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01-02-2011, 12:53 AM
I have been watching the Megaball climb up and now it's damn near 300 million. To me that's crazy rich and I don't think I could spend that in what's left of my lifetime. Thus, I would probably opt for the cash rather than the annuity.

I would probably be hit by lightning long before I would ever win something like that. Or, get hit by lightning the day after winning and all that would be left is a smouldering lotto tickes and smoking boots.

However... As long as I have spent my dollar, I can always dream right? There in lays the question. What if I really won? What would I do with that kind of money?

Nice home? a couple fine cars? perhaps a long vacation/retirement. And then what? Charity? Something nice for friends and family? Do something for a cause or community? Invest it? The possibilities are astounding.

What would you do?

01-02-2011, 12:59 AM
Invest 3/4 of it, buy a 500k house, a bunch of cars and open my own fab shop. Probably wouldn't make money but it keeps you busy during the day working on your cars at least, LOL

Car Guy
01-02-2011, 01:00 AM
My first order of business would be to purchase BCM......:D

01-02-2011, 01:02 AM
I would be road racing vintage cars year around and my wife and kids would spend the rest

01-02-2011, 01:37 AM
I love it when these questions come up.

I would give big reasonable chunks of money to me and my wife's deserving family, and her and my closest friends. But first I would hire confidentiality lawyers, and if anyone one of them leaked information they would lose their share. Because you know there's going to be people popping out of the woodwork trying to get a piece of your winnings, who don't deserve a penny.

Now once everyone else is happy and I put a huge chunk away for my sons college future, I'll go car crazy and will definitely have a 10-20 car garage, and big house to boot. Oh and every toy I have ever wanted. After all that I would simply relax and invest cautiously and try to make my money grow. That would be the life.

01-02-2011, 02:03 AM
King Air 350 and a pilots license!

01-02-2011, 02:59 AM
I'm with Ghosst, I would take care of my parents, in-laws, siblings and a couple of our closest friends. The confidentiality thing is a great idea. I would buy some toys, build a modest house on some land, maybe find a 40 to build on. I would invest most of it, and maybe open a small mom & pop hardware store up here in my town, lol. To celebrate it would be 2-3 weeks in Tahiti for my wife.

Neal Steffek
01-02-2011, 05:21 AM
After I take care of my family and close friends, and the house, car thing, I would donate it all. But not just give it all to a charity, I would sit at home and give money to families who just had a great lost or could REALLY use it directly. Any time you give $ to a charity, the money never goes to where it is needed.

On a side note. If the lottery is at 200 million, and you win, and take it in one lump sum, if you put all the winnings after taxes in a checking account, you would get $5000 a DAY in interest. Now of course you wouldn't put it in a checking account as that has the worst interest rate, but you get the idea. So now the question is, can you live on $5000 a day, for the rest of your life and never touch your winnings?

01-02-2011, 06:21 AM
Nice big lot with a medium sized house, help family and some friends. Now I would be able to travel. And I have always joked that I would still work but it would be one day a week just to irritate my boss. Lol.

01-02-2011, 06:41 AM
Buy a huge chunk of land somewhere outside Milwaukee, build $200k houses for my close friends and family and a heated hangar for our cars and a private 1/8th mile dragstrip. (that's about $7m).
About $6m would go towards a shit ton of rental properties.
Another $2-3m would go towards buying and building all my dream cars.
$1m would go towards a little project I always wanted to try, where I would give $1m to the person I choose, who I feel is the most deserving of it and would actually make something out of it.
Another $4m would go to paying off a bunch of my coworkers to walk out and sign a contract to never go back.
$1m for my gun collection...
That leaves me with what, another $125m+? So pretty much whatever else I want to do lol.

Coops Brother
01-02-2011, 06:43 AM
Everyone in the family and lots of friends would have all their bills paid, and heck a new car/bike, and cool million in the bank.

With the left over I would put up a very large building, have a huge modern gun store and room for an indoor rifle and handgun range.

As an after thought, I would buy Michelle a lifetime supply of bird seed..:D

01-02-2011, 07:11 AM
As an after thought, I would buy Michelle a lifetime supply of bird seed..:D


Ricky Bobby
01-02-2011, 08:11 AM
I would get a huge barn on some land with a new house half would be toy cars to drive the otherside would be the smashers with all new parts to use :thumbsup horses for the wife and take care of family.

Prince Valiant
01-02-2011, 09:05 AM
The last thing I'd want to do is end up like most lottery winners...broke and in far more debt than they ever hope to be able to pay back.

I would immediately go to a tax lawyer to create a double blind trust (or some kind of vehicle) to claim the prize so that no one ever knew who won the lottery...as one of my primary concerns is I wouldn't want people changing around me, nor would I want my life to change dramatically...everyone who doesn't know me would laugh, but I'd still do my job....since hey, I really do watch sports for a living.

Certainly if it ever became known that I was a lottery winner, I'd quit...since my job would make me a lawsuit magnet.

at large amounts like that(300 million), I'd consider taking the annuity just as insurance (so in case I lost all money in bad investments, etc), or on the thought that the income/capital tax environment would someday change for the better (which is seeming more likely). But at 300 million, one annuity payment would have me set pretty much for life for the plans I'd have w/ winning the lottery...since my plans would require a couple years to complete anyways.

But, to help keep secret my winnings, I'd continue to live in my small house for at least a year, maybe 2....and during that time, I would not allow myself to own more cars than I currently have (5). My house would be remodeled somewhat...new tv's, furniture, beds, etc.

Of those 5 cars, 3 I would be obligated to keep. I would do the LRT into a show quality piece. My Shelby CSX would similarly be restored, nothing too special nor expensive and then eventually given back to my dad. My Jeep Wrangler, since it's my brother's first car and I'm keeping it for HIS sentimental reasons, would get restified/modified to the kind of vehicle he's always wanted...so probably body off and good cleaning/painting, raised a modest 3", new shocks/springs/bushings, new dana 45's front/rear w/ moderate gearing that would still be okay w/ 32" or 33" tires (nothing crazy)...I'd swap in a new transfer case w/ 4:1 low range, 6 speed manual from a newer jeep, and then mate that to a small diesel engine...like the 2.8 4 from the liberty or something. He'd get a new body/interior...and probably a quality hardtop too. Both the CSX and Wrangler would go back to my dad and bro when done...and would not be replaced until I got out of my current house.

For the two cars I could replace now, I'd replace the wife's vibe w/ whatever she wanted under 30G, and myself, I'd probably see what she got...if she got a truck, I'd get a car, and vice versa...

During that time, I'd probably buy some land close to work and build a nice, not too extravagant house...big but not obnoxious size; like 3500 sqft. I'd build a separate garage to house up to 6 cars and a decent workshop. From this point, I would have to limit myself to 6 cars at anytime, including my wifes car. This house would be about as large as I could conceivably (but not really) afford now if I really pushed things hard and spent our savings/took on as much debt as possible...that's not including the cars, btw, but at least it's a believable stretch...

As far as family/friends...to keep the secret, few would "get taken care of" but what I would do for family is pay-off all existing mortgages and debts for close family and a couple close friends. In the case of one friend who manages money poorly, conditions WOULD be attached in the amount of debt they would be allowed to carry, both husband/wife would need to continue to work, things like that...not to be strict, but to keep them from getting in debt trouble like they always are. By doing it this way, in every case you've made them "wealthy" and their disposable income rose dramatically...so they should be able to both spend more and save more.

If all that was to happen, and I've gotten to the new house and all, probably not much else would change. Continue to pay myself from the trust a nice portion over what I make...and probably use more of my already generous 6 weeks of vacation a year to go skiing more, things like that...have some land/cabin up north, small single engine plane eventually (I'd keep renting like I do now..just more frequently). But I'd continue to live by much of the financial discipline I do now though...

The amount I'd be paying myself, AND the amount I had paid out as detailed above would almost certainly be less than the yearly interest on just one annuity payment if I went that route, so unlike many lottery winners, I'd probably remain quite wealthy...

so if anyone sees me driving a new dodge ram and the wife is also driving a new car...well, then you can probably figure I just won the lottery, lol.

For the record, I always buy 1 lottery ticket for most drawings...not because it's a good investment or anything...but to give myself permission to "daydream" a plan like the above. So as you can see, I've already put a lot of thought into it, lol.

01-02-2011, 09:22 AM
For me I would buy a House, nothing to flashy maybe probably just a three bedroom that was big enough. I would buy a couple of toys and then give money to my family and probably give my two closest friends money. I would then donate more money to Children Charities.

I would keep my Job for now but would probably retire after 10 years after I won the lottery

01-02-2011, 09:23 AM
First thing I would do is buy a pad in FL to escape this weather. Second I would buy Late Model Throttle to house my muscle car collection. Third I would hire the best divorce attorney for my brother because my sister-in-law is the biggest hippie bitch on earth. Last I would buy the owner out where I work as she is an un-appreciative person to say the least and very unliked.

01-02-2011, 09:30 AM
I would invest the principal and spend the interest. In today's market you get between 4 and 6% per Million invested. That's basically $40K per year / million.

I would get about 30 debit cards, each with a $1M pricipal investment dumping the interest into these accounts. I would give these 30 cards to my family and closest friends as part of a Corp. that I would set up. They would be free to spend the $40K in any way they see fit. It would accumulate at about $109/ day.

I would take a large chunck and become a partner in my current company. I know my current line of work is going to be very successful as it has grown tremendously in the past 6 years, just want the progress to happen quicker. Maybe hire 10 new people next year instead of 1. That sort of thing.

I would buy my wife and son a nice house, out of this State. Somewhere more private to avoid hassles. Possibly some new vehicles, but like Prince Valiant probably something I could afford now if my priorities changed. Maybe a VelociRaptor pickup or a Z06.

I would take 1 month of vacation every year to go to Maui (at first) and then pick different resorts. Figure December is always a slow month at work, so probably between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I would give 10% to charities. Tithing is a big part of the karma of keeping your wealth. Greed is the end all of "fun". Once you get too caught up in money it is never good for your health or stress levels.

I would also buy CPONY, and give it to Ben.

01-02-2011, 09:45 AM
I am surprised that no one mentions hiring a personal trainer, personal doctor, or a health food cook to help prolong your life. If your dead, what good is the money?

Reverend Cooper
01-02-2011, 10:19 AM
I would pay all my friends and families bills,and make sure they have a trust fund to live on after,I would not buy a white and red mustang,but rather get Ford to build me a One of a Kind.
I would go back threw my life and make sure I helped out people that helped me become me or helped me along the way that i have lost touch with over the years.kinda like a Ed Mcmahon. Just show up at their house and hand them a check.i would open another building right next to my brothers shop offering guided hunting and fishing tours,with a paintball facility indoor and out,and huge go kart track indoor and out fast ones too!
get my pilots license and and G6 with my own airstrip behind our home.
and a big donation to the church and red cross.
I would also start my own Rock band and see if i would make it big,thats what i really wanted to be as a kid lol

01-02-2011, 10:40 AM
Like I mentioned in the beginning... I would take the annuity and make sure all taxes and other things were paid so that There wouldn't be any burden left on the remaining funds.

I would set up a trust for my Daughter to insure a future for her but will make it very conditional in that it is strictly for her and her alone.

I would pay off all debt and do something nice for my immediate family members. Over the past few years, I have gotten a "very clear" idea who my "true friends" really are. I would do something very nice for each of them as well.

It's funny how you learn these things. The people who stick with you and support you when things are really low in your life are the ones you want to remember when things are good.

Then on the other hand there are those who contribute to your problems or who kick you when your down... For them... Zip... Zero... Not worth the time of day. Karma is a bitch right?

I know it seems silly but I would go on a mission to locate and recover my '68 Charger. Even though I could go get a different one or build another one. I built that one with a purpose, and did so from the heart. I wanted to give it to my Daughter so she had something her Dad made for her. Any other car or otherwise just wouldn't be the same. It's not about money it's about a promise and fond memories with that particular car.

For myself... I prefer and appreciate the simple things in life. I'm not out to impress anyone and would be very comfotable making a home where I had some woods, maybe on the water (river or lake) where I could have any animals or do whatever I please away from city noise or prying eyes. As for the house... If it's to big to clean it or keep it up by yourself... Then it's too damn big. You can only drive one car at a time and I would be content with one that was a toy and one for day to day. There are a few places I would like to see in the world so I would do it just so I could have the experience.

As for chairty or giving back to the community... I would rather do that directly. I would expand on the efforts of Noah and the Badger Animal fund to broaden the reach beyond it's present area. I would also use my property to make a sanctuary for both exotic and domestic animals for the purpose of rehabilitation, re-homing, or just plain living out their lives in a safe and peaceful enviornment when there is no other options for them. I would personally negotiate an arrangement with a local hotel chain to insure that no displaced family or person will sleep in the streets or live in their car. (this would be very conditional as well) There is a fine line between helping and enabling there.

On another note... I have to say that I would probably remain connected to my present employer in some capacity. Be it investment, or as an advisor to some degree. Most likely both. It sounds funny but with all that I have been through they have been understanding and have treated me very well over the years. They are one of the very few companies left who actually care about the people who work for them. "Family comes first" is not an empty corporate phrase either.

I know I can't take it with me when I go but I do know I can make sure what ever is left will go to those I choose.

Neal Steffek
01-02-2011, 10:41 AM
I am surprised that no one mentions hiring a personal trainer, personal doctor, or a health food cook to help prolong your life. If your dead, what good is the money?

would rather live a shorter fun filled life, then live long and suffer. But yes, eating better is up there, but Taco Bell and chicken wings would still be on the menu.

01-02-2011, 10:54 AM
Like so many others have said... I have some very close friends and family who have stood by me and supported me when I slipped, I'd make sure they were comfortable for a long time.

Then I'd buy some land in Hortonville and build a shop. I'd buy machining equipment and hire operators and engineers and design and build guns. I'd probably buy my G/F's dad's house and a series of collectable cars and guns. Plus put some away for the kids.

01-02-2011, 11:05 AM
I would buy Coop a Creamsicle colored Ford GT......

I would buy Ben a white Ford Lightning with Red Stripes........

I would buy Yoosof an LT1 motor for his car.......

I would buy Cpony Andy a Supercharger..........

I would but Chris (Litt) some cheese for his hamburger.........

I would buy Flicktitty an Sr20det motor.....

I would buy Lizmo a pink racing suit.....

I would buy Johnny 2k a New Car (because hes been driving the same one for weeks)....

I would buy Josepy the Truckstop.....

I would buy Cryptic some rims....

I would buy Puresound a membership to a gym....

I would buy Stew a gift Cert to the Betty Ford clinc....

I would buy Dr Buick.......shit, I dont know what to get him.....he buys everything he wants.

I would buy J Biscuits car FROM him......

I would buy Todd Z a rollcage.....And an Unlimited Gift Cert for Lap Dances at Molly Browns.....

I would buy Goat Roper a membership to the NRA.....Making him an OFFICIAL Republican....

I would buy Ron a GIANT A/C unit for his shop....

I would buy Prince Valiant a 1984 K car.......

I would buy Russ Gerome a Lift for his garage......

I would buy GTSLOW a Nissan.....so he finally has a nice car.

I would buy Whatsadsm a DSM.......

I would buy Coops Brother a #4 Vikings Jersey.......

And for me? A Ferrari 288 GTO and a 599 GTO.



Coops Brother
01-02-2011, 11:26 AM
I would buy Coop a Creamsicle colored Ford GT......

I would buy Ben a white Ford Lightning with Red Stripes........

I would buy Yoosof an LT1 motor for his car.......

I would buy Cpony Andy a Supercharger..........

I would but Chris (Litt) some cheese for his hamburger.........

I would buy Flicktitty an Sr20det motor.....

I would buy Lizmo a pink racing suit.....

I would buy Johnny 2k a New Car (because hes been driving the same one for weeks)....

I would buy Josepy the Truckstop.....

I would buy Cryptic some rims....

I would buy Puresound a membership to a gym....

I would buy Stew a gift Cert to the Betty Ford clinc....

I would buy Dr Buick.......shit, I dont know what to get him.....he buys everything he wants.

I would buy J Biscuits car FROM him......

I would buy Todd Z a rollcage.....And an Unlimited Gift Cert for Lap Dances at Molly Browns.....

I would buy Goat Roper a membership to the NRA.....Making him an OFFICIAL Republican....

I would buy Ron a GIANT A/C unit for his shop....

I would buy Prince Valiant a 1984 K car.......

I would buy Russ Gerome a Lift for his garage......

I would buy GTSLOW a Nissan.....so he finally has a nice car.

I would buy Whatsadsm a DSM.......

And for me? A Ferrari 288 GTO and a 599 GTO.

:( nuthin' for me....

01-02-2011, 11:33 AM
Sorry Brian....Fixed.

01-02-2011, 11:41 AM
no one will buy nick(nutwaiver) a blower if they win??

01-02-2011, 11:44 AM
I'd probably buy a somewhat remote plot of land and build myself a compound (yea, i mean compound; 1 or 2 bldgs is just no fun) Inevitably I would have a car/toy collection and a nice shop to work on them. My gf loves to travel so I'm sure I'd get around.
Other than that, maybe start a non-profit animal charity since it may be the 1 time in my life I'd ever be in a position to accomplish something like that.

01-02-2011, 12:56 PM
You guys now it is 300 million right?

Probably the main residence will be in this general area with 50 ish acres. The house will be around 20000 sq feet, with an attached 20 car garage finished off like a house on the inside.

Behind the house would be a 120000-150000 sq ft building with a fully set up shop down to a paint both, nice museum like storage for 50 cars and other motor vehicles, and a huge sports bar like area.

I would have employees to maintain and build some of the fastest and rarest Ford's anyone has ever seen.

I will spend my time with playboy models, racing on a dominate 5+ car drag racing team making Wolfe look like a biiatch with a sbf, and do whatever the hell I felt like!

I would also own other businesses to hopefully to care of some right offs.

And that is just the start.

01-02-2011, 01:01 PM

Me too, but I would buy all these extremely rare fords and have a demo derby

01-02-2011, 01:04 PM

Me too, but I would buy all these extremely rare fords and have a demo derby

I would then have to take some of my winnings and hire a hit man!

01-02-2011, 01:08 PM
^ me too, but I would hire two hit men

01-02-2011, 01:13 PM
I'd go to Barret Jackson and just buy every car that rolls across the auction block. Just cuz it would be fun. Then give a few of them away to the janitors and other insignificants around the auction premises. Maybe do some donuts in the parking lot with that 27 mile Hemi Cuda convertible I just bought for $300K

01-02-2011, 01:20 PM
Nobody said Cocaine and strippers?
But seriously, I would get a modest house with a three or five car garage, buy a couple of cars that appeal to me.
1969 Buick Skylark Custom
1976 AMC Hornet X 304 V8
1984 Dodge Charger (I know it's a weird car, but I liked mine)
Some kind of Australian car (not the late model GTO)
I would create a charity that takes decent cars and provides them to single parents or students to help them find and keep good employment. Probably do that through a church. Family members who helped me or others in the past would get something...all others can jump off a cliff. Start a mobile DJ business that caters to car shows and cruise nights only and expand into southwestern Wisconsin, northern Illinois and eastern Iowa. Take a trip to Hawaii, because it's the only state I have not been to. There many other things I'd like to do, but I don't know yet.

01-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Everyone keeps mentioning garages, lets be serious. If you have that much money, wouldn't you want your house to BE your garage? I would


Prince Valiant
01-02-2011, 02:07 PM
You guys now it is 300 million right?Yep. And because I really like my life right now, I really wouldn't change too much.

Likewise, because I like my friends, I wouldn't want them to change much either...

A good read:

Top Ten Lottery Horror Stories
Not very many people win the lottery, but of those who win, many lose all their winnings and end up with less money than before they won. Some winners were simply foolish, some were greedy, some had greedy relatives and friends, and some fell prey to thieves and crooks. Here are the stories of 10 people who won the lottery then lost it all.

#1 Evelyn Adams

In 1985 AND 1986, Evelyn Adams won the lottery - equaling a total winning of $5.4 million. However, today - she has no money "Winning the lottery isn't always what it's cracked up to be," says Evelyn Adams, who won the New Jersey lottery not just once, but twice (1985, 1986), to the tune of $5.4 million. Today the money is all gone and Adams lives in a trailer. She lost money in slot machines, and couldn't seem to say no to relatives and friends. Evelyn's big win ended in a big loss.

#2 William Post

In 1988, William Post won $16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery but now lives on his Social Security. Post's former girlfriend sued him for a share of his winnings and one of his brothers was arrested for hiring a hit man to kill him, hoping to inherit a share of the winnings. His relationship with his other siblings was also strained and he spent some time in jail. Within a year, he was $1 million in debt and eventually declared bankruptcy. He now lives on only $450 a month and food stamps.

#3 Suzanne Mullins

In 1993, Suzanne Mullins won $4.2 million in the Virginia lottery. Now she's deeply in debt to a company that lent her money using the winnings as collateral. She borrowed $197,746.15 from this company, but eventually stopped making payments on the loan.
She blamed the debt on the lengthy illness of her uninsured son-in-law, who needed $1 million for medical bills. Needless to say, her lottery win did not end in happiness.

#4 Ken Proxmire
Ken Proxmire won $1 million in the Michigan lottery. Within 5 years he filed for bankruptcy after moving to California and starting a car business with his brothers. He has now returned to his job as a machinist.

#5 Willie Hurt

In 1989, Willie Hurt of Lansing, Mich., won $3.1 million. Only two years later he was broke and charged with murder after spending his fortune on a divorce and crack cocaine.

#6 Janite Lee

In 1993, Janite lee of Missouri won $18 million. Lee was generous to a variety of causes, including various political organizations, education programs and the community services. According to published reports, eight years after winning, Lee had filed for bankruptcy with only $700 left.

#7 Southeastern Family

In the early 1990s, a Southeastern family won $4.2 million. In almost no time at almost all of their winnings were spent on a huge house, cars, and various requests from family members. They bought a huge house and succumbed to repeated family requests for help in paying off debts
. Eleven years after winning, the couple got divorced, the house was sold and what was left of their lottery winnings had to be split.

#8 Kenneth and Connie Parker

Kenneth and Connie Parker won a $25 million jackpot and quickly watched their 16-year marriage disintegrate just months after they became rich beyond their wildest dreams.

#9 Jeffrey Dampier

Jeffrey Dampier won a $20 million jackpot and was then kidnapped and murdered by his own sister-in-law who hoped to inherit the winnings.

#10 Jack Whittaker

On Christmas morning 2002, Jack Whittaker found out he had won the Powerball lottery jackpot - $315 million - the largest individual payout in US lottery history. Though he began with intentions to do good with his winnings, his world quickly fell apart with the death of his granddaughter Brandi from a drug overdose which was funded by her allowance from Whittaker and the breakup of his marriage. Whittaker did give money to churches and to people who were in need but was soon bombarded with lawsuits, thievery and greed. He turned to drinking as he watched what he called the "powerball curse" destroy his life.

01-02-2011, 02:26 PM
LOL ^ Paranoid much? The only guy ( in this top 10 lame-o list you probably found on the onion ) that won a BIG payout still has plenty of money, just because he let it destroy his life doesn't mean hes out of money. All the horror stories you hear about people losing it all are morons to begin with. A moron without money is just as financially responsible as a moron with money.

I would spend an assload of money, as would my parents and brother, and in 50 years we would still be spending assloads of money. Probably on hookers and blow at that age, but I'll die with a smile. Living off the interest alone would be more then sufficient to be rich as fuck, spend an assload of money, and not touch the principle at all.

01-02-2011, 03:15 PM
In no particular order:

Open up a 24-hour free pet clinic and animal rescue with a decent amount of staff.
Pay off our house, remodel it as we would like (and add on).
Build Adam his dream car/tractor shop.
Take care of my parents, grandparents, and sister financially.
Buy a couple of "dream" cars.
Build a really nice private road course with multiple garages around it.

I would still like to teach math as much as possible though.

Neal Steffek
01-02-2011, 03:19 PM
LOL ^ Paranoid much? The only guy ( in this top 10 lame-o list you probably found on the onion ) that won a BIG payout still has plenty of money, just because he let it destroy his life doesn't mean hes out of money. All the horror stories you hear about people losing it all are morons to begin with. A moron without money is just as financially responsible as a moron with money.

I would spend an assload of money, as would my parents and brother, and in 50 years we would still be spending assloads of money. Probably on hookers and blow at that age, but I'll die with a smile. Living off the interest alone would be more then sufficient to be rich as fuck, spend an assload of money, and not touch the principle at all.

This. Money does not make you smart. You notice that the people who win the lottery are people who live in a shack of a home to start off with. Pure trash and hillbillys.

Prince Valiant
01-02-2011, 03:20 PM
A moron without money is just as financially responsible as a moron with money.
True...but a moron w/ money can end up in far greater debt than a moron without money...and of course, many lottery winners would have no way of ever paying it back.

That guy you point out that still (according to you) "has plenty of money;" Whittaker has also lost his daughter and granddaughter to drugs, is the constant target of lawsuits both with and without merit, and is having enough trouble managing his finances he's also being sued for bouncing checks. That plus he's been robbed on numerous occasions(on one of those occasions, he was drugged then robbed) .

And was he a moron before the winnings? Maybe...but he also was astute enough to have a fortune in his own right worth 17 million before the winnings...without all the trouble and hassle he has now.

I mean, I wouldn't deprive myself by any stretch...

01-02-2011, 04:42 PM
First, I would build a log cabin for my parents on their land in Bailey's Harbor. I would build myself a nice place in Oak Creek/Franklin. I'd buy a bunch of badass cars and retire. I would also donate some money to my church.

01-02-2011, 04:57 PM
I would buy this (yes the carbon is fake still sick tho):

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Ford-GT-GT-TT-Twin-Turbo-Carbon-Fiber-GT-Lowest-Pricest-USA-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem45f773416fQQitemZ30050 4269167QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks#v4-39