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View Full Version : Isnt this illegal somehow, somewhere?!?!?!

02-16-2005, 08:17 PM
I am getting up to 5 phone calls aday from MCI EVERYDAY of the week. This has been going on now for the past 2 weeks and its driving me crazy. I tell every person on the line to either go phuck themselves, bl0w me, or politely ask them to take me off the list but I still get calls. Does anyone have a solution or help.:mad: :fire

Prince Valiant
02-16-2005, 10:03 PM
The first round of "no call" list has expired....you have to renew it.

02-16-2005, 10:28 PM
I haven't had a problem at home but at work we've had a couple like that. With one last week I demanded that I talk to a supervisior, then talked to another person (maybe a supervisor?) and asked for a phone number and a billing address to send a invoice, he laughed but I told him it wasn't funny and that I was dead serious, I was told he would take care of it.......

Heres a funny one, My mother was in a nursing home for a few years, she would get calls on her phone for new windows, siding, basement sealing, driveways, roofing ect, she would set up a appointment with these yo-yos but they would never show up..... :D :chair:

02-17-2005, 01:05 AM
Something similar... I keep getting "Anonymous" phone calls on my cell phone, but when I answer, there is nobody there. This happens about 1-2 times a day. Really pisses me off. I really can't let the calls just go to voice mail, because it might be for work. So, out of curiousity, is there anyway to find out who is calling?


02-17-2005, 01:23 AM
I would try asking to be put on their "Do Not Call List", don't tell them to **** off, or don't call me again, you have to use the phrase "Do Not Call List" it's like a key-word that they somehow immediately recognize and know what to do.. Works for me, worth a try on your next one (won't have to wait long with how often they are calling you :stare )

02-17-2005, 02:38 AM
yeah man, if you are on the no-call list, or even if you aren't, if you ask them right off, i'm on that no-call list, can't you get a lawsuit for calling me? they hang up and delete you off the list.

02-17-2005, 06:23 AM
Hey Yoosof,
that is a PITA.

try getting on these no call / mail lists.


i am on the No Call List,
the No US Mail List
they even have a no EMAIL list

I signed up for ALL 3.

DONT CALL ME, dont contact me period!!!!!!!

02-17-2005, 10:13 AM
DONT CALL ME, dont contact me period!!!!!!!

You should probably have Andy shut off your PM box also just to be safe Mike :goof

Just tell them you are really interested but busy at the moment and want thier home phone number so you can call them back later :punch:

Pig Pen
02-17-2005, 11:27 AM
Could possible fall in line with harassment laws...I know we have gone after collection agency's in the past and got them to stop calling people they used to have on thier phone lists.

02-17-2005, 07:05 PM
You should probably have Andy shut off your PM box also just to be safe Mike :goof

Just tell them you are really interested but busy at the moment and want thier home phone number so you can call them back later :punch:
LOL :rolf

what i do
if a telemarketer gets through to me, (rarely anymore),
I ask if they can please hold,
and then i set the phone down.

when i get a chance to check it, ( 5 minutes or so),
ill see if there still there!
if so, I ask if they will hold again.

they get it by then! and hang up. :banana

02-17-2005, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the link Mike, I filled it all out!

I also called MCI corp and asked to speak with their supervisor then asked to make sure that we were being tape recorded and asked them very nicely to remove my phukcing name and phone number from their databases then proceeded to email them 25 times asking them as well. I got 9 responses from 6 different people so I hope I struck a nerve. :chair:

02-17-2005, 10:44 PM
You should probably have Andy shut off your PM box also just to be safe Mike :goof

Just tell them you are really interested but busy at the moment and want thier home phone number so you can call them back later :punch:


02-18-2005, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the link Mike, I filled it all out!

I also called MCI corp and asked to speak with their supervisor then asked to make sure that we were being tape recorded and asked them very nicely to remove my phukcing name and phone number from their databases then proceeded to email them 25 times asking them as well. I got 9 responses from 6 different people so I hope I struck a nerve. :chair:
your welcome Yoosof.
all i have to say is, WHY?
why do you have to do all that effort, just to get them to STOP!!!!!!!