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View Full Version : new insurance law

06-03-2010, 12:57 AM
Does anybody know how much the ticket is??

06-03-2010, 05:34 AM
$500 if no insurance.
$10 if no proof of insurance in vehicle.

1997 Trans-Am
06-03-2010, 06:41 AM
why is everyone making such a big deal about it?

06-03-2010, 06:54 AM
$500 if no insurance.
$10 if no proof of insurance in vehicle.

Plus they can tow/impound your car if you don't have either one of these.

06-03-2010, 07:07 AM
Just get insurance and you don't have to worry about the ticket

06-03-2010, 07:31 AM
This primarily affects the inconsiderate pricks who have been driving around without insurance. It however also affects people who had the very bare minimum coverage as the minimum coverage amounts are a little higher than the lowest package offered by insurance companies.

06-03-2010, 08:06 AM
more people gonna be uninsured now....just saying.....

06-03-2010, 08:46 AM
you know what's total bullshit? all of us who do have car insurance now have to pay extra for "uninsured motorist" insurance. So, it's mandatory that we all have car insurance- but if we decide not to get it, it really doesn't matter because all of the law abiding folks out there will now be required to carry extra insurance to cover those who refuse to get it.

06-03-2010, 09:10 AM
I'll never understand what the problem is. Obviously if you don't have insurance you're not making car payments (banks require insurance). So assuming your vehicle is paid off you'd probably have liability anyways. Which unless you have a terrible driving record wouldn't be much.

I have full coverage on all 3 cars with my wife and still pay WELL under $200.

06-03-2010, 09:54 AM
Is moped insurance required now also?

06-03-2010, 10:33 AM
Bicycles should require insurance too.

Especially the morons out in mad-town who blow stop signs non-stop. I'm just waiting for one of those clown shoes to hit my car one of these days.

06-03-2010, 04:54 PM
you know what's total bullshit? all of us who do have car insurance now have to pay extra for "uninsured motorist" insurance. So, it's mandatory that we all have car insurance- but if we decide not to get it, it really doesn't matter because all of the law abiding folks out there will now be required to carry extra insurance to cover those who refuse to get it.

I always carried uninsured anyway, since there are so many inconsiderate pricks who drive without insurance. If someone hits me and injures me, I want to make damn sure my medical bills get paid. That extra couple bucks a month is peace of mind compared to thousands in medical bills.

06-03-2010, 05:40 PM
Will uninsured insurance insurance rates go down due to this law?

Prince Valiant
06-03-2010, 06:17 PM
I have full coverage on all 3 cars with my wife and still pay WELL under $200.A month? If so, that seems excessive for a married couple...but then one of the cars is a gto.

I carried minimal coverage since it's not like I have a tremendous amount of assets to protect, so the new law has hit me harder than some others. While the wife had uninsured motorist coverage, I didn't...so that's a new part of the premium to pay as well.

Though they sold the new minimums and uninsured motorist coverages as help to the little guy, only a small percentage of accident victims were left with a shortfall due to the old minimums...if we were concerned about them, then a state fund or even a state mandated fund oversaw by insurance companies (such as exist for high risk health insurance) could have been established to help those individuals at far less cost to the population as a whole.

This was a gift to the trial lawyers, since now they can try to win twice the amount of penalties in a significant amount of accident cases than they used to.

But as with many things, when you no longer have to compete against *no cost*, the bottom prices always go up. It's always the unintended consequence of good intentions by a third party, ie the state.

95 TA - The Beast
06-03-2010, 06:57 PM
Honestly, I cannot understand how insurance companies can justify NOT dropping rates across the board with all the extra premiums coming in...

This is one area I think should be regulated. Extremely hard to do, trust me I do understand, but when a state goes from no required insurance to mandatory, it is the insurance companies that make out hand over fist.

Hell, I get great rates and carry full coverage on everything but the conversion van. For what I pay, it would be stupid to just carry liability on the 2 sports cars. Plus, the MKS has a note, thus I have to have full coverage on that as well... Actually, all of the ones with full coverage have maxed out limits too... So I am not just bitching because I have to pay more, as I choose to pay what I do. Just saying that there shoudl be a drop across the board with so many more motorists carrying coverage now.

06-03-2010, 07:10 PM
A month? If so, that seems excessive for a married couple...but then one of the cars is a gto.

I carried minimal coverage since it's not like I have a tremendous amount of assets to protect, so the new law has hit me harder than some others. While the wife had uninsured motorist coverage, I didn't...so that's a new part of the premium to pay as well.

Though they sold the new minimums and uninsured motorist coverages as help to the little guy, only a small percentage of accident victims were left with a shortfall due to the old minimums...if we were concerned about them, then a state fund or even a state mandated fund oversaw by insurance companies (such as exist for high risk health insurance) could have been established to help those individuals at far less cost to the population as a whole.

This was a gift to the trial lawyers, since now they can try to win twice the amount of penalties in a significant amount of accident cases than they used to.

But as with many things, when you no longer have to compete against *no cost*, the bottom prices always go up. It's always the unintended consequence of good intentions by a third party, ie the state.

My point exactly insurance is cheap.

06-03-2010, 07:46 PM
I've always carried max for the daily drivers and the min for the beaters so this change didnt really hit me at all. In fact I changed insurance companies and actually dropped in rates even though some of my coverages went up. Now is a great time to shop for new insurance!

06-03-2010, 08:26 PM
Will uninsured insurance insurance rates go down due to this law?

Insurance companies were/are against the law. The reasoning is insurance companies will have more claims.

Before the law, poor people without insurance hit other poor people without insurance, and it's kept between them.

Now there will be more accidents to report, more claims, and the insurance companies have to pay more. So my thought is no, rates will not go down; when the insurances companies themselves believe they will loose money because of this.

I received this in an e-mail from an employee of an insurance company last year in July.


There is a legislation trying to pass (due to Jim Doyle) in which they will increase the state minimum limits for auto insurance liability limits. This will give WI the highest mandatory liability limits and bring us to the third most expensive insurance rates in the US. Your rates could increase 30-40%. Keep in mind, that insurance is not mandatory in this state so it is expected that more people will just drive uninsured.

Other things are trying to pass include: stacking of auto policies and non-contributory negligence. (So, if a drunk driver hits you; you could still be at fault.)

Please read the article and contact your legislation if you oppose this. As you can see, I do. If you're interested, they are talking about it on 620 right now.

Please pass this this along if you feel the same way."

06-03-2010, 09:13 PM
Can't you take out a policy and then cancel it after they send you the card? I mean, I'm not sayin' it's legal, but if you REALLY don't want to carry insurance......

06-03-2010, 11:16 PM
Can't you take out a policy and then cancel it after they send you the card? I mean, I'm not sayin' it's legal, but if you REALLY don't want to carry insurance......

I know WI isn't this complex yet. But in AZ you gave your license plate info to the insurance. If you canceled they reported to the AZ DOT.

Slow Joe
06-03-2010, 11:33 PM
Can't you take out a policy and then cancel it after they send you the card? I mean, I'm not sayin' it's legal, but if you REALLY don't want to carry insurance......

Can't wait for the person that does this to get in an accident then hand that insurance card to the officer...

06-03-2010, 11:50 PM
I know WI isn't this complex yet. But in AZ you gave your license plate info to the insurance. If you canceled they reported to the AZ DOT.

But it gets you the reg sticker, which is the main reason. A plate that looks legal is better off than one that doesnt.

Can't wait for the person that does this to get in an accident then hand that insurance card to the officer...

Guarantee that'll happen very frequently, considering the shit I see by my work.. Homemade 11 stickers, putting the 11 sticker on a clear plate protector instead of the plate so you can swap it from car to car.. They'll do it just to look legal, and when it hits the fan, they'll get a ticket that will cost them more than 1 month of insurance.

06-04-2010, 08:21 AM
putting the 11 sticker on a clear plate protector instead of the plate so you can swap it from car to car..

:rolf wow

Rocket Power
06-04-2010, 08:35 AM
But it gets you the reg sticker, which is the main reason. A plate that looks legal is better off than one that doesnt.

Until they run it, and you end up with tickets for 2-3 times what it would've cost just to pay the reg fee.

06-04-2010, 06:19 PM
Just another reason for the cops to hassle you. They'll just find some BS reason to pull you over thinking they'll at least get to give out a few tickets for no proof of insurance even if you weren't doing anything wrong....especially during this transition period.

Ya, Ya, I know ...."just have insurance and you won't get a ticket..."

Maybe not for the insurance.....but they'll be extra vigilant about pulling people over for stupid reasons cuz they figure they can issue at LEAST a $10 ticket. I, for one, just don't really wanna deal with the stupid cops.

06-04-2010, 08:54 PM
Bicycles should require insurance too.

Especially the morons out in mad-town who blow stop signs non-stop. I'm just waiting for one of those clown shoes to hit my car one of these days.

People do this shit day and night in Chicago, can't tell you how many times its taken every ounce of self restraint to not slam on the brakes in the middle of an intersection when I see some biker running a stop sign coming at me. Mostly because I know I would probably get sued and wouldn't really want the damage to my car. This is one of my biggest pet peeves, I don't understand how in so many people's minds riding a bicycle automatically means not having to obey the rules of the road.

While I don't think insurance is the answer for them, some sort of registration or identification on bikes would be great so we could call those assholes in.