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View Full Version : What is the biggest waste of money?

11-29-2010, 01:23 PM
I thought this might be interesting... What is the biggest waste of money you either own or can think of.
Note: This has no regard to what is cool, as pretty much everything that is expensive is awesome:banana1:

That I own myself: Coin operated arcade games... cost way too much to buy and you can play 'em for $0.50 elsewhere :alcoholic

That I can think of: a "go-fast" boat. Big bucks to buy, maintain, use (gas), and store (slip).

What can you think of? :devil

11-29-2010, 01:41 PM
Definitely my fishing boat. If I was to factor in the maintenance costs, needing a certain vehicle to tow it, storage, etc., the cost per use would probably give me heartburn.

Karps TA
11-29-2010, 01:53 PM
My Trans Am, far and away. If I could go back in time, I'd kick the living crap out of me for sticking a dime into the car.

Rocket Power
11-29-2010, 01:54 PM
The Democratic party :rolf:rolf:rolf

11-29-2010, 02:14 PM
Cars in general, you're doing good if you get 50% back out of your mods, and that's if you part the damn thing out. Motorcycles cost a bit in tires but there are far less things you can do to them(bolt ons) so they stay relatively stock, haha

Neal Steffek
11-29-2010, 02:19 PM
fast food

Prince Valiant
11-29-2010, 02:32 PM
My brother's airplane.

It's a cheap little thing...I think he only paid 23,000 for it. But the amount it cost to keep it current (IE, annuals for the plane and various equipment within the plane, Airworthiness Directives, proper maitenance), hanger fees, fuel when he does fly...plus the time involved in keeping up with the proper logs.

And that every 1000 odd hours in the plane requires some form of major prop/engine work...a simple 110hp 4 cylinder will cost 7,000-17,000 dollars to be overhauled/reman/new.

And this is for something that one gets to fly 100hr/year? tops?

But, what's the cost for the fun? It's worth it to him, so by definition, it's not a waste...

11-29-2010, 02:34 PM
Right now I'd say my house. Have stuck thousands into it yet it depreciates by the day as witnessed by neighborhood home for sale. While normally improving your property would be viewed as a good thing to help it's value this economy has made those efforts a waste of time and resources unfortunately. Everyone is in the same boat on this one. But I could probably sell my house today for close to the same as if I hadn't done improvements. Granted the house is nicer to live in with new furnace and windows etc but the cost of those improvements is a total loss right now today.

Modding newer cars is a close second as far as money invested compared to what you wil recoup when you sell. My 64 has thousands into it and while it may not have skyrocketed in value the past two years the steady climb in market value is there. If you "freshen" a classic car and don't go crazy with mods etc you can get quite close to recouping every penny put in should you decide to sell. Stock vehicles being the easiest to sell and recoup invested money of course especially with desirable models IE Chevelles, Mustangs, 1st gen Camaros yadda yadda

11-29-2010, 02:44 PM
My old paintball equipment. I was harcore into that about 6-8 years ago and I spent upwards of $5000 on shit that just sits in my basement now. I certainly got my use out of all of it though back then. I could sell it, but I can't bring myself to do it because my main marker is pretty rare, and all of the stuff I bought, i bought to match it. Even in the shit market lately i've seen one or two of the other 24 matching markers demand a pretty good price in comparison. Hopefully someday i'll get to play again.

11-29-2010, 03:05 PM
My Brett Favre/sports collectibles. :chair:

Also cars, I just got my mustang in July and I'm already considering selling it! :punch:

11-29-2010, 03:14 PM
No-brainer. My car, without a doubt. If I could get rid of it I would but I would lose my ass.

11-29-2010, 03:34 PM
My house was. I bought it for $225. I've stuck countless hours, and approx $40,000 in cash over the last 5 years and I just sold it for $255k.

Fuck. I'm glad it's sold though.

Now we can actually relax and save more money. In 5 years we can put down a large down payment on a new construction and be done.

11-29-2010, 03:47 PM
Everything man has produced.

Russ Jerome
11-29-2010, 05:11 PM
Anything sold at Radio Shack, Korean quality at Japenese prices.

11-29-2010, 05:28 PM
Taxes that we have to pay.........................Im going to keep a list of how much taxes I pay in 2011, all taxes, from land to gas to state to fed to a single candy bar, my guess right now is I pay over 50,000 in taxes each year, which is a joke!!!!!

Voodoo Chick
11-29-2010, 06:58 PM
Rent and bills.

11-29-2010, 07:21 PM
1400 dvds. Over 120 dub city cars that sit in my parents basement, at least $13 each. Have had 17 cars since I was 16, im 31 now. Could have paid for my house with cash if I didn't like cars.

MoCkiN U
11-29-2010, 07:46 PM
keeping with the idea of the title I would say sports jerseys.

The damn things are really expensive to buy and I usually want one every year for my favorite team cause a new popular rookie comes out or that favorite player from that team I followed changes teams.

In the end whats it worth?? nothing but takes big bucks to buy.

11-29-2010, 07:54 PM
the wife.
/end thred.

i guess i could say my car. but to me its not a waste of money. but to others im sure it is.

11-29-2010, 08:18 PM
Taxes that we have to pay.........................Im going to keep a list of how much taxes I pay in 2011, all taxes, from land to gas to state to fed to a single candy bar, my guess right now is I pay over 50,000 in taxes each year, which is a joke!!!!!

Thats fine, we'll add you to the list of folks who don't want fire or police protection, or running water or any other things taxes pay for... better be ready for dirt roads again..

11-29-2010, 08:51 PM
Space exploration.

11-29-2010, 09:04 PM
Space exploration.efff that, i love grape Tang! :alcoholic

11-30-2010, 12:36 AM
Jillions of dollars... Grape Tang...
Jillions of dollars... Grape Tang...
Jillions of dollars... Grape Tang...

I'm sure that would have been invented eventually anyway :goof

11-30-2010, 05:15 AM
Right now I'd say my house. Have stuck thousands into it yet it depreciates by the day as witnessed by neighborhood home for sale. While normally improving your property would be viewed as a good thing to help it's value this economy has made those efforts a waste of time and resources unfortunately. Everyone is in the same boat on this one. But I could probably sell my house today for close to the same as if I hadn't done improvements. Granted the house is nicer to live in with new furnace and windows etc but the cost of those improvements is a total loss right now today.

Modding newer cars is a close second as far as money invested compared to what you wil recoup when you sell. My 64 has thousands into it and while it may not have skyrocketed in value the past two years the steady climb in market value is there. If you "freshen" a classic car and don't go crazy with mods etc you can get quite close to recouping every penny put in should you decide to sell. Stock vehicles being the easiest to sell and recoup invested money of course especially with desirable models IE Chevelles, Mustangs, 1st gen Camaros yadda yadda

Not everyone is in the same boat, if you paid fair market value when the market was high you may have lost a few grand but it still beats renting. I've stuck close to 15g into my house and its still worth 65k more then I paid.

Cars are a pretty big waste of money, as are drugs and booze. One of the biggest wastes to me is going to sporting events, you can watch games for free on tv with way better viewing angles, play playbacks etc etc yet people pay hundreds if not thousands in air fare + lodging + tickets to go sit in an uncomfortable steel chair packed into a huge sea of people where you can't see shit.

11-30-2010, 07:12 AM
And we are off on the government taxes tangent.... :chair:

11-30-2010, 07:14 AM
Oh and mine would be a little over $3500 in diecast cars that I open upon recieving and throw away the boxes. At least it took me a couple years to get to that point. Cool to look at but a pain to dust!

Ricky Bobby
11-30-2010, 08:06 AM
my atv bought it 2yrs ago and rode 4times so far need to sell it lol

11-30-2010, 08:32 AM
cars.... /thread

11-30-2010, 09:25 AM
Not everyone is in the same boat, if you paid fair market value when the market was high you may have lost a few grand but it still beats renting.

I will agree it beats renting. My point was that for the money you have stuck into the house, would you recoup every nickel if you sold it today? No you wouldn't. In a more conventional housing market if you made improvements to the home, if will increase the value of your home. IE landscaping, a new driveway, a new roof etc etc. In today's market, you can stick $5000 into a new driveway yet not make one dollar more should you decide to sell your house. In some instances, you would be better to NOT make that improvement. Not sure how you are arriving at the "your house is worth $65k more than when you paid for it" figure...try selling it. You will find very quickly that the market won't pay anywhere near what you think your house is worth. :)

11-30-2010, 09:45 AM
Not sure how you are arriving at the "your house is worth $65k more than when you paid for it" figure...try selling it. You will find very quickly that the market won't pay anywhere near what you think your house is worth. :)

I can attest to this. We had OVER 100 showings on our home in 6 months. That is an INSANE amount of showings. We started out at $299 and settled on $255. When we put it on the market, we never thought in a million years we'd get so little for it. The house DIRECTLY across the street sold 2 years ago (my wife sold it on both ends) in a shitty market for $250 and it has NONE of the updates our house has. And we live in a very desirable neighborhood.

The market sucks and the buyers out there have extremely unrealistic expectations.

11-30-2010, 09:51 AM
Biggest waste of money I don't own- art. Especially a lot of modern art. I've seen paintings that were no more than a single square, and some art that looks like a 5-year-old did it. Yet the shit goes for thousands. Give me $50 I can paint you some ugly shit like that.

Biggest waste I own- my R/C cars. I've got close to $700 invested in them and I rarely use them. I can't remember the last time I drove my road car (it has issues) and my off-roader has been down for a while because I am too lazy to fix whatever is going on with the differential.

11-30-2010, 11:53 AM
Thats fine, we'll add you to the list of folks who don't want fire or police protection, or running water or any other things taxes pay for... better be ready for dirt roads again..

I have insurance on the house, if it burns no big deal...........I have a well, so I have all the water I will need, police - I don't need them - do you? I lived in wisconsin - new berlin for the last 8 years and called them zero times, I can handle my own business..........Dirt road, not only will my car beat yours on paved roads, it will beat you even worse on dirt roads :rolf

11-30-2010, 12:09 PM
I will agree it beats renting. My point was that for the money you have stuck into the house, would you recoup every nickel if you sold it today? No you wouldn't. In a more conventional housing market if you made improvements to the home, if will increase the value of your home. IE landscaping, a new driveway, a new roof etc etc. In today's market, you can stick $5000 into a new driveway yet not make one dollar more should you decide to sell your house. In some instances, you would be better to NOT make that improvement. Not sure how you are arriving at the "your house is worth $65k more than when you paid for it" figure...try selling it. You will find very quickly that the market won't pay anywhere near what you think your house is worth. :)

My house is assessed at 201k, appraised at 177, and I paid 100k. Just because your in a shitty situation doesn't mean everyone else is. My neighbors house ( exactly the same as mine, same layout, same yard size ) w a remodeled kitchen just sold for 179 and it was on the market for less then 2 months. I could sell my house for 130k today and be making 10k, 1/2 acre in tosa is well worth 130k and you would get a free house on top of that. I won't be selling anytime soon cause once the market turns around in 8-10 years I'll sell for 190 and damn near double my money

11-30-2010, 02:23 PM
Oh man this list can go on and on.

Electronics. Even once you pay for them you have to pay the electric company to use them.

Vehicles. Same once they are paid for you still have to maintain them and put gas in them.

Third thing is kind of a waste of money but their is no way I would ever live with out owning a few. Firearms. Once Paid for you have to pay for ammo as well as accessories, and range time if you dont have any land that you can fire them legally on. But they are definatly worth it if you ever need to defend yourself.

11-30-2010, 02:34 PM
Just because your in a shitty situation doesn't mean everyone else is.

No, you just are in denial that you aren't in the same situation the rest of us are in :rolf Read what Exitspeed just wrote. Have you seen the photos of his home? Amazing. Appraisal etc mean nothing until you actually try and sell the house. You can think your 85 Fiero is worth $10k also but try and sell it for that. The house across the street from me is appraised at $175k....they listed it 6 months ago for $145k...took it off the market and now have it re-listed for $124,900. So yes you are in the same boat. :thumbsup Assessed value is validation for your high taxes. So that number can be tossed out. The appraisal is another "feel good" number or a number to validate your loan amount. Sure you might have paid $100K...thats fine, you got a deal there. But your appraised value and reality are not the same number. You could list your home today for the $177k...the appraised value. You would get none to only low ball offers. I would bet you would have to come down at least another $45k from that $177 to be "realistic." So now calculate home much you have/intend to put into your home in improvements and compare that to a realistic SOLD number....I bet you would find your home isn't netting you as much as you thought. The issue is improvements vs. recouping your investment.

11-30-2010, 02:39 PM
No, you just are in denial that you aren't in the same situation the rest of us are in :rolf Read what Exitspeed just wrote. Have you seen the photos of his home? Amazing. Appraisal etc mean nothing until you actually try and sell the house. You can think your 85 Fiero is worth $10k also but try and sell it for that. The house across the street for me is appraised at $175k....they listed it 6 months ago for $145k...took it off the market and now have it listed for $124,900. So yes you are in the same boat. :thumbsup

lol ok whatever you say :thumbsup I forgot your know everything on the subject, dirty stallis is pretty hard to get into these days

My neighbors house having 20 some offers within the first 48 hours of it listing def doesn't gauge the market in my area at all, being the exact same house/layout/lot size as mine and all.

Edit* I'm amazed you canput a value of less then 115k on a 1500 sq ft house on a 1/2 acre lot in Tosa that you have never seen and think you are even remotely correct. The CHEAPEST house for sale in my neighborhood is 149, and its terribly outdated with half the lot and needs a roof. Most of them within 1 block of me that are for sale are in the 270-280 range right now, not saying they will get it but mine would sell QUICK for 150, let alone 130

11-30-2010, 02:47 PM
I couldn't bring myself to put vehicles down as a waste. Alot of what I have right now is related to owning my vehicles... in a good way. Prolly not many that can say the same thing about their cars.

11-30-2010, 02:48 PM
lol ok whatever you say :thumbsup I forgot your know everything on the subject, dirty stallis is pretty hard to get into these days

Typical attacks from Pork :rolf :rolf :rolf

11-30-2010, 02:49 PM
I couldn't bring myself to put vehicles down as a waste. Alot of what I have right now is related to owning my vehicles... in a good way. Prolly not many that can say the same thing about their cars.

Vehicles CAN be a waste. I have only lost money on a few vehicles, but I usually break even. Just gotta buy low and sell before the value drops below what you own on them :thumbsup

11-30-2010, 02:51 PM
Typical attacks from Pork :rolf :rolf :rolf

Nice response Jason, you talk stupid and then offer nothing to support what you say and expect no reply? I don't need to argue further, its obvious you over paid and I bought when the get-in was good and I am happy with that :thumbsup Going to buy new kitchen cabinets now, money that I WILL see a return on my investment weather you choose to believe it or not. :rolf

11-30-2010, 02:54 PM
I challenged your comments. Exitspeed made a real-world experience comment on selling his house. Thats proof enough right there. I just felt it was funny you starting the lashing when someone doesn't agree with you. It's all good man....you might see a return on your cabinet investment......in about 5+ years :)

11-30-2010, 03:12 PM
Who are you talking to J ? :goof :rolf

Ricky Bobby
11-30-2010, 03:13 PM
Who are you talking to J ? :goof :rolf:rolf

11-30-2010, 03:15 PM

Voodoo Chick
11-30-2010, 03:47 PM
Meh, money's gonna get spent no matter what. Save, spend wisely, clip coupons, invest, die anyway. Who cares? Why does everything have to be a "wise investment" which will bring a profit? Buy shit because it makes you happy, whether it's a house, a car, a bike, whatever....if it gives you that moment of joy, it was worth it, and is therefore NOT a waste of money.

11-30-2010, 04:45 PM
Go ahead-save your money, drive old junk, eat cheap food, and die unhappy while your 18 year old kid drug binges on what money you left them from always wanting to see a return on your spendings:rolf
My Dad had a good saying that I live by.....
"I never seen a luggage rack on a hearse"
BTW I have more money tied up in a worthless Thunderbird than alot have spent on their houses-with NO regrets.
The knowledge, joy, and recognition it has brought for those involved is priceless.
Biggest money wasted?
It don't seem to help me near as much as it helps the lazy fucks in government, or the pieces of lazy shit sucking on the nipple of the "system".

11-30-2010, 05:34 PM
Pork I think J's point is that it's all relative to WHEN you bought your home. You probably bought yours when the market was in the shitter the last 2-3 years and it was probably a foreclosure even. I bought mine in 2006 when the market was silly high and foreclosures were unheard of. Banks were giving money away... all you had to do was say you worked and you were approved for $1 million dollars, which is why here are so many steals out there today. Back then, if you didn't write the offer for $10K over asking price, you didn't have a shot, unless it was some dump. I have done improvements along the way and I would be lucky to sell my home for what I paid for it during that boom. I doubt anyone could get their full purchase price who bought their home at the peak of the bubble in late 2005- most of 2006.

11-30-2010, 06:07 PM
Pork I think J's point is that it's all relative to WHEN you bought your home. You probably bought yours when the market was in the shitter the last 2-3 years and it was probably a foreclosure even. I bought mine in 2006 when the market was silly high and foreclosures were unheard of. Banks were giving money away... all you had to do was say you worked and you were approved for $1 million dollars, which is why here are so many steals out there today. Back then, if you didn't write the offer for $10K over asking price, you didn't have a shot, unless it was some dump. I have done improvements along the way and I would be lucky to sell my home for what I paid for it during that boom. I doubt anyone could get their full purchase price who bought their home at the peak of the bubble in late 2005- most of 2006.

I understand that, hence my reasoning for saying not EVERYONE is in that category. I bought mine during the pit of the housing crash, not because I timed it right but thats when I had the chunk of cash to put 25% down. I got lucky, and then even luckier when a bunch of good deals fell through and I stumbled upon this half price gem in the rough.

11-30-2010, 06:19 PM
Go ahead-save your money, drive old junk, eat cheap food, and die unhappy while your 18 year old kid drug binges on what money you left them from always wanting to see a return on your spendings:rolf
My Dad had a good saying that I live by.....
"I never seen a luggage rack on a hearse"
BTW I have more money tied up in a worthless Thunderbird than alot have spent on their houses-with NO regrets.
The knowledge, joy, and recognition it has brought for those involved is priceless.
Biggest money wasted?
It don't seem to help me near as much as it helps the lazy fucks in government, or the pieces of lazy shit sucking on the nipple of the "system".

Ding ding ding................its TAXES........I know we all have opinion's here and we all might waste money on different project, but the money we all have to pay into TAXES is fing crazy, unless your really rich and pay zero in TAXES............Over half of my familys income is paid out in TAXES, fed,state,medicare,oasdi alone I paid them $16,000, this is just me, fuk new berlin gets me for $4,000 a year, and on and on and on, TAXES make me sick!!!!!

11-30-2010, 08:42 PM
im agreeing with taxes on this one. Fire dept is a valid expense, but they want $ to show up anyway...WTF are the taxes covering there?
Police come to my house and get me in trouble, and even when the victim of a crime, I still somehow have a ticket/citation/court cost to pay. Water is another valid one, but who really bitches about water/sewer costs in the big picture

Reverend Cooper
11-30-2010, 08:51 PM
Car's and Guns,but god dayumm they are fun.

11-30-2010, 09:17 PM
I think insurance is a huge waste of money. The amount I spend on life, health, car, umbrella, term, whole life, co pays, deductibles, cell phone, jewelry rider, flood, etc......:fire:fire:fire

Then all the bs rate hikes and montly bills and FUCK EM!

And DirectTv sucks too.

Guns and cars and hookers and blow are good short term investments. At least I get to enjoy them!

11-30-2010, 09:25 PM
Pork I think J's point is that it's all relative to WHEN you bought your home. You probably bought yours when the market was in the shitter the last 2-3 years and it was probably a foreclosure even. I bought mine in 2006 when the market was silly high and foreclosures were unheard of. Banks were giving money away... all you had to do was say you worked and you were approved for $1 million dollars, which is why here are so many steals out there today. Back then, if you didn't write the offer for $10K over asking price, you didn't have a shot, unless it was some dump. I have done improvements along the way and I would be lucky to sell my home for what I paid for it during that boom. I doubt anyone could get their full purchase price who bought their home at the peak of the bubble in late 2005- most of 2006.

Yep, same EXACT boat. Bought in 06. Market was on fire. We planned on flipping the house but it took longer then expected. Which would have still been just fine if the market didn't collapse. Our house would have been easily worth $350k. In 2010, not so much.

11-30-2010, 09:44 PM
If I had everything back that I put into my old 1992 Moneypit Z28, i'd be very happy!! Probably around 10k + the cost of the car when I bought it unmolested.

The 15k or so I put into the house since 07 for the windows, siding, roof, gutters/soffits/facia, front walkway, insulation, garage upgrade, and all the remodeling inside. I guess its worth it in the meantime owning the home, but i'll probably never get it back. :(

My old 1994 Z24 Convertible, had a system in it that I spent about $4000 on over time, I included it in the car when I sold the thing for $3200 8 years ago...lol

11-30-2010, 09:47 PM
Also cars, I just got my mustang in July and I'm already considering selling it! :punch:


Prince Valiant
11-30-2010, 09:58 PM
Here's the thing about home mods:

I wouldn't say that money spent on home is a waste...up to a point.

Here's the thing, most things one does for a home increases your comfort or appreciation of the home. That's a GREAT reason to put money into it! I remember growing up in Florida, we went 12 years at a house with no air-conditioning. 12 years!!!

Then, in the month before the house hit the market, my parents added A/C, new windows, new roof that was lighter color, vents in the roof, etc...WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! Parents were upset that after all that time living there, it wasn't exactly the house they wanted....until they moved. Sure, all those upgrades probably paid for themselves, if not in exactly the same number of dollars, or more...but it helped sell the house far more quickly than it otherwise would have sold for.

But, lesson learned. Make your home the way you like it...that's money well spent.

11-30-2010, 10:05 PM
Here's the thing about home mods:

I wouldn't say that money spent on home is a waste...up to a point.

Here's the thing, most things one does for a home increases your comfort or appreciation of the home. That's a GREAT reason to put money into it! I remember growing up in Florida, we went 12 years at a house with no air-conditioning. 12 years!!!

Then, in the month before the house hit the market, my parents added A/C, new windows, new roof that was lighter color, vents in the roof, etc...WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! Parents were upset that after all that time living there, it wasn't exactly the house they wanted....until they moved. Sure, all those upgrades probably paid for themselves, if not in exactly the same number of dollars, or more...but it helped sell the house far more quickly than it otherwise would have sold for.

But, lesson learned. Make your home the way you like it...that's money well spent.

That statement made me feel much better about my investments, lol

11-30-2010, 10:20 PM
My house is assessed at 201k, appraised at 177, and I paid 100k. Just because your in a shitty situation doesn't mean everyone else is. My neighbors house ( exactly the same as mine, same layout, same yard size ) w a remodeled kitchen just sold for 179 and it was on the market for less then 2 months. I could sell my house for 130k today and be making 10k, 1/2 acre in tosa is well worth 130k and you would get a free house on top of that. I won't be selling anytime soon cause once the market turns around in 8-10 years I'll sell for 190 and damn near double my money

If you paid 100k in the past year, your house is probably worth about that right now unless you made significant improvements/put money into it. Appraised/assessed values are worthless, especially in Milwaukee County IMO. Not trying to bust your balls, just saying. The market is still in the bottom. It helped with first time homebuyers credits, those are done as far as I know. Things will be slowwwwly improving, if you plan to live/own your home for at least at least a few years, it's worth it. Doing home improvements can be fun and worthwhile but typically you won't get your money back, especially if you are "overbuilding" for your neighborhood/area.

We paid 165k for our home in the fall of 07' when the market was starting to slide, it's worth probably 140-150k right now. It's a duplex and buying it at 140k someone would have a postive cashflow instantly by just renting it out based on the rents upper and lower, so I can't imagine it goes for much less than 140. We haven't bothered to do any real improvements and probably won't except possibly our lower bathroom updating. I'd rather use the money towards another home in the future and hopefully keep this as a rental property. We can't afford to sell it anyways right now, neither of us have thousands to bring to closing. So with that said, this has been a waste of my money for sure :) ....but the plan is to own this for awhile, in which case it should work out pretty well in the long run.

But modifying any car is a waste of money and any new car is a big waste of money, IMO. Paying for anything significant that depreciates, especially as much as new cars, qualifies for me. Buying a home now in the market the way it is or in the past year, if you did you should be fine. I don't think prices will drop any further (plus you probably got a great interest rate). But don't expect prices to jump back to pre-recession levels in the next 20 years either.

By the way the only part I'm directly refering to the quote above is the first part of the first paragraph, the rest is for anyone reading.

11-30-2010, 11:17 PM
my biggest waste of money would DEFINENTLY be keeping my jetta for as long as i did... i paid soo much money to keep it running.. and when i sold it i lost my ass to it. ah well, i lived and i learned... to never buy another vdub again. ((unless its an old bug b/c thats my dream car and nothing will stop me from building one of those lol))

12-01-2010, 06:07 AM
The way I look at it is that something I actually enjoy cannot be a waste. I enjoy my cars, I enjoy my guns, I enjoy my XBOX and my gaming-rig computer... so they are not a waste. My R/C cars are something I almost never use, although my previous post did inspire me to get off my ass and fix my trail rig.

12-01-2010, 10:47 AM
Ding ding ding................its TAXES........I know we all have opinion's here and we all might waste money on different project, but the money we all have to pay into TAXES is fing crazy, unless your really rich and pay zero in TAXES............Over half of my familys income is paid out in TAXES, fed,state,medicare,oasdi alone I paid them $16,000, this is just me, fuk new berlin gets me for $4,000 a year, and on and on and on, TAXES make me sick!!!!!

Huh? The top 10% of earners pay for roughly 70% of taxes. Progressive tax rate, you should look it up.

Worst investment thus far? Probably my project cars, if I hadn't bought any I wouldn't have needed to get a loan for my education this year.

12-01-2010, 10:51 AM
My STi. For sure I blow all kinds of money on it

04-22-2011, 07:42 AM
I think people who use costly supplement to make their selves fit and slim and others use steroids to make up their muscles are wasting their money...
Its the big loss..

Sprayaway Fox
04-22-2011, 08:24 AM
Paintball, your basically shooting dollars out as fast as you can

RC cars, your rip around real fast, wreck it, buy the aluminum parts to be stronger, then wreck the next thing in line thats plastic till the whole thing has about 500 bucks of aluminum into it.

Boats, The only time a boat owner is truly happy is when its the first time in the water for the season and when they sell it.

Modding cars past HCI, give me some nice rims and a stick and nice exhaust. The more you throw into it to make it "custom" the more it takes away from potential buyers.

IMO Dedicated trailered drag cars, it dont go anywhere most of the week, just sits there and something to brag about, when havin beers with the buds.