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View Full Version : Hobart Handler 210MVP on sale, cheapest I've seen.

02-13-2012, 05:47 PM
My requirements for a welder were somewhat specific, yet probably pretty common for a hobbyist welder who needs a decent peice of equipment. I wanted something that was 115/230 switchable because my flat doesn't have a 230leg in the garage...but I'd be getting a house at some point (I hope ) and would want to run 230 for the bigger stuff. Add to that the 115v meant I could take it to a friends house or my folks should I need to. SO I was pretty much instantly limited to only a handful of welders... You can either go with the Miller MVP welders (min $900+, to $3k+), the Lincoln dual voltage (less options, still $950+), or the Hobart MVP ($8-1500). I wasn't going to even deal with the off brand stuff.

Based on reviews, and general pricing the Hobart was pretty much the best way to get "in" to a nice machine, and still be able to add things like a Spool gun etc should my ability grow. I wanted to future proof myself a bit if I could. The 210MVP was mechanically half-brother to the Miller variety. Most of the equipment is nearly identical, with a few differences in things like the stock torch, plastic roller wheels etc. Many of the differences could be solved with "upgrades", but for 90% of my use they would serve just fine. Great so I decide on the welder, Now I have to find it. I spent another month or so around the Holidays hoping to find a sale somewhere, but couldn't really find anything...tools like this don't get discounted often. Usually they were $895-1000 depending on retailer, not to mention shipping or tax or both. Finally yersterday I found a place that had it for $850 with free shipping. FINALLY I will have a decent welder to finish a bunch of crap on my truck.

Heres the link if anyone cares.


02-13-2012, 06:01 PM
Wish I had the money, as you've pretty much matched my needs verbatim.. I'd love to put a 230 circuit in my garage, but it won't be any time soon.

02-15-2012, 04:05 AM
Nice find!