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View Full Version : Some people are wwaaayyy braver than me.

01-11-2012, 08:58 PM
This guy comes by my house and buys a Mustang door from me. His super-duty sounded wierd when he pulled up but what ever. He jumps in his truck to leave, turns the key; KUH-CHUNK. Tried five six more times, same thing. The motor sounds to me like it's trying to turn over but is being held back by some thing. I fire up a cigarette and wait see what unfolds. He gets out and pops the hood, I walk over with a flash light, look at the battery. Connections look ok, cables are warm from him cranking on it. I have him get in it and crank it, now I can see the motor trying to turn, but I can see the ac compressor isn't moving. I tell him this and he mentions that he knew it needed one and just bought one. I suggest turning off the defrost and unplugging it and tryin that. We do. It's futile. We take the belt off and fuck around trying to free it. It's futile. I offer to drive him to the parts store so he can buy a compressor and we can put it on and get him back on the road. He's not interested in doing this because he has one already. At his house. In Racine. He mentions his brother has a shop about five miles away and asks what i think about driving it there with no belt. I advise against this. We fuck with it a little more and try it again. Futility. He decides he's gonna pull the belt drive it to his brothers shop with no alternator, no power steering and no water pump. He tells me he's gonna just pull over and let it cool down for a while when it starts getting warm. He pulled the belt, and drove off into the moonlight....


01-11-2012, 09:00 PM

01-11-2012, 09:03 PM
His problem, big problem. Guess he's the expert.

01-11-2012, 09:08 PM
At least his truck isn't sitting outside your place.

01-11-2012, 09:30 PM
At least he laughed when i said "That door you bought just got real expensive."

01-12-2012, 11:18 AM
Classic Ford jealousy. One knew the other was getting more attention and decided to get even.

01-12-2012, 12:10 PM
I bet the guy didn't want your help and just wanted to GTFO!

I've seen it done before, but the cars had electric fans. Actually, I know a guy that didn't even stop when his s-belt broke. He made it 4 miles to his garage no problem. Changed the belt and everything was good. This was a volvo 5 cyl turbo.

01-13-2012, 12:32 PM
I bet the guy didn't want your help and just wanted to GTFO!
That's prolly the case, what with me being so douchey and all.

01-13-2012, 08:06 PM
sad when a little old serp belt can keep a ford from running... just sayin :)