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02-17-2014, 12:02 PM
American tv going out of business after 60 years. Sale start Thursday the 20th

Ricky Bobby
02-17-2014, 12:04 PM
Hmm thanx

02-17-2014, 12:36 PM
Can't say I'm surprised but it's a shame. Going in there and seeing Adcom and Yamaha power amps was always a treat. Over the last number of years they've really gotten vanilla.

02-17-2014, 01:26 PM
Do people by their mattress and sofa online now too?

02-17-2014, 01:46 PM
It seemed like they were always higher priced than other stores

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-17-2014, 01:50 PM
Lenny's turning over in his grave

02-17-2014, 03:24 PM
About time...Hate that place.

02-17-2014, 08:18 PM
American, Sears, KMart...I called this a fee years ago. This is the beginning of the end for big box retailers. Best Buy will be soon to follow. I was in there around the holidays and that place was dead. Plus their selection keeps shrinking. The internet is killing retailers. Once amazon gets the same day delivery process down it's over. No more target, no more Kohls etc

02-17-2014, 10:29 PM
There will always be a few big box stores and places like Kohls and Target will exist since clothing and home goods are different. They know what they are doing, time will tell if places like Best Buy will adapt. People like to see/feel/try on things in person and buying online isn't as cut and dry as picking a model of electronics and comparing prices, IMO. Although places like JC Penny's and Sears will be next, at least Sears should narrow down what it carries instead of everything under the sun. The weakest big box stores will go and that's been happening slowly. Too bad people have to lose jobs but only the strongest places will survive I guess.

Neal Steffek
02-18-2014, 01:18 AM
Best Buy will be soon to follow.

Nope, Best Buy is doing better then ever. Best Buy figured out that if you match Amazon, Newegg and other major E-tailors that people will make that purchase at your B&M building. How others have not figured that out blows my mind. And this is coming from someone who used to me a manager at Circuit City and American TV.

02-18-2014, 07:57 AM
Yeah.. Best buy is dying. Look at their stock value fluctuate as of the last 12 months. I give them another 2 years.

02-18-2014, 09:27 AM
If American is closed, where will I go to play wolfenstein 3d? My home 386sx computer can't run it well so I have to go to American to play it on their new 486s. :rolf

02-18-2014, 07:59 PM
Neal beat buy is going down. Have you stepped foot in one lately? People use it to window shop. That's about it. Me included. I wanted to see a fridge they had for my garage. Walked in, looked at their high price, and bought it online for $120 cheaper delivered to my door. Easy. And I don't buy the clothes and home good touchy feely viewpoint either. I work more now than I ever have. I don't have time to go look at clothes for my job. I ordered online, stuff I don't like goes back. Simple as that. Kohls MIGHT be an exception and could hang on a lot longer than other B&M stores since a huge portion of their customer base is older folks that are slow adapters to online shopping. But that's the only real reason. If my grandma would start shopping online Kohls would be doomed too.

Online shopping has been chopping away at retailers with physical stores for years but the dagger is the same day delivery. Amazon is tooling up for this and has been part of their plan for years. If the drones are successful it's only a matter of time. Companies like Walmart have the cash to come up with a similar plan. But I think they are going to wait and see what kind of impact amazon's same day delivery has on their business. Everything Walmart does is very calculated and precise so I'm sure they are watching closely.

Grocers are next. Roundys is scrambling already to rebrand themselves as more boutique grocers similar to Sendiks and the like. If you notice, they have been trying to make their brand seem more high end. I'm not sure roundys has the cash to transition to a delivery-style grocer like Peapod. But again hard t say what's being done behind the scenes. Think about how great it would be to open your roundys app, click the items you need and they show up at your house an hour later. It's coming! The internet has changed the game.

Ricky Bobby
02-18-2014, 09:02 PM
So basically fuck talking to people and all that I'm gonna sit in my house and click buttons and get what I want wtf if that's the future FML.

02-18-2014, 09:21 PM
Nope, Best Buy is doing better then ever. Best Buy figured out that if you match Amazon, Newegg and other major E-tailors that people will make that purchase at your B&M building. How others have not figured that out blows my mind. And this is coming from someone who used to me a manager at Circuit City and American TV.

Sorry dude, you're way off. Take a look at the profits. Look what they offer vs what online shopping offers. BB gets the "I have to have it now" shoppers, but that's not enough to stay around.

Not to mention, they DON'T match online retailers.

02-18-2014, 09:52 PM
^this. Best Buy is still around because of hot must-have items like the new xbox. The other reason is Black Friday. They probably make enough in one day to keep the doors open for a few months. Even going to the store feels weird. Like sad weird. Sparce shoppers, no great deals, weak selection. Have you looked at their appliances area? Sad. Point is, basically everything can be bought online nowadays. If online retailers can get it to us quicker and cheaper it's a done deal whether we want it or not. Obama'a minimum wage increase isn't helping matters either. If you were best buy and your B&M store costs a ton to lease, heat. Insure, stock and pay employees versus having a warehouse with those same items that you can offer for less since your overhead is much lower and all you need are some employees to pick n pull....what makes you more money?

Neal Steffek
02-19-2014, 01:16 AM
I am wondering if any of you guys know how to read stocks. For a company that 10 years ago was supposed to be going out of business with in a year sure seems to be doing pretty damn good haha. But yea, keep saying they wont be around in a year, and in ten years you will keep saying it as Best Buy will still be around. The reason they are still around and others are not is that Best Buy is willing to change with the times where others were stuck and unwilling to change. in 2 months I am going o be picking up 8 new plasma TVs for my bar, guess where I am going to go get them, that's right, at Best Buy. Why not Amazon you may be asking yourself? Because Best Buy will price match them and if I have a problem I don't have to ship a TV somewhere. Now that Amazon charges tax in WI there isn't even that argument.

02-19-2014, 06:55 AM
I am wondering if any of you guys know how to read stocks.

I do. I've worked in retail for 20 years.
I stand behind my original statement. I give BB 2-3 years tops.

They'd be better off downsizing the stores, instead of trying to maintain a free standing, big box.

02-19-2014, 07:45 AM
brewcityfinancialmuscle.com :goof

02-19-2014, 08:43 AM
Must be a boring winter. Arguing about what store will close next.

02-19-2014, 12:12 PM
Online grocery shopping has been around awhile and I’m sure it’s gotten better but I can’t say I know of anyone who does it that way. There will always be a desire to go to a store in person, see/feel things in person and get them immediately. Grocery stores especially (produce, deli?). Too many reasons for many people to buy at a “brick and mortar” location. Comparing electronics stores to grocery stores is apples to oranges anyway. Might as well toss in Home Depot and Menards into the convo. I buy a lot online but typically when I know exactly what I want, or really close. No one knows what 20-30 years from now will bring but grocery stores and Walmart’s/Kohl’s/Targets of the retail world won’t be gone in 5-10 years. BB has to adjust just like they all do and some will, some won’t. What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for everyone else as far as buying everything online. And unless everyone over the age of 40 (ok, maybe 50) passes away in a few years, the change will be slower than some think.

Yep, I think most of us are tired of winter and ready to do something more productive than post about stuff like this, but we have a ways to go ;) .

02-19-2014, 01:37 PM
Glad you brought up Menards and Home Depot. Those stores CATER to a lot of local tradesmen/small businesses that need materials on the fly. They don't know WHAT they need until they get on the job, assess what pipes or wiring they will need and run to the store to pick it up. Mind you, they mark everything that they purchase up as well. SO, home improvement stores will be around quite awile I think but thats only because of the business they get from local contractors mostly. Home Depot makes a tremendous amount of money off easy sell items like paint and light bulbs. Since most people still buy items like this IN store, that will help them stick it out longer. Its more a matter of product offering in this case. They sell some products that people just won't buy online. Like my mention of paint.

But with that, there is no reason why raw materials couldn't be warehoused. Contractor is onsite framing out your basement. He needs 58 2x4s. He opens his ABC Supply House app, orders the 2x4s and they show up an hour later on site. He doesn't even need a truck to go pick them up anymore. News flash, this type of stuff is happening already in Japan, China, Europe etc. While the US is a leader is a lot of things, we are also slow adapters to other technologies. Think electric cars, mass transit etc.

All I'm saying is Amazon's drones have a TON more impact on how we purchase goods than we even know. Because like anything, it costs a fortune NOW to develop, test and implement that technology. But in 2 years, those drones will cost a retailer a fraction of that cost. Same delivery for damn near everything is going to change the game. Because we as americans want everything faster and cheaper. Don't believe me? Why is there a new iPhone released every 6 months? Why do we buy 90% of our products from China vs. US made products? Why do we PREFER fast food over a quality home cooked meal? This is just the start of the next big change in how we buy things. From diapers to groceries to shingles to clothes, I really think in our lifetime we will see a major change towards online shopping and less B&M stores. And mostly because B&M stores cost a shit ton of money to own and operate!

02-20-2014, 01:43 AM
I do. I've worked in retail for 20 years.
I stand behind my original statement. I give BB 2-3 years tops.

They'd be better off downsizing the stores, instead of trying to maintain a free standing, big box.

They're already doing that. Their major expansions are in satellite stores, kiosks & vending machines. They're also matching Amazon and other large etailers.

It's probably too little too late, but it's not that dire. They rebounded in the new year. But really they need to run a campaign to "kill" the old best buy perception. They also have problems internally.

Did some price matches there and the first time I felt like they were stalling, trying to get me to leave. Now it seems to be painless. Time will tell if they'll still play the model number game though.

Oh that's 123XY, we're 123XY-BB! We have a free copy of Madden 02 in that package, it's different!

Honestly though, I don't buy the Amazon killer angle. Frequent Amazon buyers don't represent the largest number of retail shoppers by a large percentage, and those types have the lowest gross margins. IMO the explanation is much simpler, long recession in a market that sells luxury goods.

Once we pull out if BB manages to brand itself properly I think personally it can resurge, and I've been bashing them forever. They're becoming friendly to the savvy crowd, now they just need to work on revenue and margins without resorting to extended warranties and a shitty in house brand.

02-20-2014, 09:27 AM
Not to mention, they DON'T match online retailers.

Actually you are wrong. Every time I step into Best Buy I have my Amazon App open and compair prices. I show them the price on my phone, they confirm it and I just saved a bunch of money. If they ever refuse I tell them that another Best Buy will match the price and I will take my business there instead. Instant price match.....I have probably saved over $1,000 over the last year by doing that.

Honestly though, that is why Best Buy is surviving and stores like Circut City and American are not. The latter two stores refused to match Amazon prices, saying that they had to be in print.....

Neal Steffek
02-20-2014, 10:54 AM
Sorry dude, you're way off. Take a look at the profits. Look what they offer vs what online shopping offers. BB gets the "I have to have it now" shoppers, but that's not enough to stay around.

Not to mention, they DON'T match online retailers.

Best Buy does match online prices. They have for over 2 years now.

02-20-2014, 11:53 AM
Its not Amazon's goal to shoot down companies like Best Buy. Its more Economics 101. Amazon is just gobbling up more and more of the market. In nearly every market. Its the same basic principle that Walmart had about 10 years ago. Offer everything under the sun, sell more of it and sell it cheaper. The ONLY missing part in that equation was delivering it just as fast as you driving across town to Walmart and buying it. Americans are the laziest bunch in the entire world. Add in that we are cheap and Whamo....thats what Amazon's goal is to service. If they start offering a triple cheeseburger, shake and fries for free with every purchase they will be the ONLY etailer in america LOL

Its an interesting time we live in. Because everything is evolving by the day. The internet isn't the only contributor to mega competition, but our reliances on smart phones is skyrocketing. Other than for work, I don't use a computer for anything anymore. No need to. I use my iPhone for everything.

02-20-2014, 02:39 PM
Actually you are wrong. Every time I step into Best Buy I have my Amazon App open and compair prices. I show them the price on my phone, they confirm it and I just saved a bunch of money. If they ever refuse I tell them that another Best Buy will match the price and I will take my business there instead. Instant price match.....I have probably saved over $1,000 over the last year by doing that.

Honestly though, that is why Best Buy is surviving and stores like Circut City and American are not. The latter two stores refused to match Amazon prices, saying that they had to be in print.....

Huh. That's weird. Last time I was there a few months ago (bought a tablet and a nice case for my little girl) I scanned the product with my phone and found the cheapest online retailer and showed it to the cashier. She said they only match competitors when they advertise and I needed to bring in a flyer for them to match it.

ETA: This was the store by Uptown Lincoln across from the mall on Hwy 100.

02-20-2014, 02:51 PM
Its not Amazon's goal to shoot down companies like Best Buy. Its more Economics 101. Amazon is just gobbling up more and more of the market. In nearly every market. Its the same basic principle that Walmart had about 10 years ago. Offer everything under the sun, sell more of it and sell it cheaper. The ONLY missing part in that equation was delivering it just as fast as you driving across town to Walmart and buying it. Americans are the laziest bunch in the entire world. Add in that we are cheap and Whamo....thats what Amazon's goal is to service. If they start offering a triple cheeseburger, shake and fries for free with every purchase they will be the ONLY etailer in america LOL

Its an interesting time we live in. Because everything is evolving by the day. The internet isn't the only contributor to mega competition, but our reliances on smart phones is skyrocketing. Other than for work, I don't use a computer for anything anymore. No need to. I use my iPhone for everything.

I'd say you pretty much nailed Amazon to a T. I'll admit that I LOVE my Prime membership (I think it's $75/year). A lot of stuff is cheaper, free 2 day shipping and video streaming. I got a new vacuum yesterday. Watch battery dies? After 45 seconds on the computer I have one on the way for half of what it costs at the store. 30 cans of corn for $12 shipped to my door in 2 days? Why not? I get all gitty when I get to pop the huge packing bubbles, then I cut up the cardboard boxes and use them as a target for my bow. Win/win.

They found a way to make it work and did a great job at it. I imagine a lot of their sales come from impulse buys too.

02-20-2014, 04:08 PM
I absolutely hate all the cardboard boxes from the shit my wife buys on amazon. I literally can't dispose of them all, because the recycling can is full from them!! I have resorted to recycling them at work.

Anyway- I'm amazed autozone, napa, advanced, etc are all still in business. Most of them are just show rooms full of floor mats and cleaning products.

02-20-2014, 04:47 PM
^ I agree with this. But I have been finding lately that Advance Auto Parts can get nearly EVERYTHING that Summit can get, they get it within 2 days AND you don't have to pay shipping. So if there is an Advance Auto near you, try that. The funny thing is, I don't remember the last time I've actually browsed the store? I usually call in my order, he tells me, "it will be in _____." Perfect. I stop on my way home from work, cash and carry. Its not that I don't love Summit because I do. Awesome customer service and prices....which brings up a good question. Does anyone use Jegs? And if so, why? I have tried several times to buy something from them but they are always higher, their shipping is always higher and they take longer to get the part to me. Back when I was collecting parts for my 409 build, I was ordering stuff weekly for that. Summit ALWAYS had the parts in stock and would even price match other websites. Overall I'd guess I saved $300-400 buying from Summit during the course of the build. Thats a lot of cheddar!

A bit off topic but back to the auto parts stores. Are they really selling that many floor mats and fuzzy dice to stay open? And as everyone knows the counter monkeys are worthless. SO, why even have a B&M store? Cuz even a worthless employee you have to pay. Last couple times I have even tried to get them to look something up it was helpless or they argued with me about the started for a 168-tooth flywheel :rolf

I have used Rockauto a bunch but their shipping prices seem to be really high.

02-21-2014, 05:48 AM
Do people by their mattress and sofa online now too?

Wife and I were looking to buy a new bed, American was more expensive than Colders right across the street.

^^ As far as the B&M auto parts stores, I think it has a lot to do with "needing a part today". Your headlight bulb burns out on your daily driver, you need to go fix it now. Case and point, back in December when we had the first real cold snap, the battery in my Focus called it quits. I went to Vatozone and bought a battery.

Also I am finding there are some OK deals at local auto parts stores on other things. Rock Auto has the brake shoes for my Belvedere for $15 + shipping, Autozone has them for $19.

I think the key for B&M stores to stay in business in the upcoming decades is to sell things people need "right now", and sell things people don't need "right now" at prices comparable to online. Say you want a new DVD player, you see one in the store for $79 and online it's $49. Obviously you can wait for shipping on a new DVD player at a lower price, but when it arrives and you find out your HDMI cable is toast, you're going to run to the store and buy one.

02-21-2014, 07:57 AM
I can't stand Autozone, I've found the people at Advanced are much more helpful. Of course that varies from store to store, but I have never had a problem with an old guy that knew what he was talking about. Sometimes you get that young guy that's a gear head.

Because Advanced has a year round 10% military discount, it's pretty much cheaper for me to just go to the store and pick up what I need because it negates shipping. Stuff you wouldn't want to have shipped like fluids and chemicals, it's just easier to go pick it up at the store. If you watch, Advanced has 5qt bottles of Mobile 1 on sale for a pretty good price every other month or so too.

In my experience, Advanced stocks quality common parts for common vehicles. Moog and Delco parts are just fine for my daily driver and there has only been once when I felt the better deal was online (about $100 cheaper for a NOS fuel pump). They also don't stock 3" fuel hose, but NAPA does.

I think where places like this stay around is the customer service, too. I can't tell you how many times I've been in the store and some guy is getting a lesson on how to troubleshoot his problem, how to install his tie rod, how to put his new plug wire kit together properly etc. Again, this is a store to store thing and depends on the employees I guess.

02-21-2014, 08:15 AM
The best place to buy auto parts if you are in the Milwaukee area is at the Napa distribution center in Tosa, bar none. They have EVERYTHING in stock since the warehouse is directly behind the counter. Go there and ask for Paul to help you. Great guy and really knows his stuff! I worked with Paul years ago.

02-21-2014, 08:59 AM
Has anyone been there during the sale to see what kind of deals they have? I'd like to know if they are liquidating their Weber grills.

02-21-2014, 11:39 AM
They basically raised all their prices and then discounted that. Prices are on par with what you would find anywhere FYI

02-22-2014, 06:55 AM
Its a joke walking around there. Anything worth buying is maybe 10% - 20% off list. no deals yet, only deals we found were some special order items were 70-80% off. floor model only. Tracie bought 3 stove hood vents. Thats the ONLY deals we found.

02-22-2014, 09:28 AM
Good infor J & fly. I was contemplating going to the Waukesha location today with my cousin because he's in the market for a new tv.

It sounds to me that it's not really worth it yet. Does anybody have any clue as to when they will really start to do legitimate worthwhile markdowns? How did it look in there fly? I mean was the showroom floor full like it usually is? Or was it noticeably getting bare?

Sent from my PrimeCo Phone

02-22-2014, 12:09 PM
So if you buy something at American right now, I assume you pretty much only get the MFG. warranty on items. Right?
Is it also safe to assume that any products you have that carry an American warranty are void once they close?

With that said, I'm glad they are closing after the fucking they have me on a laptop warranty. They deserve it. And I hope they drown in a pool of all their overpriced shit.