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View Full Version : "Teen Mom" being investigated for assault.

10-08-2010, 10:51 PM
I could really care less about anything MTV has to offer, but as I sat in the waiting room waiting for my car to get its annual NC state inspection, I seen this clip on the news with the mom psycho b**** punching her baby daddy right in the face! This chick is bat shiat crazy, and the guy has no balls what so ever. And I guess its not the first time caught on camera! Man I hate woman beaters but fuck it shes needs her ass smacked!:punch: :chair:

I can't find the video or I would post it. I think it was on CNN or something.

70 cutlass 442
10-08-2010, 11:11 PM

looks like she got a good clock in there, I woulda punched her right back, since its on camera I dont think the cops will have to look hard to identify the primary aggressor.

10-08-2010, 11:14 PM

looks like she got a good clock in there, I woulda punched her right back, since its on camera I dont think the cops will have to look hard to identify the primary aggressor.

Damn straight, she punched the shit out him! No balls. Well, she has some.

10-08-2010, 11:51 PM
She reminds me of my ex GF. Watching this video makes me so glad I didn't have a kid with my ex. I say send that bitch to jail. See how bad ass she is then.

10-09-2010, 08:35 AM
I'd actually say cheers to the guy for not touching her.

If this weren't on camera, and he did touch her, we all know he'd be sitting in jail just because it's hard to believe that a man of his size would be assaulted by her.

That being said...


10-09-2010, 08:35 AM
No balls.


It's called restraint and I respect him for it. Had he hit her back they would probably BOTH be charged with domestic.

10-09-2010, 09:56 AM

It's called restraint and I respect him for it. Had he hit her back they would probably BOTH be charged with domestic.


I don't know if I could take that shot to the ear and not forcefully remove her from the area. That little bitch gives white trash a bad name.

10-09-2010, 10:02 AM

It's called restraint and I respect him for it. Had he hit her back they would probably BOTH be charged with domestic.

x's a billionty.

it's not no balls, it's having respect to not hit a woman no matter what the circumstances. I'm sure all of you talking shit would straight hauled off on her right? suuuuure.

Slow Joe
10-09-2010, 12:55 PM
I actually was watching that episode with Kristie, and couldn't believe that no one called the cops on her... However I knew it would come back to haunt her when it went to national television.

I also give Gary (her baby daddy) props for not hitting her back. He did the right thing. For all that everyone says he's an idiot, I think he's actually extremely smart. If he hit her back it would have made the situation 100x worse.

10-09-2010, 06:22 PM
We'll be seeing her in some amateur porno soon brought to you buy your local meth fueled biker gang. She's a waste of skin.

10-09-2010, 08:25 PM
Comical Marine Corp term, no balls is a figure of speech. And restraint yes, but CLEARLY she doesn't know her place, and you can tell she does it often. Her aggression is done with no fear of the consequences, not even a phone call or threat of law I bet. It takes the MTV universe to expose something even worth investigating, and just because its "reality t.v.", and MTV is being questioned about it.

Keep your restraint argument, but I guarantee NONE of you would let your better half do something like that to you. Because I'm sure ground rules, love, respect, sanity, trust, fear of jail time all exist in our lives.

He clearly has no spine, or balls. Plain and simple.

10-09-2010, 09:15 PM
Because I'm sure ground rules, love, respect, sanity, trust, fear of jail time all exist in our lives.
Actaully.... all of that exists in my life.

He clearly has no spine, or balls. Plain and simple.

O.K. then. :alcoholic

10-09-2010, 10:26 PM
glad i have an older sister!! If a girl would even attempt to hit me like that id call my sister up and have her beat the piss out of the cunt...

10-09-2010, 10:33 PM
I truly cant stand cunts like that who think just cause they are a women that they can haul off and punch men in the face...if your tough enough to punch a man in the face then your tough enough to get hit back...

its not as if she hit him to protect herself she hit him cause she lost her temper...i hope that ugly fat bitch goes to jail...teach her something hopefully

10-10-2010, 03:59 PM
Come on man... He doesn't. You can tell he lets it happen over and over and over.... and over again. And she keeps doing it because he keeps coming back over and over and over.... and over again. :thumbsup. He probably loves her alot, but you can tell she cares less...

10-10-2010, 07:51 PM
I too saw the story and think its great it's being investigated. Like said earlier, nobody would believe this girl is beating the hell out of a guy his size. I have to wonder if he thought ahead about how to handle this IE get her good and riled up on a day the cameras are rolling and he has his evidence to get her locked up. Could also be an way way to get back at the baby momma and achieve full custody of the baby once the law find out mommy is an overly agressive physical abuser. Child Services usually doesn't take too kindly to violence in the home either. If he WAS this smart to entrap her, well done dude. It would take a lot of restraint to avoid pummeling that chick with her mouth and physical abuse she shells out but ya can't hit a woman no matter how bad she is!

10-10-2010, 09:31 PM
I have to wonder if he thought ahead about how to handle this IE get her good and riled up on a day the cameras are rolling and he has his evidence to get her locked up. Could also be an way way to get back at the baby momma and achieve full custody of the baby once the law find out mommy is an overly agressive physical abuser. Child Services usually doesn't take too kindly to violence in the home either. If he WAS this smart to entrap her, well done dude.

After seeing a few of the other shows... I believe this is the case.

10-11-2010, 10:20 AM
We used to watch the show....we loved the episode where he bought a PS3 or whatever and she got pissed...hahaha

10-11-2010, 12:40 PM
After seeing a few of the other shows... I believe this is the case.

never thought of it this way. I mean now that I think of it, if she abuses him with no regard... She will have no mercy on that kid with something as simple as crying.... GET THAT KID OUT OF THERE! I hope he does get full custody.

10-13-2010, 09:53 PM
any update on the cunt?

10-14-2010, 07:40 AM
Not that heard of. MTV probably got their ratings, and are happy.