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View Full Version : Need proof of Moore's slant?

Prince Valiant
09-21-2004, 12:40 AM
From http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/afp/20040915/lf_afp/afplifestyle_iran_us_040915134519

"The authorities obviously gave the film the green light for political reasons, in that anything against the United States must be good,” quipped one of the hundreds of mainly young people who flocked to Tuesday night’s opening screening.

The prize-winning documentary has been allowed out on release here to coincide with the third anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States—which kicked off a chain of events that has seen Iran surrounded by US troops and lumped into an “axis of evil”.

“They are showing this film to erase from our minds the idea that America is the great saviour,” said Hirad Harandian, another cinemagoer at the uptown Farhang cinema.


But she hastened to complain that “out of all the films people would love to see, the authorities had to go for this one—just because this film

Hmmm...tehran REALLY seems to like the affect this movie has on the locals. What's that tell you?