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View Full Version : Unemployment benefit ending after 26 weeks :-(

11-24-2010, 04:09 PM
I got a letter that my unemployment benefits are about to expire next week. The letter said the max benefit is 26 weeks. And I can't apply for extended benefits since current law has them expiring on Nov 28th, and I would have had to exhaust my standard benefit by Nov 20th. WTF I know people who have been collecting for over a year!
this sucks :-(
ps yes I am looking for work pretty aggressively I might add.

11-24-2010, 04:28 PM
what type of work you looking for?

11-24-2010, 04:35 PM
well I have a BS from MU in Business Admin IT Major. I have 6+ years management experience.

Sales, IT, something 35k+

11-24-2010, 08:03 PM
Time to start looking for something $0k+

11-24-2010, 08:23 PM
Someone keeps posting jobs or help wanted, I think it was STANMAN, he posted something last week!

I guess all the 99er were lucky A, everyone should get the some, 26 or 99 IMO.

11-24-2010, 08:33 PM
Time to start looking for something $0k+

y? so I can keep eating into my saving to pay my bills? But add to that if I worked a 0k+ job as you put it, then I wouldn't be available to look for something appropriate, interview, present, audition etc...

I'm curious, have you ever been unemployed? The opinion you stated is common among some people. I'm just wondering how many of those people have been unemployed for a period in their life and how long.

11-24-2010, 09:38 PM
I was unemployed in 2003 and I got benefits for just shy of 1 1/2 years. I think I was going on my second extension when I found another job. I think what he means by $ 0+k a year is to just keep you options open. Getting $20 k a year until you find something better. That's better than getting paid well nothing.

11-24-2010, 10:16 PM
You won't start a job at 35k + right now, no matter what kind of experience you have. Most management jobs don't even start that high, even with experience. What is your 6 years of experience in? What do you have to offer? If you don't mind, post your resume on here, id like to see it. I am the manager of an Ace Hardware and im looking to hire. I was off for over a year, never even filed for unemployment, I cashed out my 401k because I got fired and I felt responsible for it. I would have got it, but I didn't even apply.

Note: If you are serious about getting another management job, you need to take any job you can right now. Even if you aren't working in your field, or doing something you want, you need to be working. I won't hire someone who has been collecting unemployment for over a year (not your case), no matter what you have to offer me. It shows me that your work ethic sucks and your over estimating your worth to my company. Unless you have directly done the job I am hiring for, im going to have to train you to do your job anyway, so why hire someone so expensive? Get a job and stop thinking you aren't a dead-beat.

Voodoo Chick
11-24-2010, 10:49 PM
I went through a long period of unemployment too, and ended up taking a job that now makes my life a living hell just because I need a job. I'm sorry for what you're going through, and I wish you all the best.

11-24-2010, 11:33 PM
I'd look for a job that is at least somewhat related to what you want to do. There is no shortage of middle-aged middle-management types looking for jobs so there is little chance you're going to snag a management job. Companies don't need people to tell people what to do right now, they need people to do stuff.

Right now there is a tremendous push for productivity and it's causing many companies to flatten their organization, especially in IT and Project Management. You're starting to see a push to 1:10 supervisor:reports instead of the 1:4 that was common as recent as two years ago. You can probably blame it on Gartner and the economy. Since you seem to have IT aspirations, make sure you use your time off to stay current. A year oblivious to technology is a career death sentence with regard to IT. Lynda.com is like $25/month and 1105pubs is always having free webinars. When I'm pulled into the hiring process it's amazing how many people don't believe that it's best that you prepare for your next job instead of expecting your next employer to train you.

I'm a worker bee and I make well in excess of twice, as much as three times if you include total compensation, what 05caddyext laments is impossible to start at right now. But, my skills are a bit different than being a Helpful Hardware Folk.

11-24-2010, 11:35 PM
Note: If you are serious about getting another management job, you need to take any job you can right now. Even if you aren't working in your field, or doing something you want, you need to be working. I won't hire someone who has been collecting unemployment for over a year (not your case), no matter what you have to offer me. It shows me that your work ethic sucks and your over estimating your worth to my company. Unless you have directly done the job I am hiring for, im going to have to train you to do your job anyway, so why hire someone so expensive? Get a job and stop thinking you aren't a dead-beat.


it's what I'm seeing for stuff coming through the office in my field, as well as friends who are graduating.

And in the IT industry, sorry, but with every kid coming out of school with some sort of IT focused degree, gonna have to sacrifice. Although I find it hard to believe that there are NO 35k jobs out there right now that someone with 6+years and a BS in it can't get.


Hell that company is even expanding(we are in the process of working out building their expansion warehouse)

11-25-2010, 12:08 AM
Although I find it hard to believe that there are NO 35k jobs out there right now that someone with 6+years and a BS in it can't get.


I completely agree. I hired for 17 jobs this year that were much higher paying than that.

I would say that networking played a large part of those who made their way into those positions.

11-25-2010, 06:30 AM
I'm not going to bother telling you my place of employment is hiring because you blew me off last time, you can keep making your 0 dollars an hour. More OT available where I work then anywhere, and 14 bucks an hour with OT is a hell of a lot better then 0 bucks an hour IMO.

Sprayaway Fox
11-25-2010, 08:32 AM
y? so I can keep eating into my saving to pay my bills? But add to that if I worked a 0k+ job as you put it, then I wouldn't be available to look for something appropriate, interview, present, audition etc...

I'm curious, have you ever been unemployed? The opinion you stated is common among some people. I'm just wondering how many of those people have been unemployed for a period in their life and how long.

I was unemployed. They gave me 6 weeks severace pay. I got 2 part time jobs and sent in apps to get where I am at now. You gotta stop thinking your worth a set amount. I dont care how much schooling you have. Suck up, and your pride and get 2 jobs till something comes along.

Times are hard and if your gonna sit there and wait it out till you find a job that fits what your payscale. I personally dont care if you lose everything. You really need 16 hours of your day to fill out job applications? Give me a break.
Your problably the same kind that bitch about taxes going up then use the system like this. Its a strong dose of medicine to take in but either your part of the problem or a solution.

11-25-2010, 09:06 AM
I have a Business degree from UW-Whitewater, and a minor in Occupational Safety and Health from there also. I worked for Roundy's for 12 years, 6 years of which I was a manager. Now I have been a manager at Ace for 2 years. Think I should be making 35k+? It's an honest question. If so, where do I apply.

Graduated with a 3.875 in my degree, and a 4.0 in safety, a 32 credit minor.

11-25-2010, 09:31 AM
Tons of jobs out there. Just have to be willing to lower your standards a bit and your expected pay. It may not be what you went to school for or on the top end of the pay range but its a damn job. Better than sitting around doing nothing.

11-25-2010, 09:44 AM
This has me torn both ways, since I just got out of a simular thing. I graduated MSOE about 6 months ago and have been working at the same job as before I started going to school. Pay was ok $16/hr, but not MSOE rates. I was getting almost ready to give up finding a better job and just settle at an ok pay rate.

A handful of interviews came and went. Finally two weeks ago I landed a job as an avionics engineer. The pay is now what I expected to receive after finishing school.

When I was looking for a new job, I got a ton of calls that went something like... "can you come in for an interview..." and after I poke around the caller says the pay is so low.

If you can afford, hold out for the pay you want. If you can't afford it, your nuts for not lowering your standards. Wages have reduced over the last few years.

Ps. the placement rates and average starting pay on colleges websites are NOT ACCURATE

11-25-2010, 09:47 AM
some interresting comments.

no I don't need 16 hours of a day to fill out job applications, but I need to be flexible around what the employer wants. and if that's to meet him at 1 for an interview, then give a presentation at 3, and I'm doing this 3 times a week, you tell me how I'd be able to keep a job that doesn't pay enough for me to pay my bills.

ps I'm not going to loose everything. So keep thinking I'm going to, you're just going to be wrong.

as for blowing you off, Why would I take a job for 1/2 of what I was making previously, and be too tired to function well in a presentation, interview or project that would land me a job paying over 60km plus bonuses? In my opinion it wouldnt be worth it. To each their own though.

11-25-2010, 10:37 AM
I've never collected unemployment so I don't know. There are plenty of jobs out there, people need to suck up their pride and do what it takes to make ends meet. 2 jobs, 3 jobs, whatever..

11-25-2010, 10:50 AM
I've never collected unemployment so I don't know. There are plenty of jobs out there, people need to suck up their pride and do what it takes to make ends meet. 2 jobs, 3 jobs, whatever..

ahh the arrogance of ignorance.

There are also plenty of people applying for those jobs. And no, working 3 jobs so I'm never home to see my family is not a priority of mine. I would rather stay at home and be a full time father and raise my daughter.

I prioritize my family over money.

Being there for my daughter's first words, first steps, first time I told her "Mommy is in the kitchen, go by mommy" and she did! These things hold more imprtance to me than a number of dollars bills in my checking accounts, savings, stocks etc. Those things aren't that important. Money comes and goes. But memories will last me even when I'm a dream filled coma on my death bed.

11-25-2010, 10:54 AM
You will never win this argument, easytoremember, some will never understand.

Keep doin what you think you need to do.

My Unemployment is running out also, but Im not going to bitch about it online. I have to do what I have to do to pay my Mortgage.

11-25-2010, 10:57 AM
You won't start a job at 35k + right now, no matter what kind of experience you have. Most management jobs don't even start that high, even with experience. What is your 6 years of experience in? What do you have to offer? If you don't mind, post your resume on here, id like to see it. I am the manager of an Ace Hardware and im looking to hire. I was off for over a year, never even filed for unemployment, I cashed out my 401k because I got fired and I felt responsible for it. I would have got it, but I didn't even apply.

Thats crazy. If you would of received benefits but chose not to, did you have a family to take care of or mortgage? If you felt guilty for getting fired is it something they would denied you benefits for? It is ok to accept unemployment, it doesn't mean someone is a bad person. Using the system or being lazy about finding a job? Well then yes, that's wrong.

I always find comments on unemployment interesting from those who have never been let go and think everyone should work at McDonalds for minimum wage, almost more than people who have been out of work for a year or more but haven't been able to find anything.

Not that it matters but why I find these threads interesting is that I was out of work for exactly 6 months about two years ago, first time ever fired/laid off/let go. Things were ice cold during this time of the year through the new year, then in mid-late February I had two job offers with a nearly a third (3 interviews within a week, met the companies CEO/President). Worked out that I made/make 20% more than the job I was let go at, much better benefits and work environment and from a 12 mile/30 minute commute to 3/12. Although I realize I was lucky (yes luck plays a role) it's funny how shit works sometimes, just gotta keep your head up and plugging along.

11-25-2010, 11:03 AM
I'm sorry if you perceve this thread as me bitching about my unemployment ending. I've never been on unemployment before. I guess part of me was looking for some experienced person to say "yea it looks that way but if you do X Y Z you'll see you can get extra benefits.

I have interviews lined up for the coming weeks, and even a 2 week contracted position I'm taking to help a friend who needs an extra hand. I'm even building a website, something like HireChris.com just to help.

11-25-2010, 12:15 PM
I was fired and had no guilt whatsoever about collecting ue benefits; even the adjudicator had some choice words for the employer and what they had done. I collected for about 3 months before I finally SETTLED for a job after alot of apps/interviews that paid me 40% less than what I was making. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do even if it means a paycut and just work extra to find something better. good luck either way and IMO its bullshit that some people can collect for 99 weeks and others only 26, why does there need to be a difference? But there are way too many people abusing the system, I know of 1 person that traveled all over europe for a year while collecting ue and a few others that never bothered to even look for a job.

11-25-2010, 12:44 PM
y? so I can keep eating into my saving to pay my bills? But add to that if I worked a 0k+ job as you put it, then I wouldn't be available to look for something appropriate, interview, present, audition etc...

I'm curious, have you ever been unemployed? The opinion you stated is common among some people. I'm just wondering how many of those people have been unemployed for a period in their life and how long.
I've been unemployed, I've even been homeless. I can't feel sorry for you. If you found something offered at $25,000, would you take it? I know people who refused jobs at $5,000 less a year just because they couldn't continue their lifestyle. Can't turn in the new car for a used one, can't do without premium cable service, can't do without the extras. Learn to live within your means and suck it up. You have the education so you are not stupid. Figure it out.:D Even if you took a lesser paying job, you can take a day off to go to the interview. Most employers understand this.

11-25-2010, 12:46 PM
to those who say I should be working at Mcdonald's and have two jobs consider this.

Mcdonald's pays minimum wage. 7.50 an hour. x 20 hours per week = $150, then add a second job at 7.50 an hour x 20 hours per week, say folding clothes at the mall. So that's another $150 a week Total of $300 per week before taxes.

So now My time is tied up and I can't interview for a realistic position.

Minimum wage for someone who was making what I was making is maxes at $363 per week. So your logic is I should work two jobs for less money than not working, and not be availble to find a real job? explain this logic to me. I'd really like to hear why you think that's right.

One of the positions I have an interview for next week is an extensive interview process. 1 phone interview, 2nd interview is in person, at a given day and time. I was told it would be "the week of December 1st so clear your schedule." They could have picked any day / time and if I wasn't available because I was asking people if they wanted fries with that, I wouldn't be considered further for the position. Then theres a project I have to create and present that takes about 30 hours to create, requires me to travel to complete research for it, then present it. Then there's a 3rd interview with even higher ups. THEN there's another project where I get less than 24 hours to create and present. The whole process ties up your life for approx 5 to 7 weeks. You're available at the drop of a hat for them. If you're tied up with a minimum wage part time job, then you're sol. PS These head hunters, recruiters, and HR managers typically see someone dropping out of the professional world and taking a Part time minimum wage job as someone who didn't plan for the future and can't handle finances, and most likely won't consider putting you in charge of big buck accounts.

Sounds like a lot, but this company is the largest in it's industry, and the pay and benefits are superb.

So those who want to argue I should be flipping burgers, never see my family and swallow my pride... thanks for the advice, but that just proves why advice is called, "My two cents." you do that for yourself. I'll keep going after the jobs that pay much more and when I do land one, (remember it takes approx 1 month of hunting for every 10k you seek.) I'll look back and appreciate the work it took to get the job as I'm saying "that's ok I don't need fries wiith my burger, but please put extra pickles on it." :thumbsup


11-25-2010, 12:50 PM
Learn to live within your means and suck it up

write that down and send it to me about 15 years ago, and it would still have been considered old news.

Most people know how to live within their means. So please, don't group me into that category.

I prioritize my family over money.

so whoever called me a deadbeat, are you calling all stay at home parents dead beats? Career mothers? really? Glad you don't work in my industry, You'd give it a bad name. But most professionals in my industry are better than to resort to childish name calling.

11-25-2010, 12:55 PM
I've never collected unemployment so I don't know. There are plenty of jobs out there, people need to suck up their pride and do what it takes to make ends meet. 2 jobs, 3 jobs, whatever..

Yup, or just cut back on heavy lifestyles. There are always corners to cut.

11-25-2010, 12:56 PM
I guess part of me was looking for some experienced person to say "yea it looks that way but if you do X Y Z you'll see you can get extra benefits.

Oh yea, with your shit attitude you deserve "extra" benefits. Too bad your Obama bucks have run up, good luck on you job search sounds like your gonna need it.

Most people can live off 30k a year, which is what my place of employment offers people with ZERO experience. So you whining about having to flip burgers for 7.50 an hour ain't flying.

I support my wife and I on much less then you used to make, so unless your a single father with 2 kids your barking up the wrong tree.

11-25-2010, 01:00 PM
I should have been a bit clear on that. Actually most people are living paycheck to paycheck, even in management. Not saying you did, because you had savings to fall back on, albeit at a penalty.

11-25-2010, 01:07 PM
most people are living paycheck to paycheck, even in management

Most people is a pretty good generalization imo, a LOT of my friends fall into that category and they spend every penny they make. I don't make very much money so putting money into a savings account isn't easy for me, especially after 15% of my income gets dumped into my Roth IRA.

People gotta make sacrifices in times like this, and those that refuse will pay the price in the long run.

11-25-2010, 01:08 PM
you will never win this argument, easytoremember, some will never understand.

Keep doin what you think you need to do.

My unemployment is running out also, but im not going to bitch about it online. I have to do what i have to do to pay my mortgage.


11-25-2010, 01:08 PM
One word... ENTITLEMENT...

11-25-2010, 01:41 PM
I find it hard to believe the interview process is that rigorous for a 35k job.

French fry

11-25-2010, 01:45 PM
I find it hard to believe the interview process is that rigorous for a 35k job.

French fry

Apparently you'd be surprised.

11-25-2010, 02:31 PM
Quad/Graphics is hiring, in your field too I might add.

Hell I am just entry level (forklift driver) and I'm bringing home ~$40k per year. We're looking for people pretty hardcore in my department as well.

Look they're not going to pay you the best starting hourly wage, but there is plenty of overtime available if you want it.

Go to www.qg.com and apply.

11-25-2010, 02:36 PM
I've been unemployed, I've even been homeless. I can't feel sorry for you. If you found something offered at $25,000, would you take it? I know people who refused jobs at $5,000 less a year just because they couldn't continue their lifestyle. Can't turn in the new car for a used one, can't do without premium cable service, can't do without the extras. Learn to live within your means and suck it up. You have the education so you are not stupid. Figure it out.:D Even if you took a lesser paying job, you can take a day off to go to the interview. Most employers understand this.

Might I add when I was unemployed and my unemployment ran out, I was working two $9/hr jobs until I got back in at Quad. It's really hard to feel sorry for someone not willing to do whatever it takes to survive.

Rocket Power
11-25-2010, 02:57 PM
Apparently you'd be surprised.


Rocket Power
11-25-2010, 03:00 PM
are you calling all stay at home parents dead beats? Career mothers? really?

Are they online complaining about their unemployment running out but not willing to take less than the perfect job because they are too good for it? Nope.

11-25-2010, 03:26 PM
I guess part of me was looking for some experienced person to say "yea it looks that way but if you do X Y Z you'll see you can get extra benefits.

OK, then here it is....

it's getting to the end of the year. This is when most larger companies are essentially on a hiring freeze. I would prepare for the worst at this point and start cutting back on those things you haven't already. I would expect any interview you go to right now, to be something looking to hire the first month of 2011, not ASAP. Of course this will not be 100% exact, but in most cases kind of what to be expected. So just keep your nose to the grindstone and it will pay off.

There are two different modes of thought right now. Wait and hope and land that job that gets you what you want


Take that job that may be less(i agree, I wouldn't settle for a 10/hr job) and work it and keep getting that experience. Work your way up in that larger company if that's what it is.

It sucks, but like what was said earlier, in an interview you will be asked about the span of unemployment. You better have a good answer. "I didn't want to settle for a lower paying job" or "I took a job with lesser pay to keep up with the everchanging world of IT".

Besides.... for this interview stuff you are talking about, and missing that lower paying job workday. Are you really gonna be up front and honest with that company and TELL them you are going to another interview? If so, you have bigger balls than most. DO that to the owners of the company I work for and you'd be fired on the spot without having even gone to the interview yet. It shows that your mind is not set on the process/job that you are currently working at, so why would we want you still working there. Especially when there are 100 other people out there that could fill that position.

So just be careful. In the end, I can understand the frustration. I truly do wish you the best in the search especially with a family to take care of.

One question I do have... why not go back to Marquette? A school of that stature HAS to have a career development center or a job finding service for it's graduates. MSOE has one, the ex-g/f's DePaul had one and she used it at the end of last year and it helped her find a better job than she had.

11-25-2010, 03:31 PM
Apparently you'd be surprised.

The last 35k/year job I had, the interview went "Are you a drinker? Do you do drugs? Can you pass a drug test? What's your favorite swear word?"

If that's rigourous.... then DAMN.

11-25-2010, 03:41 PM
What line of work are you in? Not saying it's neccessarily rigorous but it surely makes a difference what kind of field you are in as well. A "professional" type position or something for the gov't and/or larger companies generally takes more than not being a druggie or drunk to get hired from what I've seen/heard/encountered. I've been hired after one long interview, two shorter interviews and have not been hired after going through three interviews or a couple longer ones...at least a couple of those positions were right at about 35k. A couple wanted transcripts from college, one didn't. At least one went through my references, credit check and background check....one I know didn't do any of that, a very small company (my last job).

11-25-2010, 07:04 PM
ahh the arrogance of ignorance.

There are also plenty of people applying for those jobs. And no, working 3 jobs so I'm never home to see my family is not a priority of mine. I would rather stay at home and be a full time father and raise my daughter.

I prioritize my family over money.

Being there for my daughter's first words, first steps, first time I told her "Mommy is in the kitchen, go by mommy" and she did! These things hold more imprtance to me than a number of dollars bills in my checking accounts, savings, stocks etc. Those things aren't that important. Money comes and goes. But memories will last me even when I'm a dream filled coma on my death bed.

I generalized by saying people... :rolf So yes since you have money in your savings to sit on your ass and wait for your ideal job, why complain about your free money coming to an end? Everybody doesn't have money to sit at home and be with their family all the time, they have to work to put food on the table for their family, you're lucky to have a better situation..

11-25-2010, 10:02 PM
I'd disagree that the end of the year is a poor time to look for a job. In my industry, this is the BEST time to be applying. Programs that will be rolled out at the beginning of the year will require staff and that staff is being hired right now.

Interviews -

If the position and the person are being hired to make $35k per year and fit into a role where career growth is limited, the interview is simple.


If I'm hiring for a role that I expect to turn into a people or program manager the interview process will be far more in depth.


11-25-2010, 11:08 PM
If I had a family I would be more empowered to keep a roof over their heads. Rather than worrying about my pride. Hell today a job is a job. If I lost my job tomorrow I wouldn't have a problem working 2 if it meant keeping the wolves from the door.

If your living off of UE your making a tops 383 a week untaxed, so you are making just shy of 20k a year. And you will get raped at the end of the year for taxes. Which = just under 10 per hour.

He wouldn't last long at Quad graphics with that bitch attitude. Quad graphics is a hard place to work. I loved it and should have never left it. But the bennys are killer and make up for the slave labor.

I was unemployed for 9 months and got a job for 30% less. I am better than most of my coworkers and I make less, but screw it I have a job, food on the table and a roof over my head I am lucky.

11-26-2010, 11:49 AM
I was out of work for 9 months, lost a job for the first time in my life, it wasn't a firing as it was more a office politic thing. They paid me out my commissions and called it a "severance" knowing that I knew the law on this stuff. Added to our savings, the vacation pay out, and my severance, along with unemployment we didn't have to suffer much since I have always lived below what my paycheck dictated. I was applying to anything I had experience in. It was about a year ago I lost my job and the interviews and call backs didn't start until this past June when companies had a better view of how their year was going. I got into a job that wasn't advertised and a much better company with better wages. Networking is key, stay positive, talk to every family member or maybe even a friend you had lost contact with, and you will be surprised how far that takes you. Don't be defeatist or negative, don't bitch or complain about your last company or boss because people will assume you're always that way and not suggest you talk to their friend/family member/customer whom they know is hiring because they'll be afraid you will reflect negatively on them. Be eager and humble and good things will happen. I did this in a MUCH worse environment than you seeing as I live in Rockford right now.

11-28-2010, 09:15 AM
y? so I can keep eating into my saving to pay my bills? But add to that if I worked a 0k+ job as you put it, then I wouldn't be available to look for something appropriate, interview, present, audition etc...

I'm curious, have you ever been unemployed? The opinion you stated is common among some people. I'm just wondering how many of those people have been unemployed for a period in their life and how long.

I have never been unemployed, nor have I ever made less than $35k in a year since I was 19 working a blue collar job...and I ONLY have an associate's degree. Maybe I didn't waste as much time as you in school to over-value myself and my education, or the fact that I have never had a job interview that was longer than 10 minutes, but your situation seems pretty simple. You rode the free money train for HALF A YEAR, now it's time to take ANY JOB. As previously posted, there are always openings listed on here which you probably just feel you are too good for; maybe you should just accept the fact that you are not god's gift to the workforce. I changed jobs as recently as 3 months ago and was able to interview after work (while working 45+ per week) and go to take my drug test during my lunch break, it's really not that hard to accomplish something if you have a little bit of motivation.

11-28-2010, 11:19 AM
Reading this thread makes me depressed about how little I make compared to everyone else. I hate you all :D

I'd be happy with 35k/year any day.

11-28-2010, 09:53 PM
You rode the free money train for HALF A YEAR, now it's time to take ANY JOB

actually if you do the math, I'm not even getting out of UI benefits what I put into it after working for 11 years.

Then again I finished college so I'm smart enough to know not to speak unless I know what I'm talking about...

I'd like to stay and argue some more but I have to get ready for the 2nd interview in a long series. And if you don't like that, argue some more over the internet, I'm sure you'll find someone who agree with you.

11-28-2010, 11:47 PM
Actually, you put nothing into it. It is paid by Federal and State with taxes collected from the employer. About 6.5 % of the first $7,000 the employee earns. Simplified explanation but I'm a HS drop out...what do I know.

11-29-2010, 05:13 AM
Reading this thread makes me depressed about how little I make compared to everyone else. I hate you all :D

I'd be happy with 35k/year any day.

We're hiring...

Rocket Power
11-29-2010, 06:26 AM
Actually, you put nothing into it. It is paid by Federal and State with taxes collected from the employer. About 6.5 % of the first $7,000 the employee earns. Simplified explanation but I'm a HS drop out...what do I know.


HS dropout > College Grad:goof

11-29-2010, 09:44 AM
I have a Business degree from UW-Whitewater, and a minor in Occupational Safety and Health from there also. I worked for Roundy's for 12 years, 6 years of which I was a manager. Now I have been a manager at Ace for 2 years. Think I should be making 35k+? It's an honest question. If so, where do I apply.

Graduated with a 3.875 in my degree, and a 4.0 in safety, a 32 credit minor.

Company I work for is hiring for a Safety Coordinator.. Pretty sure it's the Saukville plant though.. Same company Stanman was telling everyone about.

11-29-2010, 06:26 PM
In Sept. 2001, I was let go (company cut 60% staff) and was not hired permanently till 12 months later. First time I ever collected unemployment. I did some contract work here and there (gave me free time to interview since they knew they where not looking to hire a person at that time) and yet get my hours in to get paid. I also went through a divorce (paying lawyers on UE is not easy and the mind thought was tough as well as having court when the interview was set up at the same time – court wins – future employer looses). When I got hired permanently, I took an $8k/yr pay cut. Had to reprove myself to a new boss. Then he was let go and had to do prove myself to 2 more new bosses. 3 years later I was making the same pay as of my old job and finally more the following year (catch up with inflation). Now all my current co-workers and I are still under a 10% pay cut, but working. Still waiting to regain full pay again. Even the OT has cut way off, but the main bills are paid and the car projects have been back on hold (and might be till retirement). One way or another, it gets better.

As for the unemployment, well I guess it was good that you were still working when others were not. As America approaches better times, you should not have to be un-employed as long as they were, not hopefully tapping into the saving like others I know did (even extended un-employment ran out for others I know). Hope you find what you need and want.

84 Regal
11-30-2010, 03:19 PM
actually if you do the math, I'm not even getting out of UI benefits what I put into it after working for 11 years.

Then again I finished college so I'm smart enough to know not to speak unless I know what I'm talking about...

I'd like to stay and argue some more but I have to get ready for the 2nd interview in a long series. And if you don't like that, argue some more over the internet, I'm sure you'll find someone who agree with you.

You dont pay one cent into it. The employer pays into it till you gross 16,000 in a calender year. So it is not yours, it is actually the owner of the company's money that goes into a poll they lower the poll gets the higher the % he has to pay up to 8.4% it is (dont quote me on the .X). You do what you have to do for work. So you spoke before you even knew the facts on UI.

thanks mike

11-30-2010, 04:15 PM
damn i didn't know IT managers made so little.... glad i didnt get into that field....

09 MSOE BSME Grad I worked for 6 months after I graduated at my intership rate of
16/hr at Buell it sucks going to interview after interview and not getting a nibble with the economy in the crapper.... I drive 130 miles a day to work round trip because OShkosh Truck was on an upswing... you have to be open to anything and network the hell out of yourself. There HAS to be 35K jobs out there.... I got that packing and shipping parts in waukesha with only a hs diploma and clean piss

11-30-2010, 06:11 PM
damn i didn't know IT managers made so little.... glad i didnt get into that field....

09 MSOE BSME Grad I worked for 6 months after I graduated at my intership rate of
16/hr at Buell it sucks going to interview after interview and not getting a nibble with the economy in the crapper.... I drive 130 miles a day to work round trip because OShkosh Truck was on an upswing... you have to be open to anything and network the hell out of yourself. There HAS to be 35K jobs out there.... I got that packing and shipping parts in waukesha with only a hs diploma and clean piss

We just picked up a few jobs from Oshkosh Truck, those new govt contracts they landed and are really making them toss money around. Hell we have at least 6 robots dedicated to Oshkosh truck work now :thumbsup I can't work enough 12's during the week to make my boss happy, I love it.

11-30-2010, 06:43 PM
Guessing FMTV stuff?

11-30-2010, 10:52 PM
You dont pay one cent into it. The employer pays into it till you gross 16,000 in a calender year. So it is not yours, it is actually the owner of the company's money that goes into a poll they lower the poll gets the higher the % he has to pay up to 8.4% it is (dont quote me on the .X). You do what you have to do for work. So you spoke before you even knew the facts on UI.

thanks mike

I'm not sure if he meant it this way but indirectly, we are all paying for unemployment benefits, via taxes. That's how I took it anyway. So in summary, you are both correct :shades .

12-01-2010, 08:56 PM
I think It's hilarious that people are still bitching about this...

I stopped watching because I had to prepare for my interview today.

PS. for this 1 position there were almost 100 applicants. 13 were selected for the 1st interview. I already completed the project. And 3 are being selected for the 2nd interview next week, then 2 are going head to head for the final project.

I'm about 90% sure I'll be one of the 3 for the 2nd interview.

Go back to complaining about this. I don't care what you say. I don't think it's fair that some people got 99 weeks and I only got 26. So be it though. I'm not going to stand and cry, I got research to do.

12-01-2010, 10:46 PM
Best of luck to you on trying to get a job. Unlike some people who continue to suck on the nipple until the money runs out.

Well now it ran out for all those lazy fucks, so what are they gonna do now?!

Again, good luck!

12-02-2010, 07:30 AM
well I have a BS from MU in Business Admin IT Major. I have 6+ years management experience.

Sales, IT, something 35k+

ahh the arrogance of ignorance.

There are also plenty of people applying for those jobs. And no, working 3 jobs so I'm never home to see my family is not a priority of mine. I would rather stay at home and be a full time father and raise my daughter.

I prioritize my family over money.

Being there for my daughter's first words, first steps, first time I told her "Mommy is in the kitchen, go by mommy" and she did! These things hold more imprtance to me than a number of dollars bills in my checking accounts, savings, stocks etc. Those things aren't that important. Money comes and goes. But memories will last me even when I'm a dream filled coma on my death bed.

Doesnt sound like it, sounds like your justifying yourself. If keeping your schedule clear was your main focus work a 3rd shift job until you find something better.

Good luck on your interviews I hope you get what your looking for. :haveabeer

Don't bash non educated folk, some are going to be 100x smarter than you whether you want to believe that or not. Even some of the ceo's that may be interviewing you got there without college.

Rocket Power
12-02-2010, 11:40 AM
Best of luck to you on trying to get a job. Unlike some people who continue to suck on the nipple until the money runs out.

Isn't that what he did?:rolf

12-04-2010, 08:28 PM
To all the haters out there saying I should have been flipping burgers...

I was just offered a contract position with 2 weeks for a company because not only do I have the experience where I don't need to be trained... butalso because I am NOT out there flipping burgers.

I'm going to make quite a bit more than anyone who would have taken such crappy advice and is currently asking what kind of sauce they want for the nuggets too. :thumbsup

12-05-2010, 08:19 AM
After those two weeks, I like sweet and sour sauce.

12-05-2010, 08:56 AM
After those two weeks, I like sweet and sour sauce.


What an asshole, seriously. HAHA I GOT A 2 WEEK JOB! HAHAHA At everyone who told me I wouldn't find anything! HAHAHA

Really? 2 weeks work is worth bragging about?

12-05-2010, 09:29 AM
Can you get UE again after those 2 weeks? :goof

12-05-2010, 09:51 AM
Really, that must be a typo, the 2 weeks thing?

And yes, I think UE starts over. I could be wrong though.

Slow Joe
12-05-2010, 10:34 AM
It's a contract position, aka a temp position. He will not be eligible for UE after that... Especially with it being a contract length of 2 weeks.

12-05-2010, 10:36 AM
Thought it was at least 6 months continuous employment before you could get it again

12-05-2010, 10:37 AM
I stand corrected.

12-05-2010, 10:55 AM
wow, I'm the asshole for finding success in my job search and letting people know? wow.

How about instead, give somoe encouragement into finding other contract.

A lot of jobs in my industry are contract based.

PS I'm going to make about 2 months salary in those two weeks. So go wash your cock with your sweet and sour sauce. I'll be busy getting another contract position.

At least I'm excited for it. :banana1:

12-05-2010, 11:13 AM
sooo, a college degree gets you a 2 week contract?

I sense a epic waste of money..

Slow Joe
12-05-2010, 11:26 AM
Hey if it gets your foot in the door somewhere, more power to you. At least it keeps you sharp in your field.

Rocket Power
12-05-2010, 04:21 PM
After those two weeks, I like sweet and sour sauce.


12-05-2010, 04:54 PM
After those two weeks, I like sweet and sour sauce.

Too funny!

12-06-2010, 06:24 PM
So go wash your cock with your sweet and sour sauce.
Even funnier!

12-06-2010, 09:43 PM

12-06-2010, 10:15 PM
Hey if it gets your foot in the door somewhere, more power to you. At least it keeps you sharp in your field. It might get his foot slammed in the door...

12-06-2010, 10:30 PM
my foot slammed in the door???

well considering they already paid me for the job and It doesn't start till the 14th. I'd say they can punch me in the face if they wan't. Still got paid!