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View Full Version : Gun store employees.....

Rocket Power
11-06-2011, 10:49 PM
Do they just flat out lie to get you to buy, or do they actually believe what they say is the truth?

I realize the common story about gunshop employees being one of the worst place to get info about guns, lol, but come on.

I was looking at a M&P compact with my wife tonight. It had a manual safety which I don't want. Other than that I liked it and my wife definitely wants one. The employee tells me that's the only way they make them. Give me a flippin break, of all the ones I've looked at, that was the FIRST ONE I've seen in person WITH the manual safety. He just tells me it's easy to get used to. With enough time sure, but that's not what I want.Besides me already knowing it, a 2 second search on S&W's website show's he was full of it, and I've even seen them at that store without them.

I thanked him for his time and walked away. My wife had really liked it, and wants one, and was disappointed we didn't get it until I told her I can get it cheaper at another place and he was full of crap about the safety.

11-06-2011, 11:48 PM
Some guys only care about the sale and will spew any garbage to get you to buy what's in front of you.

Rifleman WI
11-11-2011, 05:48 AM
Some guys only care about the sale and will spew any garbage to get you to buy what's in front of you.

totally agree, alot of places even out here in KS too the guys know nothing about what there selling..

11-14-2011, 11:08 AM
Ran into the same problem second time I went to Gander Gun World, guy was up front that he wasnt familiar with guns really and didnt try to sling me some bull, just thought it was funny that my friend and I were educating the guy who was supposed to sweet talk us into spending money and hiding it from the wives.

11-14-2011, 11:45 AM
Couldn't the same be said about car salesmen though?

Prince Valiant
11-14-2011, 12:17 PM
To me, it's not limited to "gun store employees" and I don't think it's outright "lying." In order for it to be lying, you have to KNOW what you're saying isn't true.

Whether it's electronics, cars, guns, shoes, etc, etc, most times it's that the person you're dealing with just doesn't know that much about the product they're selling. I mean, they probably know a little bit more than most in there to buy the product, which is fine for majority of people in there and the question that they might have. But obviously knowing a little more than a layperson doesn't make one an expert.

That guy who said "that's the only way they make them..." though was wrong in one sense. He should have said "that's the only way I've seen 'em made" or something along those lines. The first way he said it was a statement to be taken as fact and was wrong, whereas the other way speaks to the limit of his knowledge and of course would be correct and more honest.

But when most tell you something unbelievable, I don't think they're willfully lying...most times I believe they believe what they are saying. One salesman was telling me about the stability control of a car we were driving...and that we could pretty much take any corner at 90, even in the snow, and the stability control would find a way to get us through. I mean, I chuckled to myself because it was blatantly false (heck, I even thought to try, and then blame him for the resulting wreck, lol), but I don't think he KNEW it couldn't.