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View Full Version : Need some opinions please

01-02-2011, 04:21 PM
So I am at a cross roads right now with my racing season and I would like some extra perspectives.

So I currently run a 4x4 short course class and a 2 whl stock class. The 4x4 class is currently my issue. I used to be semi competitive but I have been focusing on my other class. Now it seems I can't race it with out being lapped twice. Thats no good. So I am changing class's. I would like to go to the box stock 2whl slash class. So here is my dillema. I can either slowly save some money to buy another truck or do I sell my 4x4 by either parting it out or selling as a package with battery/charger and spektrum remote so I can also upgrade my current remote. What do you guys think.

I think the 4x4 should go but it is just so insanely fast with this motor/esc combo that I don't have a definite idea. :confused

01-02-2011, 04:54 PM
I heard that 4x4 class is getting insane now with all the fancy motor/esc combos coming out lately.

Do you think you'd bash your 4x4 around the area alot? If you don't think you'd mess with that 4x4 then get rid of it. No sense in keeping something that isn't gonna be used at all.

I don't think I'd get rid of any chargers/batteries/etc... can you sell it with just the chassis and electronics on it? I'm sure if you list it that way for sale that you could always remove it if someone asks, and then you have advertised it the best way possible.

01-02-2011, 07:52 PM
If I sold it, it would be parted out. More cash that way.

01-02-2011, 07:56 PM
Let me know if you part out the 4x4, lol

I bashed a curb tonight, snapped the lower plastic shock part, and lost 2 lower shock cups. It was funny, where it happened, all the parts were right there in a pile

01-02-2011, 09:06 PM
Didn't know how "modded" it would be. Seems with these things, technology is just as fast as computer technology is, so best to sell it all, haha.

01-02-2011, 09:18 PM
:rolf Maybe I should sell you my battery. Makes it a little slower, more controllable :rolf

01-02-2011, 10:23 PM
I'd believe anything anyone says at this point. I'm so lost with all this new shit it's not even funny.

So yeah, come race with me in that 2wd spec class, haha. atleast you'll be able to put 2 laps on ME more than likely, haha.

Ricky Bobby
01-02-2011, 10:27 PM
if its parted lmk, also nick how the heck do u keep breaking it i hit everything under the sun and nothing happens but overheats here and there :rolf

01-03-2011, 07:27 AM
Well the 2wd class is more driving skill then machine. The only thing you can cgange is battery, gears, and springd/ shock fluid. I didn't think there was lapping in that class. And that class has the best prizes at the short course showdown! :banana1:

01-03-2011, 07:28 AM
And crawlin when do you race? I'll be there this friday and I can give you mall the bad advice I have been givin! j/k

01-03-2011, 09:37 AM
Like I had posted in the other thread, I'd be just starting to race but was looking for someone to give some possible guidance.

so yes with me there lapping would be totally possible hahahahaha

If I get my other stuff I could get out there friday for sure. Just need my batteries and charger to get here.

01-03-2011, 04:10 PM
hey I'll give what ever tips I can, hope to see you there!