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View Full Version : Gigantic airshow crash - B52 bomber

02-26-2005, 04:55 PM

Link to some crash discussion (http://forum.ebaumsworld.com/archive/index.php/t-23116.html)

Interesting story to this; about 4 years ago I saw this crash on Real TV and it was really astonishing ; but I could never find more information and never saw it since. I searched but nothing could turn up. Fast forward to today and I stumbled across this crash and recognized it as the one I saw on TV 4 years ago.

The interesting sideline is there's a whole circumstance around it; evidently the pilot "Holland" was known for being a reckless hot dog; he is on video seeing flying over a mountain with just 30 feet to spare, he was noted for far exceeding the limits of the aircraft numerous times, his copilots tried to get him stopped but somehow flight officials allowed this lunatic to continue flying. He boasted how he would be able to get a B52 to do a steep bank maneuver, despite the flight manual saying 45* was the limit, well they reluctantly let this clown fly the B52 for his last flight before retirement at this Airshow, along with 3 other pilots. He got his wish by attempting the manuever on his last flight but unfortunately it was not only his last flight but also the other 3 pilots on board :(

There is a giant Case Study on this error here: http://s92270093.onlinehome.us/crmdevel/resources/paper/darkblue/darkblue.htm but I haven't had the time to look into it yet.

02-26-2005, 05:40 PM
A totally unrelated but cool video: Landing an airliner in serious crosswind! (http://www.aviationexplorer.com/md11_kai_tak_crosswind.htm)

To the pilot of that airliner: :stare :eek:

02-27-2005, 12:40 PM


02-27-2005, 09:27 PM
Yep... Welcome to Piloting 101.

The pilot of that jet in Hong Kong has mad skills... he SHOULD NOT have tried to land with the winds blowing like that... instead, he should have lifted back off, and gone at it again. That was a huge risk.

02-28-2005, 11:49 AM
Yeah thats WAY to big of a plane to be cutting some aerobatic moves with, looks like the thing basically stalled and litterally fell out of the sky due to not enough air speed to maintain lift with such a sharp turn.

The other thing is, i cant believe how quickly those things go up in flames too!! come on, jet fuel is almost like diesel and is not greatly flamable.

It pretty much all burned off at once then just started smoking heavily only after a few sec.

03-05-2005, 11:59 PM
Pulling a plane with nedative dihedral out of a high-banked roll can be very tough, especially with such a large plane at a low altitude..