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08-26-2005, 10:07 PM
Sorry for the rant :mad:

While the 440th is activated overseas the government decided to close the base. It is not completely official yet, but all it needs now is the Presidents signature. So I get to go home in a week to more stress and choices that I need to make. Not sure what I am going to do since I have 12-13 years in. Not sure where the cutoff will be with the decisions the base will make. If I had over 15 year they possibly will give me full retirement with pay and get out immediately. Or, I need to find a different base that I would like to stick it out at.

I am just glad that it is not my full time job and I have other things I can fall back on.

TSgt Dan Kuehn

08-27-2005, 03:30 AM
I could give 2 s h i ts for there reason to close any base, so there for Thanks BUSH and whoever made this possible :chair:

I support our soldiers 100% but this war is Getting out of hand and im not sure what to think anymore.

News and gossip are driving this world insane :alcoholic

08-27-2005, 08:54 AM
^^^^ yep

08-27-2005, 10:59 AM
Not defending Bush by any means, nor am I saying it is a good idea to close the 440th down.

BUT, it makes sense to me to close down many of the inland bases. There is no HUGE reason to keep our bases spread all over the country. In the past (Cold War) it made sense, since there was fear of a nuclear missile attack. That way it would be harder to take out a large number of bases. Now the fear is isolated terrorist attacks.

By pushing our bases to the coasts of our country we position ourselves in a place that can cut SOME rapid response time down. Face it, we really have no need to fear a military invasion from Canada or Mexico.

I have no idea what they are planning to do in the future (going to create more bases?). I personally think that the way the Army, for instance, is trying to become a large rapid response force (Stupid IMHO, we do NOT need them to be like the Marine Corps), would work better if they had large Air Force bases next to large Army bases (lke Pope AFB and Ft. Bragg).


08-27-2005, 08:44 PM
Glad to see they like throwing money away. I was there 2 years ago for about 10 months changing the whole base over to radiant heat and installing the new ultra expensive Fire Alarm system. But is only money right?

08-27-2005, 09:17 PM
I believe the governer was there on Friday. I go to school right next door at the aviation center, but classes were out before he arrived.

08-28-2005, 03:00 AM
Glad to see they like throwing money away. I was there 2 years ago for about 10 months changing the whole base over to radiant heat and installing the new ultra expensive Fire Alarm system. But is only money right?


Radiant heat for the WHOLE base ???????????

<--- Going to school for HVAC stuff and Radiant stuff aint Cheap :wooo

Not to mention Fire Alarm stuff :wooo

08-28-2005, 04:42 PM
True about the Heat (Also a HVAC Tech.), the Fire prevention was done years ago.

We don't know what is going to happen to the base once it closes/who is going to take it over.


08-29-2005, 12:42 AM
True about the Heat (Also a HVAC Tech.), the Fire prevention was done years ago.

We don't know what is going to happen to the base once it closes/who is going to take it over.


And to think they tore down the houses around that place for security reasons !!!!

^ I think ;) ^

08-29-2005, 01:41 AM
My moms buisness still stands for now. Its on Howell and College. They have wanted to buy the land for years now.

08-29-2005, 11:12 AM
I support our soldiers 100% but this war is Getting out of hand and im not sure what to think anymore.

thats a flip-flop! you support it, buts it out of hand! ? :confused

PLEASE tell that to the Terrorist's!
Terrorists, what you are doing is Out Of Hand!

stop Killing yourselves, and stop killing others around you!


08-29-2005, 11:16 AM
^^^ your dumb

the real terrorist's are from SA but bush is friends with them so guess what we are not over there.

08-29-2005, 11:23 AM
^^^ your dumb.

It's "you're"

I normally wouldn't say anything but to say that, and then not even do it right is really moronic. :rolleyes:

As far as sa... heh, I think you've been reading too much anti-government conspiracy propaganda. Do you hang out with mike moore or something?

Terrorists are from the middle east.

08-29-2005, 11:41 AM
a once again all you bush people can do is type out personal attacks to try to make us shut up.

and i dont get a **** about my spelling so cry more about it, im just gona sit and laugh

o and i know whats gona happen next 4 or 5 of you bushes will personaly attack me and pat your selfs on the back funny seeing as how i could care less.

08-29-2005, 12:14 PM
a once again all you bush people can do is type out personal attacks to try to make us shut up.

But typing "your dumb" to a post not even directed at you isn't a personal attack? I'm pretty sure that's about the same as me calling you a moron. :rolleyes:

and i dont get a **** about my spelling
Apparently not.

o and i know whats gona happen next 4 or 5 of you bushes will personaly attack me and pat your selfs on the back funny seeing as how i could care less.

You certainly cared enough in the first place to open your mouth and spew forth jibberish, and then edit the post and add more after the fact. :rolleyes: :flipoff2:

08-29-2005, 12:28 PM

08-29-2005, 12:29 PM
From what I saw driving past a while back it appeared that they were redoing the entrance. It looked like they were tearing basically everything up and redoing the whole entrance. Along with all the previously mentioned work sounds like a lot of money that went to nothing. I don't think they should close down this base and it won't be any good for the people that have to be stationed somewhere else away from their families.

08-29-2005, 12:52 PM
and it won't be any good for the people that have to be stationed somewhere else away from their families.

But that is the nature of the beast. I started out in Camp Pendleton and ended up in Yorktown, VA as my final station assignment. I cannot tell you just how many times I ended up on a temporary base change somewhere else in the world, too many times to be exact. In the military you go where they need you to go, it is just how it is.

I hope that they consider what they are doing a bit more then just $$$$, but hey, with "everyone" complaining about the cost of the combat operations around the world, the gov. has to at least LOOK like they are trying to save some money.


08-29-2005, 02:18 PM
You haven't had a complete US military experience until you've been gang raped by Uncle Sam and friends three or four times.

A retired Master Gunnery Sergeant (one of “The Frozen Chosin”, he had no ear lobes from frostbite) that I met in my first year in, gave me some advice as I was talking about signing/reenlisting bonuses. He said, “Don’t raise your right hand unless it’s for God and Country.” Makes a hard decision easier if you embrace those words.

Heat Seeker WS6
08-29-2005, 02:27 PM
Closing bases and relocating personal and equipment is nothing new to the armed forces. Is it safe to assume that base opening/closing/personel relocating is one of the functions of the military? From what I read and hear from others have have served and still serve, it seems to be that way. The Millitary & Goverment has thier reasons (as illogical as they may seem to us) for doing what they are doing. Obviously, the base closing is not looked upon favorably by the locals who man and support the bases or thier families who are also directly affected by these types of decisions, but this is a reality that is not new one. I dont think they anticipated the base closure (at least this soon) when they had the fire and heat redone.
I never signed the papers to join the armed forces but I sure remember being told several times while in orientations that everything and everyone in the millitary is volatile and subject to move/change/deployment.

just my 2 cents

08-29-2005, 04:35 PM
John's right, and the way things work with the BRAC commission is "You don't know until the President signs off on it" (which should happen up to Sept 23rd). They need to keep business as usual and better the base until then. Most of the time it is when a base builds a bunch of new buildings is when they get closed.

We will see what happens. I am a little more relaxed now than what I was when I originally posted this. It might be because I go home in less than 4 days, who knows.

The should be many options I can choose from as time goes on. I will just need to way them out and do what is best for my family.
