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View Full Version : Guy facing 16yrs for recording video of cop...

08-29-2010, 08:40 AM

original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5bMSyJCsg&feature=player_embedded

08-29-2010, 09:09 AM
Just another thug with a gun.

08-29-2010, 10:14 AM
what a bunch of shit. they say it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge...there's a camera mounted on the guys head, how can you not know you're being recorded!? Double standard for police...they can have dash mounted cameras, but that's ok?

08-29-2010, 10:32 AM
It's ok, one day that idiot is going to pull his gun on the wrong person and the results won't be pretty....I mean think about it....he's in plain clothes. Eventually the person he points his gun at won't realize he's a stupid cop and pull out their own weapon.

08-29-2010, 10:56 AM
Are we supposed to get all crazy about an article from al jazeera? :rolf

08-29-2010, 11:46 AM
This will be thrown out in court.

08-29-2010, 12:02 PM
nothing illegal about video taping a public servant in public, besides where was his badge? every other case of recorded police brutality would have to be tossed out as well if they find him guilty of invading privacy.

Prince Valiant
08-29-2010, 12:22 PM
Am I supposed to be bothered by this? I can't speak to the law and possible prison time, but if this guy is looking for sympathy for having a gun pulled on him, that's bullshit.

Oh sure, he feels it's okay for him to put others in danger because of his dumbshit antics, but an off-duty or plainclothes cop drawing a weapon on him (perfectly lawful, btw), well that just crosses the line.

08-29-2010, 12:34 PM
Am I supposed to be bothered by this? I can't speak to the law and possible prison time, but if this guy is looking for sympathy for having a gun pulled on him, that's bullshit.

Oh sure, he feels it's okay for him to put others in danger because of his dumbshit antics, but an off-duty or plainclothes cop drawing a weapon on him (perfectly lawful, btw), well that just crosses the line.

I really didn't think he was putting others in danger. Yeah, he was likely doing around 90 mph and popped one little wheelie with no one around.

That cop needs to be put back in his place.

Prince Valiant
08-29-2010, 12:50 PM
his pop up windows claimed upwards of 127mph. Weaving in and out of traffic and doing a wheelie (while passing someone, btw...hardly the definition of "no one around", lol) is hardly "safe" either because while he might keep out of harms way, he might cause another to startle and swerve, possibly putting others in danger.

The cop was well within his right to draw his gun first on the guy imo.

70 cutlass 442
08-29-2010, 02:38 PM
The guy on the bike is a tool, they should throw the book at him as far as traffic violatiosn go just for being such a duche. I dont think the officer did anything wrong, he had his badge in view on his belt, and there was a marked patrol car right behind the bike a well.

08-29-2010, 02:46 PM
I didn't see the 127mph pop up. So, yes, that is way too fast. With that said... with rockets, if you let of the gas they decelerate very quickly as well. If you watch his speedometer...

Eitherway, your going to shoot someone for speeding? Fvck!

70 cutlass 442
08-29-2010, 03:18 PM
Eitherway, your going to shoot someone for speeding? Fvck!

Yes, because every speeding ticket goes according to text book and there are no other dangers involved with a routine traffic stop :rolleyes:

08-29-2010, 03:28 PM
Yes, because every speeding ticket goes according to text book and there are no other dangers involved with a routine traffic stop :rolleyes:

Did he have tinted windows? Would have a tazer been better?

08-29-2010, 03:40 PM
Well of course the guy was wrong anyway for both speeding and doin wheelies at that speed... so with that I understand the cops frustration... but why not let the on duty officer do his job and handle, why try and be an asshole and jump out gun drawn when theirs a marked car behind you...

Either way its not the point... the point of the video is that he is facing the time because he posted this video on youtube... had nothing to do with the driving... The police dept didnt want to look bad and he made them (in alot of opinions) so now their doin what they can to fuck with him...

70 cutlass 442
08-29-2010, 05:43 PM
Did he have tinted windows? Would have a tazer been better?

So an off duty officer is expected to carry his tazer and service weapon with him? thats funny because many departments dont even have enough tazers for each officer to have their own, they have to share them between the different shifts.

Well of course the guy was wrong anyway for both speeding and doin wheelies at that speed... so with that I understand the cops frustration... but why not let the on duty officer do his job and handle, why try and be an asshole and jump out gun drawn when theirs a marked car behind you...

Either way its not the point... the point of the video is that he is facing the time because he posted this video on youtube... had nothing to do with the driving... The police dept didnt want to look bad and he made them (in alot of opinions) so now their doin what they can to fuck with him...

agreed 100% on the video taping thing, that is a joke and just another bs case clogging up our judicial system. but I do think the officer kept his composure very well, was calm, and quickly identified himself as soon as the guy shut the bike off.

08-29-2010, 06:16 PM
his pop up windows claimed upwards of 127mph. Weaving in and out of traffic and doing a wheelie (while passing someone, btw...hardly the definition of "no one around", lol) is hardly "safe" either because while he might keep out of harms way, he might cause another to startle and swerve, possibly putting others in danger.

The cop was well within his right to draw his gun first on the guy imo.

wasn't really w/in his right to draw his weapon. and plus what was he gonna do if the guy didn't stop??? shot him???? then the guys family would've sued the cop and won.....all these cops that think just bc they have a gun and can pull it when someone doesn't listen to them

08-29-2010, 06:23 PM
Just another thug with a gun.


08-29-2010, 06:26 PM
lol at the argument in here

The cop made a mistake by not immediately identifying himself, and the guy on the bike made the mistake of riding like a squid. Either way, the charges against him are pathetic and will NOT hold up in court.

This is what a helmet cam looks like, hardly unnoticeable...


08-29-2010, 06:28 PM
I don't see a camera on that helmet. :goof

70 cutlass 442
08-29-2010, 07:31 PM
wasn't really w/in his right to draw his weapon. and plus what was he gonna do if the guy didn't stop??? shot him???? then the guys family would've sued the cop and won.....all these cops that think just bc they have a gun and can pull it when someone doesn't listen to them

wasn't his right? im sorry, but in a profession where an average of 90 officers are killed a year in the line of duty, he has every right to draw his weapon. This guy was just doing 127 mph dipping in and out of traffic. isnt that a bit suspicious? is he just having some stupid fun, or did he just hold up a bank or convince store? did he just rob someone? is that a stolen bike? Do you think the officer knows this ahead of time? of course not. not to mention, he was already in front of this guy when he got out of his car, a perfect scenario to shoot the officer if that were his intentions... the cop did the best he could at putting his car in the bikes best egress path to prevent him from running, but now made him an easy target if this guy wanted to harm him. And lets clarify this, not only did he have a badge on his hip, he also identified him as state police within 6 seconds of getting out of his car. WTF else should he have done, given him a business card? The entire time, the officer kept a calm voice, then holstered his gun once he he clearly see the guys hands and he backup was there.... You fuck around like that on the road, be prepared to deal with the consequences, if that means you get a 6 second "oh shit" Adrenalin rush because you think your about to get GTA ed off your bike, then so be it. its better then another officer getting killed on the job.

08-29-2010, 07:48 PM
Must be something with 120+mph? My buddy got busted doing at least that on the freeway, he passed a cop that was sitting in the median, he got off in oconomwoc n the cops were waiting for him guns drawn..

08-29-2010, 08:33 PM
the topic isnt about the speeding portion I am sure he isnt contesting that...he is getting charged for video taping the cop!!! charge him for his few speed bursts and his wheelie but to be facing 16 yrs because he had an obvious video camera mounted on his helmet that he recorded a cop with is fucking DUMB!

70 cutlass 442
08-29-2010, 08:42 PM
/\/\ well, by post four the topic had deviated slightly, which does happen from time to time when there is a in depth discussion. yes, that is the most BS charge i have ever heard of as far as the video taping goes.

Rocket Power
08-29-2010, 09:07 PM
However he wouldn't be facing any time if he wasn't a D-bag:goof
Riding like a normal person= none of this happening to him.

Rocket Power
08-29-2010, 09:09 PM
and could we get better sources than Alex Joneshttp://www.mdshooters.com/images/smilies/tinfoil.gif and Al Jazeera :goof

08-29-2010, 09:41 PM
I like how the article says he pointed the gun at the motorcyclist....from what I saw he drew the weapon and then kept it down.

08-29-2010, 10:10 PM
/\ have you ever had a gun even pulled out of a holster for a traffic stop? thats a bit excessive for a traffic stop! the bike was stopped behind traffic and blocked in from the side, not much the rider could have done that required the pulling out of a gun.

70 cutlass 442
08-29-2010, 10:30 PM
/\ have you ever had a gun even pulled out of a holster for a traffic stop? thats a bit excessive for a traffic stop! the bike was stopped behind traffic and blocked in from the side, not much the rider could have done that required the pulling out of a gun.

just a traffic stop hey? tell that to these officers:




all these officers were in a much better situation as far as vehicle placement then the guy on a rocket. How do you know this guy wasn't going to pull a gun, He already was driving almost twice the speed limit with no regard for anyone elses safety, who knows what he would have done. I don't know how this is such a hard concept for everyone, I would like it if one of the officers on here would chime in with their .02 would be interesting to see what they have to say. And yes, i have been takin out of my car twice at gunpoint, both for petty traffic stops.

08-30-2010, 09:55 AM
/\ have you ever had a gun even pulled out of a holster for a traffic stop? thats a bit excessive for a traffic stop! the bike was stopped behind traffic and blocked in from the side, not much the rider could have done that required the pulling out of a gun.

actually....a state trooper pulled a gun on my wife.

08-30-2010, 11:19 AM
just a traffic stop hey? tell that to these officers:

all these officers were in a much better situation as far as vehicle placement then the guy on a rocket. How do you know this guy wasn't going to pull a gun, He already was driving almost twice the speed limit with no regard for anyone elses safety, who knows what he would have done. I don't know how this is such a hard concept for everyone, I would like it if one of the officers on here would chime in with their .02 would be interesting to see what they have to say. And yes, i have been takin out of my car twice at gunpoint, both for petty traffic stops.

People with badges are all professionals who don't abuse their power, hey? Tell that to these folks... (Or ask Frank Jude JR.)




It's a good ten seconds from when that Malibu pulls along side the motorcycle in a dangerous and threatening manner, the driver gets out with a pistol; and when he finally identifies himself as LEO. ANd in the video he never clearly shows his badge. I'd have been long fucking gone. Any one in an unmarked car comes whipping up on me at a light trying to block me in I am not gonna stick around to find out who you are or what you want.

70 cutlass 442
08-30-2010, 04:56 PM
People with badges are all professionals who don't abuse their power, hey? Tell that to these folks... (Or ask Frank Jude JR.)




It's a good ten seconds from when that Malibu pulls along side the motorcycle in a dangerous and threatening manner, the driver gets out with a pistol; and when he finally identifies himself as LEO. ANd in the video he never clearly shows his badge. I'd have been long fucking gone. Any one in an unmarked car comes whipping up on me at a light trying to block me in I am not gonna stick around to find out who you are or what you want.

I never said officers dont abuse their power, I however dont think this one did. And it was 6 seconds from when he stepped out of the car and identified himself, I dont care if his car was unmarked and parked in a manor that wouldn't allow him to escape easily, thats the whole idea with an unmarked car is the element of surprise, and thats also why officers are offered offensive driving courses to execute procedures like that.

08-30-2010, 05:24 PM
that would also be the reason why they have courses for adrenaline pursuit related incidents and to NOT draw a weapon upon getting out of a car. accidental discharge comes to mind. I always thought there was a procedure for how to draw the weapon but his first step wasnt to draw the weapon. but again, the topic was him facing 16yrs in prison for simply taping the incident not whether or not supercop was in the wrong for drawing his gun from a seated position prior to identifying himself properly.

08-30-2010, 05:29 PM
/\ have you ever had a gun even pulled out of a holster for a traffic stop? thats a bit excessive for a traffic stop! the bike was stopped behind traffic and blocked in from the side, not much the rider could have done that required the pulling out of a gun.

I was stopped by a winnebago county sherrif for doing 140+ (he said his radar wouldn't register and it stops at 140). He had his hand on his gun when he told me to get on the ground but never drew it. Even when I told him there's no way in hell I'm getting on the ground and stuck my hands out so he could cuff me, he never even came close to drawing his weapon.

It's the difference between an officer who's in control of the situation and an officer acting on an emotional adrenaline rush. This D bag was acting on an adrenaline rush and now that he sees what he did he's embarrased and wants revenge for this kid putting it out there.

On a side note, if you do a lil digging on Maryland's wiretapping laws you find that in the event there is no reasonable expectation for privacy, you have no recourse over being recorded and it has been held that public servants have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

There was also a recent incident where a kid was beat by Maryland officers at a basketball game and they then tried to cover it up. They even went so far as to have a spouse who was in charge of the security footage delete the tapes so it couldn't be proven. The officers were found guilty after numerous cell phone recordings popped up. I'm thinking this is a little backlash from that incident.

Unrelated, I found that Illinois recently removed the expectation of privacy clause from their wiretapping laws, making it illegal to record ANY public servant without thier express permission. If this same thing had happened in Illinois this kid would be guilty.

I hate liberal states :flipoff2:

08-30-2010, 05:33 PM
after some digging.....the guy paid his fines and the case was closed. the police then charged him days LATER with wiretapping as if embarrassed that he got off so easy. I have family and friends that are cops and even they would call it like they see it....this douchebag cop shouldnt be carrying a gun!


It's the difference between an officer who's in control of the situation and an officer acting on an emotional adrenaline rush. This D bag was acting on an adrenaline rush and now that he sees what he did he's embarrased and wants revenge for this kid putting it out there.


08-30-2010, 11:04 PM
You know what's funny about this? The police dept is worried about it's image, yet they let a bunch of overweight sheriffs waddle around when the President, of all people, is in town. Seriously.... when I saw them directing traffic a couple months ago, I wanted to go R. Lee Ermy on those fatbodies. Sickening. Somebody needs to P.T. Their asses until they suck buttermilk. No wonder people make donut jokes. Doesn't help Wisconsin's image for them to be on national tv like that either.

08-31-2010, 07:43 AM
He was speeding ( 90%) of people have gone over the speed limit at some point..maybe not nearly as fast but speeding is speeding..you get a fat ticket and points for driving like an asshole...we can all agree that he should be ticketed for his actions...but to have a gun drawn on you by a COMPLETE STRANGER and what appears to be just a normal joe...sure after 6seconds he says im a cop...BUT STILL DIDNT SHOW A BADGE...any fucking crook can say " hey im a cop get off the bike" and then get robbed...TRUe?

besides that to have this guys house raided and all his computer stuff taken and the threat of 16years in prison is the most IGNORANT thing i have ever heard...im all for the safety of cops over the criminals...but this whole searching his house and stuff is way to much...

i hope he sues the fuck out of the police department...This is Bullshit

08-31-2010, 07:50 AM
ive also had a gun drawn on me for a traffic violation...its a terrible feeling to have a gun pointed at you for a traffic violation...that fucking gun could accidentally go off and bang your dead...there are times when an officer needs to pull out his weapon...my scenario and this one are not those times...