View Full Version : Seriously?

11-08-2010, 07:01 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs978.snc4/77133_627124173168_219700023_35504225_2712116_n.jp g

Driving through Sussex last night and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Voodoo Chick
11-08-2010, 07:26 AM
It's probably visible from space.

11-08-2010, 07:49 AM
all sorts of houses with Xmas lights on around me...it's sad

11-08-2010, 11:09 AM
Hell I don't even think about doing any sort of lights until thanksgiving.

11-08-2010, 11:09 AM
well I would say its nice to get them up while the weather is good... but no real reason to light them up already,.

11-08-2010, 11:21 AM
Hell I don't even think about doing any sort of lights until thanksgiving.

well I would say its nice to get them up while the weather is good... but no real reason to light them up already,.

what they both said. i have to fix my parent's roof today, i'm contimplating putting their lights up now with it being like 70 degrees. just don't light 'em

11-08-2010, 11:57 AM
well I would say its nice to get them up while the weather is good... but no real reason to light them up already,.

agreed! I used to make fun of that shit but trying to put up lights when its frigid out sucks but lighting them now is really not necessary. Cool lights though!

11-08-2010, 01:28 PM
On Nov. 1st I was at a store that had the displays up and Christmas music on. I thought "its way too early for this" especially the music.

11-08-2010, 01:29 PM
Some stores had their christmas stuff up before halloween.

11-08-2010, 04:44 PM
Maybe they invested heavily in the utilities industry?

11-08-2010, 08:23 PM
^^ haha!

If I had lights that cool I'd probably show them off.

Prince Valiant
11-08-2010, 08:24 PM
It's the new thing...Thanksgiving lights.

11-08-2010, 08:34 PM
Their neighbor had a wreath on their house, but no lights on it yet.

11-09-2010, 12:17 PM
Well with all the christmas comercials going on, why not? lol Seriously though its been nice outside lately...rather do it in nice weather than when it gets cold. I might follow up on that....

11-09-2010, 01:22 PM
good to put up when warm and not when its 20 and snowing...

11-09-2010, 05:57 PM
We need lights programed for color change. That way you can just leave them up and program for the holiday of choice...red white and blue for all the patriotic holidays, pink for Valentine's Day, orange and yellow for Halloween, pink, light blue and yellow for Easter...so on and so forth.

11-11-2010, 01:33 PM
We need lights programed for color change. That way you can just leave them up and program for the holiday of choice...red white and blue for all the patriotic holidays, pink for Valentine's Day, orange and yellow for Halloween, pink, light blue and yellow for Easter...so on and so forth.

Hmmm :thumbsup