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View Full Version : WINTER STORAGE, moving cars 3/1/05-3/2/2005

03-28-2005, 09:57 PM
Just a FYI for the guys that are storing cars at Amron. People will be moving their cars this week, along with this weekend. So depending on how far you parked in there. you might be able to get it out this weekend. Please call in advance.

At least show up or call to move your car so others can get out and then we can move it back if you dont want to take the car out yet


262-521-1037 is the office number, if leaving a message include the car/plate #, name and phone number to reach you at

whistlin six
03-28-2005, 10:51 PM
Ahhh... Time to get the car out!
Any chance of getting it Friday after work? (6:00 pm)
I was one of the last few cars in there so it should be easy access.

03-28-2005, 11:58 PM
please call, I do know where your car is located. I know if you do want to keep it in storage still, we need you there to at least move it, if you want it out. I think that will be possible.;) even on friday. I know people have been calling about getting there cars out. So like i said at first, call and make arrangements please :) the sooner your cars gone the closer I am to getting out!!! :thumbsup


03-29-2005, 02:05 AM
I didn't see this thread earlier but called today to see about getting mine out Thurs/Fri....he said they had 20 calls Sunday to get cars out....and there is at least one car in the way of getting mine out, so whoever it is, move it :D.

Might wanna change the date from 3/1 to 4/1 too :goof .

04-04-2005, 10:57 AM
There is still a car parked in front my SS, which I REALLY want to get out by this coming weekend, the 9th/10th. Going to Lake Geneva and want it with me. I plan to pull it out Friday, so if you were one of the last people in and parked in front of cars on the wall, pretty please move it ;). Not sure if the owner is on this board but just in case...thanks in advance if the person sees this :D.

Corvette Jabo
04-04-2005, 11:08 AM
put the car that is blocking yours on dollies and move it!

04-04-2005, 12:28 PM
Could but I wouldn't be one to touch another persons car without their consent(the place its stored at too), unless they do say its ok.... ;). It would be easier for that person just to stop by with the key, put it in neutral and push it out of the way if they rather not pull it out yet. I want my car out! :headbang

04-04-2005, 10:08 PM
hmmm..... I was one of the last guys in I think.... :goof I know I'm parking some people in... but now sure if its you..I gotta get that bad boy out anyway :)

04-05-2005, 12:09 AM
well PB86MCSS, I was there today, looking at when i can get the vette out. Looks like with some good driving yourc ar could come out. give a call and my dad might ahve contacted the guy in front of you. Making things easier


04-05-2005, 12:32 AM
Thanks Jeff, thats what Paul(who I called Saturday) said, with some manuevering it could move, but I figured I'd wait a little bit yet. But by this weekend I really want it out, seeing all the nice cars cruising around has me a bit jealous :D. I will call him in a day or two.

Corvette Jabo
04-05-2005, 08:38 AM
Thanks Jeff, thats what Paul(who I called Saturday) said, with some manuevering it could move, but I figured I'd wait a little bit yet. But by this weekend I really want it out, seeing all the nice cars cruising around has me a bit jealous :D. I will call him in a day or two.

Can you put your car on Dollies and move your car and move it around the car that is blocking you? they move really easy with 2 people?


04-05-2005, 11:33 AM
I hope to get my car out by friday, I still have 4-5 cars infront of mine :( hoping to make an appearance on friday night if I can get out of there. If you call and talk to bob, he might be able to call the guy and have him move his car? just an idea, to ensure you can get your car.


04-05-2005, 06:49 PM
If I had some dollies I could use them on my own car, good idea...but I don't have any :( . Could buy some in an *emergency* ;). I will leave a message with Bob soon.