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View Full Version : Looking for a excellent tenant laywer.

Firefighter Z
07-06-2013, 12:48 PM
Anyone know of a excellent Tenant Lawyer who has a proven win track record?

Having some issues with our LL and it is time to get legal help.

95 TA - The Beast
07-11-2013, 05:22 PM
Sorry to hear you are having problems, the issue is that it is usually an uphill battle, even if you have enough evidence to prove they are being retaliatory.

About the only time you will have a case anyone wants to take is if you are a protected class and can prove discrimination. Based on what I know if you, having met you and all, I would say you are pretty well screwed unless you have plenty of police reports and other evidence to persue a case, and even then you will be paying out of pocket up front.

Ideally it is a losing battle with ultimately the only thing you will recover is moving expenses, and that is a tough battle.

I had a perfect case of retaliation, police reports showing it, and ultimately I would only be able to recover expenses showing how I was worse off after leaving where I used to live. I ended up buying a house, thus my case to show how much worse off I was and how much hassle I endured would have been a longshot. Again, not worth the headache.

If you are discriminated against because you are part of a protected class of people (be it by race, sex, age, disability, etc) you can sue and make out quite well... Too bad the system doesn't protect everyone.

Firefighter Z
07-11-2013, 05:48 PM
Hey Dennis, congrats on the house btw...

I talked to a lawyer, he said I do have a case and it is winnable with the evidence that we did supply him with but like you said it is costly.

I have 6 months to figure out what I wanna do, I think I am going to make it come as a surprise to them though. I already have a new place lined up.

It is said that this person is a President of a school anti-bullying group yet the tactics they presented me with are that of what a bully would do. Hypocrite in other words.

95 TA - The Beast
07-11-2013, 07:53 PM
Hey, wolf in sheeps clothing, imagine that...

Thanks on the house, it isn't far from where we were living, literally a mile or so northwest. Big enough house for the kids, fenced yard, got a new dog this year after the two American Eskimos we had for 15 years die early last year. All in all it is much better than the apartment, even if I did lose some garage space (I got used to having two 2.5 car garages, here I have to make do with a deep well 2.5 car that can fit 3 cars+, if I could just find time to organize the garage).

I just need to finish up all the little projects and start and finish a couple of big projects and I will finally be able to breath a bit... As it stands a home is 100x the work of the apartment and I am just getting my head above water in that regard. But it is all worth it.

Have you looked into buying a home? Interest rates are going up, and probably won't drop this low again for a long-long time... Even if you have to get an FHA loan, even with the PMI it would be better than renting, and view it this way, with interest rates going up even more the PMI isn't as bad considering lower interest rates. Unfortunately if you bought last year the PMI would only have been for 5 years, but now it is at least 11 years. On some loans (ones with <90% equity) the PMI is for the life of the loan (basically forcing you to refinance at some point once you have more equity/better financial position). If you find something like a foreclosure it usually isn't so bad since you can usually save quite a bit on the purchase price of the home.

Bewel Gelespi
07-26-2013, 10:25 PM
Attention levels are going up, and probably won't fall this low again for a long-long time.Even if you have to get an FHA loan, even with the PMI it would be better than leasing, and perspective it this way, with interest prices going up even more the PMI isn't as bad considering reduced interest prices.