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View Full Version : What are the Packers doing this off season!!!

03-06-2015, 10:20 PM
Well say goodbye to Randell Cobb, Tramon Williams, Brain Bulaga, Davon House and John Kuhn. The Packers are being very stupid this season. Now we need a #1 corner and a back up, importantly need a #2 wide receiver, their ruining our great offensive line letting Bulaga go. Oh yeah we have no inside line backers, back up QBs or a good tight end either. What are these guys thinking? They should've signed Cobb, Bulaga and Williams for sure. They have $34 million cap space and now our Super Bowl chances are fading away. IDOITS!!!
Why are they spending time developing players like Cobb to only let them go and hope they made other good draft choices? They did the same thing with Jennings and Jones. I'm starting to dislike the front office unless they sign at least Cobb, Bulaga and Williams.

03-08-2015, 08:27 PM
Well they made one right move this weekend by signing Cobb. Let's hope they lock in the other two key players as well before tuesday. Crossing fingers!

03-08-2015, 09:17 PM
Take a deep breath. It will all be OK. Football is a game of replacement, cant keep em all.

03-09-2015, 07:54 AM
R-e-l-a-x :)

03-09-2015, 08:15 PM
Take a deep breath. It will all be OK. Football is a game of replacement, cant keep em all.

Wait, rational thinking in sports talk? That's no fun. "WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" thinking is more entertaining, according to the talking heads on ESPN and AM sports talk.

Pretty much all sports is a game of replacing, money restrictions force this especially if you produce good players like the Packers. You also want to not keep guys too long and end up with overpaid/under performing players. I hope they can keep Bulaga but Tretter might be a solid option at a fraction of the cost, 7-8 million per year with his injury history, I dunno. They have options and should be fine. I also hope they keep House but have some options there, I'm sure Williams is gone. And Kuhn, he's likeable and sure, a Pro Bowler for whatever that's worth (not much). But he's probably replaceable and getting older too. I doubt he'll have much of a market.

And the Jennings and Jones examples are perfect, where are they now? Jennings at least is overpaid and not heard from, Cobb probably didn't want to suffer the same fate. Playing with a HOF QB and putting up HOF numbers himself if he stays healthy has some value vs Blake Bortles or David Carr as your QB. Packers weren't as deep at WR this time either when they let those two go.

03-11-2015, 09:28 PM
Packers made another smart decision in signing Bulaga, makes me smile for sure. IMO we have the best O line in the nfl and keeping him just was a must. Now lock up Williams and get some good LBers then we'll have a kick ass team.

The Shaolin
03-12-2015, 08:00 AM

03-12-2015, 11:47 AM
This thread was a little preemptive. Got Cobb, got Bulaga. I don't agree with the panic mentality though. Our team isn't that bad off to lose said players, even if they lost them all. Bulaga is probably the most valuable player on the list in terms of "TEAM". Cobb is extremely valuable, but receivers seem to fall out of the sky in Green Bay, and I don't think that's a coincidence. Kuhn is our workhorse, a rare thing in the league these days, but our offense isn't going to fall apart if he's traded. Those secondary players have been so-so for the last few years, I wouldn't miss them. Bennett has come along, and I like that Clinton-Dix is coming along. Hyde and Hayward also look like good, with development and one or two veterans, our secondary is looking promising. Now if that's veterans from another team, or Williams, either way is good. I think we'll be ok though. Can't go wrong with best QB in the league. :)

03-15-2015, 08:08 PM
^^^ No kidding. It's like this every year with TT. People always act like its something new. BTW Tramon wasn't our number one corner, House struggled mightily, and Davonte Adams has certainly been emerging.

Me personally, I would have been ok if they let Cobb go and signed some good players on D. However I knew TT rarely does that.

03-15-2015, 09:48 PM
Not really because most teams especially the Packers usually don't make moves the weekend before FA starts. Most of the time if the deal isn't done right after the season it doesn't get done. With all of the talk I honestly didn't think they would be able to come to terms but the players are the ones to thank for that in Cobb and Bulagas cases cuz they took less money to stay with a great team. Williams was definitely our #1 CB. House was a back up, he even stated he wanted a starting position where ever he signed. Adams has at least another full season before he develops into a great WR if he will.
Hayward had a great rookie season but in his second year got injured and hasn't been the same. Watching him last season he looked scared to tackle and when he did they were very sloppy. I'm happy with how Clinton-Dix developed so far but most players from Saban's camp usually turn out to be good players. Can't wait till the draft to see whom the Packers pick.

03-15-2015, 10:12 PM
I think Kendricks would be a great choice for ILB.