View Full Version : Need help coming up with a name

12-08-2010, 10:27 AM
A good friend of mine is going start teaching self defense classes for kids, he has been doing it for years but the demand has grown to the point where he wants to open his gym and needs a fun name for the Children's self defense class. His main style of martial arts is Jeet Kun Do and he mixes in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do and later on weapons defense. The main goal is to be able to defend yourself, especially against bullies in school and the wrestling/football jocks that like to pick on kids because they think they're tough, we all know the type. Anyone, does anyone have any creative names for a children's self defense school? Thanks!

12-08-2010, 10:28 AM
Cobra Kai!!!!!!!

Prince Valiant
12-08-2010, 10:34 AM
Since it's the dad's that pay the bill, a name that appeals to them might be wise:

"My kid can beat up your kid"

12-08-2010, 11:14 AM
Actually that really is true, he needs to sell this to the parents. One I found online was KidPower!-- Helping kids take charge of their personal safety and self defense. He really likes that one.

12-08-2010, 12:05 PM
Is there really that big of a market for this? I think i saw maybe 1 or 2 fights in my entire school career. So we are training kids to whoop some ones ass if they call them a name? I guess i didn't grow up in the hood so who knows lol.

12-08-2010, 12:06 PM
Kid power is lame, gotta be something related to at the bike racks after school lol

Sounds like a great program with schools not doing shit to fight bullies from the teacher / principle level.

12-08-2010, 12:10 PM
Kickass Killer Kiddos... wait a tick....

12-08-2010, 12:13 PM
I can't really see a market for this either. It's called growing up. I grew up in Racine in the 80s and I can tell you there were many a fist fight after school in elementary school. Usually over stupid stuff, but still a fight. None of us went to a class to learn to defend ourselves. What taught me how to defend myself was taking a couple punches, realizing it hurt and learning from that! Not sure I would want to teach my 5th grader how to pound the living hell out of a punk on the playground though either. He'll figure it out on his own and if he needs some pointers that's why you are a dad!

12-08-2010, 12:23 PM
Actually SSLEVO, Yes, there is. It really doesn't have much to do with teaching kids to "whoop ass if someone calls them a name". What he does is teach kids self respect, discipline, respect of others, and yes, how to defend themselves against bullies. Bullying is a HUGE problem in schools, and not much is being done about it. This isn't to raise and train a bunch of badasses that think they can beat everyone up. If you haven't seen much, I guess you're fortunate. I have seen it many times being both a parent and someone who volunteers many hours each week working with kids.

Having said that, I'm not interested in an argument or even much discussion over this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Pork gets it...

12-08-2010, 03:39 PM
Dojo Juniors

12-08-2010, 03:42 PM
Rex-Kwan-Do. Or Beat Kids.

12-08-2010, 03:43 PM

12-08-2010, 03:47 PM
Junior Jitsu

or how about just 'School of Self Defense'?

12-08-2010, 03:54 PM

I forgot all about RexKwonDo!

12-08-2010, 04:07 PM
How about "Put Him in a Body Bag" or "Sweep the Leg"?

Sprayaway Fox
12-08-2010, 04:12 PM
Karate Kidz Do Jo

12-08-2010, 04:14 PM
Karate Kidz Do Jo

12-08-2010, 04:38 PM
Junior's How to Ass Whoopin' Emporium and Propane Sales

12-08-2010, 06:16 PM
" Roundhouse Youth Do-Jang"

12-08-2010, 06:32 PM
That's My Pursearate


12-09-2010, 08:44 AM
Well, I would probably shy away from using the word "kid" in the title. Just because children aways want to be treated older then they really are. Especially if they are like 10, 11, 12, years old. They wont want to take "kid" classes for anything.

What about a 1 word more simple name like "Confidence" or "Esteem". Rather then promoting agressive behavior with a name like Bully Beatdown or something.

Just suggestions

12-09-2010, 09:59 AM
After I became a high ranking belt, I introduced Martial Arts to each one of my children. They are all at least 1st Degree Black Belts, and have NEVER started a fight, just neutralled confrontations quite successfully. One of the problems in this whole discussion is the question of "marketing" and "profitability"- I am a business owner and know first hand about being able to make a living at what you do, but what about doing what you love and putting an absolute positive impression on our youth. I will say that Sorce Martial Arts in South Milwaukee is always busy, Instructing children and adults alike. People who speak of learning a Martial Art and going out to pick fights cannot be further from reality! One of the first things you learn is HUMILITY!! Having your Master, or a higher ranking belt dominate your moves, and your feeling of utter helplessness while their actions are completely controlled is the biggest factor in controlling yourself on the street. You never know who you are up against and what THEY may know, this my friends teaches you RESPECT. Seeing your training develop through its ups and downs, and being rewarded with a higher rank from all your sweat teaches "finishing what you start", while also gratifying the need to feel "respected". Having a Master you look up to and having a training partner (other students) teaches you "Trust".
I could go on and on, being a Second Dan Black Belt, having instucted, being ranked #1 heavyweight in 1996 by winning State Championship and earning my way to compete at the 1996 US Nationals, I cannot speak highly enough about training at the appropriate age and having our youth learn these values, instead of them thinking they are owed something in life!
BTW My Daughter Becky is a seargent in the US Army, and is one of only a handful of women who successfully completed the 4 levels of "Combatives". This is where you spend one week (for each level) defending yourself against constant aggressors-all men-being attacked by multiple people and fighting your way out of it. Yet this is to the extreme, starting Martial Arts at 10 years old planted the seed that this was possible, along with the other things in life that seem unsurpassable. It all started with that first lesson, with the right Instructor.
I wish your friend all the success and admire what he is doing. In essence he is assisting those parents in the teachings of life.

12-09-2010, 10:09 AM
especially against bullies in school and the wrestling/football jocks that like to pick on kids because they think they're tough, we all know the type.

Sounds like you got your ass kicked a lot. :rolf

Those kids are going to have to train for 2.5 hours a day to beat a wrestler nowadays.

DR. Ford nailed it. EVERYONE needs to learn humility and respect.

12-09-2010, 10:18 AM
Just make sure the kid is constantly depressed and has access to guns and has no respect for anyones life. That solves bullying.

12-09-2010, 02:02 PM
Damn even for the internet that was bad taste.

12-09-2010, 04:33 PM
Sounds like you got your ass kicked a lot. :rolf

Those kids are going to have to train for 2.5 hours a day to beat a wrestler nowadays.

DR. Ford nailed it. EVERYONE needs to learn humility and respect.

Actually Ive only ever been in 2 "fights" my entire life. One was in 3rd grade against my friend and the other was in high school which really went nowhere, so you're wrong on that account.

On the 2nd statement, anyone trained in BJJ will have their way with a HS wrestler, so, yeah.

I agree 150% with what you said lastly, and it sounds like Jim really knows his shit, he may even know my friend.

12-09-2010, 04:34 PM
Jim, do you know Greg and/or Mike Vaughn? Mike runs The Blast Martial Arts in madison, Greg is up here in Wausau.

Do you know Bob Likes? My son takes TKD from Likes.

12-09-2010, 07:05 PM
I would know them by face, because not to sound funny, but in tournaments everyone was "Sir" or "Maam"! I competed all over Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, etc. from 1994 to 2000 and would be remembered for being Instructed by Master Al Knoll, but since then he changed his last name to his fathers (Liu) natural Korean name. He placed Gold for 5 years at the US nationals in forms (Kata) and finished in the top three in breaking and sparring-the Grandmasters in charge asked him to please "demonstrate" his form the last 3 years he attended. He was my Tae Kwon Do Master, and previous to that I have experience in Okinawan Shorin ryu, being fortunate enough to have had Tadashi Yamashita as my Dojo's Grandmaster. I have also studied Krav Maga, an Israeli self defense that is very brutal and effective. I have had some injuries that halted training at first, then life and business took over. Bottom line, it is all my fault and I need to make time for it. My son who is 18 has expressed interest in competing again and wants me to help train him. Martial Arts is the one and only thing that I could give cars and drag racing up for. Nothing I have ever been "into" has actually made me feel the way training and instructing has. I look forward to meeting-seeing your friends someday, and again wish them all the best.

12-09-2010, 07:17 PM
where about is this place that he is setting up? I want my kids to learn self control and discipline. Plus its a great way to help motivate, create self confidence not to mention conditioning the body early on since most schools are cutting out phys ed classes. For those of you questioning the need of self defense or control in schools, you all must NOT have school aged kids. My 10yr old daughter has seen first hand examples of bullying of other kids and teachers not stepping in.

12-09-2010, 07:19 PM

Those kids are going to have to train for 2.5 hours a day to beat a wrestler nowadays.[/QUOTE]

With all due respect, I would like to say this-
on a wrestling mat, by their rules, you may be right.
In a Dojo, by their rules, I doubt it.
See, all Martial Arts are not MMA.
This is where the respect comes in, because now BOTH students have something to learn and something to teach, and both admire each other.
I was lucky to have an Instucter who was not "traditional"-
he taught us to have open minds and taught us some of everything to his ability.

12-09-2010, 08:32 PM
Yoo we are up in Wausau but that's quite a haul for ya, lol.

Does Roufus have kids classes down there? I know he is one of the bigger names down there? Maybe JK Lee or Rising Dragon?

12-09-2010, 10:39 PM
I don't have any kids and didn't see this in school. Are you saying there is "bullying" going on that a kid is getting physically attacked and nothing is being done about it? That just seems odd to me i guess, when i was in jr high/highschool (late 90's-early 2000's) you would get called in by the school cop and suspended for looking at someone wrong. This was up in Wausau so i'm not really sure what the schools are like down here.

12-09-2010, 11:07 PM
Are you saying there is "bullying" going on that a kid is getting physically attacked and nothing is being done about it? That just seems odd to me i guess, when i was in jr high/highschool (late 90's-early 2000's) you would get called in by the school cop and suspended for looking at someone wrong. This was up in Wausau so i'm not really sure what the schools are like down here.

I live in Wausau. If you never saw it then I guess you weren't looking very hard, but being that you dont have kids it would be hard for you to understand, this is going on at the elementary school level and continues from there. Think about the teacher/adult ratio on the playground. Also, think about my son who dropped a garden shear on his foot, requiring a bunch of stitches on his toe, then he got a big open-toed boot to wear from the Doc. This was in 1st grade last year. Now imagine the 3 punk motherfuckers from 3rd grade STOMPING on his fucking stitches while he screamed in pain. Where were the teachers and cops? Well, no cops in elementary school, and the teachers, who the fuck knows. Imagine the pain that this poor, sweet little boy who is all smiles all the time went through. It gets me just fucking furious even typing this, so you can understand why I get pissed when people tell me bullying is just "part of growing up". I hope those people NEVER have to deal with those thoughts and images of their own kid.

12-10-2010, 08:34 AM
Wow, that is crazy. Parenting these days must be nothing more than violent video games and tv for some kids. Sounds like those kids parents need an old fashion ass kicking. I went to DC everest and catholic elementery/middle school, i suppose it was a little more sheltered than most, lol.

12-10-2010, 05:57 PM
I was in a Catholic grade school and we had bullies. One kid had a father who owned a liquor distributorship and gave much money to the Church so his kid was never called on anything. He was head and shoulders taller than everyone else. Since I was the fat kid, I was the center of his attention. Not just the usual knocking of school books out of your hand but actual beat downs. His toadies would hold me down and he would just wail on me. In 4th grade we had a new nun for a teacher and she was a tough old bird. She took me aside during recess and taught me some self defense...I mean street fighting down right dirty self defense. As she was showing me how to throw a punch, she instructed me to hit her open hand. I missed and decked her right in the face. I honestly thought I was going to Hell for socking a nun. The kids on the school yard saw that and I never got bothered again that year and the next. The nun sported a black eye for a while. Sister Mary Rosita was cool.