View Full Version : Numbness

05-25-2010, 10:33 PM
Today, our dog Paris bit a neighbor. She went to the doc to get it taken care of. Manager of the apartment calls and tells me I have to get rid of Paris today. I agreed. After taking Paris to see Lisa one more time (sadness), Lori and I went to the Humane society in the next town over. Even though Paris had her shots for all the stuff, they still quarantine her for ten days. Then they euthanize. Lori was crying as they led her away to the kennels. When I got back to the car, I broke down myself and sat there for about fifteen minutes. I came home and picked up all the dog toys and the leashes. Lori hung the leashes in the closet and I sat holding Paris' favorite ball all night. Somehow, I feel I let down the dog. I'm concerned about the the neighbor lady, but I still want my dog back. I sit in the room and expect her to come with her ball in her mouth wanting to play. I'm expecting her to curl up at the foot of the bed keeping our toes warm like she always does. That isn't happening now, is it. I feel like the worst cad. I think of her sitting in that kennel. I know she doesn't know why she is there and just wants to see a familiar face, someone to hold her paw and throw her ball. I want to die, really, I want to die. Lori's daughter wants to do bad things to the manager, calling her a fat cunt and all that. This manager got on my case because I didn't have her socialized with people and other dogs. I was, but after I had her get all the required vaccines and stuff, my hours got cut and there was no money for any training at all. I am so broken up over this I just want to take my car and crash it into a wall. I may not got to work tomorrow either. I feel useless, hopeless, that I cannot do anything to get my dog back where people love her. I mean, a bite wound can heal, but what about a broken heart...I mean Paris' heart. She is all alone in a strange place where I took her and she will hate me forever from wherever it is that dogs go after life. There is a special place in Hell for me, I think.

Prince Valiant
05-25-2010, 10:44 PM
Can you talk about what happened, the circumstances surrounding the bite?

Euthanasia isn't required, is it? Has Paris ever bitten/harmed anyone before?

If there is anything I can do to help, let me know...

05-25-2010, 10:48 PM
What kind of dog is she? We're able to have a dog here, and Jeanna's been looking for one if it's an option at all...

05-25-2010, 10:49 PM
She never bit anyone before although she barks and growls at people. I guess when Lori was bringing the dog back into the building from going potty, she was surprised by the neighbor lady. The manager blindsided me a few minutes after the incident and I guess I just went with it. Now I feel awful that I put Paris in that awful place. I don't think the mngmt will let me bring her back even if I could. i want her back.

05-25-2010, 10:51 PM
What kind of dog is she? We're able to have a dog here, and Jeanna's been looking for one if it's an option at all...
She's a Jack Russel/Boxer, but I don't know if I can get her back...if i could, I would and you would be welcome to see if you like her. She's very protective of her people.

05-25-2010, 10:52 PM
Like I said man, if there is an alternative.. Let us know.. Even if aren't able to get her back at your place, I'd guess you'd rather someone else got her than the alternative..

05-25-2010, 10:59 PM
I will let you know.

Prince Valiant
05-25-2010, 11:00 PM
Well, in this state, there is what is called "strict liability" meaning you are responsible for the first bite...other states, only if there is foreseeability in which case, if the dog has never bitten anyone then there is little reason for there to be foreseeability, so you're less liable.

That said, once there has been a bite, subsequent bites will increase liability 2x's, in which many insurer won't cover you.

That said, this doesn't require you to put the dog down.

There are many avenues where either myself or others could be of help...namely, if you wish to keep paris, see if you can talk to your landlady about getting out of the contract. Point out to her that by allowing you out of your lease, she'll be getting rid of a big headache with regard to the dog, especially since landlords can in some instances, such as a second bite, be held liable as well.

Take the opportunity to find another place to reside that's pet friendly and doesn't put paris in the situation where she may bight another person so as to protect both you and her. In the meantime, I'm sure there are BCM members including myself willing to take care of paris while you seek new residence...depending on her trainability, I could work her with my dogs, and hopefully make her a more sociable dog...it worked wonders for dudley, who like paris had his moments.

05-25-2010, 11:06 PM
I would so like to find a new place to live. Places here in Muskego are expensive and I'd like to stay close to work. We don't have much money so it would take sometime to arrange first and last months rent and all that. When I was told to socialize the dog, I had no idea what , where to go or who to see.

05-25-2010, 11:09 PM
I would so like to find a new place to live. Places here in Muskego are expensive and I'd like to stay close to work. We don't have much money so it would take sometime to arrange first and last months rent and all that. When I was told to socialize the dog, I had no idea what , where to go or who to see.

Minooka Park off Racine/Sunset Ave has a large and small dog park. Buy a year pass or pay daily to get in. We've taken Jeanna's parents dogs there and it's generally a good time.

05-26-2010, 10:22 AM
Minooka Park off Racine/Sunset Ave has a large and small dog park. Buy a year pass or pay daily to get in. We've taken Jeanna's parents dogs there and it's generally a good time.

A close friend of mine had adopted an aggressive dog, she and her husband checked out training books from their local library for tips on training without having to spend money. Their dog was also VERY protective of them and they had to ask friends to come over to their house and act in a certain way around the dog so she was less aggressive/protective towards other people. However it is a very involved and sometimes long process. They also took the dog to an eight week training course which was once a week and cost $180, not sure if that would be an option for you either?

The dog park Jer mentioned is a good place too, it is a neutral place for dogs to meet and play, and for dogs to learn to socialize. It's a really nice place. I am sorry to hear about your situation and I hope things work out for you.

05-26-2010, 12:39 PM
i took almost a 40k hit to keep my dog after a "bite" incident. i sold my house and moved out of a bad situation before it got worse. my dog didn't bite the person. but insurance always believes the "victim." i would try and get the dog back and move.

05-26-2010, 05:39 PM
I can't see how you would have to put the dog down after the first bite. I would try hard to find a new place for her ASAP.

05-26-2010, 05:45 PM
most humane societies that I have been at have a "change of heart" thing where if you change your mind, you can get the animal back for a fee. You might want to look into that and just try to find a new home for her. You will at least know shes in a good home instead of the other.

I don't know how much you can afford but the apartments I'm at allow dogs.

05-26-2010, 07:28 PM
We are looking into getting her back and we will know tomorrow. I'm also looking for a new place to live.

Prince Valiant
05-26-2010, 07:31 PM
Good luck...and don't hesitate to hit me up for some training/socialization. My dogs are great for this kind of thing.

Slow Joe
05-26-2010, 09:02 PM
A friend of my dad's went through a similar thing and that's how we got his dog Gunner.

Gunner bit the guy's kid after they gave him a "hair cut", the only options were to get rid of him or put him down. We saved him. I hope that they'll let you have your dog back so you can either find a new place or find a new owner.

05-27-2010, 11:57 PM
We are moving to a smaller place now...screw the lease! I'm not letting them murder my dog and the place we live at won't let us bring her back. She will stay at HAWS for the 10 days and we'll be all moved in when we bring her home. Gotta get rid of some extraneous things, but it's worth it to us to have Paris back. Then I need to talk to Prince Valiant about some dog training. Oh, and Lori got a dog bite citation.

05-28-2010, 12:00 AM
We are moving to a smaller place now...screw the lease! I'm not letting them murder my dog and the place we live at won't let us bring her back. She will stay at HAWS for the 10 days and we'll be all moved in when we bring her home. Gotta get rid of some extraneous things, but it's worth it to us to have Paris back. Then I need to talk to Prince Valiant about some dog training. Oh, and Lori got a dog bite citation.

Awesome about getting her back! :headbang

05-28-2010, 06:39 AM
Minooka has way too many assholes in it. I don't usually use the term prick, but that's what I've found there every time I've gone. If your dog already has difficulty socializing with other dogs it will probably end up traumatized by some laughing douchebag and his uncontrolled pet.

I'd say go to Mitchell Park in Brookfield but that's a haul from Muskego.

I'd also take Prince Valiant up on his offer.

My dog is great with all people except hoodrats. Doesn't matter on ethnicity. I'm guessing it's the smell and/or walk. He did nip me once without bruise/puncture, but that was while I had him pinned on the ground stuffing my hand down his throat trying to get out a dead mouse. He just sucks with some other dogs and we never know which ones until he growls and/or snaps at them (which is usually at the point when they're both nose to nose sniffing each other and there is no indication... he's still wagging his tail right up to that point). Other dogs he plays with just fine. But the breed is known to not even socialize with its own siblings so who knows. So someone who has been through it successfully is a good resource to have.

05-28-2010, 07:50 AM
Give me a call also I can hook you up to talk with my Mom. We have 3 GSD and they all have some sort of training titles. She is an instructor at the WI German Shepherd club in Big Bend. She could give you some good tips.

05-28-2010, 12:38 PM
i recommend the dog run down on rawson ave. awesome wide open space where you can see your dog from just about anywhere in the park. i take my dogs there quite a bit.

Prince Valiant
05-28-2010, 01:17 PM
We are moving to a smaller place now...screw the lease! I'm not letting them murder my dog and the place we live at won't let us bring her back. She will stay at HAWS for the 10 days and we'll be all moved in when we bring her home. Gotta get rid of some extraneous things, but it's worth it to us to have Paris back. Then I need to talk to Prince Valiant about some dog training. Oh, and Lori got a dog bite citation.

Yay! :thumbsup

Look forward to meeting Paris :)

05-28-2010, 09:19 PM
So I guess I'm gonna get screwed over by mngmnt over the lease. I wrote a nice letter to the owners about my situation and made a copy for the on site manager. I suppose I'm gonna have to pay rent at two places until September...RATZ.

05-28-2010, 10:04 PM
Good to see if you are getting your dog back. My mom works for MADAC for 10 plus years, they dont put a dog down for a first bite, you had your tags up to date, so no rabies, Fuck the place you live in, tell them to see you in hell...put a bullet in the site managers head. If she had half a brain see could see you guys arent irresponsible pet owners.

Prince Valiant
05-28-2010, 10:16 PM
So I guess I'm gonna get screwed over by mngmnt over the lease. I wrote a nice letter to the owners about my situation and made a copy for the on site manager. I suppose I'm gonna have to pay rent at two places until September...RATZ.Then tell them you're keeping the dog. They can't MAKE you get rid of the dog...they can only MAKE you leave. If they do that, then they can't MAKE you pay rent. Explain it that way, and you should find your way out of a lease before sept.