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View Full Version : Netflix or Hulu on HDTV

02-15-2011, 02:49 PM
Thinking about ditching cable/dish. Looking for pros/cons of going with netflix or Hulu. We would be putting this on our 46" TV so we were wondering about picture quality as well. Any input is appreciated.

02-15-2011, 02:54 PM
Netflix streams awesome HD on my 55" Vizio, hickups maybe once every 10 movies and has to re-buffer for 10 sec.

02-15-2011, 02:58 PM
Netflix streams awesome HD on my 55" Vizio, hickups maybe once every 10 movies and has to re-buffer for 10 sec.

Do you have a Roku player or anything?

02-15-2011, 03:16 PM
My brother built a media PC for me, cost him less then 250 including the blu-ray drive. We use boxee.tv software ( they show you what computers are best to use if you are computer illiterate like me ) and a wireless keyboard with built in mouse pad.

I love it, pay 9 bucks a month for netflix and 35 a month for highspeed internet, no cable or dish. Only problem is if you keep up with tv shows, you will be a day or two behind everyone else. I don't watch much tv, we stream movies on netflix most often and rarely have problems. I have an hdmi video card and it goes into my 55" Toshiba with no problems.

02-15-2011, 03:18 PM
OR you can buy a boxee for 199 and use an iphone for a remote control

02-15-2011, 03:31 PM
have netflix and thoroughly enjoy it...hoping as more people come on board they are able to add more newly released movies

02-15-2011, 03:57 PM
I currently have my gaming PC connected to my TV and I mostly use Hulu. It's not the best quality but it is free and for anything that is not on Hulu, I just download it by torrent.

Rocket Power
02-15-2011, 04:18 PM
Not that I have an HDTV, but netflix is running a one month free streaming deal now, so you could try it out. We just signed up last night

02-15-2011, 05:08 PM
have netflix and thoroughly enjoy it...hoping as more people come on board they are able to add more newly released movies


I personally haven't had a hiccup yet, and I'm streaming thru PS3 with/TWC high speed running off a cisco wireless router with 2 other computers manually connected.

We honestly only watch about 3 movies per week, but its not bad for $8 a month to find something on tap when nothing else is on T.V., or we need to watch something that we never seen before, but unfortunately its always something 2009 prior.

My take is that Netflix has the market right now, and if they update to newer movies, the price will probably have to go up. But honestly if a competitor arises with a decent price with updated movies, I'll try them out definitely, because that's my only problem with Netflix, NO NEW MOVIES! otherwise highly recommended. :)

Karps TA
02-15-2011, 06:38 PM
I tried the Netflix out on my PS3 and it worked well, just the selection was awful. In the 1 month free trial I watched maybe 3-4 things. I guess it depends on what you're interested in. I also thought the picture quality was pretty poor, atleast on the older stuff (which is like 90% of the stuff) I watched some movies like Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Weird Science that were like watching a well rented VHS tape. That was on a 37" tv. Can't imagine how bad it would look on something larger.

I'd definetly say give the free trial a shot to see if it's worth it. For me the $8 a month would be better spent towards a pay movie channel and using my DVR.

I'm picking up an Apple TV box this week to see how well that works. I'd like to get away from having any physical media and other then the 720P limitation it seems like the way to go.

02-15-2011, 07:20 PM
I have Netflix as well, business class Roadrunner, Wii, Netgear dual channel wireless router. The Wii is connected to the wireless network and I haven't seen a Netflix hiccup yet, and the HD looks great. Although the best part of all of this is the iPhone and iPad apps for Netflix...it's awesome.

Sent from my iP4, using Tapatalk

02-15-2011, 07:36 PM
I have netflix. The only thing I don't like is that a huge number of newer movies are mail in only and not instant stream. Kinda sucks but oh well. Still worth the 10bucks or whatever it is I pay a month for it.

02-15-2011, 09:09 PM
Do you have a Roku player or anything?

Get it through my Samsung bluray player.

Got Boost
02-16-2011, 12:13 PM
Im kinda dumb on this stuff ....But on the Boxee can I get shows like whats on discovery and what not.. Like American Pickers Pawn stars and stuff like that .... Along whith commerical local TV???? And if yes how old are the episodes??? Last weeks ???TY

02-16-2011, 05:19 PM
It all depends what the networks offer, they are all different. Some networks offer next day viewing of new tv shows, where others wait 3-4 days before they release them. Some networks don't have any of their shows available online, Discovery is one of them that doesn't have a ton of stuff available online ( mostly because they sell their episodes on dvds ).

02-17-2011, 02:20 PM
I've had really good luck with Netflix and also get 1 blueray disc at a time too for real movie night stuff.

I'd give it 8/10.
-1 because of the lacking new releases available through streaming
-1 because more and more discs in the mail are rental only versions and are missing bonus content

I can't stand commercials on free Hulu, and haven't tried their pay service. The few things I have watched there had crap quality, but that was months ago and things are probably drastically different now.

02-17-2011, 06:11 PM
I've had really good luck with Netflix and also get 1 blueray disc at a time too for real movie night stuff.

I'd give it 8/10.
-1 because of the lacking new releases available through streaming
-1 because more and more discs in the mail are rental only versions and are missing bonus content

I can't stand commercials on free Hulu, and haven't tried their pay service. The few things I have watched there had crap quality, but that was months ago and things are probably drastically different now.

People actually watch bonus content?

I've thought about getting the Netflix, but everyone keeps saying that they don't have very many current movies for streaming. Don't really want to deal with the mail for current movies either as me watching movies is usually a spur of the moment once a week thing.

02-17-2011, 06:16 PM
I have Netflix.

I know they are working on being able to stream new movies, be patient.

usually me and the wife only watch movies on the weekend so the 2 mail-ins isn't bad for us.

02-18-2011, 09:39 AM
People actually watch bonus content?

I think recently it was A-Team that I was sad to miss out on the bonus stuff, growing up on that show and all, but it's definitely not one worth buying. And Despicable Me, had all these neat interactive menus on the bluedisc that only popped up an error saying something like buy the real disc which I thought sucked, I'd rather they just leave that out rather than tempt me and piss me off since it's not there.

On the opposite side, some of those rental only versions dump almost ALL the other crap content off the disc and load much more quickly and get straight to the movie, which is awesome. I used to rip/burn the main movie off of DVDs and play that instead to avoid having to deal with insane menus and found that it was faster than dealing with discs that don't allow you to skip the crap. Haven't bothered figuring out how to do the same on blueray yet mainly due to lack of effort.

Karps TA
02-18-2011, 10:07 AM
I'll watch bonus content or commentaries depending on the director and actors. Like Kevin Smith movies have hilarious commentaries usually.

02-18-2011, 11:13 AM
I'll watch bonus content or commentaries depending on the director and actors. Like Kevin Smith movies have hilarious commentaries usually.

this....got my tickets to the pabst already for his show... Some dvds have bonus features that are as good if not better than the movie.

02-18-2011, 11:14 AM
Rockin the Netflicks of the PS3 on the Samsung 55" LED :headbang

cant beat it for 8 bucks a month

Rocket Power
02-18-2011, 03:20 PM
I think we are going to keep the netflix for our Wii even after the free month is over. I've already watched a bunch of stuff including the old episodes of American Muscle car that used to be on Speed:thumbsup

The only bad thing so far was GI Joe Rise of Cobra. Was pretty lame:rolf

02-18-2011, 05:07 PM
Remember the Wii is only 480p. PS3/Xbox360 has 720p playback.

Rocket Power
02-19-2011, 12:54 AM
No HDTV in my house so Wii works for me:rolf