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View Full Version : Artist formerly known as "P Diddy"

08-17-2005, 11:47 AM
Link to article (http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/entnews/eo/20050816/112424676000.html)

Cliff notes:

Has changed his name to simply: "Diddy"

He had this to say:

""I felt like the 'P' was getting between me and my fans and now we're closer..."
"...when I'd called someone on the telephone it took me a long time to explain who I was. Too long"

I'm sooo glad he did that, I felt so disconnected with that damn letter 'p' in there :rolleyes:

Had to add this:

"To be honest, the unveiling of Diddy, you gonna see that at the [Video Music Awards]," he told MTV News. "You gonna see that in the entrance. You gonna see that swagger. You gonna see how I'm gonna navigate you through the journey. I'm gonna play my position, my role. The artists are gonna play their role. We're gonna have an incredible, incredible party."

Should I change my username to 'nimal' so you guys feel closer? I'll throw an incredible, incredible party even :goof

08-17-2005, 12:29 PM
Should I change my username to 'nimal' so you guys feel closer? I'll throw an incredible, incredible party even :goof

I think you may find that the "Journey" dictates that you first change it to A-mal so you can revert all the way to just Mal later :shades

08-17-2005, 12:35 PM
That guy is the biggest most self-absorbed ******* clueless ******* idiot in Hollywood!!! :fire :flipoff2: :flipoff2: <--- two middle fingers !!!!

What, does this guy have the attention span of a ******* 2 year old?? Can't seem to pick a good name and stick with it? How about using his GIVEN ******* NAME?? Does he think ANYBODY cares about this horseshlt??

:guns1 Wish this rap singer would get involved in all the shootouts the rest of the rap singers get themselves in, then we can listen to 5 years of remembering what a great guy he was, what a great, gun slinging, criminal gangster, like all these other rap stars :flipoff2: Let's steal classic pop songs and bastardize them by remaking them to the lyrics of remembering a criminal whose life was ended by putting himself in dangerous situations gunfighting with other gangsters :rolleyes: Oh what a pity!!

08-17-2005, 12:39 PM
Preach on brother beavis :)

Uhhuhuhuhuh http://home.houston.rr.com/djoverclocked/butthead.jpg

08-17-2005, 12:44 PM
Guys you aren't going to believe it, but I have EVEN MORE SIGNIFICANT NEWS than the Puff Daddy story that Animal has just posted!! I'm not trying to "One-up" you, Animal, but this story is fresh off the realtime P/R newswire!!

12:45PM CDT 20050817
(Dow Jones): MILWAUKEE, WI: A local resident of the Milwaukee area participating in a small community of hot-rodders, known to other members of the club as "Syclone0044", has recently taken a shlt. It is not known how long it took, or the nature of the shlt, but sources close to the restroom say a shlt has most definitely been taken. No further details are available at this time.


08-17-2005, 12:45 PM
How in love with himself is this guy to actually think anybody gives 2 sh*ts anyways?

Edit: It looks like Syclone has given one. :rolf

08-17-2005, 12:59 PM
12:45PM CDT 20050817
(Dow Jones): MILWAUKEE, WI: A local resident of the Milwaukee area participating in a small community of hot-rodders, known to other members of the club as "Syclone0044", has recently taken a shlt. It is not known how long it took, or the nature of the shlt, but sources close to the restroom say a shlt has most definitely been taken. No further details are available at this time.

haha :rolf

08-17-2005, 01:04 PM
I'm not trying to "One-up" you, Animal, but this story is fresh off the realtime P/R newswire!!

Dude, fvck... start your own thread. ;)

08-17-2005, 01:13 PM
12:45PM CDT 20050817
(Dow Jones): MILWAUKEE, WI: A local resident of the Milwaukee area participating in a small community of hot-rodders, known to other members of the club as "Syclone0044", has recently taken a shlt. It is not known how long it took, or the nature of the shlt, but sources close to the restroom say a shlt has most definitely been taken. No further details are available at this time.

13:09PM CDT 20050817

Further information on the defication of by "Syclone0044" reveals a terrible turn of events: He has no toilet paper!

In the words of Syclone0044 himself, while speaking through the bathroom door opened only an inch, "I was just taking my daily **** when it happened. I reached for the roll...and felt nothing but cardboard." Strickened with grief, Syclone0044 could not continue speaking and closed the bathroom door.

Recent information has also informed us that a support group is being formed to assist the local resident on his path to recovery.

08-17-2005, 05:26 PM
whos donkey?

08-19-2005, 03:05 AM
13:09PM CDT 20050817

Further information on the defication of by "Syclone0044" reveals a terrible turn of events: He has no toilet paper!

In the words of Syclone0044 himself, while speaking through the bathroom door opened only an inch, "I was just taking my daily **** when it happened. I reached for the roll...and felt nothing but cardboard." Strickened with grief, Syclone0044 could not continue speaking and closed the bathroom door.

Recent information has also informed us that a support group is being formed to assist the local resident on his path to recovery.

looks like somebody's using the cardboard today. :rolf

08-19-2005, 08:37 AM
This just in . . .

Reuters 08:22AM CDT 20050819

Sources at moveon.org indicate that Cindy Sheehan has indeed left the Bush ranch in Crawford Texas to "continue the protest" in other venues. Multiple news factions reported Thursday that her mother had suffered a stroke and it was speculated that this was Sheehans reason for departure.

Annonymous sources have confirmed that her new "mission" is to set up camp outside of the site where a local man "Syclone044" deficated without toilet paper earlier this week after learning the shocking news of "Diddy".

Apparently Sheehan was quoted as saying "Diddy is a great guiding light to us all. Anyone deficating on Diddy or because of Diddy should go to Iraq. Bush killed my son and he USED toilet paper. Just who does this guy think he is? It sickens me and it won't happen on my watch. We have abundant toilet paper supplies here and I think this is a blatent act of paper profiling".

Sheehan is apparently expecting to arrive in a ditch approximately 1 mile away from Syclone044 sometime this morning were she will be accompanied by two carboard manufacturing janitors and the Cottonelle Quilters.

08-19-2005, 08:51 AM
12:45PM CDT 20050817
(Dow Jones): MILWAUKEE, WI: A local resident of the Milwaukee area participating in a small community of hot-rodders, known to other members of the club as "Syclone0044", has recently taken a shlt. It is not known how long it took, or the nature of the shlt, but sources close to the restroom say a shlt has most definitely been taken. No further details are available at this time.

13:09PM CDT 20050817

Further information on the defication of by "Syclone0044" reveals a terrible turn of events: He has no toilet paper!

In the words of Syclone0044 himself, while speaking through the bathroom door opened only an inch, "I was just taking my daily **** when it happened. I reached for the roll...and felt nothing but cardboard." Strickened with grief, Syclone0044 could not continue speaking and closed the bathroom door.

Recent information has also informed us that a support group is being formed to assist the local resident on his path to recovery.

Great posts! :thumbsup

08-19-2005, 09:54 AM
Almost makes Puff Daddy dropping the "P" seem insignificant in retrospect, doesn't it???

08-19-2005, 12:54 PM
That guy is the biggest most self-absorbed ******* clueless ******* idiot in Hollywood!!! :fire :flipoff2: :flipoff2: <--- two middle fingers !!!!

What, does this guy have the attention span of a ******* 2 year old?? Can't seem to pick a good name and stick with it? How about using his GIVEN ******* NAME?? Does he think ANYBODY cares about this horseshlt??

:guns1 Wish this rap singer would get involved in all the shootouts the rest of the rap singers get themselves in, then we can listen to 5 years of remembering what a great guy he was, what a great, gun slinging, criminal gangster, like all these other rap stars :flipoff2: Let's steal classic pop songs and bastardize them by remaking them to the lyrics of remembering a criminal whose life was ended by putting himself in dangerous situations gunfighting with other gangsters :rolleyes: Oh what a pity!!

:rolleyes: I dont know which is worse, his lame name change or your lame rant about his lame name change