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04-01-2011, 09:45 PM
Hi Folks.

I have a boarder collie human society special. They're not sure on the mix. he's 4.5 years old.

About 6 months ago is when trouble started. He started puking up bile randomly. light green in color. it would come and go for a couple days at a time. Then the diarrhea started. Bloody diarrhea. So we took him to the vett. He lost 6 lbs since his previous visit, hes currently 55lbs. They put him on some antibiotics and nothing helped after 4 days. Then they did some x rays and saw he had a small obstruction in his intestine. They kept him overnight to 'load him up on fluids intravenously.' That helped a lost. his poop became more solid and a small piece of plastic did finally pass. or at least I think it was a small piece of plastic I found when I digging through the poop.

So now here it is about 3 months later and its starting all over again!

The last time the vet cost me about $1,000, and I don't have the money to do that again. I mean It's not like I have the money and don't want to spend it, or have to spend it on other stuff, there's literally no money for it. I'm really choked up over this and I have a daughter who's 2 years and 3 months and she loves this dog more than anything.

Any advice is much appreciated Thank you.

04-01-2011, 09:51 PM
Did you contact your vet over the phone and explain the symptoms have returned?

I highly recommend (and use) CareCredit. It's a credit card, but you can use it for vet bills (and other medical things for yourself/family). It charges you no interest for a year or so, as long as you pay a monthly minimum. Most vets (if not all) will accept it and even process your application.

My cat, Oscar, had some medical issues awhile back and CareCredit was suggested since we were at the vet so often. I had the money, but it was nice not to have to take out $1000 over a two week period.

I wish I had a suggestion for you on what to do. When my Lola gets an upset stomach (throws up) or has diarrhea, I give her some plain yogurt to get some good bacteria in her. Works great. And pumpkin too (100% pumpkin from a can) is good to stiffen things up. I've heard of other dog owners (under vet's suggestion) giving their dog Imodium or Pepto as well. I would consult your vet regardless. Best wishes!

04-01-2011, 09:59 PM

04-01-2011, 10:00 PM
thanks for the reply, i remember our vet also recommended plain white rice too.

04-01-2011, 10:04 PM
Yes, chicken and rice is good too. I like to stuff yogurt into an empty bone or a Kong and freeze it. It's a good treat and when frozen, it isn't so messy.

04-01-2011, 10:08 PM
he used to love.... i think they were knuckle bones? they're about 3 inches long and stuffed with marrow. They were raw and he loved em. I had pet supplies plus on 76th st stock em for me but once he grew up he was more interested in hiding them in my bed, laundry, or curtains. so then they would thaw and leave a bloody mess wherever he hid them. Im going to pick up some yogurt tomorrow and see how that does. Maybe some pumpkin too...

he also sneezes more than any dog I've ever seen. It's kinda funny. I know he has allergies as in the summer the fur on his paws gets thin. The vet thinks he's allergic to grass.

Prince Valiant
04-01-2011, 10:08 PM
Hmph...that's a tough pickle. Hopefully in talking to the vet you guys are able to come up with the same issue and hopefully a similar, but cheaper this time, fix works. What would be interesting is a repeat X ray and see if there is the same obstruction, only differently located. Certainly it could be something new as dogs certainly can pick up small kids toys, etc.

Adorable dog....looks like a springer/brittany spaniel/english setter type mix....

Praying for the best...

04-01-2011, 10:14 PM
anyone else see akita in him? My wife was watching a special on animal planet and thinks hes.... I think it was Norwegian bear dog?

04-01-2011, 11:31 PM
have you looked into dog insurance for the vet bills. Our last bill took a while to pay off and in hindsight insurance would have been well worth it. good luck with helping the family member along.

04-02-2011, 05:16 PM
I don't see Akita, I do see spaniel or retriever type dogs in him.

04-03-2011, 04:38 PM

Thanks for the help everyone. its been almost 24 hours since his last regurgitation, almost made it, but this was a lot smaller than before. His poop has gained some solidity to it and the bloodiness is gone.

Talked to the manager at the store about his food and they said they weren't surprised really. The Nutro maxx that we switched to is GRAIN based, wheres as Natural Balance has NO grain as it is an allergy formula. We got him the sweet potato and chicken one as they said that's the easiest one for dogs to digest. His old old food was the Natural Balance Venison and .. .fish?

Looks like he's on the path to health! Thanks all! I owe you one! My daughter would thank you too if she could talk :banana

04-03-2011, 11:28 PM
Good to hear.

Reverend Cooper
04-04-2011, 07:04 PM
Hell you make chicken and rice and I will stop over too

04-04-2011, 08:29 PM
day 2 since switching food and hes much closer to back to normal, no vomit today!!!!!!!!!

so much indebted to you guys Thank you!