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09-23-2010, 08:14 AM

Damn... Detroit is like 3rd-World... seriously this video does not seem like it could be in America.

Also check out the junkyard at 8:30-ish.

09-23-2010, 08:29 AM
Damn.. why don't they do something about it? i mean why just let it go and get that bad?
was that 6 mustangs in the junkyard? lol

09-23-2010, 08:38 AM
I feel like I was going to be stabbed just watching that...

09-23-2010, 08:55 AM
junkyard had some of the nicest cars is that vid.

Windsors 03 Cobra
09-23-2010, 08:57 AM
Cool, welcome to 1985's news and lets all keep buying Yotas and working Union Yes !

09-23-2010, 09:02 AM
I wanted to do some slumming when I was out there the beginning of this month, unfortunatley it didn't happen. From what I did see, I was kind of amazed. Downtown Detroit looks like a really nice (at least where I was by Tigers stadium), happening city, but the minute you step off a curb at the edge of downtown, it's gunshots and crackheads. Nine-ish mile trip on this low, viaduct-like free way, saw at least 10 burnt out houses. That was just one side of the road.

I really wanted to do some sightseeing like this, and hit some of the museums, but shit happens. Maybe I'll wrangle up a tour guide and head out there next summer. It was a good trip with possibly the craziest cab ride ever and I can honestly say now that I've bought liquor in the ghetto of Detroit at 1:00 AM.

09-23-2010, 09:03 AM
Damn.. why don't they do something about it? i mean why just let it go and get that bad?
was that 6 mustangs in the junkyard? lol

I don't know where they would even begin. All those houses are probably foreclosed and/or owned by the state for back taxes, it would probably just cost too much to do anything about it. The city is too broke to even bury the dead poor people- they have piles of bodies in the city morgue.

Honestly if Milwaukee was as fucked financially as Detroit is it would look just the same way. Detroit has a $450m budget deficit this year, last year it was $300m. The place is seriously screwed and they are looking at filing bankruptcy. Yes, the government wants to file bankruptcy. Wow.

28% of the houses in Detroit are vacant. Think about it, that's more than 1 out of every 4 houses in the city are VACANT. Imagine if your city block, which usually has about 20 houses on it, it would have 6 vacant houses. That's every block.

Honestly the death of the American auto industry has turned Detroit into a 3rd-world country. The unemployment rate is 30% but the actual jobless rate is closer to 50% ("unemployment rate" only counts people who are still looking for jobs, there are a lot of jobless people who simply have given up).

Honestly, what can save Detroit at this point?

09-23-2010, 09:42 AM
Also, inb4 Wrath claims the 313 is as nice as Brookfield.

09-23-2010, 10:17 AM
Cool, welcome to 1985's news and lets all keep buying Yotas and working Union Yes !

Toyota is more made in the usa the gm / ford / dodge now a days. Have you missed the fact that mexico is the western china for the us auto industry?

09-23-2010, 10:23 AM
was that a convertable intrepid i saw? about 2:10 ish

09-23-2010, 11:45 AM
^^ LOL well, it is now...

09-23-2010, 11:49 AM
Wow. When's the BCM photo crew going out? I may tag along, someone needs to bring firearms.

Prince Valiant
09-23-2010, 12:28 PM
Honestly, what can save Detroit at this point?People accepting that it'll never be the one industry wonder that it once was...and it'll never be home to the nearly 2 million people it once had either (it's now down to 950,000).

What is interesting is that for all the doom and gloom, the region is still growing despite the population loss from detroit...having grown almost 2 million in the regional area all the while losing 2 million in detroit itself...this so while detroit lost 2 million, the outlying areas gained a whopping 4 million...that's actually impressive growth, and is nearly the outright size of the wisconsin population as a whole :stare

09-23-2010, 02:09 PM

09-23-2010, 02:12 PM
^^^^ Man, thats Garbage.

09-23-2010, 02:14 PM
I'ma smash you in the dickhole , Dave.

09-23-2010, 02:30 PM
Good Lord....Just Imagine if I said your Favorite artist made a crappy song....Justin Bieber. :rolf

09-23-2010, 02:56 PM
I remember driving down that street shown at 7:20 from the opposite direction(dt) in January, couple of blocks was enough for me.
And whats with all the boats everywhere?

09-23-2010, 03:09 PM
Toyota is more made in the usa the gm / ford / dodge now a days. Have you missed the fact that mexico is the western china for the us auto industry?

Main differences are company profits come TO the united states, not go to their country of origin.

Look at the topic of discussion in the recent weeks.... all those cities offering up rediculous "perks" to have Harley move their operations their.

If you are a public teacher/school official/etc.... and are driving a Toyota or Honda, etc... you've screwed your own self when you get let go for the district not having enough budget to keep you. It's amazing what happens when a company is offered perks like no property tax or school tax or cheaper operational taxes. Where do you think that money would have gone?

No wonder those companies chose to move some assembly plant operations here. NO taxes, and NO paying freight to ship the cars here anymore? They should be making a shit ton of money then, that goes straight back to overseas.

It's a sad sight to see that city. My godparents live in suburban detroit area. Luckily it's still like waukesha is here in that area. But any closer to the city it gets run down. My uncle worked for GM for some 40years. To have ALL those jobs just disappear sucks. Feel sorry for those that struggle to get out to a different area and leave everything they know so they can still support their family

09-23-2010, 04:36 PM
Main differences are company profits come TO the united states, not go to their country of origin.

Look at the topic of discussion in the recent weeks.... all those cities offering up rediculous "perks" to have Harley move their operations their.

If you are a public teacher/school official/etc.... and are driving a Toyota or Honda, etc... you've screwed your own self when you get let go for the district not having enough budget to keep you. It's amazing what happens when a company is offered perks like no property tax or school tax or cheaper operational taxes. Where do you think that money would have gone?

No wonder those companies chose to move some assembly plant operations here. NO taxes, and NO paying freight to ship the cars here anymore? They should be making a shit ton of money then, that goes straight back to overseas.

It's a sad sight to see that city. My godparents live in suburban detroit area. Luckily it's still like waukesha is here in that area. But any closer to the city it gets run down. My uncle worked for GM for some 40years. To have ALL those jobs just disappear sucks. Feel sorry for those that struggle to get out to a different area and leave everything they know so they can still support their family

LOL, thats the only argument they have left. Screw GM, they put THOUSANDS of people out of work instead of laying off the million plus dollar salary execs that put GM where they stand. Toyota employs thousands of people here, and offer them great benefits and pay them a great salary. American automakers are moving manufacturing into Mexico to get cheap labor, and the money that they are making is going into the same wiener lickers pockets that created this mess to begin with. The guys getting rich are the ones moving jobs from HERE to THERE.

Your argument say thats ok, cause the money is coming back here. Sorry Chris, but you are wrong. :durr Harley show tonight?

Feature Pony
09-23-2010, 04:59 PM
Wow. When's the BCM photo crew going out? I may tag along, someone needs to bring firearms.

I'm down, I would love to check out all those buildings, I have guns and will travel. LOL:rolf

09-23-2010, 05:24 PM
And then there is this take, kinda interesting but can be annoying if you don't like hipsters:


Maybe my next paycheck I'll buy a few blocks. Would be neat if they actually level the blighted portions and go back to farmland/nature as they've talked about.

09-23-2010, 06:19 PM
I'm down, I would love to check out all those buildings, I have guns and will travel. LOL:rolf

Now we just gotta get some of the BCM photographers. Wouldn't mind bringing some sawzalls and a trailer. I hear coppers up :D

09-23-2010, 06:29 PM
LOL, thats the only argument they have left. Screw GM, they put THOUSANDS of people out of work instead of laying off the million plus dollar salary execs that put GM where they stand. Toyota employs thousands of people here, and offer them great benefits and pay them a great salary. American automakers are moving manufacturing into Mexico to get cheap labor, and the money that they are making is going into the same wiener lickers pockets that created this mess to begin with. The guys getting rich are the ones moving jobs from HERE to THERE.

I agree.

09-23-2010, 06:32 PM
If you are a public teacher/school official/etc.... and are driving a Toyota or Honda, etc... you've screwed your own self when you get let go for the district not having enough budget to keep you. It's amazing what happens when a company is offered perks like no property tax or school tax or cheaper operational taxes. Where do you think that money would have gone?

So people should buy an inferior quality machine just because you said so? I will buy GM when they make a car that's as reliable as the Civic and Accord have been the past two decades.

Not saying there aren't any quality domestic cars, but it is cheaper to drive your average Honda than GM.

Just like someone's signature on here... "Buy American? How about make something worth buying?"

09-23-2010, 06:33 PM
LOL, thats the only argument they have left. Screw GM, they put THOUSANDS of people out of work instead of laying off the million plus dollar salary execs that put GM where they stand. Toyota employs thousands of people here, and offer them great benefits and pay them a great salary. American automakers are moving manufacturing into Mexico to get cheap labor, and the money that they are making is going into the same wiener lickers pockets that created this mess to begin with. The guys getting rich are the ones moving jobs from HERE to THERE.

Your argument say thats ok, cause the money is coming back here. Sorry Chris, but you are wrong. :durr Harley show tonight?

GM's money comes back to the US. GM did screw a bunch of people... just like Rockwell, Brunswick (Mercury Marine), Harley-Davidson... the list goes on.

Toyota's money goes to Japan. Japan charges roughly 4% to the company for each worker for medical benefits... they don't get charged anything in the US for medical benefits. The effective tax rate for labor in the US is cheaper. Plus, they can build cars here for cheap, import parts from wherever (I believe the Tundra is built using more US parts than the Silverado but far less than the Silverado as far as North America since TONS of stuff comes from Canada), and still send the money home. AMERICANS are the cheap Chinese labor for the Japanese auto industry. Canada is the environmental dumping ground (ever hear of Magna International and ever notice so many plastic and plated parts come from Canada?) And just you wait, they'll start building cars in China to send to the US. So by saying "Screw GM" you're basically saying "Fuck myself" because your actions today impact your livelihood tomorrow. Might want to get out of the manufacturing business.

Since Wisconsin now has a higher percentage of the manufacturing base than even Michigan, I'd probably think a little harder.

And then there is this take, kinda interesting but can be annoying if you don't like hipsters:


Maybe my next paycheck I'll buy a few blocks. Would be neat if they actually level the blighted portions and go back to farmland/nature as they've talked about.

That's kind of gimmicky. They stayed in Detroit Proper and never wandered out into the first set of burbs (you can compare Sterling Heights and Warren to Wauwatosa). Nor did they get out to the super scary real suburbs like Novi. Detroit is like every other city, it's rotten in the middle.

Don't worry, Milwaukee is making all the same mistakes Detroit did 15 years ago when I was a kid. It's going to be a trendy area in the downtown, then blight and burnt-out houses, then lower-class suburbs, then upper class suburbs. Only difference is that in Milwaukee the burbs end at Pewaukee... in Detroit they end in Novi.

It's kind of neat to be driving through Detroit past people's houses and open land at 45mph on a regular 4 lane street. It's entirely different. There is NOTHING like I696 in Wisconsin... miles of properly built roads (below grade) 4-6 lanes wide in each direction. I can't recall a single interchange in Wisconsin with multiple-lane ramps in every direction. Heck, on I-696 alone you DRIVE UNDER A PARK... with 3 other cars lined up next to you at 70mph.

They're still building shit all over the place and the economy is bad. They're still building new homes... that people are buying. They're putting up a goddamn Tractor Supply Company store on the west side of Ann Arbor. What kind of granola eating goofballs shop at TSC? Apparently the economy is so bad... that one of the richest areas in the state of Michigan... that prefers to drive fagwagons and sip Starbucks needs a store targeted at lower-income do-it-yourself wannabe farmers.

It's all about scale. (http://wrath.com/temp/detroitvsmilwaukee.jpg)

If you think about it, Oakland County, Michigan is around 1.2 million people and is the 4th richest county in the entire United States.


09-23-2010, 06:34 PM
Where's the problem? Seems like a perfectly good neighborhood to me! Sure, maybe some yards could use a little weed wacking and maybe a coat of paint on the house, but seems fine otherwise! :goof

Seriously though, wtf is with all the boats?!?!?

Rocket Power
09-23-2010, 06:36 PM
I kept expecting zombies to pop out of the houses, looks like a post apocalyptic movie set:rolf

09-23-2010, 06:52 PM
Now we just gotta get some of the BCM photographers. Wouldn't mind bringing some sawzalls and a trailer. I hear coppers up :D
You seriously think there's any copper left in those houses?

Ricky Bobby
09-23-2010, 08:15 PM
wtf is with all the boats?!?!?


09-23-2010, 09:37 PM
GM's money comes back to the US. GM did screw a bunch of people... just like Rockwell, Brunswick (Mercury Marine), Harley-Davidson... the list goes on.

It's all about scale. (http://wrath.com/temp/detroitvsmilwaukee.jpg)

If you think about it, Oakland County, Michigan is around 1.2 million people and is the 4th richest county in the entire United States.


Sums it up pretty accuratley. I was born and raised in Detroit, was back recently for a funeral (Madison Heights 13th and Woodward). Detroit is pretty big. I you have not been there, I696 makes 94 around milwaukee look like 27th street. What the video is showing is a city in accelerated deline and abondonment and in the termianl stage, next stage is new development, then revitilization through NSP's (neighborhood stabilization programs) and then entering new growth cycle.

Mayor Coleman Young has been ranked as one of the most corrupt politicians ever, unemployment is at 38%, and illegal aliens of multiple nationalities are moving in.

Something has to change and I think you WILL see a big change in the next 5-10 years. It takes some time to change something this bad.

09-23-2010, 09:42 PM
???????????????? TRUE ????????????

(Frosty Wooldridge (born 1947) is a US journalist, writer, environmentalist, traveler, and ... Wooldridge has argued in favour of population control policies) By Frosty Wooldridge

For 15 years, from the mid 1970's to 1990, I worked in Detroit, Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school truancy, car-jacking, gangs, and human depravity. I watched entire city blocks burned out. I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses, and school yards. Trash everywhere !
Detroiters walked through it, tossed more into it, and ignored it. Tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing, and food stamps !
With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10, and in one case, one woman birthed 24 children as reported by the Detroit Free Press, all on American taxpayer dollars.
A new child meant a new car payment, new TV, and whatever mom wanted. I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson's "Great Society" flourish in Detroit. If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out taking money for doing nothing.
Mayor Coleman Young, perhaps the most corrupt mayor in America, outside of Richard Daley in Chicago, rode Detroit down to its knees. He set the benchmark for cronyism, incompetence, and arrogance. As a black man, he said, "I am the MFIC." The IC meant "in charge".

You can figure out the rest. Detroit became a majority black city with 67 percent African-Americans.
As a United Van Lines truck driver for my summer job from teaching math and science, I loaded hundreds of American families into my van for a new life in another city or state.
Detroit plummeted from 1.8 million citizens to 912,000 today. At the same time, legal and illegal immigrants converged on the city, so much so, that Muslims number over 300,000. Mexicans number 400,000 throughout Michigan, but most work in Detroit. As the whites moved out, the Muslims moved in.
As the crimes became more violent, the whites fled. Finally, unlawful Mexicans moved in at a torrid pace. Detroit suffers so much shoplifting that grocery stores no longer operate in many inner city locations. You could cut the racial tension in the air with a knife!
Detroit may be one of our best examples of multiculturalism: pure dislike, and total separation from America .
Today, you hear Muslim calls to worship over the city like a new American Baghdad with hundreds of Islamic mosques in Michigan, paid for by Saudi Arabia oil money. High school flunk out rates reached 76 percent last June, according to NBC's Brian Williams. Classrooms resemble more foreign countries than America. English? Few speak it! The city features a 50 percent illiteracy rate and growing.

Unemployment hit 28.9 percent in 2009 as the auto industry vacated the city. In this week's Time Magazine October 4, 2009, "The Tragedy of Detroit: How a great city fell, and how it can rise again," I choked on the writer's description of what happened. "If Detroit had been ravaged by a hurricane, and submerged by a ravenous flood, we'd know a lot more about it," said Daniel Okrent. "If drought, and carelessness had spread brush fires across the city, we'd see it on the evening news every night. Earthquake, tornadoes, you name it, if natural disaster had devastated the city that was once the living proof of American prosperity, the rest of the country might take notice.
But Detroit, once our fourth largest city, now 11th, and slipping rapidly, has had no such luck. Its disaster has long been a slow unwinding that seemed to remove it from the rest of the country. Even the death rattle that in the past year emanated from its signature industry brought more attention to the auto executives than to the people of the city, who had for so long been victimized by their dreadful decision making."
As Coleman Young's corruption brought the city to its knees, no amount of federal dollars could save the incredible payoffs, kick backs, and illegality permeating his administration. I witnessed the city's death from the seat of my 18-wheeler tractor trailer because I moved people out of every sector of decaying Detroit. "By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit's treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services," Okrent said. "The school system, which six years ago was compelled by the teachers' union to reject a philanthropist's offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership. The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved. Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans , unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit, the unemployment rate is 28.9%.
That's worth spelling out: twenty-eight point nine percent." At the end of Okrent's report, and he will write a dozen more about Detroit , he said, "That's because the story of Detroit is not simply one of a great city's collapse, it's also about the erosion of the industries that helped build the country we know today. The ultimate fate of Detroit will reveal much about the character of America in the 21st century. If what was once the most prosperous manufacturing city in the nation has been brought to its knees, what does that say about our recent past? And if it can't find a way to get up, what does that say about our future?"
As you read in my book review of Chris Steiner's book, "$20 Per Gallon", the auto industry won't come back. Immigration will keep pouring more, and more uneducated third world immigrants from the Middle East into Detroit, thus creating a beachhead for Islamic hegemony in America. If 50 percent illiteracy continues, we will see more homegrown terrorists spawned out of the Muslim ghettos of Detroit. Illiteracy plus Islam equals walking human bombs.
You have already seen it in Madrid, Spain; London, England, and Paris, France with train bombings, subway bombings and riots. As their numbers grow, so will their power to enact their barbaric Sharia Law that negates republican forms of government, first amendment rights, and subjugates women to the lowest rungs on the human ladder. We will see more honor killings by upset husbands, fathers, and brothers that demand subjugation by their daughters, sisters and wives. Muslims prefer beheadings of women to scare the hell out of any other members of their sect from straying. Multiculturalism: what a perfect method to kill our language, culture, country, and way of life.

09-23-2010, 10:42 PM
Seriously though, wtf is with all the boats?!?!?

Damn! You beat me to it! Was looking for this post, lol. I'm wondering the same damn thing. Did the booming economy at one point allow everyone to afford boats? Or are they/were expecting flood? Wow. This is pretty sad but I can't act like I'm surprised....

09-24-2010, 05:31 AM
^ I think you hit the nail on the head. Boats are a luxury item few can afford to have and upkeep. I think this is the epitome of showing how what was once a prosperous city of middle-class Americans, is now a city of ruined lives and poverty.

09-24-2010, 06:08 AM
^ I think you hit the nail on the head. Boats are a luxury item few can afford to have and upkeep. I think this is the epitome of showing how what was once a prosperous city of middle-class Americans, is now a city of ruined lives and poverty.

Pretty much. Except Michigan, as a whole, values recreation. So instead of everyone having $600,000 shitholes on Pewaukee Lake, they have a decent $150k house near where they work and a $100,000 house up north with a bunch of toys.

The amount of abandonment in metro Detroit is probably rivaled by the amount of abandonment in northern lower Michigan. If people can afford to keep their cottage chances are they can't even afford to visit it. The entire northeast part of Michigan used to be vacation homes. Imagine the workforce in Metro Detroit (which is more than the entire state of Wisconsin) all wanting their own Door County... it makes Door County look like Cedarburg.

And Door County is where the POOR people of Chicago go... the rich people of Chicago go to the northwest side of Michigan. If they can afford it, because rich people from all over the country fly in to Traverse City.

Rocket Power
09-24-2010, 08:17 AM
Also, inb4 Wrath claims the 313 is as nice as Brookfield.

Pretty much. Except Michigan, as a whole, values recreation. So instead of everyone having $600,000 shitholes on Pewaukee Lake, they have a decent $150k house near where they work and a $100,000 house up north with a bunch of toys.

... it makes Door County look like Cedarburg.

And Door County is where the POOR people of Chicago go... the rich people of Chicago go to the northwest side of Michigan.

Close enough:rolf

Blah blah blah MI is better than WI, no place on earth is as good as michigan blah blah blah. :goof

09-24-2010, 05:15 PM
Close enough:rolf

Blah blah blah, I'm not saying Michigan is better. I'm saying it's not as shitty as you make it out to be.

Most of you have probably never been to Cleveland or Indianapolis either and I can safely say that Indianapolis is a nice place.

09-24-2010, 06:12 PM
Lotsa BS flying around in this thread, yikes. Oh wait, it's BCM so that's the norm.

Don't forget rich Chicago folks like Lake Geneva probably as much as Door County.

I forgot to mention WTF is up with the boats in my last post.

09-24-2010, 09:55 PM
So people should buy an inferior quality machine just because you said so? I will buy GM when they make a car that's as reliable as the Civic and Accord have been the past two decades.

Not saying there aren't any quality domestic cars, but it is cheaper to drive your average Honda than GM.

Just like someone's signature on here... "Buy American? How about make something worth buying?"

You can buy whatever you want. I never said you should buy one way or another. NEVER will say that. Helped the ex buy a Mazda cause that is what SHE wanted.

That's what is great about America... choices.

But every choice has a consequence, both good and bad.

Your choice to buy a brand new Honda or Toyota or whatever, allows you to afford the reliability you are looking for that maybe the domestics have now. Who knows though until 10-15 years from now. So that is a choice that is up to you. BUT, when your kid comes crying home because there is not art or music program at their school, or that the teachers that are there don't give a shit because the good ones don't want to teach while fearing for their loss of job and the short pay compared to a private school or a better area, or that your wife or husband lost their public school position(teacher, principal, etc....), well then now you know why in those areas where those assembly plants are. Hell just look at what happened above in that "short story". I mean seriously, a 76% dropout rate? That points to kids that have no desire to learn just as much as teachers with no desire to teach.

I could care less. For the first time in, well ever, there isn't a GM product in my family's driveway. I just have my Impala that will be going away in the next month. So I really can't talk myself.

Still doesn't change the facts that local budgets will for sure miss property taxes on a 3million square foot assembly plant, right?

I do find it funny getting flamed from a DSM owner about RELIABILITY.. haha. Come on now, that's a tiny bit funny :)

09-24-2010, 11:00 PM
That is crazy, I never seen so many boats in a destroyed neighborhood, much less a run down neighbor hood. Makes you thank god it is not you. Its a very sad sight to see.

09-24-2010, 11:47 PM
I forgot to mention WTF is up with the boats in my last post.

Their going fishing. :thumbsup

09-25-2010, 12:31 AM
With no trailers. never haveI seen so many boats with no trailers... WTF? they all get scraped? Just all the cars laying around and a sawzall< you can make some money. Oh and wear a kevlar body suit........

Reverend Cooper
09-25-2010, 05:54 AM
If I lived there I would rob or whatever just to get thrown in jail.Im sure its nicer

09-29-2010, 10:17 PM
Like I've said in other threads, I go to Detroit every year for the NAIAS. It is exactly as you see it in that video. In fact that video could be 100x longer. There are dozens and dozens of sq miles that are abandoned. People that think Milwaukee is ghetto need to take a trip to Detroit.

With that said, there's something about Detroit I love. I think it's sentimental because when I'm there all I feel like is there is a history about this place. Something that, even being from Milwaukee, seems like is a part of me. Being car people I think you'd get the same feeling.

It is sad.

But there is so much good going on there. The art. The scenes.

I can't wait to go back in Jan.

70 cutlass 442
09-30-2010, 04:55 PM
If you are a public teacher/school official/etc.... and are driving a Toyota or Honda, etc... you've screwed your own self when you get let go for the district not having enough budget to keep you. It's amazing what happens when a company is offered perks like no property tax or school tax or cheaper operational taxes. Where do you think that money would have gone?

So, Anyone who receives a pay check that is subsidized by tax money should be driving a vehicle from one of the big 3? :rolf Ever think the shitty quality product that these overpaid union workers are making has anything to do with the fact why GM is garbage? Or the years of shit Chrysler has produced? Im sorry, but in a market where you need to make that dollar go as far as you can make it go, im surprised more people arnt on the Toyota, Honda, Hyundai band wagon... those cars are far superior to many autos offered by the big 3 in many ways.

09-30-2010, 08:06 PM
Ever think the shitty quality product that these overpaid union workers are making has anything to do with the fact why GM is garbage? Or the years of shit Chrysler has produced? Im sorry, but in a market where you need to make that dollar go as far as you can make it go, im surprised more people arnt on the Toyota, Honda, Hyundai band wagon... those cars are far superior to many autos offered by the big 3 in many ways.

WOW:wow That may be one of the most ridiculous satements I have ever read on this forum. Not going to deny that the union workers are overpaid, they are. GM is garbage?? HYUNDAI bandwagon????? You have read and believed way to much of what Motor Trend has written over the years. Motor Trend being the most biased diatribe ever printed.

Not sure who you work for or do for a living, but maybe some reality would set in if your position/title/job was now coming from over seas. And the demand for you was gone.

The perception that Detroit builds junk is based on the liberal press propagating a negative image about the big three, some fools believe it. others do not.

70 cutlass 442
10-01-2010, 02:09 AM
WOW:wow That may be one of the most ridiculous satements I have ever read on this forum. Not going to deny that the union workers are overpaid, they are. GM is garbage?? HYUNDAI bandwagon????? You have read and believed way to much of what Motor Trend has written over the years. Motor Trend being the most biased diatribe ever printed.

Not sure who you work for or do for a living, but maybe some reality would set in if your position/title/job was now coming from over seas. And the demand for you was gone.

The perception that Detroit builds junk is based on the liberal press propagating a negative image about the big three, some fools believe it. others do not.

well, afterall Hyundai is the fastest growing automaker in the world, feel free to look that one up if you think otherwise. Many foreign car manufactures have production plants here in the US that employ US workers.... Kinda like GM having massive production plants in Mexico. Fact of the matter is you can buy cars in the same price range, similar options, similar style, that now have longer warranty periods, higher resale, and overall better reliability. You cant argue with that. I am just curious, whens the last time you worked on a Hyundi? how about a GM? how about a Ford? Toyota?

10-01-2010, 06:05 AM
well, afterall Hyundai is the fastest growing automaker in the world, feel free to look that one up if you think otherwise. Many foreign car manufactures have production plants here in the US that employ US workers.... Kinda like GM having massive production plants in Mexico. Fact of the matter is you can buy cars in the same price range, similar options, similar style, that now have longer warranty periods, higher resale, and overall better reliability. You cant argue with that. I am just curious, whens the last time you worked on a Hyundi? how about a GM? how about a Ford? Toyota?

Hyundai/Kia (which, Kia being such a great company went bankrupt) is growing but it's still tiny. You do realize that more Buicks were sold last month than Hyundais, right?

Don't forget that Kias are disposable cars. Know how much it costs to replace the front end parts on a Sportage (who must have later designed the Chrysler 300/LX platform front suspension).

A lot of the "higher resale blah blah blah" is due to consumer perception. It took a long time for people to realize that the same company that made sweet TVs and air conditioners also made some shitty cars... Mitsubishi.