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View Full Version : How many people have THEIR OWN paintball stuff?

07-23-2005, 07:34 PM
How many people have their own stuff?

I know me, UnderPSI, Farmtruck, and a couple others

Thinking about setting something up in a friend's field. It's in waukesha(by hwy164/ I43 area)

i know we've tried many times before at other places, but i think it'd be easier at a place that's free and bring your own stuff.

so who does and would want to play?

07-24-2005, 12:38 AM
No offense to anyone, but I won't play on a non-sanctioned or non-commercial field. First off, there's no refs, and "honor systems" only go so far in the heat of battle. More often than not people will continue to shoot just to take out the guy that shot them first. The ref usually can solve this as they are somewhere where they can see it all happen and make a call on it. I've seen it turn ugly before in backyard games friends or not.

Second, fields regulate the speed of the guns on the chrono. The last time I played without a chrono I was hit by a gun shooting over 350 fps in the mask... whether a co2 temperature spike or not it's just too easy to leave this unregulated.... call me a ***** but those masks are not meant to take shots much over 300 at close range. I have over 10 cracked lenses from guns under 300 fps as it is... and no I really don't trust people when it comes to that.

Last and probably the deciding factor for me, logisitics. If I break my gun, blow a seal, or need a compressed fill like I do after every game, the means just aren't there in a backyard game. I go through 700+ shots in an average speedball game, and the means to buy more paint if need be aren't there in a back yard either... A scuba system really only lasts me a couple of games anyways with my air-hog of a gun, plus, I don't own one.

And of course, backyard ball wouldn't give me the unfair advantage of knowing all the fields like the back of my hand :goof

Anyways, call me a wuss, or whatever. Of course there's ways around everything above... I just made a call long ago that I'd only play on commercial fields and I'm stickin to it. They really are worth the extra coin in my opinion.

But I'll be ALL OVER an outing to a field if you guys want to plan one.

07-24-2005, 02:37 AM
i've got my own stuff, and would gladly play, like animal said as long as we all Chrono first. personally i don't care about Refs, but if it becomes and issue we can take turns taking a game off or something

07-24-2005, 03:00 AM
I have a box of paintball gun parts, if anyone is interested?

07-24-2005, 03:04 AM
I have a Spyder which I picked up a few years ago.

07-24-2005, 03:56 AM
i have an old ragedy paintball gun..it shoots about 20 feet crooked..but **** i/d play..

07-24-2005, 11:32 AM
I'll bring the pepperball gun from work along with a case of 375 live pepperball rounds. You just don't f*ck with that stuff :thumbsup . I had to take 5 hits for training at work, and it is worse than the gas chamber and the devil himself.

07-24-2005, 11:40 AM
i got a pretty sweet pirahana with a 13" barrel and its faster than sh!t :thumbsup

07-24-2005, 01:23 PM
I have a Micromag w/a 114ci tank and a scuba tank

07-24-2005, 01:25 PM
I have a gun and all that stuff. Even if you get your gun timed you can still turn it up in the field. Last time i went to paintball sams they didnt even check my gun.

Kory 88Iroc lt1
07-24-2005, 08:27 PM
I've got a micromag and a scuba tank also.

Rocket Power
07-24-2005, 08:50 PM
I have a Tippman 98 Custom, decked out in custom olive drab paint. :rolf

07-25-2005, 12:26 AM
Lets set a date to play at The Seige Paintball in Mukwanago. It is just off of hwy 43 in Mukwanago. This way we can all buy paint, air, have guns chronoed, have refs, and it is not at all expensive to play there. Cook out possibly? Just an idea, I know this has been tried and hasn't worked, so I don't really care to hear you say it, because it doesn't matter if we have 3 or 30 people. There will be plenty of other people there for us.

07-25-2005, 09:18 AM
There's also a field in west bend that has bring-your-own-paint days every month if that would be better for you guys.

07-25-2005, 04:06 PM
I'm going to apoclypse this weekend for my birthday. I have about 20 guys going. I'd be up for getting a group together.


Kory 88Iroc lt1
07-25-2005, 04:47 PM
If it's on a sunday I would be up for it.