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05-28-2012, 02:14 PM
The Zombies are coming the Zombies are coming!


05-28-2012, 02:56 PM
Wtf mate

05-28-2012, 03:04 PM
Love at first bite? lol too soon?

05-28-2012, 03:55 PM
....and the best they can do is blame it on "a bad strain of LSD"....? WTF
LSD does not come in strains, and doesn't make you eat people....PCP maybe....but thats a big maybe. Fine police work Miami.

Prince Valiant
05-28-2012, 04:30 PM
....and the best they can do is blame it on "a bad strain of LSD"....? WTF
LSD does not come in strains, and doesn't make you eat people....
You are correct that there are no strains of LSD (bad trips, maybe)...but don't be so quick to absolve the drug of any culpability.

As far as saying "it doesn't make you eat people", again, we don't yet understand it fully...there are some cases that are strongly suggestive of LSD causing psychosis. Perhaps more fitting to this particular case, we are unsure of the effects of LSD on someone who was likely a psychotic (probably schizophrenic) individual to begin with, who could have been prone to violence before taking the drug.

Could LSD made the situation worse? It's very possible...it's unlikely to have made the situation better if in fact it was taken.

05-28-2012, 04:30 PM
Yeah I can see being on drugs getting naked and running around the streets but eating the face of someone. WTF.

05-28-2012, 04:38 PM
Its amazing what drugs will do to people. I have a cousin who lives in Houston who is a paramedic/emt/ or whatever. He always jokes about how meth addicts and other hard drug users are like zombies. crazy

Reverend Cooper
05-28-2012, 04:55 PM

05-28-2012, 07:50 PM
I need different ammo.
I think I better order up some hollow points.

05-28-2012, 08:26 PM
Yeah I can see being on drugs getting naked and running around the streets but eating the face of someone. WTF.


05-28-2012, 09:11 PM
You are correct that there are no strains of LSD (bad trips, maybe)...but don't be so quick to absolve the drug of any culpability.

As far as saying "it doesn't make you eat people", again, we don't yet understand it fully...there are some cases that are strongly suggestive of LSD causing psychosis. Perhaps more fitting to this particular case, we are unsure of the effects of LSD on someone who was likely a psychotic (probably schizophrenic) individual to begin with, who could have been prone to violence before taking the drug.

Could LSD made the situation worse? It's very possible...it's unlikely to have made the situation better if in fact it was taken.

I get your point but its just not characteristic of the drug. I understand that it could trigger unpredicatable and even violent behavior in someone with schizophrenia...but again, I have issues with it for a couple of reasons. 1. most people on acid are SCARED of confrontation 2. Even on high dose (scary high, trust me) lsd trips, there is no TOTAL loss of control, blackouts etc. 3. pain receptors, fear, and memory DO still function while impaired on lsd.

Beyond that, I have known people with mental disorders who have taken or do take hallucinogens. This includes one with a very severe case of bipolar (prime candidate to lose his shit), and another w a form of schizophrenia (not full on multiple personalities). LSD has never caused a violent reaction. While I'm not a scientist, I've seen enough to consider myself exposed.
That said... LSD can trigger latent mental disorders or increase/speed up degeneration of their condition. As you said, some cases are suggestive of LSD causing psychosis, but that may or may not be a misinterpretation, instead triggering latent psychotic disorder, not causing it. I.E. if your crazy, and it doesn't show....the acid will make it.

This guys trip is far more in line with PCP, Sherm, and mixes of recreational drugs and RX meds.
I have to defend certain substances, because it has become all to common for the ill informed (not yourself, but the PD in question in this story) to write everything off as drug related. It seems like police, reporters just jump to something they can easily vilify, it makes the job easier. Did they have a tox screen before making that statement?, no...did they have any proof of lsd use (kinda hard)?, again no. It was simply a miami cop, "thinking a bad strain of LSD could be to blame". It looked fine on the report, and no one asks any more questions.

For what its worth....if this really WAS a zombie....do you think they would know better or even tell us? Don't cause a panic...just blame those damn drugs, seems to be policy.