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11-02-2004, 02:35 PM
Subject: FW: Election determines fate of nation .....very well said!

Published in the Daily Record on Oct. 6

By Mathew Manweller

Due to the high demand for this column, the Daily Record has decided to post it online. It is normally not the paper's policy to post opinion columns or editorials online. This column will remain on the site until Oct. 27. Should you want to purchase a print copy of it, please call (509) 925-1414. This content is owned by the Daily Record.

In that this will be my last column before the presidential election, there will be no sarcasm, no attempts at witty repartee. The topic is too serious, and the stakes are too high.

This November we will vote in the only election during our lifetime that will truly matter. Because America is at a once-in-a-generation crossroads, more than an election hangs in the balance. Down one path lies retreat, abdication and a reign of ambivalence.

Down the other lies a nation that is aware of it's past and accepts the daunting obligation its future demands. If we choose poorly, the consequences will echo through the next 50 years of history. If we, in a spasm of frustration, turn out the current occupant of the White House, the message to the world and ourselves will be two-fold. First, we will reject the notion that America can do big things. Once a nation that tamed a frontier, stood down the Nazis and stood upon the moon, we will announce to the world that bringing democracy to the Middle East is too big of a task for us. But more significantly, we will signal to future presidents that as voters, we are unwilling to tackle difficult challenges, preferring caution to boldness, embracing the mediocrity that has characterized other civilizations.

The defeat of President Bush will send a chilling message to future presidents who may need to make difficult, yet unpopular decisions. America has always been a nation that rises to the demands of history regardless of the costs or appeal. If we turn away from that legacy, we turn away from whom we are.

Second, we inform every terrorist organization on the globe that the lesson of Somalia was well-learned. In Somalia we showed terrorists that you don't need to defeat America on the battlefield when you can defeat them in the newsroom. They learned that a wounded America can become a defeated America. Twenty-four-hour news stations and daily tracing polls will do the heavy lifting, turning a cut into a fatal blow. Except that Iraq is Somalia times 10. The election of John Kerry will serve notice to every terrorist in every cave that the soft underbelly of American power is the timidity of American voters. Terrorists will know that a steady stream of grisly photos for CNN is all you need to break the will of the American people. Our own self-doubt will take it from there. Bin Laden will recognize that he can topple any American administration without setting foot on the homeland.

It is said that America's W.W.II generation is its 'greatest generation'. But my greatest fear is that it will become known as America's 'last generation.' Born in the bleakness of the Great depression and hardened in the fire of W.W. II, they may be the last American generation that understands the meaning of duty, honor and sacrifice. It is difficult to admit, but I know these terms are spoken with only hollow detachment by many (but not all) in my generation. Too many citizens today mistake 'living in America' as 'being an American.' But America has always been more of an idea than a place. When you sign on, you do more than buy real estate. You accept a set of values and responsibilities.

This November, my generation, which has been absent too long, must grasp the obligation that comes with being an American, or fade into the oblivion they may deserve. I believe that 100 years from now historians will look back at the election of 2004 and see it as the decisive election of our century. Depending on the outcome, they will describe it as the moment America joined the ranks of ordinary nations; or they will describe it as the moment the prodigal sons and daughters of the greatest generation accepted their burden as caretakers of the City on the Hill."

Mathew Manweller is a Central Washington University political science professor.

11-02-2004, 02:54 PM
what a bunch of lies and crap. its called intimidation on his part to make you scared not to vote for bush.

and you are helping that fear of people to make them not vote on how they want to. this election is not just about terrorisum IRAQ IS NOT THE WAR ON TERROR.

you are just as bad as a terrorist for trying to make people sway there vote to one side by using this scare tactic

11-02-2004, 03:13 PM
Learn how to spell before attacking people's character and saying they are as bad as a terrorist because he doesnt see things your way :asshole

Prince Valiant
11-02-2004, 03:16 PM
what a bunch of lies and crap. its called intimidation on his part to make you scared not to vote for bush.

and you are helping that fear of people to make them not vote on how they want to. this election is not just about terrorisum IRAQ IS NOT THE WAR ON TERROR.

you are just as bad as a terrorist for trying to make people sway there vote to one side by using this scare tactic oh my goodness. You really think posting his opinions is as bad as a terrorists who killed almost 3000 people in an attack on the US? God you are dumb.

Plus, you point out lies...exactly which one is in fact a lie? I invite any resident liberal to try and point it out :rolleyes:

11-02-2004, 03:21 PM
why does a liberal have to point out stuff? not all liberals are for kerry not all conservitives are for bush.

this stuff has been pointed out 1million times on why its false.

hes using scare tactics to try and get people to vote bush. terrorists not just against us but every where in the world use scare tactics to try and get there way and for people to see there views.

and i dont have time to try and show you where he is all wrong since your to thick headed to even conciter it may be false.

Prince Valiant
11-02-2004, 03:41 PM
why does a liberal have to point out stuff? not all liberals are for kerry not all conservitives are for bush.

this stuff has been pointed out 1million times on why its false.

hes using scare tactics to try and get people to vote bush. terrorists not just against us but every where in the world use scare tactics to try and get there way and for people to see there views.

and i dont have time to try and show you where he is all wrong since your to thick headed to even conciter it may be false. I feel sorry for liberals that have you speak for their cause.

11-02-2004, 03:55 PM
you are just as bad as a terrorist for trying to make people sway there vote to one side by using this scare tactic

I NEVER get involved in the polical crap but........Do you really think that this persons opinion is the same as killing 3000 people?........Your truely a sad and confused person if you believe that........ :eek:

I just can't believe out of all the people in the Democratic party John Kerry was the best choice to run for President.......... :( :rolleyes:

11-02-2004, 05:21 PM
yes what i said was harsh and did not get the point that i wanted to get across im sorry for that. but what i am trying to get across better this time is that, that paper is just using scare tactics to get people to vote for bush due to it is making them feal that if they dont our world will come to an end. both sides this time feal that if there person does not get in its basicly over and we will be going in the wrong direction for many years.

so all that im trying to say is that peice of work is just trying to scare people with no real facts just trying to grab at things and use big words and trys to get emotion high.

once again im sorry for not saying correcctly what i was trying to get across its been a long day in whitewater its not fun for eather side here at the moment hopefully tomarow all things will calm down and americans can be americans again not republicans or demicrats

11-02-2004, 10:57 PM
I just can't believe out of all the people in the Democratic party John Kerry was the best choice to run for President.......... :( :rolleyes:
you know i was actually discussing that with a friend after work today...heh

11-02-2004, 11:45 PM
actualy most people wanted dean at least for student demicrat stuff. but there was a big split for at least demicrat student orgs for who to go with.

11-03-2004, 02:58 AM
you are just as bad as a terrorist for trying to make people sway there vote to one side by using this scare tactic

Wow thats truely a STUPID AZZ COMMENT!

I just can't believe out of all the people in the Democratic party John Kerry was the best choice to run for President.......... :( :rolleyes:

Ain't that the F'ing truth!

Prince Valiant
11-03-2004, 06:18 AM
actualy most people wanted dean at least for student demicrat stuff. but there was a big split for at least demicrat student orgs for who to go with. well gee. Next time listen to the students because dean's a model of stability

11-03-2004, 06:56 AM
you got to love that Deamoncrat - Liberal mentality,
when ya ask them to Prove there point!
" i dont have time" is their answer?

Sounds like running on emotions VS actually Thinking and Having some FACTS to prove your point.

WELL, anyway,

GW Bush WINS another 4 years as the Pres!!!!!!!

Long Live Mr. Bush!!!!!!!


i can go do burnouts in the city tonight!!!!!!!

11-03-2004, 07:36 AM
you got to love that Deamoncrat - Liberal mentality,
when ya ask them to Prove there point!
" i dont have time" is their answer?

Sounds like running on emotions VS actually Thinking and Having some FACTS to prove your point.

WELL, anyway,

GW Bush WINS another 4 years as the Pres!!!!!!!

Long Live Mr. Bush!!!!!!!


i can go do burnouts in the city tonight!!!!!!!
:burnoutSounds like a good time to test drive a ZO6 :3gears: