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View Full Version : Who sells on eBay?

09-30-2012, 07:15 PM
I've been selling some things on ebay recently and looking to sell more. Been reading a lot on it, watching youtube videos. Learned a lot. best thing I LEARNED WAS FROM A WOMAN WHO won an auction of mine, but then backed out. Firstly she told me what the Item I was selling was, and to do a ten day listing starting on Thursday, also that a lower starting price will draw more bids. A lot I knew, good pictures, good description, yada, yada, yada. Any else got any words of wisdom?

09-30-2012, 07:57 PM
If you do get into it and accept paypal you can get their debt card so you can instantly withdraw the funds from your paypal account. I've sold a ton of shit and that was always nice.

09-30-2012, 08:04 PM
I list everything at the 'keep listed until it sells' timeframe. If people want it, they want it, regardless of how many days are left.

I've never, ever had anything other than Buy It Now auctions in the 10+yrs I've been on there. See above.

Never list a say... $20 item for $1, with $19 shipping. Not only is it against the TOS, it pisses a lot of people off, and I'd rather buy someone elses slightly more expensive auction just to spite them, and then email the $19 shipper telling him what I just did.
Also, even if you list it normally, don't overcharge on the shipping... $10 shipping for a gasket is just faggotry.

09-30-2012, 10:08 PM
This. I will NOT buy from anyone selling cheap but charging HIGH shipping. No matter how much I want/need the item. And I've actually refunded money from shipping a few times if I listed an estimated shipping and it was way less than I thought. Some listing fees to me are high, so consider that when you price the item. Also, watch for the tools that will take advantage of buyer protection. They can say you mis-listed the item or it was damaged etc. and ebay will pull money from your account to pay the seller back for it unless/until you can prove otherwise. Also, many of the listings require paypal only payments which irks me because you also pay a fee for accepting money through paypal....which ebay also owns. Oh yeah, and feedback. Someone with a bug up there ass can leave you a negative feedback for no reason and all you can do is respond to it. (if its blatant harassment ebay will remove it) but if the same tool takes forever to pay, harasses you or just plain screws you over you CANNOT leave a deserved negative for them. Wow, I guess I do have ebay issues. lol

I list everything at the 'keep listed until it sells' timeframe. If people want it, they want it, regardless of how many days are left.

I've never, ever had anything other than Buy It Now auctions in the 10+yrs I've been on there. See above.

Never list a say... $20 item for $1, with $19 shipping. Not only is it against the TOS, it pisses a lot of people off, and I'd rather buy someone elses slightly more expensive auction just to spite them, and then email the $19 shipper telling him what I just did.
Also, even if you list it normally, don't overcharge on the shipping... $10 shipping for a gasket is just faggotry.

09-30-2012, 10:27 PM
I sell about 150 items a week on eBay. Just have to know the rules and play the game. No issues here.
I'd say only 15-20% of buyers ever leave feedback and as long as you communicate with them you won't get negative feedback. Unless they don't speak or read English.

If they don't pay, who cares. They get a negative mark for non payment and you get all fees refunded. Just relist it.

Sellers are charged the same final amounts on shipping and item price so you might as well offer free shipping because you get the same fees on a $20 item and $20 shipping or a $40 item with free shipping.

09-30-2012, 11:29 PM
I buy/sell a fair amount, it goes in spurts when I purge some spare parts or if I come across some stuff to flip. Their fees have gotten a bit out of hand IMO but I can't complain I guess as I keep using it. I also don't like how it's impossible (so it seems) to leave negative feedback for non payment. Have had two somewhat recently and another currently pending. I prefer CL to avoid fees and shipping when possible. Plus it's interesting to meet some weirdos ;) .

When selling I portray it as accurate as can be, shipping fee wise not just the item ;) . Usually pretty close, if a bit over or under I keep it or eat the cost.

10-07-2012, 02:45 PM
Thanks for the info guys!

10-15-2012, 05:33 PM
Ok, I got a question about eBay's policy of holding funds. The first few things I sold, when the buyer paid me, the money was in my PayPal account immediately. One of the first things i sold was a $650 transmission and i got my money right away. Then there was this notice from eBay saying funds would be held for up to 21 days pending tracking information showing it delivered, buyer opening a case for damaged goods/junk/no item ect, ect. That's all fine and dandy, I don't like it, but whatever. Sold something on Friday, $30 total, she paid right away, says "estimated funds availability 10/26/12." That's fine, normal. But something I sold Sunday night for $50 the money went right into my PayPal account when the woman checked out. I'm not complaining, just trying to find some rhyme or reason as to how this works.

10-15-2012, 06:54 PM
New account restrictions

Car Guy
10-15-2012, 07:06 PM
After a certain amount (?) of smooth transactions that restriction will be lifted. Don't worry every new member gets that. You can thank all the scammers on eBay for that one.

10-16-2012, 06:26 PM
So I bought this scale at the thrift store today for shipping shit I sell on eBay... But I think I'm gonna sell the scale on eBay. Cruel irony?

The Shaolin
10-17-2012, 07:42 AM

If you do that, make sure you get a scale. It is awesome for printing shipping from home.

10-17-2012, 12:23 PM
Do you guys perfer using the ebay shipping tools or the USPS shipping website?

I was thinking of trying the online USPS shipping since it'll save a few buck on each item. has anyone used this?

I generally offer a couple types of USPS which allows for insurance and delivery confirmation.

10-17-2012, 12:42 PM
I use the ebay/usps print shipping lable tool. It is(well, was) nice for that when I was having ebay hold my funds due to my new seller status and ebay holding my funds, they will front you the shipping costs. You print the shipping label, and they bill you automatically for it when the funds become available to you. I don't know that ups is cheaper all the time. And for me living three blocks from the post office, its my best option.

Protip : sometimes shipping things in a flatrate box as regular priority is cheaper than the flat rate cost, you just gotta wrap the box so.it doesn't look like a flat rate box. Also, the flat rate legal envelopes are awesome.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

10-17-2012, 06:06 PM
I think ebay/pp shipping is the same price as USPS online.

Takes a fraction of the time also. Just click and print. No entering in anything.

10-30-2012, 12:57 PM
How are you guys tracking your profits? I've seen some spreadsheets for sale for doing that. i'm not selling a ton of shit, but enough that I'd like to see exactly how much I'm making on each item.

10-30-2012, 01:09 PM
outright in ebay apps. Otherwise easy auction tracker is an external spreadsheet app that imports everything. Like $50 a yr or something.