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View Full Version : ug...roofing problem

11-08-2010, 05:32 PM
so last year my dad decides he's going to crawl up on the roof and fix a bad spot that's leaking into the house. finds carpenter ants, some shoddy work etc. (for those of you that don't know me, my dad is a mess, lung cancer, overweight, aka should not have been anyplace near the roof). he does a half ass job, doesn't replace the wood thats in bad shape. tars the shit out of it, patches it all back up. this fall, it's leaking again. so i got to tear that shit all up, replace the wood, do it all today. to my discontent, i find my father's half ass job (which he would kill me for if i did it that way) but i ALSO find, that the previous owner put a THIRD layer of shingles on the damn house.

GODDAMNIT YOU STUPID ASS LAZY POS PEOPLE. getting it all even and layering it properly was a lot of fun.