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View Full Version : possibly looking for a good home for 2 dogs

06-26-2012, 08:02 AM
we just found out my daughter is allergic to dogs. the reaction was not deadly but it is creating breathing problems for her when she sleeps and being that she is only 7 months old could create worse problems for her in the future. unfortunately this means i am probably going to need to get rid of my two dogs. this is probably one of the hardest decisions we have had to make, but for fear of my daughters well being we feel it may be our only option. we would give all of their belongings as well, ie. dog crates, beds, toys. both are house trained and very obidient. they are very excitable. they love other dogs and people in general. never had any issues with children. madison is a 5 year old beagle/yellow lab mix and brutus is a 4 year old bloodhound/german shepard mix. they are both rescues from the humane society and are fixed as well as chipped. the chips would need to transfer ownership which i'm sure can be done at the humane society. so if anyone knows anyone who may be interested please let me know. i will answer any questions you may have and also please feel free to express any ideas you may have. i am open to trying whatever i can to keep them without jeopardizing their livelyhood of life or my daughters health. thanks guys.

06-26-2012, 08:03 AM
Sorry about your situation. If they are from the humane society, they need to go back per your contract when you adopted them.

06-26-2012, 10:00 AM
contract can be transferred. just called them. if i find a home i can transfer the contract to new owners.

06-26-2012, 10:37 AM
Do they need to stay together, or can you/are you willing to give them to 2 different people?

06-26-2012, 12:21 PM
yeah they need to stay together. even the humane society told me they would put them for adoption has a pair.

06-26-2012, 02:31 PM
as a fellow kid that was terribly allergic to cat and dogs, i can reccommend to you to talk to your daughters' pediatrician, and possibly at the doctor's approval, an allergist. When i was a baby my parents figured it out, and did the same thing, got rid of the animals. I started getting regular allergy shots a few years later for all my other stuff, and as i was growing, my tolerance improved from the early shots. I only got the shots for about 2 years, and we got animals again and i have very little issue. They tend now to give early shots to try to build the tolerance in infants and toddlers in some cases, I know you're concerned for your daughter, and you're also concerned for your animals, so it's always worth a shot to ask the Doc! It may not work, but just trying to give you another option to try! good luck

06-26-2012, 08:10 PM
The allergist is how we out. She had a scratch test last Friday. They recommended we keep the dogs away from her as much as possible. Its breathing problems for her especially when she sleeps. Before it gets worse this is what we need to do. Kids come first even though dogs where here first.

Adam Brooks
06-27-2012, 09:03 AM
try this http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?lt1=_blank&bc1=000000&IS2=1&bg1=FFFFFF&fc1=000000&lc1=0000FF&t=thbihi-20&o=1&p=8&l=as4&m=amazon&f=ifr&ref=ss_til&asins=B00440EKRG

i dated a chick that was allergic to my dogs so i researched air purifiers on consumer reports and picked that one up. I don't have allergies at all and I noticed a huge difference in the air quality.

i broke up w the chick shortly after :D

06-28-2012, 10:13 AM
The allergist is how we out. She had a scratch test last Friday. They recommended we keep the dogs away from her as much as possible. Its breathing problems for her especially when she sleeps. Before it gets worse this is what we need to do. Kids come first even though dogs where here first.

ahh bummer. obviously the child comes first! It was just a thought :)

06-28-2012, 11:14 AM
Good luck getting someone to take both....that may be near impossible.

Slow Joe
06-28-2012, 11:18 PM
If only we could have 4 registered dogs out here... The max is 2, and we already have 2...

06-29-2012, 10:45 AM
they are going back to the humane society on monday. they will be putting them up for adoption has a pair. if they do not get adopted we will be notified. then i will look on my own for a home or somehow make the living situation work. good to know they will not just terminate the dogs.