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09-11-2010, 11:13 AM
Fan Ejected By Umpire Vows To Fight Citation

Fan Ejected By Umpire Vows To Fight Citation
By Tom Murray
MILWAUKEE – A Brewers fan is vowing to fight a disorderly conduct ticket issued after the home plate umpire tossed him out of Tuesday night’s game at Miller Park.

Sean Ottow, 44, tells TODAY’S TMJ4 reporter Tom Murray that he was heckling St. Louis Cardinals players from his seat behind home plate.

“I was heckling the Cardinals. All of them,” the Waukesha man explained.

In the bottom of the 7th inning, Ottow said something to Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina that got the attention of umpire Bob Davidson.

Davidson walked over to the fence line and pointed at Ottow.

“I’ve never, ever in my life seen that,” Brewers announcer Bill Schroeder said during the telecast. “An umpire throwing out a fan.”

Ottow told News Radio 620 WTMJ that, “I said, ‘Hey, Molina! How does it feel to make a living on your knees?’”

Davidson told reporters the fan was ejected for a homophobic slur.

"I was going to wait until between innings and not be so obvious, but I figured after he said that, he was very intoxicated, I needed to take care of it,” the umpire said.

Ottow admits he “was probably a little tipsy.”

“I had three beers at the game,” he said.

Ottow seemed to have crowd support as ushers escorted him out. Milwaukee Police issued him a $185 citation.

“Basically, I feel like I’m being ticketed for political incorrectness,” Ottow said.

The Brewers declined comment. It is the team’s policy to not respond publicly to fan incidents.

Major League Baseball reviewed what happened and determined the umpire followed the proper protocol by first alerting a stadium usher. A spokesperson said it is “not unprecedented” for an umpire to order a fan ejection.

Ottow said he has a municipal court date in October.

I don't really see why this guy thinks he can fight the ticket. He already admitted what he said and that he was "tipsy" i.e. shitfaced. Any thoughts?

09-11-2010, 11:44 AM
I hope Yadier Molina recovers from this horrible injustice!

Pretty dumb if you ask me, I've heard way worse things shouted at every MLB game that I've been to, granted I haven't been to a lot. But it's part of the game, people always heckle one team or an other. Yeah you got to draw the line somewhere, but I would of guessed "How does it feel to make a living on your knees?" was well on the safe side of that line, not to mention getting a citation for it?? Really?

Neal Steffek
09-11-2010, 01:40 PM
Fan Ejected By Umpire Vows To Fight Citation

Ottow seemed to have crowd support as ushers escorted him out.

So the only people to complain was the players from the other team. I hate stupid lawsuits but I hope this guy sue's Miller Park and the ump for a good amount. What is next, kicking everyone out who boo's, or has more then a few drinks? Plus, not only kicking them out but also getting a ticket? WTF!?!

09-11-2010, 02:30 PM
Thats actually pretty dam funny what he said. Maybe being kicked out is ok but being ticketed for heckeling a player is bogus. The guy didnt swear from what the ump says and the context of his comment was not out of line. I never heard a rule at miller park saying you cant heckel a player.

Prince Valiant
09-11-2010, 02:46 PM
I never heard a rule at miller park saying you cant heckel a player.There probably isn't a specific rule that says you can't grab a woman's breast in public at miller park too...but I dare you to try.

Sometimes I think "Disorderly Conduct" tickets are a bit of overreach...they can kind of be catch-all tickets for conduct that isn't illegal. Is it illegal to heckle a major league baseball player? Of course not.

However, apparently this guy was obnoxious enough to get the attention of the ump on the field, obnoxious enough to continue his boorish behavior throughout the game, obnoxious enough to have been warned at least once prior to being kicked out, and then obnoxious enough to get kicked out. I think the ump/Miller park was well within it's right to ask the guy to leave....does that mean he deserved a ticket? Perhaps if he put up a fuss either in front of crowd or later on...certainly if that was the case, disorderly conduct is warranted imo.

Personally I can't stand hecklers like him...they aren't funny or as witty
as they think themselves to be.

‘Hey, Molina! How does it feel to make a living on your knees?’” To make millions playing catcher in MLB?!? Shit, I bet he feels pretty damn good about it :durr

Doc Brown
09-11-2010, 03:04 PM
I agree with the ejected fan; he was indeed ticketed for political incorrectness , and that is wrong. The police will say its for disorderly conduct throughout the game, but then why didn't other heckling fans get ejected and ticketed? Because they were not within earshot of this umpire? Maybe. But the more likely reason is that this particular comment didn't sit well with him personally, and he decided that was enough.

When an umpire's presumption over the meaning of a heckler's comment now warrants an ejection and citation of said heckler, what is the point of going to the game, or at least paying good money to sit so close to the action?

09-11-2010, 04:19 PM
He was a little more than tipsy. That's for sure, I mean Cmon he was at a Brewers game.

09-11-2010, 04:28 PM
So the only people to complain was the players from the other team. I hate stupid lawsuits but I hope this guy sue's Miller Park and the ump for a good amount. What is next, kicking everyone out who boo's, or has more then a few drinks? Plus, not only kicking them out but also getting a ticket? WTF!?!

How would there be any case in suing Miller Park? Miller Park did nothing wrong. That would be ki d of like suing the DOT for someone else running in to you car and causing a accident.

I do agree think it was wrong for him to be thrown out and I hope the ticket gets dropped. The comment he made was uncalled for.

Neal Steffek
09-11-2010, 04:33 PM
How would there be any case in suing Miller Park? Miller Park did nothing wrong. That would be ki d of like suing the DOT for someone else running in to you car and causing a accident.

I do agree think it was wrong for him to be thrown out and I hope the ticket gets dropped. The comment he made was uncalled for.

Yea, I guess Miller Park didn't do a lot wrong. It wan't the ushers that kicked him out or gave him the ticket. The ump kicked him out and the police gave him the ticket. Guess I am still wondering why he got the ticket. When I worked at Miller Park we would kick people out all the time but they never got a ticket.

09-11-2010, 04:37 PM
I can't believe this guy is a getting a ticket for that. Fucking bullshit, I hope the cop that issued the ticket gets stabbed by an illegal wielding a rusty butter knife. Milwaukee Police please don't give me a ticket for that comment.

09-11-2010, 10:51 PM
I would guess... as usual, we're only hearing half the story from the media. Very possible he put up a fight with the cops which really warranted a disorderly conduct ticket. Either way I (being a brewers fan myself) think he got what was coming. A little heckling is to be expected but he was obviously doing it for the entire game and the ump got tired of hearing it. Imagine being a parent and having your kid hear what he said. He probly said worse that wasn't even mentioned. Have a few drinks fine but if you have to get trashed during the game sit and watch it from your own fucking living room. Nuff said!

09-12-2010, 12:29 AM
There probably isn't a specific rule that says you can't grab a woman's breast in public at miller park too...but I dare you to try.

Sometimes I think "Disorderly Conduct" tickets are a bit of overreach...they can kind of be catch-all tickets for conduct that isn't illegal. Is it illegal to heckle a major league baseball player? Of course not.

However, apparently this guy was obnoxious enough to get the attention of the ump on the field, obnoxious enough to continue his boorish behavior throughout the game, obnoxious enough to have been warned at least once prior to being kicked out, and then obnoxious enough to get kicked out. I think the ump/Miller park was well within it's right to ask the guy to leave....does that mean he deserved a ticket? Perhaps if he put up a fuss either in front of crowd or later on...certainly if that was the case, disorderly conduct is warranted imo.

Personally I can't stand hecklers like him...they aren't funny or as witty
as they think themselves to be.

‘Hey, Molina! How does it feel to make a living on your knees?’” To make millions playing catcher in MLB?!? Shit, I bet he feels pretty damn good about it :durr

There is a law against grabing a womans breast. I didnt know there were laws that say you cant heckel. Now if he was using profanity then I can see him getting a ticket.

09-12-2010, 06:48 AM
Since it was the catcher, I think the comment is funny. Catcher is married with 2 kids, so no "slur" implied would be too vulgar. As for the ticket, he obviously did something more to achieve the time and attention for that one. Milwaukee P.D. Has better things to do than paperwork and public relations. I'm sure if they had the choice they would simply escort him out.

09-12-2010, 11:04 AM
As many of you have said. This is the typical media bs right here. The person that wrote the story prob. feels that the guy shouldn't have gotten thrown out. So he (to make it fall more in line w/ what he believes) prob. left out a few things. Or maybe he didn't even have the whole story.

Mr Twigbert
09-12-2010, 11:14 AM
I was actually there working the game for OT and saw it happen..

I think the guy has a good shot at getting the ticket thrown out.. You think the Ump is going to come to the court date and testify?

There is no compaintant or victim here.. The ticket will get tossed.. He spoke his mind at a sporting event.. Big deal..

Prince Valiant
09-12-2010, 11:19 AM
There is a law against grabing a womans breast. I didnt know there were laws that say you cant heckel. Now if he was using profanity then I can see him getting a ticket.If you're comment was "I never heard a rule at miller park saying you cant heckel a player", then my challenge to you is find a specific rule at miller park about grabbing a womans breast.

You do know there are laws against "disorderly conduct" don't you?

09-12-2010, 11:34 AM
I was actually there working the game for OT and saw it happen..

I think the guy has a good shot at getting the ticket thrown out.. You think the Ump is going to come to the court date and testify?

There is no compaintant or victim here.. The ticket will get tossed.. He spoke his mind at a sporting event.. Big deal..

This is what I thought as soon as he was detain and ticketed. If he has court. Pleads not Guilty do you think that Molina or the ump will go to the court hearing. I am glad to hear the guy is fighting it.

09-12-2010, 07:20 PM
This is what I thought as soon as he was detain and ticketed. If he has court. Pleads not Guilty do you think that Molina or the ump will go to the court hearing. I am glad to hear the guy is fighting it.

They don't need to be there. Only the officer that issued the ticket

09-12-2010, 08:57 PM
waste of time and resources for some media attention by the guy. Was the comment funny? Yeah it got me to chuckle. Did he deserve a ticket? Probably not, but own up to your actions. Don't waste time and money to get your 15 minutes. They'll settle on something like, "you don't have to pay the ticket, but you can never attend a brewers game again". Yeah, like thats worth the hassle.

09-12-2010, 11:53 PM
They don't need to be there. Only the officer that issued the ticket

Its all hearsay if the ump or catcher dont show up.

09-13-2010, 12:00 AM
Ottow told News Radio 620 WTMJ that, “I said, ‘Hey, Molina! How does it feel to make a living on your knees?’”

Davidson told reporters the fan was ejected for a homophobic slur.

Is Molina gay?