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View Full Version : CD player stolen/rant

09-25-2004, 03:23 AM
Long story short I went to the Brewers game tonight and drove my LS and my deck got ripped off in the Miller Park parking lot :mad: :fire . I put the column guard on it for anti theft and take the detachable face off and usually take it with me but I figure to put it under my seat, silly me as I actually trust other humans....

So we get out of the game(good pitchers duel) and gee how nice, my deck is stolen. Pioneer 7600, case/remote gone too. Nothing else missing. I left the drivers door unlocked, IMO if they want in glass and a locked door will not stop them. Maybe thats foolish maybe not.

So if you see a Pioneer 7600(MP3/flip down face) for sale by some thug/thug wannabe feel free to let me know where they are ;). At least the car was still there and no real damage to other parts of the car I guess :guns1 . Why can't people just respect others property? I suspect the fellas who sell beads and crap before the game, if they are that desperate for cash, how convienient is it to wait until people enter the game then find a few decks to rip off for extra cash after selling beads and junk?...just a hunch. Wish I knew where these people lived...

09-25-2004, 05:23 AM
That sucks, sorry to hear...

But how would you not lock your door at a place like a brewers game...?

09-25-2004, 11:37 AM
Locked doors = broken glass/punched out door locks, have had it happen before. IMO a locked door will not stop many theives and cause more damage. If my face is with me it is a non issue, but then I'm starting to blame myself not peices of **** who actually violate others property.

09-28-2004, 09:41 PM
Anything to slow the theif down is worth it. Someone breaking glass will attract far more attention then someone opening a door. How much was your deck worth?

09-29-2004, 02:57 PM
This is true but I match the chance of someone wanting to get in the car and deciding a locked door will stop them(IMO a small %) vs. the chance that they will want to get in no matter what and break the glass/punch out a door lock which is the worst fear possible. During the game there are probably very very few people in the parking lot and since all cars are jammed together its pretty easy to gank **** out of cars. Broken glass or alarms going off probably don't deter alot of them, IMO. I have spare 1/4 window glass....if I take the face with me an unlocked door doesn't matter as they have nothing of value to steal. My mistake :rolleyes: .

The deck retails for $279 I believe....I got it for $190 or so since I work at Best Buy part time(like twice a week at most :) ). Paid for a lame service plan on the first one so the price was more like $220, this time around forget about it...Pioneers if any problems(rare) are sent out anyways.