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View Full Version : Migraines...

06-21-2011, 06:46 PM
I've gotten them ever since I had my spinal surgery almost 8 years ago. Sometimes they are your typical run of the mill that last 24hrs and then just vanish and I've had the ones that make you wish you were dead and you end up puking your fucking guts out.

This last one I had was just about the biggest motherfucker I've ever had and it would not go away.

I woke up last thursday late night shaking and moaning, then I realized the massive pain that was my skull. It felt like someone was beating my fucking head in with their fists. It ended up lasting till Sunday afternoon (happy birthday/fathers day to me) after I finally decided that I couldn't miss another day of work and my wife took me to urgent care/ER.

They gave me an IV and a shot of Toredol (sp)? in my ass cheek! It took the majority of the pain and discomfort away. While I was sitting in the waiting room feel like I was on deaths doorstep, I felt like Ray Charles because I was wearing my singlasses inside becuase my eyes were so sensitive to the light which is normal with my migraines along with sounds and touch being heightned.

So my question is what do you do to get rid of them? What is your method? I usually just take something over the counter and wait them out. This one wans't like the others. If they continue my Dr. wants to scan my head. So needless to say I hope I don't get anymore.

Migraine rant/

Reverend Cooper
06-21-2011, 07:03 PM
dude first thing first go to a nuerologist and have him do a mri/cat scan on your head,ask Yoo about ignoring that shit.

06-21-2011, 07:08 PM
Yeah not something to ignore, get in to someone and have it looked at in depth...

With a back or neck injury its common but things can get worse quick, you can only live with the pain for so long

06-21-2011, 08:51 PM
just to clarify...I NEVER ignored my migraines. the fucking idiots scanning me always said it was something else.

I used to take some advil at the early signs(you know what your signs are), if I didnt catch them in time, I would use bags of ice on my head, eyes and back of the neck. Once under a full migraine, my wife would have to massage my neck, base of the skull and occipital muscles which would help put me to sleep asap. I have tried tons of shit and couldnt ever really get a handle on it but chiropractic adjustments and massages would keep them manageable. Dont fuck around, go to Neurologic Associates and see Kenneth Reichert to get properly scanned then get into some sort of a migraine treatment. What was the reason for the spinal surgery btw? I actually needed a drain put into my spine to help drain properly and alleviate some migraines. Improper fluid balance causes some serious fucking pain in the skull! Make sure you dont have a small blockage or leak!

06-21-2011, 08:52 PM
My doctor seems to think my migraines are cluster headaches/stress headaches no matter what I tell him. I usually im able to take pills, go to sleep, and then I am good. I've had a couple where I was throwing up from it also. I don't get them as often as I used to but it seems that certain weather patterns trigger mine (happens the most in fall/spring) that usually start with a headache and progress from there. But like I said I am usually able to deal with mine by taking pills and sleeping it off. My old doc wouldn't give me anything until I got an MRI but at the time I didn't have insurance so I couldn't but I may in the future if they get bad again.

Reverend Cooper
06-21-2011, 09:08 PM
sorry if i had my info wrong,but hopefully it gets a point across.

06-21-2011, 09:10 PM
/\ oh I agree Mike! I tell anyone that has serious migraines to DEMAND an MRI! If its clear great, its just money but heaven forbid its something worse. Its better to know early than too late.

06-21-2011, 09:15 PM
My Mom suffered from migraines for a very long time. She would get 1-2 a month and be bed ridden for 2-3 days each time. Pills, imitrex, basically any migraine medication would not help. Turned out she was highly allergic to basically everything, soy being the big one, it's in damn near everything. Now she watches what she eats and has maybe 3 or 4 migraines a year and these are probably brought on because she ate something and didn't realize what was in it. Might be worth getting an allergy test.

My Mom's doctor's theory was that the allergens would push her stress level over the edge (even if she didn't know it) and cause the migraine.

On that thought, take a look at your environment or try to think of anything that you typically do or are around leading up to getting a migraine.

Reverend Cooper
06-21-2011, 09:17 PM
my wife had them horribly also but since her neck surgery they have all but gone away,she had major disc issues

06-21-2011, 09:20 PM
If you have cluster headaches like you describe...there are a couple ways to reduce the pain, and a couple ways to get rid of it. Pills can help reduce it, but they aren't proven effective on everyone, and you can use pure oxygen to help shrink vessels and reduce the pain.
If you want to KILL the pain, within about an 30 minutes and have it stay away for a pretty long time, there is another solution. This is the part when you all roll your eyes at me, but .... the answer is LSD or Psilocybin. Really. Not fucking around. The chemicals in Acid and mushrooms shrink vessels much like the oxygen, but also contain the ability to lower pain, reduce attention span to pain (distraction), and an emotional boost. I'm not talking about tripping balls (I mean, it won't hurt) but an actual dosed use drugs. There has been medical and scientific research into this, however most mainstream MDs will not be extremely familiar. If you are interested, I can find you the research that I have seen into the topic. These substances may not be legal but at some point pain vs moral law, pain wins.

06-22-2011, 12:04 AM
Yoo, what was the outcome of your MRI's? I know you had some major problems and surgeries but don't know from what. I too get debilitating migraines, to the point that my vision goes to about 30%, left arm goes numb, confusion, and I puke my brains out and everything else. The ONLY thing that works is to go to sleep asap and I will sleep for 10-20 hours straight, even like last week, sleep all night, get up for work, up for an hour, migraine kicks in, sleep for 16 more hours. My very first one I got in 6th grade and ended up in the hosp. and had a CT scan and MRI. They found nothing for the migraines but did find a sist on my brainstem. Many, many MRI's and CT scans and 15 years later, it has not grown and they still claim to not know what is causing the migraines or how to stop or treat them. I've been prescribed everything and tried all the "home remedies" and nothing works.

Just wondering what the same thing that NIX asked also.......

06-22-2011, 01:23 PM
Thanks for all your thoughts and input fellas. Yoo, I think I'm going to take your advice and be safe than sorry and just have my head scanned. I do get bad pains/pressure/stiffness at the base of my skull in the back. It seems it is usally on the left side. Fo the time being I think I will stay away from the shrooms. Im not saying they wouldn't work or the LSD but those would be last resorts for me.

Yoo, I had the spinal surgery on July 15 2003. I had injured my back at work and it turned out that I had several crushed disks in my lower back. I had them removed and had a spinal fusion. I now have similar pains in my neck and Im also wondering if I have a crushed/bulgining disk in my neck and it is pressing on some nerves or what not. I have Degnerative Disk Diesease. Its just a fancy word for arthritis.

06-22-2011, 01:55 PM
I've gotten them ever since I had my spinal surgery almost 8 years ago. Sometimes they are your typical run of the mill that last 24hrs and then just vanish and I've had the ones that make you wish you were dead and you end up puking your fucking guts out.

This last one I had was just about the biggest motherfucker I've ever had and it would not go away.

I woke up last thursday late night shaking and moaning, then I realized the massive pain that was my skull. It felt like someone was beating my fucking head in with their fists. It ended up lasting till Sunday afternoon (happy birthday/fathers day to me) after I finally decided that I couldn't miss another day of work and my wife took me to urgent care/ER.

They gave me an IV and a shot of Toredol (sp)? in my ass cheek! It took the majority of the pain and discomfort away. While I was sitting in the waiting room feel like I was on deaths doorstep, I felt like Ray Charles because I was wearing my singlasses inside becuase my eyes were so sensitive to the light which is normal with my migraines along with sounds and touch being heightned.

So my question is what do you do to get rid of them? What is your method? I usually just take something over the counter and wait them out. This one wans't like the others. If they continue my Dr. wants to scan my head. So needless to say I hope I don't get anymore.

Migraine rant/

My doctor seems to think my migraines are cluster headaches/stress headaches no matter what I tell him. I usually im able to take pills, go to sleep, and then I am good. I've had a couple where I was throwing up from it also. I don't get them as often as I used to but it seems that certain weather patterns trigger mine (happens the most in fall/spring) that usually start with a headache and progress from there. But like I said I am usually able to deal with mine by taking pills and sleeping it off. My old doc wouldn't give me anything until I got an MRI but at the time I didn't have insurance so I couldn't but I may in the future if they get bad again.

I have been dealing with Migraines for years and Tordal is a great non narcotic pain killer that has worked for me very well over Vicoden or Oxy Contin . Stress was a big cause for me but everyone deals with that different. I would do as others have mentioned. Be assertive with your Dr and if he blows you off second opinions are a must. Remember the medical field is a science !!!

Hope you find what works for you .


Jean has had cluster headaches and believe me my migraines never came close to what I saw her go through. They would come like clock work every 12 hours or so. ER visits CT ..... She actually ended up using oxygen therapy for them. At the onset she now cranks up her E cylinder to 100 % at 7 liters per minute until the pain subsides. Its the only thing that works.
In sure you have seen the Home Med Van in our driveway. She goes through about 6 cylinders every other month. Its been a long time since her last episode but we keep O2 at the house all the time.

06-22-2011, 02:56 PM
I don't get them often, but when I do... I'm physically unable to do anything and suffer from horrible blind spots.

Sounds like I can't complain though, I can't imagine getting them often like some of you. Yikes!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-24-2011, 03:36 PM
You should definetly go to the doctor and get it checked out, have them run any and all possible tests on your head. I suffered from migranes most of my teenage life, to the point where my nose would bleed and I would puke from the nausea. They never found anything and I eventually grew out of the problem. Ibuprofen (thins your blood so that it flows better through your head)/a dark room/a cold towel over my head/ and a nap, where my saviors.

06-24-2011, 04:07 PM
I get complex migraines. I've gotten them since I was a teen. They always start with loss of peripheral vision, and then increase to almost complete blindness (kinda like when your vision goes black from standing up too fast, except it lasts an hour.) The pain comes on as soon as my vision clears up, lasts for a day, the neurological effect lasts two days. The day after the pain subsides I feel like I'm brain dead. A friend of mine told me I act similar to his dad when his dad had a mild stroke. I've always managed the pain with Excedrin Migraine. Nothing else has ever worked. It doesn't take the pain away but it takes the edge off so I can rest without major pain. I still take off of work though. The pain makes it difficult to work but it's the inability to concentrate that's the worst. The older I get I'm noticing that the pain doesn't last as long but the dumbass attack still lasts two days.

So far two of my sons suffer from them, and I think the third is beginning to as well.

The only time I got concerned was when the aura effect was double vision instead of blindness. That only happened once, and they did a cat scan right away. Everything turned out normal.

06-24-2011, 04:37 PM
I get complex migraines. I've gotten them since I was a teen. They always start with loss of peripheral vision, and then increase to almost complete blindness (kinda like when your vision goes black from standing up too fast, except it lasts an hour.) The pain comes on as soon as my vision clears up, lasts for a day, the neurological effect lasts two days. The day after the pain subsides I feel like I'm brain dead. A friend of mine told me I act similar to his dad when his dad had a mild stroke. I've always managed the pain with Excedrin Migraine. Nothing else has ever worked. It doesn't take the pain away but it takes the edge off so I can rest without major pain. I still take off of work though. The pain makes it difficult to work but it's the inability to concentrate that's the worst. The older I get I'm noticing that the pain doesn't last as long but the dumbass attack still lasts two days.

So far two of my sons suffer from them, and I think the third is beginning to as well.

The only time I got concerned was when the aura effect was double vision instead of blindness. That only happened once, and they did a cat scan right away. Everything turned out normal.

Pretty much the exact same things that happen to me....

06-27-2011, 04:04 PM
I have had cluster headaches for years now. They start in September and last until the end of December. Last year was the first time I had them under control in years. I went to see Dr. Veronica Sosa at St Luke's on 27th in Milwaukee. She put me on a 2 week course of indomethacin (a stronger version of ibuprofen) and a pyramiding schedule of topamax (or topiramate by it's generic name) until I was taking 200mg/day. I did this for 3 months without issue after the initial 2 week period. I have also used Immitrex in pill form (I hear they do injectable also) once a migraine sets in, and it usually clears within 30 minutes. I have had both a CT and a no-contrast MRI, nothing visibly wrong in my head. Call her and get checked out, and kiss that shit goodbye (hopefully)