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View Full Version : Best Buy can shove it up there.........

04-26-2012, 01:51 PM
A$$ :durr

I bought a blu-ray 3//24/12 and never used it, had plans to hook it up and upgrade, well that's not happening so I went to return it.

" No sir we can't return it, you are 4 days past our 30-day rule "

ahhh shit..... so there absolutely nothing that can be done ?

" Nope "

What about a store credit, I mean I bought my phone through you and buy all of my electronics from you when the time comes ?

" Nope "

So I'm stuck with it ?

" Yes, sorry "

Thats bull shit...... walked away.....

I ended up calling there 1-800 number and spoke with a nice lady and she pretty much explained the same thing, fed me some bull shit " Well our rewards memebers who purchase $2,500 or more in products per year get a 45 day return "

Lady I'm not going to spend $2500 in a year to get an extra 15 days, I admit its my fault I'm 4 days over but to not even give me store credit is Crap, for that matter I won't buy anything from you anymore, I will just buy online.

" Ok, sorry "

What kills me is that it was just so cut and dry, " Nope " nothing we can do, look at the screen !!!

Ohh well lesson learned

Prince Valiant
04-26-2012, 02:13 PM
That's why I don't go to best buy anymore...clearly unused items and still won't take a return.

04-26-2012, 03:07 PM


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Haulin' Oates
04-26-2012, 03:17 PM
Interesting. I worked at Best Buy years ago. It surprises me that they couldn't or wouldn't help you out. I remember people buying GPS units to use for a week and returning them blatantly used after they got home. It seems unreasonable that they couldn't at least give you store credit for your item.

04-26-2012, 04:07 PM
That's why they'll be going the way of Circuit City soon.. Surprised it hasn't happened already..

04-26-2012, 04:19 PM
Why are you buying electronics locally to begin with? Seriously, AMAZON is the best :)

04-26-2012, 05:11 PM
Best Buy is so 1997 lol. I thought Best Buy was closing a bunch of stores anyways? Sort of another Blockbuster situation?? Tiger Direct, Newegg etc are your friend!

04-26-2012, 07:54 PM
They will be out of business soon and it won't hurt my feelings!

Gary Anderson
04-26-2012, 08:08 PM
Very similar situation with a TV I bought for a Christmas present several years ago. Wanted to exchange it for a larger one after Christmas but was past 30 days. They would have nothing to do with it. Haven't been back since.

04-26-2012, 08:28 PM
so if domino's had its guarantee and was longer than 30 minutes for delivery, you'd still pay for your pizza right?

i get what you are saying about some store credit, but there has to be a limit. at some point you have to draw the line, otherwise why not just draw the line somewhere else if they are gonna give an exception. It's been a 30 day return policy for ANYTHING in this world for decades it seems. its' pretty much the standard. if it was so important to you, you think you would have made a concerted effort to make sure you followed that policy.

and that is true. it's the corporate computer system. it's not something they can change or fix or alter in the stores period. that's like telling a car salesman GM designed a part wrong and expecting them to relay the message, ahahaha. I missed it by ONE day because of the leap year and still couldn't do anything about it. My fault period. No one elses.

stick to amazon like eric said. always good luck there. and newegg, well, start your credit monitoring, haha

04-26-2012, 08:57 PM
Andy, no doubt it was my fault, I actually admitted it when I was 1st there, I was just shocked about the Store Credit...

Prince Valiant
04-26-2012, 09:43 PM
but there has to be a limit. at some point you have to draw the line, otherwise why not just draw the line somewhere else if they are gonna give an exception.This is absolutely the truth. They have to set the terms of which they'll do business...

...it's just I no longer find these terms agreeable to me.

And it's for other reasons too...I mean, I couldn't stand that everytime I went there and had a question, they'd want to upsell some service or another.

04-26-2012, 10:24 PM
I've returned a Rader detector I used for 4 months to best buy. I had to pay a 10 or 15% restocking fee. Thiswas 3 years ago.

04-26-2012, 11:47 PM
I've never seen someone spell Amazon that way.

04-27-2012, 08:16 AM
so...how much for the blu-ray?

04-27-2012, 09:41 AM
Did you talk to a manager?

04-27-2012, 11:35 AM
get friends that work there = unlimited return time :)

the policy is bs on unopened stuff, but there are plenty of places that won't do shit unless its defective.

04-27-2012, 11:38 AM
This is absolutely the truth. They have to set the terms of which they'll do business...

...it's just I no longer find these terms agreeable to me.

And it's for other reasons too...I mean, I couldn't stand that everytime I went there and had a question, they'd want to upsell some service or another.

yep, and that's perfectly fine. and that's the point.

unfortunately people want EVERYTHING and expect to give nothing for that. So you want to get ALL your questions answered, yet from a business standpoint not have them make try to make a profit. You want the CHEAPEST possible item that fits your needs, and on top of that want it for the cheapest possible price. What do you expect out of a place that doesn't train their sales reps every little in and out and nook and cranny of every item? Would you pay 15% more to be able to have your questions answered by a solidly trained factory salesperson that would only answer your questions and not try and upsell you anything?

That's why places like amazon and newegg succeed. People do the research online and make the decision of what they think is best based on 100k other users that don't know any more than the next person or the buyer in most cases. But to them, that research is GOLDEN and means 100% solid truth, so they feel confident in the product whether it actually was the best value or not.

I'm not for one place or the other. I'll fall in the category of believing what others have experienced in hopes that it does fit my needs.

Have you guys tried that yet with amazon? How is their return policy?

Seems that you can't even open the item and expect to return it if it doesn't fit your needs...


If you don't want the item, then you get store credit if you want your money RIGHT AWAY.

If you don't want the item, and are fine waiting a week+ , then you can have a check

And you got to pay for the shipping for that return.

Doesn't say anything about extending their return period and still getting store credit.

04-27-2012, 11:39 AM
Hell, you coulda just come on here and ASKED if anyone worked at a Best Buy like BREW CITY said... Like one of the founders of this site is a store manager at the Mayfair location. All you had to do was ask first

Prince Valiant
04-27-2012, 12:26 PM
Have you guys tried that yet with amazon? How is their return policy?Amazon's policy is markedly similar to best buy...which is fine given that the prices are much better.

So while I do take a risk in the event that i have to ship something back (of which, some items do have free return shipping, eg, tv's), it's okay by me since it's not uncommon that the price to ship it back is less than the price difference of purchasing it at amazon (sometimes significantly so) than the cost of shipping it back.

But for my experience, had I purchased from Amazon, I only would have been out ~ 20 bucks instead of the over 50 I was out at Best Buy. That's not an insignificant amount...

Adam Brooks
04-27-2012, 01:33 PM
That's why they'll be going the way of Circuit City soon.. Surprised it hasn't happened already..

yes BBY revenue is off a cliff so no surprise they won't give any leeway on returns