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View Full Version : PJD GOW3 Build

09-20-2011, 12:30 AM
How bad ass is that monster trike Paul Jr built for Gears Of War 3. It def should be in the game. Also funny how OCC is building a reverse trike on next weeks show, as they swing of PJD's nuts. I started laughing my ass of when they said there's nothing like it. DUH Can Am nut swinging as well. Lol. I really hope Rick quits and goes to Jrs shop. OCC isn't going to be in business much longer anyway. BTW that trike is bas ass, oh did I say that already. Oops.

09-20-2011, 12:56 AM
Yeah the whole OCC building being 100K short on the mortgage was pretty shocking.

09-20-2011, 01:05 AM
JR was 100% right years back when he said to SR. "Your gonna drive this company into the ground" in one of their big fights. It's funny when Sr has more than $5 million in autos and bikes. But he can't pay his mortgage. Since Jr left, OCC' s bikes have all pretty much looked the same or the overall shape is the same. They seem to use the same two headlights on their crap.

09-20-2011, 01:10 AM
Yeah, I saw the trans am headlight again in one of their new builds. Very disappointing.

09-20-2011, 06:32 AM
OCC is still in business? :goof

09-20-2011, 01:13 PM
the latest episode said they got the stuff worked out in with the bank.

not saying it is RIGHT, just saying that the reason the mortgage was not being paid was NOT because he didn't have the money, but because he stopped paying it because he felt with the decline in the economy, the property wasn't worth what was once agreed upon. Like I said, I think its a shit move to do. BUT, he worked it to his advantage because WHO ELSE would take up that place in the event of a foreclosure? Its a pretty specific site. In the episodes they were talking about building a newer/smaller building as well as possibly fixing the roof on the other building(which he still did anyways). So the company still has money.

With the way the commercials were, they sucked me right in thinking that Rick was truly going to quit that last episode. I don't see it happening anytime soon. I just think it was a way for them to build up hype to watch the episode.