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View Full Version : Wild Ghetto Parking Lot Fight (vid)

08-24-2005, 05:55 PM
I removed the link due to its graphic nature and obviously upset members. Watching someone get beat to near death isnt funny.


Anyone that absolutely needs to know what was posted, PM me and I'll tell ya, otherwise its really not worth having it posted.

08-24-2005, 06:23 PM
It was kinda funny for about 2 seconds, but Iam sorry maybe its just me but I found that extremley disturbing. How can you kick the sh1t outta someone cause they didnt move their car or move it quick enough. All it was is a bunch of degnerates and need to go to he!l and die a slow and painful death for what they did in that video. Its just frickin sad what some people will do for no reason, or a stupid reason at that. Just my 2cents.

08-24-2005, 06:25 PM
[QUOTE=nickz_28]It was kinda funny for about 2 seconds, but Iam sorry maybe its just me but I found that extremley disturbing. How can you kick the sh1t outta someone cause they didnt move their car or move it quick enough. [QUOTE]

Right on :thumbsup

08-24-2005, 07:26 PM
that **** just aint right

08-24-2005, 08:36 PM
It was kinda funny for about 2 seconds, but Iam sorry maybe its just me but I found that extremley disturbing. How can you kick the sh1t outta someone cause they didnt move their car or move it quick enough. All it was is a bunch of degnerates and need to go to he!l and die a slow and painful death for what they did in that video. Its just frickin sad what some people will do for no reason, or a stupid reason at that. Just my 2cents.

I agree that just pisses me off!

08-25-2005, 12:05 AM
what a disgusting society we all have to live in. Those dudes were dud's and need some anger management or some shyt. :rolleyes:

08-25-2005, 12:09 AM
what a disgusting society we all have to live in. Those dudes were dud's and need some anger management or some shyt. :rolleyes:

No they need to be drug out into the pasture and have them get the crap kicked outta themselves and thrown in jail. Degnerate pieces of sh1t. :fire

08-25-2005, 01:11 AM
That **** just ******* pisses me off. Nothing more then just a bunch of degenerate, drug dealing, piece of **** disgraces to society. How can you beat a guy lifeless for such a trivial matter. I never understood how somebody can keep at it untill the person is practically dead on the ground, these people have no morals, no self control, no brains, and no respect for human life so why should we respect there right to live???? Pieces of **** is all I can say :fire :fire

08-25-2005, 05:08 AM
:wow big tough guy punching the guy whike he is sitting in his car...****king looser

08-25-2005, 09:30 AM
That **** just ******* pisses me off. Nothing more then just a bunch of degenerate, drug dealing, piece of **** disgraces to society. How can you beat a guy lifeless for such a trivial matter. I never understood how somebody can keep at it untill the person is practically dead on the ground, these people have no morals, no self control, no brains, and no respect for human life so why should we respect there right to live???? Pieces of **** is all I can say :fire :fire

And some people wonder why other people conceal and carry in their vehicles.
He should have got shot in the face for that ****. I started getting happy when the one dude busted out the window....I thought for a minute there was going to be this miraculous(spelling?) comeback guess not.

08-25-2005, 10:59 AM
No they need to be drug out into the pasture and have them get the crap kicked outta themselves and thrown in jail. Degnerate pieces of sh1t. :fire

Thats probably already happened to them and they dont care. It would just be better if they drove "home" drunk and drove off a cliff and died in a fiery explosion BUT they would still be alive burning and suffering like they have done to everyone else. :fire

08-25-2005, 01:02 PM
Move your car buddy ! hahahaI dont think I like you. Do you get off watching this kind of sh1t?

08-25-2005, 01:13 PM
Wild Ghetto Parking Lot Fight (vid)


Move your car buddy ! hahaha

HAHAHA! Yeah! That's really funny. That's some really funny shlt, right there. I LOVE watching guys get beat to death. Nothing makes a real knee-slapper than some guy getting assaulted for no reason. Something to really smile about.

Archy you got a great sense of humor -- how about everyone from Brew City comes and beats the **** out of you and breaks your f*cking neck? That would be the damn funniest thing I ever seen! We can post the video on some bullshlt f*cking video website and then spam it to a bunch of message boards to draw ad revenue so we can all have some extra cash in our pockets! I hope I didn't steal your idea.

How about you pack your shlt up and leave this site and never return?? I'll see what I can do on my end to expedite the process. Have a great life! :flipoff2:

08-25-2005, 03:36 PM
Wow...that dude got hurt pretty bad. The way it sounded when he was trying to breathe is NOT good at all.

They are all idiots...even the guy who got beat up. It seemed like it was pretty much over until he decided to smash out the back window.

08-25-2005, 11:44 PM
I just hope the cops got the guy who started it.

Judging by the very ending, it looks like an advertisement for Phat Farm.

Note to self: begin personal campaign against phat farm.

The video does nothing to demote such actions. As I have seen at schools in Milwaukee, those kids have worse attitudes than the worst of Cedarburg. I'd say that the world is a lower than it was before because of this video.

This kind of stuff only supports the reason why I did not get out of my car to deliver a pizza to the 4800 block of 24th street. I had about 15 teenage kids surrounding my car, all asking for the pizza. I asked for money, but nobody showed any so I didn't hand the pizzas over. The kids were getting a bit roudy and I began to hear some 'words of hate'. Recalling what I had seen in the past, I was well aware that tempers can explode in the 'hood. I was not comfortable with the situation, so I had my car in gear and one foot on the clutch and the other over the gas. I then noticed that the house with the proper address was a boarded up drug house! I was out of there like a bat out of hell. The store manager tried to make this situation my fault, but I followed the Pizza Hut guidlelines for employee safety.

Tomorrow, I am going to leonardo's in Mequon to see about a delivery job there.

When I put my two weeks notice in, I will note for one of the reasons for leaving as: employee safety compromized due to preference for increased profit.

08-26-2005, 01:38 AM
I already made a post here but did anyone else just get a sick feelling in their stomachs when that cheese d!ick a-hole robbed the near death dude?!

I truly hope that "fight" wasnt over a parking spot. :confused

08-28-2005, 12:33 AM
Tomorrow, I am going to leonardo's in Mequon to see about a delivery job there.

When I put my two weeks notice in, I will note for one of the reasons for leaving as: employee safety compromized due to preference for increased profit.

I would have done the same thing! :thumbsup

I already made a post here but did anyone else just get a sick feelling in their stomachs when that cheese d!ick a-hole robbed the near death dude?!

I truly hope that "fight" wasnt over a parking spot. :confused

Ya that was horrible!