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06-30-2005, 02:11 AM
Ok post em' if you got them.

I was 8 or 9 and im fishing off our pier, the water is like 2 ft. deep, well everytime I got a small 2" fish id scream " HEY DAD I GOT A BIG MASSIVE FISH "

He would run over to help and id bring up a small blue gale :rolf

Well I did this over and over then my dad was at the point " Hey im relaxing shut up or somthing like that "

Then I drop the bait in and WOW somthing is pulling on it hard and im freaking out like normally, im like " DAD I GOT A BIG FISH I SWEAR !!!!!! "

He didnt believe me at all..................

Then the northern jumps out of the water and makes a massive splash and my dad jump up like HOLLY ****........

Then he reals it in and we keep it.

I forgot the length but it was a bunch of Inches over the limit :rolf

Its like that story with the Kid and the wolfs :rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf

And this was on my Small YELLOW snoopy POLE :banana :banana :banana :banana

Prince Valiant
06-30-2005, 06:04 AM
My best one...is the one that got away.

Fishing off the florida Keys at a popular reef my brother and I came across the perfect bait fish...called blue runner's. They are fairly large at around 12-14 inches, so as you can imagine, the fish they catch tend to be large.

So as soon as we catch one, it's right on the hook, through the back and cast back out...and as soon as it hits the water, the blue runner takes off as it's almost immediately pursued by the large barracuda's that prowled the edges of the school.

When it comes to cuda's...think of muskie's with larger teeth and a HELL of alot faster. We were averaging ~ 55inches in length that day, and approximately 60-70lbs, which is on the large side for the typical cuda.

As soon as we had one on the line, the reel's immediately screamed and bled out line...even though we were using rods and reels that would be considered overkill on anything in the great lakes or for muskie fishing.

Typically they would jump for the first minute or so and then dive down toward the reef...it took on average a good 10 minutes to boat them when they would exhaust themselves.

After we had caught about 6 or so very large barracuda's, the action stopped. Just absolutely died. The blue runner and all still hung out behind the back in the chum line, but when we threw the fish out, nothing.

So I had a fish out there and it was kind of swiming around toward the underside of the boat, about 10 ft down (we were in 60 ft of water) There it hung out for about 5-10 minutes which seemed forever considering the action we were getting previously...when I got a bite. A very strong bite.

Unlike before, I wasn't greeted with an imediate jumping fish, so I didn't have an idea of the size fish I was fighting. It immediately headed downward, and while typically the water is clear enough to see the bottom in even 80 ft of water, overcast skies kept us from seeing beyond 20 feet on this day.

This fish did feel different....wasn't as fast. It certainly had it's way with my drag in that I couldn't even come close to slowing it's rate of travel with my drag...so I set it as tight as I dared without breaking the line and decided he'd tire.

Well, eventually it seemed, he tired. Only after 45 minutes :wooo

I was able to start reeling him in and at about 1 hour after he had taken the bait, he was in sight....

and the sight caused my hair to stand on end. Directly under the boat you could see the shadow, and then as he rolled to show his side to us, you could see just the most chilling eye I've ever seen just staring coldly back...It was a tiger shark, b/w 8 and 9 feet long with it's juvy stripes still visible :wooo

At that size, they tend to weigh about 400lbs or so I believe...

Well, as soon as it seemed he saw the boat, and despite my winning the battle at this point, he said "screw this, I'm outta here...." because he just flicked his tail and was off in the direction of mexico, on the opposite side of the boat I was fighting from. I tried valiantly to get the rod to the other side clearing the trying to clear the line from the anchor line but he was too quick. As I set up to pass the rod under the line at the front of the bow, the rod shattered...I should have let way up on the drag before attempting to pass it. Now all I have is a picture of me with a brand new, but shattered rod to show off.

It all happened too quick to think about it though.

One of the reasons it was so chilling to see this is that the reef is a VERY popular dive spot and we were on the outskirts of at least 6 boats with dive flags out. Didn't hear anyone call out shark or anything as this happend, but I would have imagined that some would have been able to see this from below. Fortunately when he made his final run, it was in the opposite direction of the various dive boats...I sure as hell wouldn't wanted to have run into him, pissed off and scared afterward while I was in the water :goof

07-01-2005, 12:40 AM
The one that got away...

I was in Hilton Head on a boat named "drifter." I got a bite on my line and started to reel it in. The pole, about 7 feet long and much thicker than a lake fishing pole, bent all the way down. One of the deck hands came over and grabbed the pole and started reeling in. About 30 seconds later, a bonethead shark was visible near the surface. I'd say it was about 4-5 feet long. Shortly thereafter, it broke the surface briefly with one of its side fins and tail. Then the line broke and it went down. After seeing the stuff we caught only 400 ft from a beach, I have not been very enthusiastic about going in the ocean since.

07-01-2005, 01:41 PM
i caught a 38" 20lb muskie and a 36" northern tuesday.

07-04-2005, 12:39 AM
I caught my first northern(s) today.

They were about 12, 15 and 22 inches long. I also caught them in the same order. Before I caught them, I had been casting for over an hour. Also, the guy whose boat I was on only caught two sunfish about 3 and 4 inches long!

I'm addicted to fishing now! :headbang

07-04-2005, 11:45 AM
My best was up in Ontario, Canada two summers ago. We were out on Gullrock Lake jigging for walleye in about 25 ft of water. We did catch some fish that morning, but it was pretty slow for Canadian fishing. As we drifted along, something hit my line hard. At first I thought I snagged rock, but then my line started to fly off the spool as the fish started to run. After about 15 minutes and nearly running out of line, the fish broke the surface; it was a huge northern. Another 15 minutes went by before I actually got the thing in the boat. It was a 40 in. 20 lb northern. Luckily the line never broke, because I was fishing without a steel leader. Now she sits on my wall. I'll tell you, if you've never gone fishing in Canada and you get the chance, GO. It's incredible.