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View Full Version : Attic vents, gabel vents, soffet vents...discuss!

Russ Jerome
10-09-2011, 08:53 PM
My Bungalow style home would apear to make soffet (s) vents impossible to install, have 4 roof vents but nothing else, plan on 2 Gabel vents (large) to help feed the roof mounted vents equalize and maintain ambient temps.

My 2 year old shingles on southern exposure are wasted, curled and junk so Im sure ventalation is the issue. Spraying in 20 bags of pink next weekend to get R value up to date.

10-10-2011, 11:10 AM
Power roof vent. With humidistat and thermostat on/off. Best thing I ever did for my roof. One gable vent on the opposite side with a hole larger than the power vent side and you should be fine.

Russ Jerome
10-10-2011, 05:32 PM
POWER! Why didnt I think of that! Im working in an industrial building right now slated for demo next springs, got fan motors up the butt. I will look into a latching relay for humidity and temp control! Thanks man!

10-10-2011, 06:44 PM
If you can get in there easily go around and make sure you seal off any areas where air can leak into the attic before you spray the insulation. Air sealing helps tremendously in getting proper attic ventilation. Anywhere there are holes or protrusions into the attic should be sealed, like around an electrical box that feeds a ceiling fan or can lights, etc. Also do you have ridge venting or just the 4 vents on the roof?

Russ Jerome
10-10-2011, 07:14 PM
Just the 4 roof vents. I cant explain how impossible trying to get beffles in to try and properly install the soffit vents. Its a 20's bungalow, the roof angles and inside the attic are impossible to duct air up properly and still seal the inerior walls (same as roof).

Plan has been Gabbel vents both ends, low as possible above the 20" of pink Im gonna shoot in, forcing lots down walls at same time. The 2 story Bungalow has not much over 450 sq foot of area.

Think I have read enough to understand what they want, Bungalows are odd ducks and interested in others experience.

10-11-2011, 08:51 AM
I have the same style house, that's why I responded. When I purchased my home the home inspector also owns a company that does energy audits. He performed one on my house and while a really crappy and hard job, that is what they recommended that I do in the attic. It is so tight in a few places, I can only lay down and crawl to a corner. Slowly but surely I have been doing that, and each of the past 2 winters I have seen a difference in my heating bills while using the same program on my thermostat. I don't have roof vents at all, or gable vents, just have the ridge vents, and have always had a very hot attic in the summer. The plan for the spring is to do just what you are doing, couple gable vents, and more insulation, but after I finish air sealing. Your topic header said discuss, yet you seem to already have a plan in place, you said you were interested in others experiences, that is mine.

Also, make sure you don't go to big on a gable vent. I have heard that if you go to big, you may counteract your roof vents. All the homes around me either have roof vents or gable, none of them have both.

Russ Jerome
10-13-2011, 11:15 PM
That's interesting, Im gonna cruise my area in Stallis, lots of Bungalows or Cape Cod style.
My "plan" is just that, welcome ideas as roof ventalation apears to be a science to me :)