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View Full Version : Pretty funny - NWS

07-22-2004, 10:32 AM
This is a rant site, enter at your own risk.
I labeled it NWS because, not only is it highly offensive, politically incorrect, and rude (which can get you fired), but it can cause you to erupt in noise or whatever, letting your boss know you're not working.
Also, eating, drinking not safe.


to get a good feel for the material, try the first "rape, get over it" rant, and "what idiot gave women the right to vote".

If you keep reading all of it, and are not offended by any of it, and you've checked your medication, you are just not right.

07-22-2004, 05:13 PM
site got owned by bandwidth.

07-25-2004, 02:11 PM
That's too bad. He was on for little over a month, and the last couple weeks were mostly answering hate mail and doing all the radio interviews and stuff.
He got fired from at least 2 jobs during that time.
Hope it comes back. I got a few guys at work to cough, choke, spray their coffees when reading it without warning.