job its what color skin you have. Maybe they should do some research and see how good they have it hear. Talking about this topic just pisses me off.

Reminds me of my job.

I have heard it a few times that the white man is supressing the black man. I tell them that it is different: keep your pants on, don't smoke, and stay in school.

Then I hear how it is soooo tough for them to do so because of the deplorable situations they grew up in.

To my aid, some of the Russian guys I work with step in and have a crack at these kids. They comment on the ability of some to mutilate the english language. The common response it that they are off so bad, that it just won't happen. Yet the Russian guys can speak 3 or 4 languages clearly and had it far worse back in the USSR than the hood ever was.

In reguards to political supression, one of the guys spent some time in a goulag because one of his family members was a suspect is a conspiracy. He showed us his scars on his arms, hands, legs, and feet. Also, he has had many of his bones broken and they healed back crooked. In then end, he told these kids to STFU in english, russian, german, and one other language.

09-04-2005, 08:58 AM
kayne west was wrong for saying the crap he did, along with the mayor of new orleans. he's been sticking his foot in his mouth since tuesday. BUT, they have a point. If this would have happened in a DC suburb where a bunch of politicians lived, or somewhere in new england where its all rich white folks, they would have scooped them all up in a hurry. It's day 5-6 right now and there are still people trapped. Hollywood couldnt dream up a story like this. America looks like a bunch of idiots right now. We can rush to Iraq and bomb the crap out of them, and rush to save the people from the tsunami but it takes a week to save our own people. Think about it, we f'ed this one up bad!

Car Guy
09-04-2005, 08:59 AM
I just wonder what people would say if the president was black himself and the same thing was happening......???

09-04-2005, 09:03 AM
instead of black celebrities using airtime to voice idiotic comments on the president, some gang banger brother would cap him when he toured the area.

09-04-2005, 11:42 AM
FEMA is set up to handle this, they dropped the ball, not the president. It's like blaming the chief of police that the roads aren't plowed. It's hilarious the guy doesn't even know what he's talking about.

09-04-2005, 12:07 PM
How about he mayor? He did sh|t in the early days of the storm and even after had no sense of organization. There are pictures of hundreds of public and private school busses sitting under water. Why werent those used? Why was the evacuation notice given so late? Why were top ranking officials including himself allowed to leave town during the storm and leave their city behind? Why would a mayor tell the police to not worry about looting as that would eventually lead to lawlessness, instead of calling for immediate help and declaring marshall law. Other cities declared temp marshall law. The mayoir of NO is a joke, plain and simple. Sure it may have taken too long to get help there, which it did, but when you have no sense of urgency from the local/city government and no coordinated effort, what do you expect? This was complete lack of communication, planning and execution that begins with the CITY government. NYC's mayor was all over the situation during 9/11, where was their mayor during the initial storm? Probably fleeing instead of worrying about the people that elected him to watch over them.

Rocket Power
09-04-2005, 12:19 PM
You would think a city that is below sea level in an area that gets hurricanes would have a good evacuation plan. I guess not. Nice job Mayor.

09-04-2005, 12:29 PM
Sadly we had to view on national/world television, the ARMPIT of humanity. I wanted to puke when I heard there were THUGS shooting at helicopter rescue personel, not to mention the peice's of dog sh!t raping, beating, stealing and whatever else is morally disgusting within the Superdome, and every other convention center. These are the people that need desperate rescuing!!?!?!?!?!?

For anyone not watching the world news since before the cane' struck, days before they were all warned to get the hell out of the area. People interviewed said they would stick it out and be fine. Now they are all screwed, granted not everyone has money to leave an area. But how the hell can some garbage mouth as$hole have the balls to say this is RACIST!?!?!? It's obvious Kayne whatever his name is, is the racist. Also, how can you say this is Bushs' fault?!?! I'm sick and stinkin' tired of rich people and I dont care what color they are telling us to get out there and donate (which we all do), when they are the over paid whinno's with all the money who CAN donate.

If this Kayne guy is so huge and for the "black people", then why doesnt he shut his cornhole and get that cash down there and quit making an as$ of himself. I agree with someone elses comments here, why is it always racial? and one man's fault. Sick and sad. My 2cents.

09-04-2005, 01:33 PM
How about he mayor?

He does kinda look familiar tho? ;) :goof

09-04-2005, 02:49 PM
Bush is a racist, but I dont see how this is his fault. The mayor should have been on top of things, which clearly he had no clue what the hell to do. And I wouldnt help ANY of the people there if they started shooting at my f'n helicopter.

All it is down there is a ghetto, the people that matter had evacuated days before and the lazy poor whiney bastards, WHITE or BLACK, stayed. Let um drown, loot, and kill each other.

09-04-2005, 04:34 PM
I dont see how you can call bush a racsist. It is FEMA's job to get in there and help out. Bush maybe could have acted sooner but other than that he did a job.

09-04-2005, 04:36 PM
Bush is a racist, but I dont see how this is his fault. The mayor should have been on top of things, which clearly he had no clue what the hell to do. And I wouldnt help ANY of the people there if they started shooting at my f'n helicopter.

All it is down there is a ghetto, the people that matter had evacuated days before and the lazy poor whiney bastards, WHITE or BLACK, stayed. Let um drown, loot, and kill each other.

Why is Bush a racist? This should be good.....

Prince Valiant
09-04-2005, 04:51 PM
I dont see how you can call bush a racsist. It is FEMA's job to get in there and help out. Bush maybe could have acted sooner but other than that he did a job.
Actually, what is supposed to happen is that the govenor of the particular states are suppossed to coordinate the evacuation and relief efforts with the respective mayors (Remeber 9/11 and Petaki and Giuliani anyone?) With the govenor comandeering his/her respective national guard troops (with many available from other states as needed) so that they may coordinate relief and recovery efforts as have been planned for in their diaster planning and with the feedback of the respective mayors who provide the specific input as to what's needed based on the input he/she is recieving from fire/police/city/county workers, etc...

The federal gov't is there to responds to the needs of the governors as requested and even in the absence of a request, should be prepared.

09-04-2005, 05:01 PM
Bush is a racist,

Um, I need some examples.

I don't think that the status of black people compared to white people is a means of declaring any racisim in the gov or the nation as a whole. Ever since president Johnson's "great society" movement and the introduction of welfare, the black community has been WORSE then it has ever been. Add BET and all of this other crap out there to dash the hopes and dreams outside of being a rapper, thug or gangster for the majority of the pop and you will get destruction from within, not from political supression.

Simply put, many of these communities are in "self-destruct" mode.

09-04-2005, 10:19 PM
Eh, its over and done with. The hurricane is gone and has destroyed just about everything. We as citizens should be donating to the Redcross to help with the clean up. Blaming people isn't going to help. Bush didn't plan to have a hurricane and he certainly can't control Mother Nature or the weather. But I do agree with whoever said that Bush is a racist. Most people from the South are and I can vow for that being of Southern blood. I was born and raised in Texas. And my grandfather is a huge racist and he still believes that the South won the Civil War. :rolf


Prince Valiant
09-04-2005, 10:58 PM
Most people from the South are and I can vow for that being of Southern blood. I was born and raised in Texas. Uh, two things;

1. texas is texas, Not "the south". Texas is more it's own thing, blending more into the west than it does with the stately plantations of the south...despite it's relatively close proximity. The south is truely Virginia, WV, TN, AL, Missippi, GA, LA, SC, NC, FL, KN , and some consider parts of AK, and MO...but not me, as again they don't have the plantation heritage and are more there own little thing much like texas is it's own thing.

2. Milwaukee is by far the most segregated and quite frankly racist area I've ever seen...and yes, I grew up in the "south"

09-04-2005, 11:44 PM
Uh, two things;

2. Milwaukee is by far the most segregated and quite frankly racist area I've ever seen...and yes, I grew up in the "south"

I agree with you there. It shows too, in the Milwaukee Journal it has stats done locally and nationally and sadly enough, Milwaukee is quite segregated. Very poverty stricken, low minority employment (for whatever reason, choose one). Even the black people in Mil are racist, ie (Arthur Jones).

Again, I havent seen a good or true reason yet why people here are saying Bush is a racist?! Because he is from Texas?! Still dont have a reason. Funny when bad things happen everyone is so damn quick to place blame on just one person. Last time I checked, hurricanes are part of the worlds weather system, not from a human being. :thumbsup

09-05-2005, 10:40 AM
Again, I havent seen a good or true reason yet why people here are saying Bush is a racist?! Because he is from Texas?! Still dont have a reason. Funny when bad things happen everyone is so damn quick to place blame on just one person. Last time I checked, hurricanes are part of the worlds weather system, not from a human being. :thumbsup

Bush's racism has nothing to do with the hurricane, someone before me stated he was a racist and I agreed that he was. I dont feel the need to explain myself since that is how I see him. His reaction to the hurricane has nothing to do with why I think he is a racist, just to clarify.

And like I said before, I believe it was the governers job to evacuate, and a wonderful job he did :rolleyes: Either way, that area is nothing but a ghetto anyways. I say leave it under water

09-05-2005, 11:33 AM
Bush's racism has nothing to do with the hurricane, someone before me stated he was a racist and I agreed that he was. I dont feel the need to explain myself since that is how I see him. His reaction to the hurricane has nothing to do with why I think he is a racist, just to clarify.

And like I said before, I believe it was the governers job to evacuate, and a wonderful job he did :rolleyes: Either way, that area is nothing but a ghetto anyways. I say leave it under water

You dont feel the need to explain yourself because you have no REASON, TRUTH, or proof even that he is. The pure fact that someone mentioned him being racist has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, Yooformula was simply venting on the sh!t going on down there.

09-05-2005, 01:18 PM
You dont feel the need to explain yourself because you have no REASON, TRUTH, or proof even that he is. The pure fact that someone mentioned him being racist has absolutely nothing to do with this thread, Yooformula was simply venting on the sh!t going on down there.

I have my own reason, and my memory isnt exactlly keen so I dont have proof I can link you too, if that makes my opinion unfactual then great. Thats why it is MY OPINION. :thumbsup

09-05-2005, 04:46 PM
I was in Texas when the James Byrd incident happend. My dad even knew him and played high school football against him because their towns were close to each other.
Bush was the governor then and never even called the family to express his sympathy for that terrible act. President Clinton called right away.
Kanye wasn't far off the mark with his comment. Bush doesn't like Blacks, so what, there a lot of people that don't. They don't bother me though. I am going to live my life regardless.

Prince Valiant
09-05-2005, 05:26 PM
Bush was the governor then and never even called the family to express his sympathy for that terrible act. President Clinton called right away. One would question why would Bush call? Should bush call everyone whose suffered a terrible crime? Every rape victim? Every Murder? If by not calling a rape victim would the govenor of a state be saying, in effect, "You just aren't as important, despite the heniousness of the crime commited against you and the violation it surely caused you?"

Don't get me wrong, crimes commited against an individual because of hate/racism have a broad effect on the community of that race/group...but that individual is still, but an individual and no more important than others who've been mudered, raped, beaten for whatever reason.

Let's not forget...it was the state of texas that Bush was the govenor of that tried, convicted, and sentenced to death the chief individual responsible for the crime, and put behind bars for life another. What do you think that the family of Byrd and the black community needed more...a phone call, or to see that justice was served?

One could easily argue that Clinton used the Bryd family as a political opportunity. Did Clinton call every black man who was a victim of a hate crime? How about other minorities such as gays, hispanics, transvestites, trekkies? If bush had called, would you have called it political opportunity and crocodile tears, or would you have a completely different opinion of Bush?

I know it was only a phone call, and it would probably have meant alot to the family of James Byrd...but a govenor has a duty to all the citizens of his state, chief of which is to be fair.

09-05-2005, 05:42 PM
Hell, why meet with the fallen soldiers families then? It was their duty, they chose to join right? A phone call to the family should not have been so hard. He has made phone calls in other tragedies. Just treat everyone the same is all I am saying.

Prince Valiant
09-05-2005, 08:11 PM
Hell, why meet with the fallen soldiers families then? It was their duty, they chose to join right? A phone call to the family should not have been so hard. He has made phone calls in other tragedies. Just treat everyone the same is all I am saying. He has set a precedent with that one...But it's hard to deny the difference b/w troops dying under his comand and the crime against Byrd. And Bush certainly has been meeting with all those family members who've wanted to meet with him (including that schill, cindy sheehan) whether've they've had a bone to pick with him or not...

...but I do not recall any victim of either a random or hate crime that bush has called. Or clinton for that matter. Who's more fair then?

09-05-2005, 09:13 PM
I think Foamy the Squirrel says it like it is http://www.illwillpress.com/kat.html

foamy is my hero

09-05-2005, 09:22 PM
Why is Bush a racist? This should be good.....

Because he likes Black GOLD :rolf then he bottles it up and sells it :wooo

Ohh and dont get me started on 10w 30

:rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf

09-06-2005, 11:39 PM
So Fox news tonight reported that Gov Blanco DECLINED federal military assistance hours after the hurricane claiming that the offer was too complex and that she needed 24 hours to decide what she wanted to do. I bet as time goes on her and the mayor will be hung out for this one :punch: :loser

Prince Valiant
09-06-2005, 11:43 PM
So Fox news tonight reported that Gov Blanco DECLINED federal military assistance hours after the hurricane claiming that the offer was too complex and that she needed 24 hours to decide what she wanted to do. I bet as time goes on her and the mayor will be hung out for this one :punch: :loser
IMO, one of the Bush mistakes is that he didn't do as his father did in the LA riots and declare federal control...now, should he have had to? Hindsight suggest yes. But there is no way one could reasonably predict the ineptitude of Blanco's response.

09-07-2005, 10:36 AM
My gosh, its amazing how out of this whole thing, all people keep talking about are the looters....did you know that out of all of the people down there, only 1% were looters....Why is this talked about 90% of the time. Then on the board, all I read is about how someone here knows a Black person at their job that acts a certain way!! WTF is wrong with you people.?? Does one person you know depict a whole race?? WTF? I should start depicting people like you folks do.

09-07-2005, 10:53 AM

Man, someone lock this one soon.


09-07-2005, 11:09 AM
I just hate the fact that people see the news, then all of a sudden have world knowledge. How were the ones that had a family of 6 and no car leave. Someone mentioned "walk".....You walk in a hurricane Einstein!!
But since everyone is looting, thats what they deserved right?
I guess all Muslims are extremists, and all Whites want is land and money for nothing. Thats absurd right? I know a lot of you are venting, but know the facts first.
Did any of you see Master P on CNN last night?
How come no one is talking about his comments? He actually blasted Kanye because he thinks it's a publicity stunt. And said he couldn't say if Bush was a racist or not because he never met the man. I guess I have to agree with that. I never met him either. I don't blame Bush, the Governor or the Mayor. This is a natural disaster. You never know what could happen here so don't judge anyone elses actions in a situation you have never been in.

09-07-2005, 12:27 PM
I want land and money for nothing. :goof

09-07-2005, 02:02 PM
I think most people are saddened at the loss of life and outraged that some of it could have been prevented. The topic began as a result of Kayne's dumba$$ statements with just cause to blast him. Whether or not Bush is a racist would have nothing to do with our governments reaction time as there is still a protocol that should be followed. People want to blame someone when fault is to be dealt and I for one dont feel that it belongs to the government. There were busses to evacuate people, most chose to leave some CHOSE to stay. The mayor admitted that there were no rations at the superdome and even instructed people to bring their food and water. Most people are trying so hard to blame this tragedy on the "Bush admistration" but the bottom line is that its the local city and state gov's fault for the debacle. Sure a cat 4/5 hurricane would have caused devastion but thousands of people didnt have to die.

I just rehired someone that moved to NO last year for school. She is now honeless and jobless with not a car or penny to her name. I asked why didnt she leave sooner, she said that the local news didnt issue the evac until the night before! Even she said that there was NO sense of urgency!

Blaming a particular race is dumb as Marv said, the individuals that perpertrated the heinous acts(murders, rape, theft) should be shot but youre right it was only a small # of people doing this but it does go to show how fast our society breaks down. I watched Master P's interview and I applauded him for his actions and for keeping to the task of HELPING people. Race shouldnt have anything to do with human suffering but then the blame needs to be non racial as well.

Perhaps through all of this, better planning will come for future natural disaster response and prevention. I pray for those that have died and I pray that the kids will get the help they desperately need.

09-09-2005, 11:18 AM
I do have to admit the way he did it was not right. I can see making your opinions during a one on one interview, but to go away from a script that was aimed to help the needy to express your personal views was bad. I watched it again about 10 times yesterday and laughed harder each time.....Mike Myers face along with Chris Tucker's was priceless!!! ROFL>

09-09-2005, 02:55 PM
Bush got along well with Colan Powell, so he probably isn't a racist.

09-09-2005, 03:29 PM
Mike Myers face along with Chris Tucker's was priceless!!! ROFL>

best part. :thumbsup :rolf

09-09-2005, 05:05 PM
He will be probably be the next rapper to be shot. What an ass to say that on T.V. Myers reaction was funny though.

09-09-2005, 07:52 PM
heh... raper & rapper... two verrrry different words :goof

09-10-2005, 03:20 AM
I like how he says it as the VERY last sentence with him and myers...then dead silence + pause..... :rolf

bad move kanye......BAD move..

09-10-2005, 08:44 AM
Funny how everyone was quick to jump on Kanye West for what he said but I havent seen a single post from anyone about the blatantly racist comment Barbara Bush made.

09-10-2005, 10:11 AM
Post a video of that and we'll discuss.

Prince Valiant
09-10-2005, 11:35 AM
Funny how everyone was quick to jump on Kanye West for what he said but I havent seen a single post from anyone about the blatantly racist comment Barbara Bush made."Blantantly racist"?!? She didn't even mention race.

Sourced from the AP:
Former first lady and mother to President Bush said Monday that evacuees from New Orleans have found a home in Houston.

"Almost everyone Ive talked to says we're going to move to Houston," Barbara Bush told NPR.

"What I'm hearing is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this (she chuckles slightly)--this is working very well for them."

If anything, her coments could be interpepted as "elitist" and certainly insensitive to the fact that every single evacuee had just lost their homes and would much rather live in their old "squalor" (as she probably thinks many did) than be housed in the Houston Astrodome, recieving admittedly generous hospitality.

And while a vast majority of the evacuee's are black, this doesn't mean that the intent of a statement is "racist". Certainly she didn't identify a race in the above statement, and her statementwas targeted at all "underprivliged" which would include white, hispanic, asian, whatever as well.

Even then, it's not like she was being mean in that statement. It was not meant as a put down or to laugh at someone elses place in the world. She was probably breming with pride at the clossal effort her state was putting forth to help the evacuees, and niavely made an insenstive and elitist statement...but sorry, not "racist"

09-10-2005, 11:40 AM
Here is audio of what she said. http://movies.crooksandliars.com/bb.mp3 I thought this was very lame and blown out of proportion, so don't count on hearing anything "shocking" :rolleyes:

09-10-2005, 03:33 PM
Agreed. That one was reaching. So are people just looking anywhere for this crap to take out of context so they have something to argue about or what?

09-10-2005, 10:56 PM
Agreed. That one was reaching. So are people just looking anywhere for this crap to take out of context so they have something to argue about or what?

How could you not argue about what Barbara bush said? Politicians (and their wives) should know better than to say things can can be taken out of context.

Prince Valiant
09-10-2005, 11:39 PM
Politicians (and their wives) should know better than to say things can can be taken out of context. Virtually all statements can be taken out of context, especially by those who willfully want to take them out of context.

See her statement as proof. Nothing about race was even implied, yet there were those who just wanted to label her racist and thus did so.

It's a cruel trick. Label someone a racist and guess what? Suddenly a percentage of the people will just disregard that person. EX:"Why listen to him? He's just a Racist"-this happens because there are many accepting, good people who shun racism, but may not really understand what it is, and let's others define "racism" for them. From this point forward, the "racist" is persona non grata and is marginalized.

Furthermore, it shifts the debate from being about ideals, solutions, priciples to one of an individual defending themselves from the charge of racism.

09-11-2005, 10:37 AM
I dont really see how that is racist but think what you want.

09-11-2005, 12:28 PM
It's a cruel trick. Label someone a racist and guess what? Suddenly a percentage of the people will just disregard that person. EX:"Why listen to him? He's just a Racist"-this happens because there are many accepting, good people who shun racism, but may not really understand what it is, and let's others define "racism" for them. From this point forward, the "racist" is persona non grata and is marginalized.

Furthermore, it shifts the debate from being about ideals, solutions, priciples to one of an individual defending themselves from the charge of racism.
Fortunately someone making an argumentum ad hominem is guilty of committing a fallacy because the character or circumstances of the person has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of the proposition being defended. :D

09-12-2005, 08:05 PM
Fortunately someone making an argumentum ad hominem is guilty of committing a fallacy because the character or circumstances of the person has nothing to do with the truth or falsity of the proposition being defended. :D