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09-11-2011, 07:28 AM
Where were you?

09-11-2011, 07:44 AM
I was on 3rd shift, had just started a new job and was sleeping. My (now ex) wife actually came and woke me up and we watched together in horror. Just a gut wrenching thing to have to watch.

Mudd Runner
09-11-2011, 08:11 AM
I was walking into my history class and our teacher had the tv on and said for class today we going to watch history unfold.

09-11-2011, 08:22 AM
I was in my first hour study hall. The teacher had the news on. He told everybody in the room to make sure we watch because non of our lives will be the same.

09-11-2011, 08:24 AM
Working on a sewer job in west allis.

09-11-2011, 08:30 AM
Walking into class and another person came up telling me what happened and I didn't believe her at first until the teacher turned the TV on and for the first time I didn't hear a noise from anywhere in the school, everyone was silent in disbelief. I'll never forget the feeling I had that morning...

09-11-2011, 08:31 AM
Sitting on the ground, installing outdoor light fixtures at the Art Museum......A guy rolls up in a golf cart tellin me the first tower has been hit by a plane....COmes by latertelling of a second plane....Im like ...."You mean the first plane?" I was in shock...

As we remember that fatefull daly in 2001, I would like to thank all the Men and Women that service our Country in the Milatary and Homeland Security. Thank You for keeping us safe in the last 10 years...

Bobby "Big Daddy" Flay
09-11-2011, 08:51 AM
I was in my delivery truck listening to Bob & Brian. Thought is was a joke of theirs at first until I got back to the store and saw everything unfold on the news.

09-11-2011, 09:11 AM
6th grade science class

09-11-2011, 09:58 AM
My gf woke me up to show me on the news. I thought she was joking. The things I remember most about that day are:

1. Immediate loss of feeling secure in my own country.

2. Sorrow for those that were helpless to get out. The people that needed to be rescued and for the courageous souls that were brave enough to attempt to rescue those people.

3. Feeling an exponential amount of RAGE.

Prince Valiant
09-11-2011, 10:07 AM
Woke up a little late, had to lecture at CUW that later in the morning. Heard Gene Mueller of WKTI giving reports of a second plane hitting the WTC...thinking they had to be talking about little cessna's or something. Turned on the TV and was blown away. CUW was the only university that didn't cancel classes, so I walked into the room full of teary eyed and distracted college students. After about half the first slide, I said "ah, you know what...I'll put on the news; if you want, you can stay or go and be wherever you think you need to be right now..."

I remember watching the first tower collapse live...once it started to go being dumbfounded. I had been wondering how the structures would be repaired and what they would look like going forward. Once that happened, that's when it struck me that NOTHING would ever be the same. At first I envisioned a single tower, but realized that the other would soon come down too.

In the afternoon I was supposed to work at Greendale HS, but practices were cancelled so kids could go home to be with their parents...it was so eery, driving through downtown not seeing anything in the sky. Nothing. It's weird because it really struck me how there was nothing...I guess we don't realize how much stuff is going on above us until it was all gone.

The roads were also eerily empty even in the middle of the day. It felt like those movies where suddenly everyone disappeared off the face of the earth.

If I saw smoke or steam from a power plant, I thought "what if it's another attack?". Not that I thought that, but that the thought entered in my head was jarring.

Another first for me was getting an afternoon special edition of the Journal-Sentinel...rushed out dealing just with the attack. Understand, that was probably the last time that'll ever happen with the proliferation of the internet replacing the need to actually print the news for most to ad.

Not wanting to sit in front of a TV all night, I went to great lakes dragaway and raced my valiant that night with a bunch of other shell-shocked guys/gals too. Lot of guys had hastily put or hung flags in their cars that day. Really, I think the racing was the most cathartic thing I did that day.

09-11-2011, 10:42 AM
Framing a basement.

09-11-2011, 12:45 PM
getting ready for work. walked into the kitchen and my mom told me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers in New York. I had just sat down to eat some cereal as the 2nd plane hit. it felt unreal.

i dont think i have ever worked a day where it was that quiet.

09-11-2011, 12:58 PM
Same place I've been for the last 11 years. NAPA on College Ave

09-11-2011, 01:46 PM
I was asleep when the 1st plane hit then my wife woke me up just in time to see the 2nd plane hit. We then spent hours trying to make sure our family and friends got home safe. It was weeks later that there was confirmation that a friend indeed has been murdered.
RIP to Judy Hazel Fernandez and all those that died.

09-11-2011, 07:10 PM
I was in New Hampshire getting ready to go up and fly a trainig mission with the Air Force. Our training mission became real world flying Combat Air Patrol refueling support at 30 thousand feet over NYC We were overhead when the towers fell. I will never forget anything that I saw or heard that day. For most of us on this site, It was the first time we were attacked on our own soil by other than just a individual exteremist or whack job.

09-11-2011, 08:14 PM
It was the first time we were attacked on our own soil by other than just a individual exteremist or whack job.

Pearl Harbor???

I was in my first class at UW-Whitewater. We were taking a pop quiz when some guys phone beeped. Then it beeped again and the professor said "well I guess you should get that." The guy looked at his phone and said "holy shit" professor - "excuse me?" Guy -"we gotta turn on a tv."

Watched the rest of the day unfold in the classroom and then at a friends apartment. Was glued to the tv for a few days.

Rocket Power
09-11-2011, 08:47 PM
Working at my last job. I rode my wife's Katana to work so I didn't hear anything until I got to work. That day I was putting a data collection system in a Smart car. There was a company that was going to try to import them and needed to crash test them to see if it was going pass the crash test regulations.

I got there right after the first one hit, then when the second hit we were glued to the radio. The supervisor came down and told us to get back to work. At lunch we went to a guys house that lived in town and watched the coverage. I remember we couldn't even get onto any websites to get info because they were all overloaded.

So now every time I see a Smart car it takes me back to that day...

09-11-2011, 09:28 PM
Freshmen World Geography class, sitting at the table under the clock in the chair away from the wall. Someone came over the PA and announced what had happened. Most classes continued but any class involving history etc. had the TV on to watch it all unfold.

09-11-2011, 09:45 PM
Was on my first brake at work. watching TV

09-11-2011, 10:30 PM
Freshman in high school and didn't really understand what was going on. I was glad my graphics class had a TV, but it was so hard to watch everything happen. It's hard to imagine being in that type of situation and chaos.

09-11-2011, 10:33 PM
My kids were watching channel 12 for some dumb reason waiting for me to finish packing their lunches for school. My oldest says "Daddy, this big buildings on fire" I walk in to check it out just in time to see the 2nd plane come into view. I tell the kids to get into the kitchen and grab their lunches. I grab my youngest who was 2 at the time, and I just hold him and watch the footage. I had to put him down because I became filled with emotions that weren't conducive to holding a child.

09-11-2011, 10:46 PM
Working at st. lukes on the lunch box making line, lady said " yea a plane hit the trade center "

Stupid me really didn't know much about them, then as I was educated and what not it was hard to fathom that a building that big could crumble, let alone two :(

09-12-2011, 12:15 AM
was geting ready for my first of many divorce hearings. watchedit on tv and went too the court house onlyy to be sent home while they closed down the courts for the day.

09-12-2011, 12:41 AM
Luke (Lash) and I were in our apprenticeship class at MATC in Oak Creek. One of the dunderheads in our class who always came in late, came in late again, saying he heard on Mancow that a small plane crashed into the Empire State building. 15 minutes later, one of the other teachers came in and said a plane hit one of the World Trade Center buildings... Then he rolled in a TV, and we all watched it in disbelief....thinking, why did a passenger plane lose control and fly into a building. Then we saw the 2nd plane hit, and then it clicked. We were being attacked. Soon after, the planes were all grounded. With MATC being so close to the airport, it was definitely eerie not hearing any planes fly over all of a sudden. I called my brother in the army who was stationed in Colorado Springs at the time, then tried to call my dad who was hunting in Montana.

I'll never forget the feeling of wondering when/where the terrorist were gonna strike next.... or the amount of fvcking people lined up at the gas station that evening, lol.

EDIT.... and along with what was said earlier in the thread... I'll never forget the amount of pure hate/anger that I felt.

09-12-2011, 09:37 AM
I was in my dorm room at the University of Montana-Missoula.

09-12-2011, 10:37 AM
Of all the days of my life the only one I'll prob. remember more vividly will be the day my son is born some time in december.

Taetsch Z-24
09-12-2011, 11:18 AM
Senior year, of all fucking classes, world history, we turn on the TV to put in a movie about Egypt and see the news covering a story of the world trade tower being hit. At first we all thought it was a movie until it went to a shot with someone saying how a plane just came in. the sick part was as he was gesturing with his hand, his hand was covering up the second plane, as his hand hit his second hand, the plane hit the second tower.

I was 17. I did not know at the time how much my life would be affected by this in the next two years.

May God rest their souls.

09-12-2011, 12:15 PM
I had just woke up to drive to the JC for the morning. I flicked the TV on and heard the news a plane had hit the first tower....I remember being in awe and wondering what went wrong with the plane/navigation system/ air traffic control for such a thing to happen

I just got out of the mountains and the radio came back in and I heard a second plane had hit the other tower... shock isn't the right word for what it felt like at the time... complete disbelief that two planes had crashed into the towers and wonder as to what was happening...... I call my mom and ask if she has heard from my dad? Did she know which airport he was flaying back from new england that morning? she says he called her he was still in the plant and renting a car to drive home.

I got to the JC and the teacher wheeled in a tv and we watched the news for the duration of the class... at some point the realization came it wasn't a mistake that caused the tragedy..... someone had done this....

it wasn't til much later my father told us he had delayed his initial flight because he wanted to follow up at the plant... he was supposed to be on flight 93.... he drives everywhere now...

09-12-2011, 05:37 PM
6th grade history class, our teacher informed us that the principal had relayed to the teachers to not mention anything to the students so as to not panic them. He said this is too important for you kids to not be aware of. I remember looking at the images on the classroom tv right after glancing at the clock, 11:20 AM, since, I always associate that time with where I was that day.

09-12-2011, 06:10 PM
I was working at Foster Pontiac at the time. I was going into work listening to I think it am620 to get the sports scores. They broke in and said that a plane hit the trade center. I thought it was a small single engined plane. I got to work and told some of the guys that a plane struck the tower. As we were watching, the 2nd plane hit.....I watched in horror, not knowing what to do, knowing full well that we were under attack. I just sat there glued to the TV untill my manager told me to get to work......