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View Full Version : Rock Auto discount....

08-04-2005, 06:29 PM
Here's how it works:

- You give this discount code: 270595258795 to friends, neighbors, relatives,
the guy at the corner garage--anyone you know who works on cars or trucks.
- When someone (including yourself) places an order at www.rockauto.com and
enters your discount code, he or she will receive an immediate 5% discount on
that order.
* If you are using our Java Catalog, enter your discount code in the "How did
you hear about us" line of the shopping cart
* If you are using our non-Java Catalog, enter your the discount code in the
"Discount Code" field of the Shopping Cart and click "Calculate Discount"
- The discount code expires on October 4, 2005; so don't wait!

09-04-2005, 02:16 AM
just an FYI, rock was not very happy about me using this discount. 250 dollar order, the whole 9 bucks it was gonna save me, the site froze on me, so i thought the original order didn't go through. i did the second order with the discount, then saw i got 2 order confirmations. called them up to cancel the first one, they're like, well we're going to cancel the one with that discount on it, that specific code has been used a LOT lately. "thanks for ordering, bye" then they hung up.... :confused

09-04-2005, 02:33 AM
Steve, me thinks they dont like neons or maybe just you :goof

Oh yeah...fark whoever said that. I copied the text directly from their site. If they didnt want to issue so many discounts then dont advertise it. :rolleyes:

09-04-2005, 02:34 AM
bah, mostly chevy parts, only a few neon parts.... me thinks all small motors, aka leafblowers, lawn mowers, etc don't like you!

09-04-2005, 02:36 AM
bah, mostly chevy parts, only a few neon parts.... me thinks all small motors, aka leafblowers, lawn mowers, etc don't like you!

Ouch! We got my lawnmower working again.....this time with some mods :goof The leaf blower, well thats another story. She'll be done soon enuff. :shades