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View Full Version : Anybody doing any serious lifting or fitness?

04-11-2011, 10:11 AM
As a new years resolution I was going to get back into shape. About 3 years ago I weighed 200lbs and was in what I would consider pretty good shape. I started out January 1st 268. I'm 5'10" That would be considered obese. Self admitting I can say I'm fat. As of today I'm down about 28lbs and about a pants size or two. Towards the end of march I started adding more lifting to my work outs and started taking supplements. I have been taking a GNC mens multi, fish oil, a b12, C, an antioxidant blend, and a few herbal things. My diet is mostly white meat "fish/chicken" and I drink about a gallon of water everyday. I have also started taking a prework out mix called Jack3d. For post work out I've been taking a BCAA. I can honestly say that I have been seeing some serious results. My sets are longer and way more intense. I have never been able to get definition and I'm starting to see it.

For those who are into fitness any suggestions on things to add or subtract. I do notice about a 5 lbs loss of water weight when I take my 2 day break during the week which I would assume has something to do with not taking Jack3d due to creatine being in it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Adam Brooks
04-11-2011, 10:34 AM
I do notice about a 5 lbs loss of water weight when I take my 2 day break during the week which I would assume has something to do with not taking Jack3d due to creatine being in it.


A protein supliment should be a staple of your sups in general along w yuor multivitamin. BCAA is good that you're taking but there are other impt amino acids not included in the BCAA sup that are included in a protein sup. All required for muscle growth which = metabolism++ which = fat loss. You could actually hold off on the jack3d until you plateau w your lifting.

Look into a sup called ZMA, its zinc/magnesium/B6 in a blend. take at bed time on empty stomach. helps you sleep (aids in muscle recovery) and will help to boost testosterone up to your normal natural level IF you are deficient in zinc/mag. That deficiency can happen in general w age, diet, activity level etc. Sleep is better in general with it too.

where do you lift?

04-11-2011, 11:41 AM
I've used Insanity with great results.

Not sure why you'd be lifting weights if you're still trying to cut a bunch of fat? IMO you should focus on cardio and continue eating healthy for now. I've had many future soldiers join that were over weight and they did not leave as fat bodies.

Karps TA
04-11-2011, 11:46 AM
Jack3D is a great preworkout drink. I love the burst of energy and focus I get from using it. I use most of USPlabs products and happy with the results from all of them so far. I highly recommend their fat burners as well. Recreate is a low stim burner, but I got some great results off of it. OEP is a higher stim and shouldn't be taken on the same days you use the Jacked

I started using their Yok3d nitric oxide booster on my lifting days and love that as well. I get insane pumps out of it and feel like my muscles will burst of of the skin. It seems very picky though in regards to effectiviness with diet and doesn't seem to work for everyone.

Last August I decided to do something, joined a gym and have lost almost 50 lbs, meanwhile I'm the strongest I've every been in my life at 37. I've become a huge fan of supplements. Even if some of the stuff is just a placebo, if it gives me the motivation to get in the gym I consider it worth it.

Adam Brooks
04-11-2011, 12:13 PM
I've used Insanity with great results.
Not sure why you'd be lifting weights if you're still trying to cut a bunch of fat? IMO you should focus on cardio and continue eating healthy for now. .

lifting is especially impt for lowering body fat percentage. The greater your muscle mass the faster your metabolism is to maintain that mass and the more calories you burn naturally which translates into more fatloss vs just cardio alone. Cardio is definitely impt but diet+lift+cardio = winning combo

04-11-2011, 12:18 PM
I've used Insanity with great results.

Not sure why you'd be lifting weights if you're still trying to cut a bunch of fat? IMO you should focus on cardio and continue eating healthy for now. I've had many future soldiers join that were over weight and they did not leave as fat bodies.

I agree with this.....................Wait until your under 200 to lift weights and still I wouldn't lift weights, do stuff with your own body weight, push ups, sit ups, dips, back ext, etc.

I gain weight during the winter months every year..........and if I need extra help getting the weight off I use hyproxycut made by muscletech, to help get the weight off easier IMO great product...................Good luck to you and stay with it, my guess is your over all numbers about good and bad cholesterol are wacked and this help out a lot!!!!!

04-11-2011, 12:33 PM
I'm at the gym pretty much every day now. Kind of made the same resolution at beginning of March when I decided to do that sprint triathalon Prince Valiant had posted. Couple buddies are doing it too.

Besides a good multi, I take two tablets of Vitamin C that are about 833% of your daily requirement.

Biggest reason, converting fat to energy and feeling overall better during the day CLICK HERE FOR INFO (http://www.naturalnews.com/027174_health_vitamin_C_health_benefits.html)

I take Jack3D 30-45 minutes before working out. I don't have the drink, I have the vitamin packs. Those are big pills and can get hard to swallow if you don't have enough water.

Post work out I have my Myoplex protein shakes. They taste ok, not as good as Optimum Nutrition. They are a mix of Whey and Cassein protein. Whey is what you want right after the workout as I believe it goes directly to repairing the muscle, and the cassein is more slowly introduced to the system. So thats more of a bed time drink(like the Muscle Milk stuff)

Whats your diet? That's the biggest thing. Forget how much you can lift, etc... If you are trying to be in overall better health, consider what your diet is and work from there.

I use www.fitday.com as it's a free progress checker. You can keep track of all parameters of your food intake(fat, protein, carbs, etc..) as well as your weight, and even the inches around your neck, waist, arms, etc... So then it tracks it on a graph and it's results right in front of you. For my goals, I need to be at 4000 calorie intake per day and try to be under 60g of fat in that. SO I can't just go get a sub from subway, even if its plain, nor can I eat at McDonalds.

There is also one more supplement that I am trying that was recommended to me. It speeds up the process of the fat burning and sending that energy to the muscles that needs it while working out. You take two pills, at 3 intervals of your biggest meals.

Some recommendations that were made to me and that are pretty constant through online research, to eat 6 small meals a day, compared to 3 big meals. This keeps your hunger down, and you don't overdo what your body can't handle by stuffing yourself those other three meals.

What is your training schedule. To train 5 days and be off two is fine I guess, but you have to spread your workouts out and not work the same area two days in a row. Need a chance for those muscle to recover. So look into some different workouts.

Also, look at what exercises you are doing. If you are trying to burn some calories, my specific example is that I can run a couple miles and be good at an ok pace and burn maybe 300 calories lets say. But I can use the eliptical at a faster pace, for a longer period of time, so that may be a benefit to use that instead of the treadmill. Same thing with the bike, I can spend twice as long on the bike as I do running, but if I only burn the same amount of calories, what is the point in spending that extra time?

Lots of info out there and lots of ways to go about doing things. This is just what was recommended to me. My advice and what was advised of me, is to get some sort of trainer to get you started. They should match you up with someone that fits your overall goals. They can set you on the right path.

04-11-2011, 01:01 PM
the only "fitness" I do is run 85 miles a week. I def. need to start lifting. My legs are huge as hell but my upper body isn't lol.

04-11-2011, 02:58 PM
I work out / lift about 3-4 times a week. I'm not by any means; cut, in shape, skinny, athletic or genetically gifted. I try to keep my cardio in decent condition, and lift to build mass (im on a real big frame, I can pack alot of mass onto it, before I bother with toning). I use stuff called NO Shotgun by VPX. Gives a nice energy boost, really helps with stamina and lactic acid build up. I love it because I can usually go a full set past my "wall".

04-11-2011, 06:20 PM
In 2007 I use to be in really good shape. I was 184lb with 12% body fat. after a few years of sitting on my ass and doing nothing, I put on weight, got high blood pressure and was put on meds. After a couple years I started getting chest pain one time it was so severe I almost took my self to the ER. I found out the meds were the cause so I decided I am going to change my life.

On October 29 2010 I quit smoking after 10 years. Two months later i decided I need to get back into shape as well. I also figure it would help me to stay smoke free. I had a body composition test done. I was 6'2" and 214lb 24% body fat, 159.6 LB of lean mass, and 117 pounds water.

10 weeks later my next composition test I was 218lb down to 23% body fat, 167.lb of lean mass and 123lb of water. So in those 10 weeks I put on 8lbs of muscle.

Right now I am weight lifting 4 days a week and running two miles almost daily. My weight is down to 215 I just hope the three pounds I loss was fat and not muscle.

Right now I am still smoke free, back to normal blood pressure with out pills and in a little bit better shape. I dont know if I can stop I kind of feel like I am becoming addicted to working out.

04-11-2011, 07:27 PM
I'm on the complete opposite end of this. I'm trying to put on weight. I workout 5 days a week (4 of those lifting). If I don't workout for a couple days, I start to go crazy. I only run 2-4 miles a week so I don't think I need to change that. I play indoor soccer a few sessions a year so I don't want my cardio going to complete crap.

I'm not looking to go on any XXX Mass Weight Gainer crap. I just eat 5 small meals and one protein shake a day.

Currently I'm 5'9" 158 lbs (goal is 165).
I can bench my own weight 16 times (goal is 20).
My latest 2 mile run was 12:22 (goal is under 12:00).

Basically I'm the little guy trying to get big, instead of the big guy trying to get little :goof

IMO it's harder to put on quality pounds than lose weight.
I'm always eating but results are hard to come by without taking a ridiculous amount of protein/weight gainer.

04-11-2011, 07:28 PM
I dont know if I can stop I kind of feel like I am becoming addicted to working out.

This is a good thing :thumbsup

04-11-2011, 07:30 PM
the only "fitness" I do is run 85 miles a week. I def. need to start lifting. My legs are huge as hell but my upper body isn't lol.

You run 12 miles a day??? :wow


04-11-2011, 07:32 PM
Vroom... I'm the same way

EAT EAT EAT EAT!!! Seriously look into that free www.fitday.com tracker. Then look into those basic calculators. It is HARD to eat all those calories each day, but it's necessary to furnish the body with what it needs.

You need to eat a TON in order to keep gaining weight. I gained 20lbs over the course of a summer following what my trainer was recommending. It was great. That was 5 years ago though. I had given up since schedule was busy.

04-11-2011, 07:33 PM
You run 12 miles a day??? :wow


Girlfriend does that every week too. She's training for a marathon. Some days are 10, some days are 20. LOTS of running

04-11-2011, 08:02 PM
You run 12 miles a day??? :wow


depends on the day, I take sundays off and usually pop uf 19 or 20 on fridays. I run 4 to 5 marathons a year and try to at least do 5 halfs and a bunch of 5 and 10k's

04-11-2011, 08:02 PM
Not that I'm as hardcore as you guys with the total diet/fitness crazyman weight loss approach.... I did start swimming again in december 09. Keeping the same cheeseburger and pizza diet that I had prior, I dropped 28lbs in the last year by brute forcing off the weight. 3 times a week in the pool, about 50 minutes per workout. If i actually decided to diet, I'd have doubled that weight drop, but that is a sacrifice I wasn't willing to make.

More importantly, I started competing again and refound my love of the sport and competitive drive. By early next year I'll be closing in on some personal bests that I set back in college. You won't find a faster 1/8th ton swimmer ;)

Its amazing though, what you learn about training that you wish you knew 10 years ago :rolf

04-11-2011, 08:06 PM
^Still a good approach. As long as you are doing SOMETHING, it goes a long way. You don't need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day. My workouts are only 45 minutes long. Every time someone says "I don't workout because I don't have time," I roll my eyes.

04-11-2011, 08:13 PM
Vroom... I'm the same way

EAT EAT EAT EAT!!! Seriously look into that free www.fitday.com tracker. Then look into those basic calculators. It is HARD to eat all those calories each day, but it's necessary to furnish the body with what it needs.

You need to eat a TON in order to keep gaining weight. I gained 20lbs over the course of a summer following what my trainer was recommending. It was great. That was 5 years ago though. I had given up since schedule was busy.

Agreed, if definitely is hard. Sometimes I want to say fuck it and just eat McDonalds every day for a month, lol.

04-11-2011, 08:20 PM
^Still a good approach. As long as you are doing SOMETHING, it goes a long way. You don't need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day. My workouts are only 45 minutes long. Every time someone says "I don't workout because I don't have time," I roll my eyes.

Exactly, I didn't really have any time either, but I have an hour lunch and I can get 45-50 minutes in because the Y is so close to work. I've amazed past teammates and coaches with what I can do with that little training time. It works out great swimming at lunch. Breaks the day in two parts really and you just feel refreshed. I do about 1.5 miles in the pool in 45 min.

Karps TA
04-11-2011, 08:22 PM
^Still a good approach. As long as you are doing SOMETHING, it goes a long way. You don't need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day. My workouts are only 45 minutes long. Every time someone says "I don't workout because I don't have time," I roll my eyes.


If you're in the gym for 2 hours, then you're not working hard enough. I rarely go over an hour. 20 minutes cardio, 40 minutes weights with very short breaks inbetween sets. Often times I'm doing 2 exercises back to back, ie bench and flys. I would say even I get more cardio out of my lifting routine, then my actual cardio sometimes. The cardio is mostly to warm up.

Key is to keep changing up your routine. Don't do the same crap all the time. Challenge your muscles. I tend to change the exercises I'm doing every 3 weeks. Then every 2 months, I switch up the days and muscle groups. Plus keeps boredom out of the equation. I subscribe to a couple magazines and will try to incorporate new stuff all the time.

04-11-2011, 09:57 PM
Yoosof will chime in but, you've got to eat big to get big... and eat small to get small.

I've done at least 10 gainer/cut cycles and taken a lot of supplements over the past 15 years. If I had any words of wisdom at all, they would be...

1) Don't believe the hype. Supplements in general are all marketing. Often, the cheap "no-name" supplements offer the same aid as those with 4x the price tag.

2) If your diet doesn't support your goal... don't waste your time.

3) Don't worry about what you look like compared to other guys in the gym. You'd be shocked if you realized how many guys juice.

4) I agree with whomever said that the BMI (more muscle = more calories burned) but I think physiologically, it's easier to see progress if you only focus on burning fat. The cut that will appear over time will be more satisfying than packing on muscle and adding to a body while at the same time taking away from it. Not sure if that makes sense, but I've seen so many guys get frustrated that they're not getting "smaller" because their pride says they should be lifting heavy.

5) Find a cute chick on a treadmill and get on the one behind her - cover up the clock on the machine and use her ass as the carrot. You'll never get it, but you'll burn a ton of calories trying.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR2EyDODwvPHVWVhTF15vdl6xPrI5mfL yJyCQJPHCAaGaeaNc9D&t=1

04-11-2011, 10:09 PM
5) find a cute chick on a treadmill and get on the one behind her - cover up the clock on the machine and use her ass as the carrot. You'll never get it, but you'll burn a ton of calories trying.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:and9gcr2eydodwvphvwvhtf15vdl6xpri5mfl yjycqjphcaagaeanc9d&t=1



04-11-2011, 10:20 PM
I've used Insanity with great results.

Not sure why you'd be lifting weights if you're still trying to cut a bunch of fat? IMO you should focus on cardio and continue eating healthy for now. I've had many future soldiers join that were over weight and they did not leave as fat bodies.

I do about 1 hour of cardio. Half hour pre work out warm up and a half hour post work out cool down. I have been able to cut time off my mile so that's always nice to see.


A protein supliment should be a staple of your sups in general along w yuor multivitamin. BCAA is good that you're taking but there are other impt amino acids not included in the BCAA sup that are included in a protein sup. All required for muscle growth which = metabolism++ which = fat loss. You could actually hold off on the jack3d until you plateau w your lifting.

Look into a sup called ZMA, its zinc/magnesium/B6 in a blend. take at bed time on empty stomach. helps you sleep (aids in muscle recovery) and will help to boost testosterone up to your normal natural level IF you are deficient in zinc/mag. That deficiency can happen in general w age, diet, activity level etc. Sleep is better in general with it too.

where do you lift?
I'll defiantly check out the zma. I have been drinking isopure low carb by natures best as my post work out.

I have a membership at westwood. Place is nice because there arent a ton for high school and middle school kids chasing each other around the place like the Ymca at papst farms.

I can give you an example of my diet considering this is pretty much my lay out every day.

breakfast 2 eggs scrambled
mid morning snack can of tuna
lunch chicken breast
mid day hand full of peanuts
dinner ham and eggs

Its a pretty low carb high protein diet. I drink about a gallon of water or more every day.

The 2 days off are days I'm not doing any sort of lifting. I do cardio mainly on those days. They are pretty light work outs.

04-12-2011, 08:58 AM
so you don't have bread with the tuna? any fat free milk? i had always read that some fat free milk was a good source of extra calories and protein since you can drink more calories than you can really eat.

also, i mix in fat free yogurt and fat free cottage cheese into my protein shakes. Gives it a slightly better taste. I can't do cottage cheese alone, but i can in the shake.

whole eggs or egg white only? I got into the habit of eating omelets with cut up veggies in them that were egg white onlys. taste the same and isn't it supposed to be less cholesterol too?

again, keep track of how many calories you are eating. with my metabolism and workout schedule, I'm burning about 2800-3000 daily. So I need to eat that 4000 if I was wanting to gain some wait.

I forgot off the top of my head, but isn't it 1.5-2 times your body weight in grams of protein needed? My two protein shakes total up to over 100g's of protein because of the added yogurt and cottage cheese. this isn't everybody obviously, but works for me.

also, you may want to look into almonds. I believe those are better for you than peanuts and are alot better tasting(to me)

I also for a mid morning snack, mix a single fat free yogurt into a single serving bowl of granola cereal. tastes great and is really easy to eat and fills you up

04-12-2011, 11:09 AM
ZMA will give you some crazy dreams. I used it quite a bit about 7 years ago and it seemed to help.

04-12-2011, 06:52 PM
Now, are you trying to loose weight? or are you trying to bulk up? Honestly you should loose weight and get fit, then you wanna build muscle off of that so that you build lean muscle.Start light and lots of reps, if you wanna stay light dont lift to max out keep it simple to keep you heart rate elevated..I went from 142 up to almost 180 in 4 months only with just amino acids and protien shakes.It was all lein muscle i had no fat what so ever. I havent worked out in 3 years and am back to 145 skinny again.But lemme know your goals and maby i can give you some good input///

04-12-2011, 06:54 PM
DONOT worry to much about what you eat also.Remember its all about portions.Your body will need fatty foods here and there or it reacts wrong and doesnt take up protiens and other stuff propperly...

04-12-2011, 08:38 PM
I went from 142 up to almost 180 in 4 months only with just amino acids and protien shakes.It was all lein muscle

sorry but NO. I dont give a fuck what you say, but you did NOT put on 38 lbs of LEAN muscle in 4 months. It is NOT possible without steroids and even then not so much. Try more like 5-10lbs of LEAN muscle + water. In the beginning of ANY workout regimen whether its to lose weight or gain it, the body ALWAYS retains water before it begins to shed off the excess water and then excess fat. I am patiently waiting for someone to say that fat TURNS into muscle....lol

04-12-2011, 09:55 PM
I am patiently waiting for someone to say that fat TURNS into muscle....lol

I would look like this then!!



04-12-2011, 10:45 PM
so you don't have bread with the tuna? any fat free milk? i had always read that some fat free milk was a good source of extra calories and protein since you can drink more calories than you can really eat.

also, i mix in fat free yogurt and fat free cottage cheese into my protein shakes. Gives it a slightly better taste. I can't do cottage cheese alone, but i can in the shake.

whole eggs or egg white only? I got into the habit of eating omelets with cut up veggies in them that were egg white onlys. taste the same and isn't it supposed to be less cholesterol too?

again, keep track of how many calories you are eating. with my metabolism and workout schedule, I'm burning about 2800-3000 daily. So I need to eat that 4000 if I was wanting to gain some wait.

I forgot off the top of my head, but isn't it 1.5-2 times your body weight in grams of protein needed? My two protein shakes total up to over 100g's of protein because of the added yogurt and cottage cheese. this isn't everybody obviously, but works for me.

also, you may want to look into almonds. I believe those are better for you than peanuts and are alot better tasting(to me)

I also for a mid morning snack, mix a single fat free yogurt into a single serving bowl of granola cereal. tastes great and is really easy to eat and fills you up

Almost no bread in general. At least no processed white flower. I all but completely cut starches out of my diet. I do keep the yokes in the eggs and just scramble them up. Ill typically throw a little ham in or what ever lunch meat is with in arms reach. I drink my pre work out "drank". I'm normally hitting the weights or the treadmill within 20 min of eating.

I do eat almonds and pistachios most of the time as my snack. The peanuts are in the shell. My diet is pretty simple.

Work out wise my week schedule goes as such

Monday 30min warmup run/ upper body/abs
Tuesday 30min warmup run / lower body/abs
Wednesday 30min warmup run /upperbody
Thursday 30min warmup run / lowerbody
Friday upper/abs/lowerbody

Saturday and Sunday are all cardio based workouts. low impact.
Im getting results but just like anything else I just wish it was at a faster pace. :)

I seem to be losing a few lbs a week.

04-12-2011, 10:47 PM
DONOT worry to much about what you eat also.Remember its all about portions.Your body will need fatty foods here and there or it reacts wrong and doesnt take up protiens and other stuff propperly...

its safe to say that this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. I dont know any body builders eating mcd's in small portions and putting on massive muscles. haha

04-13-2011, 08:27 AM
I went from 142 up to almost 180 in 4 months only with just amino acids and protien shakes.It was all lein muscle i had no fat what so ever. I havent worked out in 3 years and am back to 145 skinny again.But lemme know your goals and maby i can give you some good input///

38 pounds in 4 months??? And it's all "lein muscle" :rolleyes:

I put on 5 pounds over 3 months. Sorry dude, you didn't gain 38 pounds of muscle.

04-13-2011, 08:44 AM
sorry but NO. I dont give a fuck what you say, but you did NOT put on 38 lbs of LEAN muscle in 4 months. It is NOT possible without steroids and even then not so much. Try more like 5-10lbs of LEAN muscle + water. In the beginning of ANY workout regimen whether its to lose weight or gain it, the body ALWAYS retains water before it begins to shed off the excess water and then excess fat. I am patiently waiting for someone to say that fat TURNS into muscle....lol
Its very possible and it was easy,when i was lockedup it was all i had to do, plus i had people helping me who knew what they were doing, i came out of there a monster.I look nothing like i did then and i bet i could get that back in 6 months, it would take longer because when i was locked up i did 2x 1hour workouts a day and inbetween i would be playing basketball or soccer on the yard.So befor you run your mouth atleast know what your talking about,yuou make your self look ignorant...now dont go ribbing me for my spelling son, thats been done...i had lavaslush,amino acids, and just peanut butter.The best you can get while your locked up and it more than did the trick,and it was easy to maintain that weight upon my release, but i just got to busy and now im back to my original body weight.

04-13-2011, 08:51 AM
38 pounds in 4 months??? And it's all "lein muscle" :rolleyes:

I put on 5 pounds over 3 months. Sorry dude, you didn't gain 38 pounds of muscle.
so anyone want to sponser me? you pay my gym membership and for my suppliments and ille show you how to get big fast and propperly..LOL i am a skinny person naturally, so its easy for me to put on lein muscle..Obviously when you start as a fat person your body will build diffrently,its all how you work out..and by the way when i was alomost 180 i could put up 265 5 times on the flat bench,and i have all my family as proof..Now thats no bullsh*t to be putting up weight like that..if you look at me now you would think im a white Wiz Kahlifa, im going to try and find a pic of me when i was released and one of me now, and you will see the diffrence...But why would i sit here and lie about something wso stupid, i was trying to help you out and give you some insight...

04-13-2011, 09:35 AM
Wow, this site has had its share of guys that come in and make up stories about their cars/mods real or fictional, but iirc, never about their muscles. :rolf

I never realized that the car hobby couldn't contain all the testosterone by itself. Can we also have some epic threads like the bodybuilding forums seem to have?

04-13-2011, 09:44 AM
Its very possible and it was easy,when i was lockedup it was all i had to do, plus i had people helping me who knew what they were doing, i came out of there a monster.I look nothing like i did then and i bet i could get that back in 6 months, it would take longer because when i was locked up i did 2x 1hour workouts a day and inbetween i would be playing basketball or soccer on the yard.So befor you run your mouth atleast know what your talking about,yuou make your self look ignorant...now dont go ribbing me for my spelling son, thats been done...i had lavaslush,amino acids, and just peanut butter.The best you can get while your locked up and it more than did the trick,and it was easy to maintain that weight upon my release, but i just got to busy and now im back to my original body weight.

Before you start saying that Yoo is full of shit, I really think you need to take a look at him. There are few people on here who I would take diet and weight training advice from, and he is one of them.

04-13-2011, 12:22 PM
easy...190lb, 6% body fat, 415lb incline press RAW..for those that dont know, that means no wraps, belts, chains, gloves and SUICIDE GRIP. I KNOW how to get big! I know how to powerlift and bodybuilding and KNOW you CAN NOT put on 38lbs of LEAN muscle in 4 months. In jail you dont get enough food to build seriously large muscle let alone the kind of muscle that even roids cant build. maybe you misspoke and thats fine, say so but your claim is not possible plain and simple. To get from 180-215 took eating EVERY 3 hours! That means eating every 3 hours even during sleep. that means keeping peanut butter sandwiches, chick breast, zone bars and protein shakes on ice near the bed waking up in 3 hour intervals to eat and piss because at that body weight you need a min of 1 gallon of water per day NOT INCLUDING water consumed during working out. I hate threads like these because you can not get enough info from a forum about how to effectively train. The OP needs a trainer top evaluate what his goals are and how to get there.

you want to give insight? give the right insight not exaggerated claims.. talk about diet, stretch, sleep, water consumption, PROPER techniques and REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS.

04-13-2011, 12:26 PM
psh you can gain 38lbs of muscle very easily...


04-13-2011, 12:35 PM
The only way you were getting enough protein to put on that kind of mass while in jail was by being a "swallower"... And a busy one at that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-13-2011, 12:40 PM
and i was wrong you are correct..It was abit over 5 months, but even then i had huge gains fast.And in prison the food isnt much but it is healthy and you are able to buy extra food.Say what you will but i was not even 150 and i went to almost 180 from feb-july 23rd when i was released.Put your money up,get me the suppliments and membership and we can go workout together..And then you can see im not BS'ing...

04-13-2011, 12:42 PM
and once again let me explain..IM LITTLE so its easy for me to get big you cant start big and expect to get bigger fast..DUH.Its hard for the body to put on weight that it cant support naturally..

04-13-2011, 01:00 PM
and i was wrong you are correct..It was abit over 5 months, but even then i had huge gains fast.And in prison the food isnt much but it is healthy and you are able to buy extra food.Say what you will but i was not even 150 and i went to almost 180 from feb-july 23rd when i was released.Put your money up,get me the suppliments and membership and we can go workout together..And then you can see im not BS'ing...Why does someone have to put their money up to prove you wrong. You are the one who is holding tight to this bs story about how you were ripped in 4-5 months. I dont buy it.

and once again let me explain..IM LITTLE so its easy for me to get big you cant start big and expect to get bigger fast..DUH.Its hard for the body to put on weight that it cant support naturally..

Yeah, that "cheese brick" and stale brick of bread was really healthy. I really dont buy it. Now it is possible to put on weight in that short period of time, however not in jail. There is no suppliments available to you in jail...Trust me, I know. Thinner guys with little body fat on them can gain muscle (and not lean muscle) quicker than people who have more fat on them, true, however not the gains in the amount of time that you are saying.

04-13-2011, 02:37 PM
Maybe he ment to say that he had 38 lbs of muscle shoved into him?

04-13-2011, 03:54 PM
Back to the OP's question. Plain and simple you need to eat right, get enough rest for your body/muscles to recover, put in the weights/cardio/interval work to get to your goal weight. Supplements and vitamins will get you there faster, but with anything it takes time, good job so far keep it up! I might have an idea of what I am talking about being a CPT in the field :)

04-14-2011, 12:08 AM
The OP needs a trainer top evaluate what his goals are and how to get there.

Got one planned for next week Tuesday.. Pretty excited about it.

04-14-2011, 05:55 AM
Who do you have it set up with? I am a trainer at West Wood...stop by anytime and let me know if you need any help! I practically live there most days of the week.


04-15-2011, 10:16 PM
Who do you have it set up with? I am a trainer at West Wood...stop by anytime and let me know if you need any help! I practically live there most days of the week.

Ann at 8am monday. I was planning on going in on Tuesday but my work schedule fell apart.

04-16-2011, 07:03 AM
Sounds like you have an assessment/program setup...just let her know what you want in a program and you should be set..if you want help past that...let me know!

04-16-2011, 09:49 AM
The only way you were getting enough protein to put on that kind of mass while in jail was by being a "swallower"... And a busy one at that.

Thanks for making spit out my coffee.

04-16-2011, 05:52 PM
Sounds like you have an assessment/program setup...just let her know what you want in a program and you should be set..if you want help past that...let me know!

For sure!

04-17-2011, 07:33 PM
so for all who was saying i "lied" heres a pic when i was 180 and me now( my normal size)..And yes, it is possible to put on 30lbs of lein muscle in about 5 months.Stay focased and its easly possible..The pic is of me about 3years ago after my realease and the other is of me and my fiance last year.See how much size i lost as my body went back to its normal weight, and i bet it would be pretty easy for me to get 180 back,id say 6 months only..http://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x450/cougar1997xr7/myboy.jpghttp://i1182.photobucket.com/albums/x450/cougar1997xr7/NewImage.jpg

04-17-2011, 07:58 PM
You forgot that age is a m0th3r fvck3r, and it gets harder.

04-17-2011, 08:03 PM
To better verify the the situation at hand I'm going to need to see more pics. However not of you, but of your girl. Preferbly nudes... :rolf

Just playin' dude...

04-17-2011, 08:27 PM
lol, those tits wenrt gods gift...lemme tell ya..But ya,age is a huge factor.I was only 21 when i was lifting like that and i had nothing to do but lift and get fit.I would like to start working out again but to be honest, money is so scarce rite now.

04-17-2011, 08:28 PM
lol, guess my fiances age..

04-17-2011, 08:31 PM
Posting shirtless pics of yourself on a car site....:rolf

04-17-2011, 08:31 PM
Why does someone have to put their money up to prove you wrong. You are the one who is holding tight to this bs story about how you were ripped in 4-5 months. I dont buy it.

Yeah, that "cheese brick" and stale brick of bread was really healthy. I really dont buy it. Now it is possible to put on weight in that short period of time, however not in jail. There is no suppliments available to you in jail...Trust me, I know. Thinner guys with little body fat on them can gain muscle (and not lean muscle) quicker than people who have more fat on them, true, however not the gains in the amount of time that you are saying.

WRONG!!! were you in prison? no? ok then, there was a protien/creatine powder mix( orange slush lava) and they also had amino acid pills..I took all that plus lots of peanut butter and i had freinds in the kitchen so i always had extra food.LOL prison was nothing like the movies..hahaha more pussies in there than anywhere..

Prince Valiant
04-17-2011, 08:59 PM
I was in prison once. Killed a man just to watch him die.

04-17-2011, 09:03 PM

Ricky Bobby
04-17-2011, 09:18 PM
nick put down the hater-aid u are jealous u wanna rub his abs (no homo) http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/148b82daf6/no-homo

04-17-2011, 09:20 PM
Just ordered Insanity and will start it as soon as it arrives in 5-7 working days.

04-17-2011, 11:51 PM
I bought a pair of Nike's and I'm drinking milk. I might even sleep at the Holiday Inn Express for good measure.

04-18-2011, 07:20 AM
Lemme tell you what ive been doing, Mean Jean. I've been saying my prayers, and taking my vitamins. Out there training with the tens of thousands of other screaming Hulkamaniacs, brother.

04-18-2011, 07:52 AM
24in pythons.!!!! you wanna tangle brother..?

04-19-2011, 10:35 AM
WRONG!!! were you in prison? no? ok then, there was a protien/creatine powder mix( orange slush lava) and they also had amino acid pills..I took all that plus lots of peanut butter and i had freinds in the kitchen so i always had extra food.LOL prison was nothing like the movies..hahaha more pussies in there than anywhere..

Actually, I did spend 4 days in a huber facility. I also have a few freinds who were in state prisions for 3-5 years. They never got any supliments, unless Walworth and Waukesha are different somehow than the rest of the prision system.

04-19-2011, 12:04 PM
Actually, I did spend 4 days in a huber facility. I also have a few freinds who were in state prisions for 3-5 years. They never got any supliments, unless Walworth and Waukesha are different somehow than the rest of the prision system.

no offense but i said prison, not some county jail or lol huber hahah i said PRISON.And in racine correctional facility ( where i was at ) they do have those 2 suppliments, OrnageSlush Lava and amino acid pills.Plus 2 gyms,track,and Bball courts.So just aploigizew for calling me a liar and lets move on...

04-19-2011, 12:45 PM
its safe to say that this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. I dont know any body builders eating mcd's in small portions and putting on massive muscles. haha

Did you see his other thread?? I don't know shit about lifting or any of this stuff, but that other thread.......got to be the dumbest shit ever, this maybe second..

Sorry for the slight hijack, couldn't help myself.

04-19-2011, 02:22 PM
no offense but i said prison, not some county jail or lol huber hahah i said PRISON.And in racine correctional facility ( where i was at ) they do have those 2 suppliments, OrnageSlush Lava and amino acid pills.Plus 2 gyms,track,and Bball courts.So just aploigizew for calling me a liar and lets move on...

Walworth is a State Correctional Institution. You were in a minimal security prision.....So baisically you were as tough as a mouse.

04-19-2011, 02:46 PM
Wow this has turned into a real winner thread! LOL

Started off with some good info and now has turned into a who is a bigger loser contest.

04-19-2011, 03:07 PM
Im just curious. What did you do to get locked up? It is a personal question, if you don't want to answer obviously you don't have to or if you'd like you could send me a pm.

Carry on...

04-19-2011, 04:56 PM
Wow this has turned into a real winner thread! LOL

Started off with some good info and now has turned into a who is a bigger loser contest.

Touche'. What I did was stupid (driving after revocation multiple times). What my friends did was even dumber. It is what is is and you learn from your mistakes....

04-19-2011, 05:22 PM
Back on topic!!!

Tough Mudder Motha Fuckers! If you're looking to get into shape sign up for the Tough Mudder in Devil’s Head Resort, Merrimac, WI July 23 & 24th.


04-19-2011, 05:29 PM
no offense but i said prison, not some county jail or lol huber hahah i said PRISON.And in racine correctional facility ( where i was at ) they do have those 2 suppliments, OrnageSlush Lava and amino acid pills.Plus 2 gyms,track,and Bball courts.So just aploigizew for calling me a liar and lets move on...

Walworth is a State Correctional Institution. You were in a minimal security prision.....So baisically you were as tough as a mouse.


Karps TA
04-19-2011, 05:53 PM
Back on topic!!!

Tough Mudder Motha Fuckers! If you're looking to get into shape sign up for the Tough Mudder in Devil’s Head Resort, Merrimac, WI July 23 & 24th.


I'm doing the Warrior Dash in Twin Lakes. Similar event. http://www.warriordash.com/

Prince Valiant
04-19-2011, 06:17 PM
I've been swimming 8-10 thousand yards a week..already got 150 miles of biking this month, but the crummy weather is keeping WAY off my normal bike routine this early in the year. Had been in the 230++ range late fall now down to about 208 and kind of holding steady (normally I've been bigger at the start of spring)....normally during the summer I'll drop another 20 just biking to work, but this year plan on actually watching what I eat to try and drop under 180 for the first time since 05 or so.

04-19-2011, 06:19 PM
Back on topic!!!

Tough Mudder Motha Fuckers! If you're looking to get into shape sign up for the Tough Mudder in Devil’s Head Resort, Merrimac, WI July 23 & 24th.


Wow at first I thought that training video was just going to be a joke, I was wrong.

04-19-2011, 08:06 PM
what are some people goals on here. I plan on lifting agaon soon.im only at 139 rite now(lol) but i want to get back to 180 or close to..What are some shakes that you people have had good results.How much did it cost? I find gnc was a rip off and over priced on everything they had in the stoor.Where do you get yours?

04-19-2011, 11:11 PM

Stew, you are a fu*king trip! Every one of your posts has me laughing my ass off the past couple days......Love it!

FWIW, I heard if you put some premium ball joints in your back pocket, you will run a 2 &1/2 second 40, I'm gonna try it this weekend.....:goof

04-19-2011, 11:49 PM
From what I hear, Tough Mudder is a much more difficult version of the Warrior Dash. My bro and some friends are doing TM.

04-20-2011, 11:37 AM
I got my eval tonight at 5pm at Westwood. I'll have to ask for Tim too. Need some guidance for my goals.

04-21-2011, 06:37 AM
Push ups sucked -29 in 30 seconds
sit up curls were great though, average is 35 for my age/weight/etc.. and I did 91 in a minute, haha.

Jolene was nice. Set up another time with her and I think she's gonna kick my ass

04-21-2011, 10:40 AM
I've been swimming 8-10 thousand yards a week..

Are you doing set work or just straight swims? If sets, what kind of set work are you doing?

04-21-2011, 11:24 AM
You are already in pretty good shape if you are doing 29 push ups in 30 seconds. The average person can't even do 29 push ups period, much less in 30 seconds. That doesn't suck.

04-21-2011, 09:26 PM
I got my eval tonight at 5pm at Westwood. I'll have to ask for Tim too. Need some guidance for my goals.

Hey if you are looking for a work out buddy let me know. I'm always looking for somebody to tell me I'm fat and I need to work harder.

04-21-2011, 09:29 PM
what are some people goals on here. I plan on lifting agaon soon.im only at 139 rite now(lol) but i want to get back to 180 or close to..What are some shakes that you people have had good results.How much did it cost? I find gnc was a rip off and over priced on everything they had in the stoor.Where do you get yours?

Jack3d and usp labs modern bcaa.. I have had some amazing work outs from them. In the past I would get tired and sore half way through. I can now go till my arms fall off.

04-21-2011, 10:02 PM
are those drinks or pills.? I only want amino acids for pills and maby creatine but i want a good protien kinda shake.

04-21-2011, 10:23 PM
are those drinks or pills.? I only want amino acids for pills and maby creatine but i want a good protien kinda shake.

Both are drinks when I cut another 25lbs I plan on stacking yok3d with jack3d for my preworkout cocktail of destruction. I have read that people are getting great results. I also have a buddy who is doing such and won't shut up about how amazing his workouts are while taking them together.

04-21-2011, 11:34 PM
I wouldn't brag about being 180, I weighed that in 7th grade.
<----my arm on the right, 3 years ago.

04-22-2011, 05:10 AM
^^^ hahahah

caddy, thanks man. to me I just feel out of shape since it's been so long since i've been in the gym on a continuous basis. i've always been a great athlete in anything i've tried(obviously not professional anything, just a generally good athletic person) but as I'm getting older I'm finding it rougher to do.

That_Guy - I'm down for that. I have my follow up eval with Jolene this Tuesday. I was thinking about doing a bunch of personal training sessions, but just signed up for a Titleist Performance Institute training package at NX Level Athletics here in Waukesha. They do fitness/strength and conditioning sessions and involves alot of golf moves, as well as swing analysis. NX Level Athletics does alot of sports, and some NFL players are there, and JJ Watts signed up for training there since they do alot of pre-combine training for those looking to get into the NFL. Will be interesting to see how the training for the golf side turns out.

I'll still be down to hit up the gym. Jolene had said one of the best ways for fat loss is to hit the pool and swim alot.

I have the Animal PUMP that are the pills you take. Since it is something that you have to take 45 minutes pre-workout, I didn't want it to be a drinking anything other than water before doing a large workout.

I have EAS premixed protein shakes that are like $6 for four of them at Pick N Save. Those are a simple meal replacement shake for me. Quick and easy since I have to eat so many calories.

I eat alot of blueberries and some pineapple since it is sweet and my body seems to do better if I can get some blood sugar increase before the workout as well.

I have the Myoplex shakes that are 42g of protein for post workout shakes. They are mixed whey and cassein protein. Bunch of theories as to whether a whey isolate is better or if the mix is better post workout? I had already bought it so I'm using it. Taste isn't all that great.

I also use the GNC Brand "RE-BUILT MASS" weight gainer shake mix. Fudge brownie is actually damn good.
I just have a hard time eating so many calories a day so this has helped. It's 850 calories in water, and 10g of fat and ALOT of protein. So the fat to calorie intake for me is good since I'd be trying to stuff other foods in the replacement of this shake that would have a much higher content. If you use skim milk, it tastes much better and that adds another almost 200 calories and 0 fat and some protein. It's something I drink throughout the day, not in one sitting though. Maybe that's bad, but since it is so heavy of a mix, it's hard to just chug the whole 16 oz. Just gonna go through this one tub and see if it is really worth it. Supposedly you have to workout very hard with this stuff though otherwise it's just a waste and too much protein/calories. Apparently my metabolism and my normal daily activity I burn a little less than 3000 calories a day, so I need ALOT of food/calories/etc...

I also do the USPlabs PRIME. 2 pills, 3x per day.

Overall I've seen some good initial results from all of this, but as with anyone, you can just get those initial gains just from going and actually hitting the gym instead of sitting on our ass, haha.

I know alot of other people are much better at this stuff than I am and I know there are better people to give recommendations for supplements.

Karps TA
04-22-2011, 06:47 AM
Both are drinks when I cut another 25lbs I plan on stacking yok3d with jack3d for my preworkout cocktail of destruction. I have read that people are getting great results. I also have a buddy who is doing such and won't shut up about how amazing his workouts are while taking them together.

I'd ask your buddy to try his yoked before taking it. It doesn't work for everybody from what I read. I use it and absolutely love that stack. More then just the ridiculous pumps you get from it, I find that it allows me to do extra sets. There's a lot of times I find myself looking around at what to do next, when in the past I'd be spent.

04-22-2011, 08:44 AM
I'd ask your buddy to try his yoked before taking it. It doesn't work for everybody from what I read. I use it and absolutely love that stack. More then just the ridiculous pumps you get from it, I find that it allows me to do extra sets. There's a lot of times I find myself looking around at what to do next, when in the past I'd be spent.

You pretty much took the words out of this mouth. He said that he would get done with the core of his workout and decide to go do one more rep of everything because he could.

04-22-2011, 02:52 PM
since im a skinny guy that needs all the weight i can get i try to get stuff without any effodrin or stuff that will increase your heartrate,plus i hate that jittery feeling.And its hard for me to keep my weight on, so that why i need the high protein drinks.

04-22-2011, 02:53 PM
I wouldn't brag about being 180, I weighed that in 7th grade.
<----my arm on the right, 3 years ago.

lol, i like how the chevy flags corrispond wioth the arms, bigblock and little block..from the looks my arm was by no means as big as urs,but bigger than the one on the left..

04-22-2011, 04:33 PM
Little block? Do you mean small block?

04-22-2011, 06:05 PM

04-24-2011, 07:24 PM
lol, i like how the chevy flags corrispond wioth the arms, bigblock and little block..from the looks my arm was by no means as big as urs,but bigger than the one on the left..
Actually they are C6 Corvette (mine) and C5 (younger brother) Corvette flags. They are an homage to my father who passed away nearly three years ago. He was a Corvette lover all his life. His first was an 84 when he was only 29, then an 89, 2000, 2005, 2006 ZO6. He's the reason that I lift weights, and also the reason I became a service technician...we loved to lift and work on cars together.

04-25-2011, 12:12 AM
I wouldn't brag about being 180, I weighed that in 7th grade.
<----my arm on the right, 3 years ago.

shit im only 143 lol

04-26-2011, 07:21 PM
Actually they are C6 Corvette (mine) and C5 (younger brother) Corvette flags. They are an homage to my father who passed away nearly three years ago. He was a Corvette lover all his life. His first was an 84 when he was only 29, then an 89, 2000, 2005, 2006 ZO6. He's the reason that I lift weights, and also the reason I became a service technician...we loved to lift and work on cars together.
very cool, and im sorry to hear about your father..my father also had the 84.5 vette,i always felt cool pulling upto school in that when i was younger..I hope to someday have the same color and year vette and take the pops for a ride in it befor he passes away, his health is ailing hense one of the reason i dont have a job rite now..

04-27-2011, 08:13 AM
"and I know there are better people to give recommendations for supplements." Just hit the juice. Look at Arnold Schwarzenneger, Lou Ferrigno, Stallone. They are all still huge. I'd argue that Stallone is bigger than he ever has been and he's what 60? Look at how big the Rock is again. He got super small when he did "The Game Plan", didn't even look like him. You want to get huge like that, you gotta cheat. All the supplements in the world won't get you that kind of size.

04-27-2011, 08:42 AM

I think of the Family Guy episode where Stewie gets on the juice and then one day wakes up and has all that loose skin

04-27-2011, 09:54 AM
I've been lifting for a few years. I am down to a soy protein shake once a day after lifting. Whey protein messes up my cholesterol and I bulk pretty easily so I am just trying to gain lean muscle as of now.

I like N.O explode works pretty good felt comfortable on it.

SCREW Jack3d. I thought it was awesome until I ran stairs after lifting, I am pretty sure I permanently messed up my heart.

Karps TA
04-27-2011, 10:00 AM
Every supplement isn't for every person. Shit the old Hydroxycut with epehdrine crap would stop a bull's heart if taken at the doasage they recommend. Everything I try I take half the dosage to start with and work my way up till I feel comfortable and have no side effects. I think half the time the problems many people have is they are already way out of shape, and then they take something that's designed for a person in shape and they blow their heart out.

04-27-2011, 10:41 AM
Yea to be honest with you I do agree. I actually listened to the guy at GNC :crying. I had just come off N.O. explode and he said I'd be fine with 2-3 scoops on my first cycle. I took 1-2 for the first months then went to 3 and thats when shit got crazy.

Karps TA
04-27-2011, 01:15 PM
2-3 scoops at first is crazy. just 1 per in my 12oz bottled water gives me all I need, and I'm like 245lbs lol

04-27-2011, 01:42 PM
I actually listened to the guy at GNC

If I ever actually set foot in such a store as GNC, the first person I would completely ignore is anyone with a GNC nametag. Unless it has something to do with checking current stock on a product or ringing me up, the resident meatheads that work at GNC are about as knowledgable on health issues as the people that stick magnets to themselves for enhanced balance.

04-28-2011, 06:19 AM
About 6-7 years ago when I went through a 2 year stint of lifting and working out creatine seemed to help a ton. I'm not sure if that still seems to be the case after not touching a weight for years and not paying much attention to the supplement world.

04-29-2011, 10:38 AM
yea im 215. My poor little heart.

04-29-2011, 10:39 AM
Power balance is the way of the future.......