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02-11-2005, 03:41 PM
Yellow wagon what you trying to catch GHOST?????? Heard grant park in oak creek or south milwaukee was a good place... (in the trails). Go there take some pictures there might get some luck park close at 10pm. :thumbsup


check that page out wagon :headbang

02-11-2005, 04:03 PM
hey thanks man! Yeah we went there a few months ago with cameras trying to catch some ghosts on film. I had some wierd stuff on some of my shots actually.

Thanks though! :thumbsup

Firefighter Z
02-11-2005, 04:12 PM
I can tell you alot of things that happen there to myself and my dad when he was young.

Some of the police guys I did some riding along with told me some weird stuff when they would go clear out the park.

BTW I posted the happenings that happen in Grant Park.

I'm a ghost guy myself and I have a partial 6th sense.

Wanna ask me some information just shoot me a PM, I pretty much know what happened in GP.


02-11-2005, 04:42 PM
if you want some crazy pics of things just take a pic of me. my god ever since my gfs great grandma died i have blurs and all sorts of things in pictures of me. and her damn music box my gf got form her keeps playing by it self.

02-11-2005, 05:12 PM
if you want some crazy pics of things just take a pic of me. my god ever since my gfs great grandma died i have blurs and all sorts of things in pictures of me. and her damn music box my gf got form her keeps playing by it self.

Sweet! You can see orbs and streaks of light in the pictures?

Didn't know any of you guys were into this stuff. Most people just think I'm nuts when I say I believe in ghosts. Come on, post some cool stuff on here guys. It will make for some good stories. Yellow Wagon, can you post some of your "wierd" pictures? Would love to see them.


02-11-2005, 05:46 PM
Yellow whats the best progam i can get to upload my EVP i recorded some fu$%$#%$#%$#%$# **** dont know what its saying...

But about grant park my buddy's went there once after 10 pm and they got chase out of there seems like there's little kid spirit there little foot steps it sounds funny but when i went it wasnt funny and you can hear it running around..... :eek: :wow

02-11-2005, 05:51 PM
hey thanks man! Yeah we went there a few months ago with cameras trying to catch some ghosts on film. I had some wierd stuff on some of my shots actually.

Thanks though! :thumbsup

upload those picture i wanna see hehe.. :thumbsup

02-11-2005, 05:53 PM
I can tell you alot of things that happen there to myself and my dad when he was young.

Some of the police guys I did some riding along with told me some weird stuff when they would go clear out the park.

BTW I posted the happenings that happen in Grant Park.

I'm a ghost guy myself and I have a partial 6th sense.

Wanna ask me some information just shoot me a PM, I pretty much know what happened in GP.


Tell me more about GP... i heard some stuff and personal heard for my self havnt got full stories on it.

02-11-2005, 06:30 PM
What about fit simmons or whatever road its called in oak creek. The one that has the road that goes off the cliff by bender park? I bet it ya go down there @ 12am you'll get the sh@t scared outta ya. Especially if the train goes down the tracks :wow


The abondonded glue factory.

02-11-2005, 08:08 PM
do any of you have info or remember the story about the house in Horicon that had really wierd stuff happening to it? I think it was back in the late 80's early 90's.
The homeowners drove up the driveway and there were flames shooting out from under the garage door and when they hit the button on their opener there was nothing....
Other things happened in that house for about a year and they ended up tearing it down.
I dont remember much about it. I'd like to hear if anyone knows about it.

02-11-2005, 09:54 PM
What about that place north of downtown I beleive? The old ladys house with all those statues and things in her front yard? The one that supposidly the city built a fence around?

02-11-2005, 10:03 PM
hehe that lady was around when my parents where my age. shes just a crazy scuptor person i think she actualy died a few years back. i can ask and see.

02-11-2005, 10:28 PM
something scary in waukesha. its an old old cemetary off summit road. its called Tabernackle. look it up and sit and find it. i dare you to go at night and sit in your car. after a few minutes you WILL see ****. i have my own stories and would share but too much to list. honestly i am too scared to ever go back again. really i am not kidding and i didnt believe in spirits until that night.

02-12-2005, 12:04 AM


The Reputed Phenomena:

* The apparition of a man has been seen standing next to the tree directly behind the cemetery sign.
* Bright flashes of light have been seen near the fence.
* After dark, mysterious headlights in the northwestern corner of the cemetery will often shine upon people.
* The dare: If you drive to the cemetery late at night, a mysterious truck will appear and follow you until you get back to the city.

Wisconsin paranormal forum: http://chadlewis.proboards19.com/index.cgi?board=general

Firefighter Z
02-12-2005, 12:10 AM
Tell me more about GP... i heard some stuff and personal heard for my self havnt got full stories on it
Dude its creepy as hell there, you hear children playing, laughing, then turn into blood curling screams... Footsteps walking behind you, the sounds of someone breathing loudly right behind you... Un worldly moans... Dancing colorful lights aka globes... red globes going along the cliff in the woods..

A lot of stuff took place in the park.. Suicides, Satanic cult sacrifices murders, children murders...
This all happend in the 7 bridges area, there are also hauntings on the golf course at the club house and at the beach...
My dad experinced these hauntings and he dont believe in it, my uncle and myself which i only encounterd a 1/4 of it.

What about fit simmons or whatever road its called in oak creek. The one that has the road that goes off the cliff by bender park? I bet it ya go down there @ 12am you'll get the sh@t scared outta ya. Especially if the train goes down the tracks
My grandmothers family back in the day owned a farm and actually owned some property next to the farmer that killed his family and neighbors.. She said that the farmer was wacked out, always thinking god is telling him to do something cause god wanted him to.
But anyways if you go down fitzimmons you will supposedly get chased off by the murderious farmer with his axe and people said he look so life like but his color was gray and you can see some what through him.
There have been drag racing deaths down the road that goes off the cliff and is supposed haunted by some unhappy ghosts at the cliffs edge (I dont know the full story on that)
My buddy not to long ago took his car down Bender Park road to go to the new boat launch and as he was going down the road at night his car completly died, lights went out and nothing worked, then a weird thick fog came around his car so he got out to inspect the fog and walk about 10ft from his car and there was no fog infront of him but when he turned around he said the fog had gone from around his car but someone a dark figure sitting in the drivers seat was in his car, so he walks up to the car trying to see who this person is and the dark figure dissapered infront of him, he said he didnt think anything of it so he got back into his car and it started right up and everything worked... He told me this story and I told him its probably the Farmer watching you, waiting to kill you with his axe like he did to his family and neighbors.

Now the glue factory is totally forbidden, if you didnt get caught by OC police your lucky cause the fines are stepp.... Supposedly about 30 people had lost there lives in the grinder to make glue... Its said that these souls are very unhappy and that you would be able to see there red eyes where the grinders once were or still there, I dont know.
But its been said that you would get pushed, hear footsteps and moans... I havent been there myself and dont plan to but I bet some people here been there... The little town is called Caraville and its located in OC.

I have some footage of my room being recorded at night with some unxplained sounds in it.


Firefighter Z
02-12-2005, 12:23 AM
On Thursday I attended a funreal at a church for my GF's great aunt in which I didnt not know... The funeral started at 10am and ended at 1130am...
While I was sitting at the pew and at exactly 1100 am I had this spine tingling chill run down my back and then being overcomed with sadness kinda like the feeling that someone just died that you know.

So I come how and theres a message from my Grandma telling me to call her.
So I call her up and she gave me the news that my step moms Dad had just died at 1100am from cancer... I was close to him but not really close, just close enough for us to like each other cause he hated his grandson with passion when i used to live with my dad. i did alot for him and vise versa.

But that was my recent encounter


02-12-2005, 12:56 AM
This all happend in the 7 bridges area

Oh sh!t, that place is bad! I went there years ago with some friends and all we heard were running feet. I said that they were deer, but it was almost like footsteps on asphalt. Then there was faint noises like people socializing. We could all hear it clearly, then there was a shrill noise that was definately human-like. All 7 of us got some nasty goosebumps and we then all went back to my van, which refused to start. We got kinda panicky. The parking lot was sorta hazy, then suddenly it was clear with a full sky of lights. The reason my van did not start was that a battery terminal had been disconnected. We all became a bit paranoid of that place after that.

What about those two old houses that were burned down just south of Port Washington?
My same group of friends went exploring in the big farm house next to the horse farm. It was pretty much a dump, but when we were about 100 yards away, we looked back to see that there were faces in the windows.

02-12-2005, 01:04 AM
what about on hwy100.... do you guys think it is haunted.. spirits usually reside where they were left behind...........those the cruise HWY100, BEWARE!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :wow :wow :wow

Firefighter Z
02-12-2005, 01:05 AM
I also forgot to add that in GP people will stumble across a dead dear near a bike path completly skinned with its furr nicely folded next to the deer...

1 day I'm gonna check out wilo-way park which is in GP, cause when I did my police ride along the officer that I was with told me that a few years ago somebody spotted a dead body floating in the pond.... The officer also told me that it was tied up with heavy weights and they dont know how the body got there and how it was able to float with all that weight.

So I might go check it out for parnormal.

Firefighter Z
02-12-2005, 01:09 AM
Only Ricers get haunted up at HWY 100 :rolf But it could be though from all the crap that has happend through the years.

02-12-2005, 10:04 AM
96s10...how did you find that info? everything you said is true. especially the one about the guy next to the tree. its a guy wearing a cowboy hat and he always kneels against the tree. i was walking behind that stone/sign of the cemetary and i bent down to tie my shoe. out of nowhere i felt a cold flash and at the same time of feeling that everything was cloudy white. i have a few good ass stories about that place.

one time i was telling my friends about that place and we were drinking at my apartment. they thought i was bluffing so i took them there. i wasnt totally drunk..but i risked driving to show them it. i was buzzing hard and driving my friends car that had phony plates on it. we were sitting in front of the cemetary and after a few minutes not much was going on in the cemetary and all of a sudden headlights came out of nowhere. i almost shatt myself and as fast as i could i threw it in drive and cut out. i only drove at least 100 yards before i looked in my mirror to see it was a sherriff. i knew i was f*cked so i just pulled over. what happened i still cannot explain why....but he only pulled next to me, rolled down his window and asked what are we doing here. " officer we heard this was a haunted place so we wanted to check it out, but we will just go home now" that is what i said since it was all i could think of and the truth. sherriff-" well its not haunted so i recken you leave now and never come back again"
so i pulled off and he was driving behind me. i couldnt believe he didnt run my id or even get out of the car to talk to us. i was astonished as i kept looking into the rearview mirror i was watching his headlights. i took my eye off the mirror for a sec to look ahead. when i looked back again the cop was gone! this was a straight road with no turns. i am possive he didnt pull over and turn his lights off. that is the last time i ever went back there. i do have some other stories that will really send chills up my body and would share but too much to type. because of that cemetary i believe in ghosts.

02-12-2005, 10:12 AM
i forgot to mention this. where the paranormal investigator said that images appear by the tree i was tying my shoe inbetween the two trees. its kinda weird that the headstone is laying on the tree. i know its on ahill ...but??
i was packed in a mini van once and everyone screamed at the same time and all said what they saw. it was a guy leaning on the tree. i was the only one not to see it as it happened. there were about 10 people in the van.

02-12-2005, 10:44 AM
dident yellow wagon take picks at the glue factory and not record any thing scarry basicly?

02-12-2005, 10:51 AM
as for picture taking im faily anoyed due to most of the time there are orbs in the pictures of me. the coolest picture that i have taken thow was for my sisters prom.

we have a nice house with a cool back yard chinese guarden type thing ect any ways so my sisters friends always take there dance photos at my parents house. well this time all the parents came also and wow. orbs a flying every where in photoes and there was this weard one where there was this streak of lighting in the picture and consontrated orbs

02-12-2005, 10:53 AM

watch it...

02-12-2005, 11:15 AM
as for picture taking im faily anoyed due to most of the time there are orbs in the pictures of me. the coolest picture that i have taken thow was for my sisters prom.

we have a nice house with a cool back yard chinese guarden type thing ect any ways so my sisters friends always take there dance photos at my parents house. well this time all the parents came also and wow. orbs a flying every where in photoes and there was this weard one where there was this streak of lighting in the picture and consontrated orbs

its crazy how all this happens

02-12-2005, 02:10 PM
Its too bad that after ALLLL the years of people saying theyve seen ghosts...

....there still isnt any PROOOOOOF!! HARD CORE, SOLID PROOOOF!! Not what APPEARS to be a face in a picture.. or a blurry blob... SOLID PROOF..... As in, there is NO other POSSIBLE explaination.... POSSIBLE is the key word in that sentence.... :yawn:

People have the tendency to scare the **** out of themselves.... especially when theyre drinking.... ^^^ :D :goof

Ahh well... I seem to be the only 'Non-Believer' here in this thread... so I should probably put my flame suit on.... *zippp*

Its like the person who claimed the face of Jebus was on their grilled cheese sandwich..... :rolf
They sold it for like $20K on Ebay too.... talk about 'Unbelievable'... :wow

02-12-2005, 02:51 PM
im a sceptic i just dont like talking about that stuff even reading this stuff freeks me out. my gf is hard core into dumb ghost investigations and crap like that.

02-12-2005, 05:17 PM
im a sceptic i just dont like talking about that stuff even reading this stuff freeks me out. my gf is hard core into dumb ghost investigations and crap like that.

i feel your pain dude. i dont like pushing buttons. like what he said there is not actual proof, we all know its there. i believe people can freak themselves out. most do, but i know i did see real stuff.

02-12-2005, 05:30 PM
brian....go to tabernackle. hell you can even take a couple friends. sit there for about five minutes and you will change you mind. i can promise you that. otherwise dont knock it until you try it. plus how do you prove you saw a spirit? or odd noises? or doors shutting out of nowhere? did you watch that video?? do you know what a sixth sense is?

02-12-2005, 05:37 PM
Ahh well... I seem to be the only 'Non-Believer' here in this thread... so I should probably put my flame suit on.... *zippp*
Brian I'm probably the biggest Non-Believer there is :stare , I just didn't want to piss on anyone else's parade. But now that you bring it up, I feel the same way as you - it's all a bunch of nonsense. To anyone who thinks paranormal activity or ghosts are real - there's $1,000,000 dollars in a vault that's yours to claim, if you can prove it's real (If what you're talking about is real, it should be pretty simple to do.) http://www.randi.org "At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."

02-12-2005, 05:45 PM
Haha.. Thanks Josh...
That million dollar prize came to mind when I was replying in my last post...... I kind of forgot to put it in the post though... :goof

I just didn't want to piss on anyone else's parade.

Ehh.... Im ALL about pissing on other peoples' parades..... LOL :banana

02-13-2005, 11:47 AM
you arent pissin on anybody's parade. i didnt believe that crap either. i tried over and over to tell myself i was just freaking myself out. like i said..go to tabernackle and see what happens. im not shitt*ing you. there is a reason someone would put up a million dollars for that proof. besides..how do you really prove something like that? thats like me saying "my fart was the most stinkiest in history." how do you prove that? are you going to capture my fart and send it in and get a reward too?

02-14-2005, 08:15 AM
sorry guys, I don't have any pics from our "ghost hunting" night out. I shot positive film so no digital images. But yes in one night, we went to the infamous Glue Factory, Fitzsimmons Road, Bender Park and the park with 7 Bridges in Oak Creek. The Glue Factory is BY FAR the creepiest. Wierd stuff showed up on my film from that night. I had orbs and stuff floating in the air.

For you non-believers, both Tyler (Knytemare) and Frank (02Bonne) had similar "orbs" show up on their photos. Not saying they are ghosts but I have never had anything like that show up on my photos before or after that event.

Here are a few interior shots of the Peter Cooper Glue Factory from the daytime, taken about 2 weeks after my original visit there at night.



02-14-2005, 09:25 AM
yellow you take the best pictures man. did you ever think of trying to get them in a galary? your work is better then half the junk i see at thows photo galery collections

02-14-2005, 12:56 PM
Only Ricers get haunted up at HWY 100 :rolf But it could be though from all the crap that has happend through the years.

"whitethungerz28" haha isn't that domestic rice... just imagine: "whitetunderCIvic" STILL LMAO........... :goof

Firefighter Z
02-14-2005, 02:24 PM
"whitethungerz28" haha isn't that domestic rice... just imagine: "whitetunderCIvic" STILL LMAO........... :goof

Umm... WTF are you taking about? Me being Domestic rice? :rolf
I don't think so there bud! :goof

02-14-2005, 10:02 PM
ok so me and my brother Monstr913 are really into this whole parnormal thing well go anywhere and check anything out...not tryin to be big stuff just to see if its real...first where is this glue factory in oakcreek? and is bender park and fitzsimmons road the same place? also where is tabernakle cementary?....i dont know if any of u have ever been to the semenary woods that place is fricken freaky u just gets werid feelings being there well it someone could get back to us soon that would be great cuz i'll go anywhere at least once to see for myself....btw anyone remember that show on mtv called fear?

02-14-2005, 10:09 PM
the catholic semonary place? omg i had to stay there for conformation and that place is so fing scarry plus you have to be in a room by your self. and the woods are a bit scarry but that rock shrine that you can walk threw was a bit freeky with weard shadows out of the corner of my eye ect when i went

02-14-2005, 10:47 PM
yea thats the one im talkinbout me and my friends went there last a shell one night and man it was freakin me out apprently theres a black angel in hte its a head stone for a grave and its been there so long it turned black which adds to the excitement of seeing something

02-15-2005, 10:03 AM
i only know how to drive myself there. i cant remember the name of the roads to tabernackle, but i will try and find out soon. i know its off summit road in waukesha towards hwy TT and summit. its a lil west of that though.

02-15-2005, 03:49 PM
thats a little bit more help but if anyone has exactly directions or rough ones we do a lot of pointlesst driving so its no big deal...also we not the type of guys top go and vandalize stuff we respect other peoples stuff so dont dont let that keep you from given up the directions...thanx

02-15-2005, 05:13 PM
btw anyone remember that show on mtv called fear?
THAT SHOW OWNED YOUR FACE. they cancelled it, but there is a whole site of people trying to get it back on the air. its ridiculous. they do halloween specials occasinoally too. you can buy the whole season, but no downloads to be found yet....

02-15-2005, 05:31 PM
to get to tabernackle you need to take 94 west to hwy G. go north on that and it will turn to TT. take a right turn on summit. (walgreens on left side). take summit for maybe 2 miles. on your right hand side you will see a sign for G. take a right there. ( i always pass the road so just bust a sh*tty). i think u may have to take that road for about 3 blocks. there is a Tstop road. take a left there. you will go up a lil hill, continue going straight. the road will curve to the right. after that immediatly start watching to your left. there you have it..Tabernackle Cemetary. just pull off to the shoulder of the road and sit there for awhile. it usually take about 4-5 minutes before stuff happens. i would usually go at like midnight w/ a car load of friends. sometimes 2 cars at a time. we saw stuff almost everytime we went. i always didnt see things... just give it time..

02-15-2005, 06:27 PM
fear or whatever that show name was, was so set up thow and fake. it was scarry thow

02-15-2005, 07:21 PM
the glue factory is on 5th avenue in oak creek, depending on where your coming from you can get there a few ways, coming from caledonia racine area coming down chicago or hwy 32, you come to old ryan, take a right, it takes you to 5th avenue, or you can keep going straight and thats bender park, 5th ave is a left turn, go down past american past the bar right when you hit high street look to your right, you cant miss it. i lived in that little town called carolville for most of my life so i kno all about the ways to get into the glue factory, now that they have the fences closed

02-16-2005, 08:02 AM
cops watch the glue factory now like hawks also. I had a VERY close run in with the law the last time I was there. My friend Greg and I ended up hauling ass out of the building and going down a slope in the weeds to the beach to avoid getting caught. They knew we were there. Sent 2 squads to go pick us up. I haven't been back since. That was in November

02-16-2005, 08:17 AM
crazy at least you got some great pics before that happend. the one that you had with the file cabanets where just freeky

02-16-2005, 08:49 AM
these are from the second time that I was there....shot on 35mm REALA print film








02-16-2005, 06:11 PM
i work off 10th and puetz so i went there today with some guys i work with i found out where it is and were makin of plan of attack to get in there...we plan on goin during the day to see our way around then at night...cops are no big deal i've done my fair share of running...it looks just freaky from the outside but thanx for the warning guys...were goin to tabernacle tonight so i'll post if we find any thing out there

02-17-2005, 08:06 AM
just wear your Nikes man! I'm telling you, one of the houses near the AGlue Factory is a rat for the police. Cuz when we went the last time, a truck drove down the road shortly after we had gotten inside the fence...then like 15 minutes later Oak Creek's finest showed up. Just make sure that you keep checking back by the end of the road by the chained/locked fence that stops right before the Glue Factory. The cops will drive right up to the fence, get out and walk to the buildings to come find you. You see them before they can see you if you are in one of the upper floors. :D

Firefighter Z
02-17-2005, 12:27 PM
Yeah becareful cause OCPD has Night/ Heat Vision now and there really not afraid to use it or their K9 unit...

Pig Pen
02-17-2005, 12:35 PM
OCPD has some coin to spend now that they had 3 officers retire.

02-17-2005, 12:37 PM
eep thats kinda scary

02-17-2005, 08:51 PM
Yeah becareful cause OCPD has Night/ Heat Vision now and there really not afraid to use it or their K9 unit...

Yeah.. so make sure you take a few T-bone steaks, and maybe even some Snausages just in case.... :D :rolf

02-17-2005, 10:04 PM
whats the trick to tabernacle? maybe just the late at night...i went there tonight but it was only 8:30 and heard some noises but thats about it.....where exactly should u park too? not a whole lotta room....

02-24-2005, 03:22 PM
u are spozed to go like around midnight or later. then just pull off to the side of the road and chill. like i said, you may not see something right away or the first time.