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02-20-2012, 08:55 PM
With the gas prices going crazy right now what's everyone paying for a gallon o 87? Looks like some places in California are @ $4.93 :wooo :wtf

02-20-2012, 08:57 PM
87 is 3.43 here in port washington

02-20-2012, 09:18 PM

02-20-2012, 09:23 PM
$3.25 @ PDQ on Bluemound/Hwy 18 in Waukesha.

02-20-2012, 09:38 PM
3.17 at the BP on 124th and Layton as of last night.

Reverend Cooper
02-20-2012, 09:56 PM

02-20-2012, 10:16 PM

C16 free for you?????

BAD 09 G8
02-20-2012, 10:22 PM
$3.76 for 93 here in Dallas

02-20-2012, 10:47 PM
3.29 at Mike's Citgo in Grafton. Just filled up.

02-20-2012, 10:50 PM
3.19 at andy's on corner of hwy 100 and layton tonight.

02-20-2012, 10:53 PM
3.17 at the BP on 124th and Layton as of last night.

God damn lucky fuckers that's cheap!!! It's 3.73 here on base.

02-20-2012, 10:54 PM
3.17 at the BP on 124th and Layton as of last night.

This still is 3.17 when i drove by tonight. I live right down the road from them always seem to be the cheapest.

02-20-2012, 10:59 PM
too much.

02-21-2012, 09:51 AM
God damn lucky fuckers that's cheap!!! It's 3.73 here on base.

I f'ing hate it! Me and the wife only do premium, and its currently 3.92 at shell, which is the cheapest in the area!

Double this by summer? That moped is looking better and better.

Car Guy
02-21-2012, 11:12 AM
$3.59 in Tampa, FL......

02-21-2012, 11:35 AM
I f'ing hate it! Me and the wife only do premium, and its currently 3.92 at shell, which is the cheapest in the area!

Double this by summer? That moped is looking better and better.

EVERY year after the huge gas price increase in summer 2008, I heard it's going to hit $5 or $6 this summer... it never fails... and yet it's never happened. Either way, I'm prepared, my Yamaha gets fantastic gas mileage.

Prince Valiant
02-21-2012, 11:55 AM
This would be a great year for it to hit 5 bucks a gallon...

People were crying about the likelyhood of very expensive gas during the gulf oil spill, even though the amount of gas was miniscule in terms of world supply.

But now you have a good likelyhood of war involving Iran...as a matter of fact, Iran is already ceasing shipment to France and UK (this isn't huge by itself, but speaks to the probability of military action occuring...gas is a fungible item, what Iran doesn't sell to them, they sell elsewhere...where elsewhere buys from Iran and not from otherplaces, France/UK buy from otherplaces, prices stay mostly the same except for difficulties with shipments).

As well, Saudi's are cutting production, probably to protect what's in the ground during a period of uncertainty, and likely as a hedge if war does break out and the price of oil doubles...a kind of built in futures market if you will. The saudi's are betting what they leave in the ground will become more valuable in the near future...much more so that it more than pays to take a modest hit in income now.

My guess is that given prices are at their highest at the earliest in the year, we probably will see gas prices in the mid 4 range, with 5/gallon being plausible.

What had really dampened the price of oil the last 4 years more than anything has been "the great recession." A hard spike in oil prices might make the "double dip" recession far more a reality too...in which oil prices might jump back down as they did dramatically in 08.

02-21-2012, 01:41 PM
I am on a trip to Savannah GA it is 3.39 a gallon here.

02-21-2012, 02:00 PM
Regular 87 octane - $3.21 yesterday

02-21-2012, 02:36 PM
I'm less upset about the current price as with how often I'm purchasing gas. Can't wait for summer, the dooky and the zrx both get mid forties and the trek is free to ride!

02-21-2012, 02:37 PM
On talk radio this morning in fact there were discussing the effect that $5/gallon fuel will have on this slow recovery. Not only will it end the recovery but it will put us in even worse shape than when this recession hit in the first place. Its already an uneasy work environment for most with wage freezes, layoffs etc being the norm now. My wife works in trucking and she mentioned that we would also see major hikes in food again, $5/gallon milk, $4/dozen eggs, $4/loaf of white bread and so on. This will also halt the slowly recovering housing market because NOBODY will go out to get a mortgage if they are strapped for cash driving and feeding a family of 4.

Prince Valiant
02-21-2012, 03:37 PM
food prices are already crazy...I was amazed that my wife and I had a $95 grocery bill and it wasn't even a killer haul...just a seemingly regular run to restock. I used to be amazed when a family of four had a bill over 100...my parents b/w them had a 195 dollar bill out in california.

02-21-2012, 04:29 PM
I'm less upset about the current price as with how often I'm purchasing gas. Can't wait for summer, the dooky and the zrx both get mid forties and the trek is free to ride!

I second this. The temperatures aren't an issue for me as much as the salty roads are, otherwise the Yamaha would be out of storage right meow

02-21-2012, 05:33 PM
food prices are already crazy...I was amazed that my wife and I had a $95 grocery bill and it wasn't even a killer haul...just a seemingly regular run to restock. I used to be amazed when a family of four had a bill over 100...my parents b/w them had a 195 dollar bill out in california.

Tell me about it. I remember my parents getting stocked up with 3 kids for $100. Now my wife can easily spend $300 for our family of five and we're not even eating steaks every night. It's like a second mortgage payment.

02-21-2012, 05:52 PM
Lisa and I spend 100+ a week now, I can't imagine it getting worse. A real shit storm we are stuck in

02-21-2012, 06:37 PM
Well like others have said, raising the gas prices will really mess up the "economic recovery" that we are undergoing. I find this to be bull shit.

As far as what I am paying for gas, I really dont pay attention to it any more.....I just pay it. I think it is some place around 3.25 for regular...

02-21-2012, 06:43 PM
Paid 3.34 in slinger today! if gas goes up the way they say the USA is fucked PERIOD. We as a country cannot take this again

02-21-2012, 07:12 PM
I paid $3.34 the other night. I'm annoyed by the $75 per transaction limit on my credit card. Truck has a big tank. ):

As far as goods costing more, I spend the few extra minutes and cut coupons. Only difference is that I only use coupons for what I need, not like those extreme couponers that buy 300 tubes of toothpaste or 1000 granola bars.

02-21-2012, 07:55 PM
food prices are already crazy...I was amazed that my wife and I had a $95 grocery bill and it wasn't even a killer haul...just a seemingly regular run to restock. I used to be amazed when a family of four had a bill over 100...my parents b/w them had a 195 dollar bill out in california.

Haha I was just thinking the same thing!!! And the crazy part is we get the tax free cheaper military commissary. Will be interesting to see what happens with Iran.

02-21-2012, 08:25 PM
Paid 3.34 in slinger today! if gas goes up the way they say the USA is fucked PERIOD. We as a country cannot take this again

This x100. If gas goes way up and so do goods like they are saying that should be the final blow to put us into a mega depression. Its down right amazing what stuff costs already like others have said.

Rocket Power
02-21-2012, 09:12 PM
3.22 this morning at Maas on 60/greenfield

02-21-2012, 09:46 PM
I'm less upset about the current price as with how often I'm purchasing gas.

I thought I was just loosing my mind. But when I mentioned this to my friend, he told me him and his boss had a lengthy conversation about how it seems both their cars are drinking gas like water. I brought it up to him because both me and my wife are going to the pump more frequently, and she even asked if something was wrong with her car.

I really wonder WTF they are doing to this gas...

Prince Valiant
02-21-2012, 10:56 PM
I really dont pay attention to it any more.....I just pay it.
Not me...the price is what it is, and it doesn't help imo, to "shop" for the cheapest prices....

But in one case high prices caused me to change vehicles...going from a 20mpg vehicle to a 60+mpg vehicle.

Another thing I do is make an effort to bike more...accept less excuses to not bike, IE, I'll bike in colder, windier conditions...or even bike on rainy days.

My biking will go from being just for exercise to commuting more...it's a 50mile round trip for me, so this can equal fairly good savings.

I will try to roll more errands into one trip....

I'll use the wifes pontiac vibe more as it'll get 34mpg versus the jeep's 27mpg....and I drive far more...

I can usually reduce the miles I drive by as much as 50-60% by making a concerted effort

If gas prices go up 33%, I can usually work hard to reduce my gas bill by as much as 33% even with the cost increase factored in all said and done...

02-21-2012, 11:50 PM
I wish I was able to buy that insight when you sold it

02-22-2012, 06:46 AM
Does not matter the price when you have to run 93 it just sucks!

Taetsch Z-24
02-22-2012, 07:08 AM
Looking forward to talking the XL250 out...

Why did osoma stop the pipe line from Canada to Texas again..?

02-22-2012, 09:48 AM
Not me...the price is what it is, and it doesn't help imo, to "shop" for the cheapest prices....

But in one case high prices caused me to change vehicles...going from a 20mpg vehicle to a 60+mpg vehicle.

Another thing I do is make an effort to bike more...accept less excuses to not bike, IE, I'll bike in colder, windier conditions...or even bike on rainy days.

My biking will go from being just for exercise to commuting more...it's a 50mile round trip for me, so this can equal fairly good savings.

I will try to roll more errands into one trip....

I'll use the wifes pontiac vibe more as it'll get 34mpg versus the jeep's 27mpg....and I drive far more...

I can usually reduce the miles I drive by as much as 50-60% by making a concerted effort

If gas prices go up 33%, I can usually work hard to reduce my gas bill by as much as 33% even with the cost increase factored in all said and done...

I honestly wish that I had the option to ride a bike to work.....just not possible when you look at where I live and where I work. The switching vehicles idea is a good one......just have to teach my bride to be how to drive a 5 speed manual. Rising gas prices is one of the reasons why I picked up a Ranger with a manual trans....putting Premium in the Mustang on a regular baisis during the summer will cost me more than regular in the Ranger.

Why did osoma stop the pipe line from Canada to Texas again..?

Because Obama is a dumb fuck who would rather force us to all get electric piles of shit instead of create jobs and get this country back into prosperous times.

02-23-2012, 12:14 AM
I paid $3.55 tonight at Speedway on Greenfield in Stallis....I really don't like paying this much for gas but, I can do it without it really hurting me . I really feel for the people just scraping by that have to pay it though....I'm kind of glad I got away from hobbies that forced me to have to buy fuel to do them....

02-23-2012, 07:29 AM
Paid $3.28/gallon in Waukesha yesterday. I never understand why people bitch so much about the gas prices. Especially those who drive large SUVs and trucks (90% of the time are not necessary). There are plenty of small cars available that get 35+ mpg. If you are really drive that much where you are hurting, trade down in size.

Let's say gas prices are $0.50 higher than usual. For the average driver (let's say 15,000 miles/year) and only getting 20 mpg (again, low balling it for dramatic purposes), that comes to $31.25 more per month on gas. Yes it sucks but that's for someone who drives a decent amount of miles and only gets 20 mpg. No one has a gun to your head forcing you to drive that much or drive a car that gets terrible mpg.

Now if you are poor and driving a small econo box and barely getting by, then yes I feel sorry for the extra pinch you will be feeling. However I don't think anyone on this board is in that category.

02-23-2012, 07:49 AM
Filled up with $3.35 today. Saw higher prices at other stations.

02-23-2012, 07:58 AM
3.55 when I got off work last night around keno and racine

02-23-2012, 04:24 PM
Paid $3.28/gallon in Waukesha yesterday. I never understand why people bitch so much about the gas prices. Especially those who drive large SUVs and trucks (90% of the time are not necessary). There are plenty of small cars available that get 35+ mpg. If you are really drive that much where you are hurting, trade down in size.

Let's say gas prices are $0.50 higher than usual. For the average driver (let's say 15,000 miles/year) and only getting 20 mpg (again, low balling it for dramatic purposes), that comes to $31.25 more per month on gas. Yes it sucks but that's for someone who drives a decent amount of miles and only gets 20 mpg. No one has a gun to your head forcing you to drive that much or drive a car that gets terrible mpg.

Now if you are poor and driving a small econo box and barely getting by, then yes I feel sorry for the extra pinch you will be feeling. However I don't think anyone on this board is in that category.


Except what about all the people that actually need a big vehicle for work or just for their family.

I have an SUV and truthfully I would prefer a small vehicle. However with a young child, and a large dog I need something that comfortably fits 5, AND has a back area for the dog, travel items, etc. So yea its hard to trade down even though its primary purpose is just to get me back and forth to work.

I must admit I have been eyeballing the shit out of the new Jetta SportWagen TDI. If it weren't for a very questionable reliability record it would likely be in my driveway. Honestly it's a shame because in terms of a nice wagon there basically is no real options as the wagons have been totally displaced by the SUV in this country :(

Also I paid like $3.37 yesterday in yuppieville. Going up but not too crazy yet.

02-23-2012, 04:40 PM
Lol at needing a huge suv. Seriously now

02-24-2012, 08:02 AM
On a related note:

Keep looking, I'm sure you will find a better mileage hatch/wagon out there. I still stand by my statement that nearly 90% of large vehicle owners don't NEED their vehicle but prefer it for comfort. You have to add the cost of a poor gas mileage SUV when deciding to have a kid or large dog. No one forced you to do either.

02-24-2012, 08:24 AM
I drive an unreasonablely large truck with a large inefficient motor and no overdrive. I am not surprised by my poor economy. I'm not happy about it but I'm accepting of it. I love my truck and I pay for that love at the pumps. I have no need for a truck this large. A excab four by s10 would suit most of my needs, and I could borrow some thing larger when I did need a full size eight lug rig.. h well. Looks like 6mpg is the high price I'm paying for driving something I think is cool. I have two 40+ MPG bikes and a 30 MPG car at my disposal if prices skyrocket and I see another Town Car in my future and I got low to mid twenties with that doing mixed driving. I'm happy as a clam with anything that gets over twenty.

I thought I was just loosing my mind. But when I mentioned this to my friend, he told me him and his boss had a lengthy conversation about how it seems both their cars are drinking gas like water. I brought it up to him because both me and my wife are going to the pump more frequently, and she even asked if something was wrong with her car.

I really wonder WTF they are doing to this gas...

Rocket Power
02-24-2012, 08:40 AM
I love my SuperCrew. Even if it gets only mid teens. Room for 5 adults and its safe with its 5 star crash test rating, and thats against other 6-7000lb vehicles, not some subcompact when its only a 5 star against other light cars. One of my former coworkers had a supercab ranger with a 4.0 and only got 1-2 more mpg. To me it wasn't worth being cramped for that little gain.

The only way I plan on getting rid of it is if I upgrade to a diesel Crew cab Super Duty. I do have a short commute, but it is also the vehicle we take whenever were go anywhere as a family. The Jetta just isn't as comfortable to drive around in.

It is my own fault how much gas I go through, but it's also BS how much gas is, and I'm not going to get some little crap box and be miserable to save a few bucks on gas.

02-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Keep looking, I'm sure you will find a better mileage hatch/wagon out there. I still stand by my statement that nearly 90% of large vehicle owners don't NEED their vehicle but prefer it for comfort.

I am comfortable saying I know my situation better than you do. When this country runs out of oil you can come knocking down my door with my HUGE Nissan Murano, my wife's gas destroying 4-cylinder Accord, and my *gasp* sports car with its modern tech 4-cylinder that does 0-60 in the low 3 second range while getting over 20mpg on e85 or nearly 30 mpg on gas. I'm pretty sure my fleet of vehicles are solely responsible for burning down most of the ozone while simultaneously putting BP's exec's kids through college. :rolleyes:

But since you seem to be confident in MY lack of the automotive offerings feel free to tell me what I should drive:
-Seating for 5
-Large rear area for 90 lb German Shepherd and/or hauling space
-Decent driving dynamics
-Good fuel economy
-Good reliability

The JSW (jetta sportwagen) is about the closest you will come but then i have to worry about it being a VW and it killing you with repairs most notably the HPFP.

You have to add the cost of a poor gas mileage SUV when deciding to have a kid or large dog. No one forced you to do either.

You are totally right. New idea:
We should kill off all the large dogs and all the children in the world. After all just as you said I don't "NEED" them.
That way everyone can revert back to driving a 2-door version of the Toyota Prius. The fuel economy gods would be so happy!

02-24-2012, 10:54 AM
I justified my big old truck since I have a 4 mile drive to work. I am sure it would be crappy mileage no matter what vehicle I drive because of that short distance. Unless I go electric, but that's an entirely different argument.

02-24-2012, 12:42 PM
87 was 3.49 yesterday 3.59 today found one of the last stations at 3.49 and got some gas

02-24-2012, 01:07 PM
I drive an unreasonablely large truck with a large inefficient motor and no overdrive. I am not surprised by my poor economy. I'm not happy about it but I'm accepting of it. I love my truck and I pay for that love at the pumps. I have no need for a truck this large. A excab four by s10 would suit most of my needs, and I could borrow some thing larger when I did need a full size eight lug rig.. h well. Looks like 6mpg is the high price I'm paying for driving something I think is cool. I have two 40+ MPG bikes and a 30 MPG car at my disposal if prices skyrocket and I see another Town Car in my future and I got low to mid twenties with that doing mixed driving. I'm happy as a clam with anything that gets over twenty.

I'd agree with that. I haven't calculated it yet, but I'm hoping my 96 s dime 4.3 4x4 with a 5 speed manual will do 20 or better with mixed driving. Either way, I'm hoping to pull the motorcycle out of storage in the next few weeks (hard to believe that with a day like today)

02-24-2012, 04:58 PM
I am comfortable saying I know my situation better than you do. When this country runs out of oil you can come knocking down my door with my HUGE Nissan Murano, my wife's gas destroying 4-cylinder Accord, and my *gasp* sports car with its modern tech 4-cylinder that does 0-60 in the low 3 second range while getting over 20mpg on e85 or nearly 30 mpg on gas. I'm pretty sure my fleet of vehicles are solely responsible for burning down most of the ozone while simultaneously putting BP's exec's kids through college. :rolleyes:

But since you seem to be confident in MY lack of the automotive offerings feel free to tell me what I should drive:
-Seating for 5
-Large rear area for 90 lb German Shepherd and/or hauling space
-Decent driving dynamics
-Good fuel economy
-Good reliability

The JSW (jetta sportwagen) is about the closest you will come but then i have to worry about it being a VW and it killing you with repairs most notably the HPFP.

You are totally right. New idea:
We should kill off all the large dogs and all the children in the world. After all just as you said I don't "NEED" them.
That way everyone can revert back to driving a 2-door version of the Toyota Prius. The fuel economy gods would be so happy!

Haha, sorry didn't realize you were having such a bad day.
I hope it gets better!

02-24-2012, 05:26 PM
Get an Xb, cheap reliable and seating for 5. Your 90 lb German Shepard will do fine in the back, does he ride in the car every day? Tell me it's not enough room, Cause i've filled mine with dogs a fuck load bigger then your GSD. Oh yea, my lab / wiemer mic comes absolutely everywhere with us as well. Wants and needs are two completely different things, and guess what? You could take the bus, or walk! America is the only country in the world that NEEDS huge gas guzzeling SUVs in every driveway. Your 3 person family is huge so I guess you should probably upgrade to a bourbon.

02-24-2012, 05:29 PM
Subaru WRX sport wagon would be ideal for you Murray considering the fun factor plus the added bonus of AWD but the one downside is it requires premium fuel

02-24-2012, 11:30 PM
Still in the $3.3x range in a lot of places:


02-25-2012, 01:50 PM
Get an Xb, cheap reliable and seating for 5. Your 90 lb German Shepard will do fine in the back, does he ride in the car every day? Tell me it's not enough room, Cause i've filled mine with dogs a fuck load bigger then your GSD. Oh yea, my lab / wiemer mic comes absolutely everywhere with us as well. Wants and needs are two completely different things, and guess what? You could take the bus, or walk! America is the only country in the world that NEEDS huge gas guzzeling SUVs in every driveway. Your 3 person family is huge so I guess you should probably upgrade to a bourbon.
America is the only country in the world where you can easily own that much land, and areas are spread out by vast distances.

Did I complain about gas prices in the first place.
Good back and look. What I am complaining about are people who think that anyone who drives a SUV/Minivan/Etc. doesn't "need" one. Need is a tough term to define. As you pointed out none of us need a car, your old Beetle is certainly not a need, as are ANY of our fun cars, none of us need dogs, we don't need kids, we don't need 2 bathrooms, more than one bedroom, etc. We can all just go back in time and live in the USSR. You can join them in telling us all what we "need".

Also I said seating for 5 AND (that's including) a separate space for the dog. I also said decent driving dynamics. xB is a terrible recommendation. Just because YOU have one and feel it fits your "needs" doesn't mean it is good for mine. I would sooner drive a Focus ZTW wagon which fits my criteria far better than an xB.

Subaru WRX sport wagon would be ideal for you Murray considering the fun factor plus the added bonus of AWD but the one downside is it requires premium fuel

This is a much better idea. Although to be honest, it has some of the same problems. The back area of the new hatches can't hold the dog, and the older wagons are far to small as well. The Legacy Wagon with the 2.5t is an option as is the FXT (Forester XT), but good luck finding one. Plus honestly Subi's get so-so gas mileage. My Murano will see 20 mixed (mostly city) on 87 octane. Hard to change for 2 maybe 3 more mpg and then require 93 oct.

Like I mentioned before IMHO Jetta SportWagen TDI is the best option. However they are known for HPFP problems which are not covered by warranty and costs thousands (apparently). I have been considering an 09 JSW with the 2.0t. Stupid hard to find as they only existed one year, and most people bought either the NA 2.5l or the TDI.

02-25-2012, 04:49 PM
Your 3 person family is huge so I guess you should probably upgrade to a bourbon.

I'm going to venture a guess that you don't have kids?
For reference I snapped a few shots on the cell phone of our trip to Grandpa and Grandma's. We do this every weekend. I haven't put the dog in the car yet. He would go in back with the stroller.

02-25-2012, 10:29 PM
No I don't, although I've had 5 ppl in the Xb with 2 dogs and we survived. I don't have the Xb anymore, dealership offered me more then i paid for it so I sold it and looking for a tdi now :)

02-26-2012, 08:11 AM
When I left Phoenix it was $3.59. Rented a shitbox 2012 Escape and it got awesome gas mileage, even with abuse. Even with the cruise set at 84 in the mountains it got 28mpg. City driving was more like 20mpg, not sure, didn't do much of it. Severely underpowered, a mosquito fart blew it into the next lane, and felt like it would roll over like a dead fish around every corner. Every 100lbs you added to it (luggage or people) it felt like 500lbs. There wasn't much wind noise but you could hear the transmission and if you were stopped in gear it felt like a one-lung centrifugal clutch go-cart in its convulsions.

That said, it weighs 2,000lbs less than my truck and makes less than half the horseaapower. I'll gladly pay extra to drive my truck.

I'd get another car to be a commuter but the mileage difference, even at 50 miles per day, four days a week, doesn't even come close to offsetting the insurance difference.

We spend about $700/month in gasoline. It's irritating, but all that happens when gas prices go up is we eat out less. Don't have to pay to drive there and don't have to pay for food we can make at home.