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11-20-2004, 11:06 PM
How much would you blame ron artest, jermaine o'neal, and stephen jackson?

After watching the video clip (which you've all seen by now), I realized that Artest just shoved the white guy's (the guy that threw the water bottle) face down to the ground... this was wrong, but what happened after is that the audience members who were holding back ron artest and jermaine o'neal started swinging at their heads.... after that artest and o'neal started swinging back and didn't stop... what was that fat@$$ in the piston's jersey thinking when he runs up to artest in a hostile way (after the first incident was over)!!?? he deserved a few fists in the face :thumbsup

but in the end, i agree the players shouldn't of entered the crowd, also, ben wallace overreacted to the foul way too much....

11-21-2004, 05:11 PM
Yeah that was crazy! Glad I watched the last min of play. I thought it was funny, yet obviously wrong. That was the first time I ever saw anyone in a sports fight ever connect a solid punch!(except hockey) Did you know the white guy Artest grabbed was the wrong guy? So theres one lawsuit for sure. Jackson never got hit just ran up and nailed the guy Artest was near. Did anyone catch the big black dude whoopin ass on one of the Pacers that was a good way to teach them to stay outta the crowd.....well bottem line is this: They are the pros getting paid way to much to play a game, yeah a fan did some dumb **** but they should have showed restraint. I mean hell they were winning anyways. They lept the stands in Detroit(bad idea) and we all saw the outcome. The fat guy in the pistons jersey on the court didnt swing and Artest nailed him then O'neal did to. He will be able to buy good seats for a long time because of there lack of control. He did get knocked the hell out though by O'neal!!! Artest out the whole season and Oneal+Jackson gone for awhile the pacers lost some talent. Wallace got 6 games for a T thats some BS....

11-21-2004, 09:47 PM

1) Ben Wallace is a panzy for being a baby about the "love tap" foul Artest had on him. Take your loss and hit the road. World Champion babies!

2) It's detroit fans...go figure :rolleyes: Idiots!

3) The players were wrong about going into the stands...but put yourself in their shoes. I'm surprised Artest lasted that long before swinging at somebody. The full beer cup thrown at his face must have been the final straw.

4) Any fan that steped foot on the court deserved to get knocked out. The fans have NO RIGHT to be on the court a ANY TIME....just like the players have no right to be in the stands. The guy in the detroit jersy got in Artests face like he was gonna do something. What an idiot.

5) Anybody else NOT SEE ANY SECURITY?? They must have clocked out early.


6) Ben Wallace pretty much started this whole deal when he tried to choke/punch artest....why only the 5 game suspension???? Did he not throw his shoe at Artest after the refs tried to break up the fight? lol
*Dr Evil voice* "Who throws a shoe? Realy?"
He was provoking the fight even after the refs tried to break it up.

I like Wallace alot as a player...but him starting this crap over a little foul (barely was even a foul) has made me lose respect for him.

And I'm pissed Regie Miller didn't get his ass kicked! That would have toped of the whole fight! :headbang

11-21-2004, 11:39 PM
Are you kidding?

This is from a neutral standpoint because the NBA makes me sick. I was even watching the game when it happened.

That was a flagrant foul. He had an open layup and Artest had no play on the ball. When you are up 15 at the end of a game there is no reason to foul like that. Artest has one hell of a reputation for this. Even when he was at St. Johns he had an attitude problem.

There was plenty of security, just not enough to prevent something like that.

This is how I see it. First Artest was wrong. Then Wallace was wrong. Then a fan was wrong. Then Artest and his few teammates were wrong. Then that one idiotic fan was wrong. NOBODY made the right decision. In court NO self defense claim will hold up.

MOST IMORTANT PART ---> NBA players are EMPLOYEES. Fans are CUSTOMERS. It is just like any other place of business. Just because they are athletes does not mean they can disregard ETHICS.

I agree that the fan that went after Artest on the court had what was coming to him, but he did not attack Artest.

I enjoyed that they only went after the overweight goofy looking stubby white guys. :goof

11-22-2004, 11:18 AM
1. You see Artest didnt come after Wallace once he grabbed him by the neck? He would have gotten a beat down.

2. It was hilarious watching the old bald dude sucker punch Artest when he wasnt looking. But when Artest turned around he was about to clock him until someone grabbed his arm at the last second. The old dude got lucky.

3. The fat dudes on the court had no clue how big 6'9" was until they got face to face with it. Then it was too late to back down. They took a good whoopin for trying to come down there and be bad.

That was hilarious. That was better than a Tyson fight.

11-22-2004, 11:47 AM
I think that each of the players got exactly what they deserved. Ben Wallace did overreact I think. I believe that Artest was pissed, but should never have blown up like that on a fan(s). I'm not surprised that it happened in Detroit though. In a city like that, I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often. :rolleyes: I personally think that if you get as much money to play a sport as you do, you should take the taunting and teasing. I understand that the fan that threw the water or whatever on Artest was out of line, but still, there's no excuse for stupid, pathetic, behavior like that.


:chair: good fight though :thumbsup

11-22-2004, 12:16 PM
Send Artest to Jail. Seriously, if I got paid that kind of money I would let 1 beer per game land on me. What a baby. I feel sorry for Rick Carlisle as he had probably the best team in the easten conference now he will struggle to make it to the palyoffs.

11-22-2004, 05:26 PM
Are you kidding?.......

That was a flagrant foul.

Youre joking right?

You must not watch much basketball if you think that was a flagrant foul.
Wallace was clearly frustrated that the pistons lost the game and over reacted.

11-22-2004, 10:33 PM
Actually anytime you go after the player and not the ball it is considered a flagrant foul. Unless things are different in the NBA, I am speaking of high school/college ball. I don't watch the NBA much. I assumed the rules are the same. Artest had no play on the ball so he fouled Wallace rather hard (my personal opinion). I completely agree with you that Wallace over reacted to the play though.

BTW Why do you hate the Pistons so much?

11-22-2004, 10:39 PM
Actually I hate the Pacers more. I can't stand Reggie Miller. If I was there he's the first guy I'd be after. :headbang :chair:

11-22-2004, 11:17 PM
Actually I hate the Pacers more. I can't stand Reggie Miller. If I was there he's the first guy I'd be after. :headbang :chair:

Haha. Atleast we can agree on something. :haveabeer

11-23-2004, 12:54 AM
Ron Artest: When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong :D .

There is NO excuse for running into the stands unless you are seriously in danger. Is a cup of ice really going to hurt you? Are you defending yourself? Hell no. Any defense of the dumbass players that ran into the stands(maybe a couple actually were trying to seperate and hold people back) should get what they got...namely Artest and Jackson. They had no clue who did it and just wanted to beat someone who had no idea what to do or react. Once fans see a few shitdicks fighting with fellow fans for no reason, its not a suprise they went after them. O'Neals sucker punch, real manly :rolleyes: . Guy didn't even see it coming and was on the ground. Yes fans should not of got on the court, but who went out of their area first? The players went into the stands first, not the fans onto the court. I laughed at some of it but it is pretty gross at the same time since some still want to defend the actions of these guys.

Bottom line is if Artest doesn't run into the stands there is no problem...and he should never of over a dumb cup of whatever, you make $6 million a year, yea the fan who threw it is wrong but shake it off. The fans pay you for playing a kids game.

The other players or ex-players defending them on TV makes me sick. I realize most guys in the NBA aren't like this but that type of element, Artest, Sprewell, other guys like that has turned alot of people off in recent years not to mention that no one can shoot anymore or do much on offense. Boners like Iverson who make 5 turnovers a game and shoot 35% are considered MVP's :alcoholic . The mid-late 80's and early 90's was the NBA's hayday. Now I just watch college since they actually try the whole game and the fans care, not just the last 3 minutes or the Playoffs ;).

11-23-2004, 10:30 AM
Boners like Iverson who make 5 turnovers a game and shoot 35% are considered MVP's :alcoholic . Now I just watch college since they actually try the whole game and the fans care, not just the last 3 minutes or the Playoffs ;).

I disagree with you big time with your thoughts on Iverson (prolly cuz i'm the only Iverson fan in Milwaukee :D )..... but I absolutely agree with you about college b-ball, much better, and the environment is way better... would you rather play where the crowd is made up of adults trying to kick back and relax, or made up of drunk, crazy students that are the same age as you and screaming their @$$es off :headbang ; thus march madness rules!!

and about the flagrant foul; if you make a play on the opponent and not the ball, it's intentional and is only flagrant if it is violent in nature (could have or did physically harm oppponent)

yea artest shouldn't of gone in the crowd, and he did go after the wrong guy, but he WASN'T the first to throw a punch...

Pig Pen
11-23-2004, 03:07 PM
I can't wait for Artest's cd to come out. He's gangsta!

Anyone else hear that 2 of the people recieving prison like beatdowns at the hands of the Pacers were actually Piston ball boys...Way to go, you kicked a high schoolers ass...And the guy that got jacked up in the stands wasn't even the guy that threw the water bottle. Artest is one step away from cutting his ear off...

11-23-2004, 03:55 PM
I heard that the guy who threw the cup at artest has 3 DUI charges, and was quoted for saying in an interview "I need fix my drinking problem......I was not drinking at the game though" :rolleyes:

11-23-2004, 05:41 PM
Ron Artest: When Keepin' It Real Goes Wrong :D .

LMAO.. do I see a new Chapelle episode in the future?

Prince Valiant
11-23-2004, 06:24 PM
What I actually thought was funny, after it all....was the kid who artest first hit, though he was innocent of throwing the water, was standing there, yelling and taunting like a bad-a$$, even when artest first started coming up.

Once he realized Artest WASNT stopping, his bad-@$$ taunting looked turned to the "ohshitiminalotoftrouble" look.

I can't stand punks like that kid obviously was...did he deserve a beat-down? Probably not. But God I hope he learned a lesson. I wish all other "tough because I don't think no one will actually fight me" punks would learn from that dumbass's beat-down.

Also, I LOVED the shot on that fat guy from O'neal...those two were idiots down there and deserved what they got. That posture he fell back into with the arms up...you know they are messed up when you see that.

Oh yeah....and NBA players need to learn to throw a punch too :rolleyes:

Not saying they couldn't STILL woop me ever so badly....but they just look like girls flailing away as they do.

11-23-2004, 08:11 PM
I heard that the guy who threw the cup at artest has 3 DUI charges, and was quoted for saying in an interview "I need fix my drinking problem......I was not drinking at the game though" :rolleyes:

Also to add...

I just saw an interview with this guy. Sounds like he's a real winner:

3 DUI convictions
Convicted of carrying a concealed weapon
Served a few monthis in a correctional facility for check fraud

Its really a shame that Artest went after the wrong guy....this guy deserves a beat down.