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View Full Version : anybody a salesmen at a subie dealership?

10-23-2010, 09:45 PM
i've tried some of the internet things and people just can't give a fucking straight answer, so time to resort to BCM


sent an inquiry to gentile just now and hopefully they can give a straight answer if no one on here works someplace

10-24-2010, 08:11 AM
Chris, I have worked with Kim Becker at Gentile several times. Very nice lady and won't play games. Give her a call tomorrow.

10-24-2010, 08:25 AM
Call Joe Vella at Somer's.

If he doesnt know he will find out. Great guy to deal with.

10-24-2010, 09:25 AM
Thanks guys. I had called Kim before for helping someone else J, just didn't get a subaru, but this is a car for me.

Thanks again

10-24-2010, 10:55 AM
Joe Vella's a fun guy; he has a Lemans convertible, forgot what year.

10-24-2010, 07:06 PM
Call Joe Vella at Somer's.

If he doesnt know he will find out. Great guy to deal with.

x2 for Joe, or if you can't reach him try Jeremy Stilb at Sommer's, he's actually owned a few Subaru's himself.

10-25-2010, 01:39 PM
Thanks guys.... I made a couple calls, didn't get in contact with those people, but overall experience with the "small dealerships" so far has been great compared to the Schlossmann's and Wilde. Fuck I just was in Schlossmann's today and NO ONE said anything to me, and I even knew people walking around.

Rocket Power
10-25-2010, 04:38 PM
Fuck I just was in Schlossmann's today and NO ONE said anything to me, and I even knew people walking around.I hate that. When I get the cold shoulder I make sure to never give them my business,ever.

10-26-2010, 09:05 AM
Thanks guys.... I made a couple calls, didn't get in contact with those people, but overall experience with the "small dealerships" so far has been great compared to the Schlossmann's and Wilde. Fuck I just was in Schlossmann's today and NO ONE said anything to me, and I even knew people walking around.

If you are interested in going back and/or calling Subaru City ask for Ed Wrathal. He is a family friend and let him know I sent ya and he will take care of you.

10-26-2010, 09:10 AM
Thanks Brad. If I don't get what I need from Gentile I'll shoot him a call.

10-26-2010, 04:15 PM
WOW.... The people at Wilde are special. I explained to them something I noticed and I got a "it is what it is" answer because they couldn't explain it, haha.

Seriously... if I treated any of you like this that have come to me for cars, or help, or whatever... I'm truly sorry. Thank god I went back to school

10-26-2010, 04:43 PM
It is very frustrating buying a car in our area. While there are a select few good salesmen that will treat you right there are tons more of complete idiots

10-26-2010, 04:50 PM
WOW.... The people at Wilde are special. I explained to them something I noticed and I got a "it is what it is" answer because they couldn't explain it, haha.

Seriously... if I treated any of you like this that have come to me for cars, or help, or whatever... I'm truly sorry. Thank god I went back to school

May I ask what you're looking at? If you're looking at an STi there are all kinds of noises these cars make and it really "is what it is" Stiff suspension, awd rally car grocery getter.

10-26-2010, 05:24 PM
Ya spill the beans chris.

10-26-2010, 05:34 PM
it wasn't noises... it was payment thing, finance thing.

had nothing to do with the actual car.

having been in the business, I know when things don't make sense REAL quick.. called them on it, and was told, "well it is what it is" for the cost of the vehicle.

J - I talked to someone different at Gentile, but he was honest upfront and great to work with. I'll probably be going back and buying something that isn't as optioned up as I wanted, only cause they have it and the guy was upfront about everything.

Brad - I talked to Ed and he's gonna get back to me tomorrow. Thanks again and he says HI!

this is for an '11 WRX, not an STI

10-26-2010, 06:27 PM
'11 WRX! Sweet chris! Can't wait to see pics. You will love it. I miss my Subie all the time. Great cars

10-26-2010, 06:40 PM
Nice! What made you decide on a new WRX?

10-26-2010, 06:49 PM
Me and the wife miss our WRX too. Looking to buy a 2011 early next year.

10-26-2010, 10:22 PM
Chris talk to Fiz at Subaru city on 27th street. Hes the man sold Steve his wrx. His name on here is LITE SPD.

10-27-2010, 11:48 AM
I got a couple guys I'm talking to.

It was between a Volkswagen CC, VolvoC30 hatchback, 328xi, a C300 4matic, and a couple other cars. Overall, the "image" of being a college student driving a brand new MB C300 is not one that wants to be portrayed in some instances. I liked how the Volvo C30 drove, but it's more expensive than the BMW for payments. My dad was even trying to push me towards a new Nissan 370z or a G37 coupe. But I decided I couldn't do the 2dr thing, so that ruled those out as well as the Volvo.

The new wrx is about $100/month less with half the money down. So it makes sense on my budget, and it fits my desires(4 drs and AWD) while still having some "fun" to it.

It's not a 100% sure thing yet, but it's the top of the list. I sent an offer for the sedan they have at Gentile, even though I want a hatchback, but Wilde has the hatchback I want and they have no balls over there to explain any answers.

Thanks for the help guys. I told Ben this, but I swear the '11 WRX drove just as well as the '11 328xi did. Just as smooth, just as "sporty", just a stick shift instead of the automatic.

10-27-2010, 01:19 PM
I'm in college, I wish I could afford a new car, you lucky guy.

I'd go with the wrx if sporty is what your going for, not to mention it will be cheaper to maintain. Not too partial to 328, but the 335 awd would probably tack on way more costs than worth while.

10-28-2010, 01:16 PM
got to remember i'm 30 years old though too, haha. I'm not a young guy fresh out of high school.

funny story, owner/GM of Wilde called me to apologize and give me the correct numbers. He said he didn't know who was running what numbers, but he'd be the one to help me if I still would purchase through there. Just sucks cause the one I really do want is THERE.

PS - I lease cars all the time. I hate worrying about used cars, problems, out of warranty stuff, etc... Especially while inschool. People can keep thinking leasing is bad, but I choose it for reasons that I learned when I was on the opposite side of things.

And because these cars do have a VERY HIGH residual value(36 months and 15,000 miles per year allowance = 61%) the payments are dirt cheap.

The payments for the $28097 hatchback at Wilde will be right around $260+tax with my parameters(yeah a little bit out of pocket, but no more than any other car advertised right now).

If I could get the guys at Gentile to match the discount on their sedan that is Wilde is offering on theirs, I'd be at about $230+tax

Hell an STI hatchback that is $34,xxx w/ $3500 out of pocket is $325 INCLUDING tax. Your buy payments would be double that.

10-28-2010, 02:53 PM
Kind of gathered that you were older than the typical College attendee haha. You going for a graduate program or just getting a bachelors?

With what I pay in tuition I could buy a new luxury car every year, but in the end school is more important so the toys will just have to wait.

10-28-2010, 03:09 PM
Can't a dealer / salesman you like transfer the car you want to their lot?

I found the Mazda I wanted at Concours, but didn't want to deal with the clowns running that place. Worked out the details with a dealership/salesman I wanted to work with, and they just moved the car I wanted over.

10-28-2010, 03:13 PM
Gentile will do dealer locates Chris. If you tell them the car you want is at Wilde, see if they can bring down to Racine for you to do the deal there. Shoot, I would even go in there armed with the deal Wilde will do on the car and get Gentile to match/beat it.

10-28-2010, 04:16 PM
I tried that J... they aren't doing it. Or atleast the guy I'm talking to won't do it. "it's a rare car and we only have two" blah blah blah. I've literally told them both in person and over the phone/email(two times mind you)... "All you have to do is match the discount by a little bit(i'm letting them keep $264 of the discount) and I will give you a deposit right now and be back on Saturday to pick up."

NO biggie. I'll figure it out.

Foxstang, I'm going to MSOE for a bachelor's in construction management then doing an executive MBA. So I feel ya on the school payments thing.

They can do a dealer locate, and Sommer's said they would, but they are higher as well still. It's all simple math or they aren't using the same resources and are just guessing. I'm using what Northshore bank installs into the actual dealerships for the finance managers to use to determine lease payments and then imports into the system to send for approval. So it's not like some spreadsheet I made up, haha.

I just don't want the premium. I don't like the spoiler on the rear. I like the sedan without it. Funny thing is that it looks like I should get the premium since I was quoted less for those, haha.

10-28-2010, 06:51 PM
might have bene said or done, but talk to Fiz at Subaru City. He's an awesome guy, and well help you